You Can't Read This Book: Censorship in an Age of Freedom (39 page)

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Authors: Nick Cohen

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Lancman, Rory 206

Lands, Richard 174

Lapham, Lewis 181, 182

Laude Scriptorum, De
(‘In Praise of Scribes’) 270–2

Lehman Brothers 159, 164

Leviticus 68–70

libel law: judiciary and
judiciary: power to stifle criticism and xi, xix–xvi, xxi, 22–3, 25, 147, 148, 165–6, 176, 182–3, 188–209, 216–21, 238–47, 255, 274–6; super-injunctions and xii–xvi, xxi, 195, 196; US Congress and UN protest against English xii, 201, 268; privacy law develops from English 22–3; Star Chamber and 131–2; roots of English system 131–2, 188–91; segregation and US 216–21; SLAPP actions, US 221–2; alternative-health treatments and English 238–47; reform of English (2010–11) 247–8; need for 303
see also
free speech

Liberal Party, Dutch 110

liberals/liberalism: religion and xvii–xviii, xxi, 7, 9, 13–15, 19–20, 29–53, 70–7, 80, 81, 94–7, 102–6, 108, 110–16, 120, 123–4, 130, 138, 151, 229, 301, 302; resurgence of/supremacy of (1989–2008) 4–6, 146–7, 302; judges and 193–4, 247; Internet and 285, 286, 294, 298

Libya xvi, 93, 285

Lillard, Harvey 230–1

Lipstadt, Deborah 193

LiveJournal (website) 268

London bombings (7 July 2005) 50, 117–18, 185

Lord Chief Justice, office of 113–15, 120, 123, 219, 246

Los Angeles Times

Lucas, Edward 274

Lukashenko, Alexander Grigoryevich 268, 282



McCain, Frank 210, 211

McNeil, John 210, 211

Madison, James 216, 220

Madrid bombings (11 March 2004) 117

Maher, Ahmed 266

Mahfouz, Naguib 39

Malik, Kenan 38, 50

managerial system, failure of 141–69

Manning, Bradley 255, 263, 297

Manson, Charles 177–8, 186

Mao Zedong 84–5, 144, 285–6

Marx, Karl/Marxism 68, 100, 144, 174, 224, 253

Maududi, Maulana Abu’l Ala 14

Maxwell, Robert 191–2, 204, 208

Mayer, Peter 33–4, 44, 109

Mbanga, Wilf 86, 87

MI5 47

Middle East: dictatorships/revolutions in xix, xxi, 31, 95; fanaticism in 99; wealth in 146; Internet and 296; Israel/West as prime source of conflict in 296
see also under individual nation name

Midnight’s Children
(Rushdie) 6, 14

Mill, James 224, 228

Mill, John Stuart 44–6, 81, 139, 171–4, 189, 224–30, 247, 256–7, 303

Milton, John 1, 34, 81, 131–8, 170, 196, 225, 246, 253–4

Ministry of Information, UK 254

Minton Report 195–6

money 139–250; power to silence critics/use of libel law and xi–xvi, xxi, 22–3, 147, 176–83, 188–209, 216–21, 230–50, 300, 302; financial crisis (2008) and xviii–xix, 142, 143, 145–7, 154, 159–69, 286, 300–1; oligarchs and
oligarchies; wealth gap and 141–7, 161–2, 174–5; managerial system, failure of 141–69; political influence and 143, 145–7, 199; attitudes of wealthy 148; control of media and 147, 149, 183–209, 261–2; Civil Rights/segregation and 210–23

Moore, Paul 166–8

Moors murders 186–7

Morgan, John Pierpont 144

Morozov, Evgeny 277–8

Mtukudzi, Oliver ‘Tuku’ 86

Mubarak, Hosni 92, 94–5, 275

Mugabe, Robert 85–8

Mughals 59, 60

Muhammad xvii, 3, 6–7, 9–10, 49, 52, 61, 64–8, 71, 76, 77, 79, 80, 88–97, 113, 121, 126–8, 231

Muhammad, Omar Bakri 79

Murder in Amsterdam
(Buruma) 111

Murdoch, Rupert 184–5

Muslim Brotherhood 14, 49, 93, 95, 99–100, 112, 114, 118, 119, 194, 256, 285




Namazie, Maryam 120

Nasrin, Taslima 41

National Chiropractic Awareness Week 237

National Commerce Bank of Saudi Arabia 204

National Front, French 116

National Front, UK 39–40

National Gay Pentecostal Alliance 69

National League for Democracy 86

NATO 147, 285

NatWest Bank 155–6, 159

Nazism 18, 30, 59, 63, 87, 104, 213, 273

Nehru, Jawaharlal 60, 63

neo-conservatives 73, 84, 109, 110, 206

Nesin, Aziz 41

New America Foundation 260

new atheists 175

New Left 72

New Republic

New Times

New York Public Library 206

New York Review of Books
111, 113

New York State Assembly 206

New York Times
111, 113, 214, 216–20, 228, 264

New York Times Co. Vs Sullivan

New York University 160

News International 184–5

News of the World

Newton, Isaac 23–4

Nicholson, Jack 176, 179, 181

Nigeria 8, 93

9/11 50, 64, 73, 102, 108, 205, 254

Nineteen Eighty-Four
(Orwell) 273, 279

NMT (health company) 239

Nomani, Asra Q. 77

Northern Ireland 32, 290–2

Norway 41, 94, 117, 118, 122, 123

Nottingham University 256

no-win no-fee lawyers 194, 197

Nursing and Midwifery Council 150

Nygaard, William 41



Obama, Barack 169, 241, 247


offence 126, 128, 240;
Satanic Verses
and 3, 6, 7, 12, 26–7, 33; manufacturing 37, 54–97; Official Secrets Act, UK 256

oligarchies 143, 146

oligarchs: resort to English libel law xii, xix, xxi, 146–8, 188, 199–201, 203, 204, 209, 242–3, 255, 275; dictators and 82; corrupting political system 146; recession (2008) and 146–7; Western rich and 147–8

On Liberty
(Mill) 172, 226

Origin of Species, The
(Darwin) 23

Orthodox Jews 7–8, 107, 129

Orwell, George 81, 132, 213–14, 246, 251, 253–4, 257, 258, 261, 262, 273, 278–9, 296

(Shakespeare) 190–1



Page, Adrienne 244

Pakistan xvii, 6, 8, 13–18, 31, 32, 38, 45, 50, 51, 80, 87, 90–2, 127–9

Palmer, Bartlett 231–2

Palmer, Daniel David 230–2, 237–8

Paradise Lost
(Milton) 133, 135, 137

Parker, Trey 96

Parliament, UK xi, 39, 131–4, 136, 150, 151, 168, 187, 195–6, 225, 247–8

(‘all speech’, ‘true speech’) 170–1, 173

Party for Freedom, Dutch 116, 118

Pasquill, Derek 256

Penguin (publishers) 13, 17, 33–5, 37, 44, 45, 109, 193, 245

Pentagon Papers 264

Pericles 171

Perry, Grayson 49–50, 53

phone hacking 184–5

Pipes, Daniel 38

Plato 170

plutocracy xix, 3, 141, 142, 144, 147, 148, 166, 194, 201, 247, 257, 259, 301–2

Poland 83, 107, 126, 178, 267, 280, 281

Polanski, Roman 176–83, 201, 206–8, 275

Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past: The Legacy of ’A’isha Bint Abi Bakr
(Spellberg) 76

pornography 184, 186, 225–6, 290

Presbyterians 132, 136, 137

printing press 270–3, 276

privacy, right to xi–xvii, 22–3, 36, 203–4, 221–2, 299–30

Private Eye
192, 205

Protestant Church 23, 24, 32, 101, 131–3, 137, 138, 272

publishers 33–5, 41, 44, 48, 71–2, 79–81

Putin, Vladimir 143, 148, 273, 275



Quilliam Foundation 116



racism: apartheid South Africa 4, 15, 19, 40, 45; Rushdie and 30, 36, 38, 40, 45; liberals and 45–6, 73, extension of arguments over 45–6, 73, 98–138; of anti-racists 45, 98–138, 222, 229; Islamism and 30, 36, 38, 40, 45, 98–138, 222, 229; segregation/Civil Rights movement, US and 210–23, 302

Radio Polonia 280

Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar 18

Rajan, Raghuram 160, 164

RAND Corporation 264

Random House (publishers) 71–2, 77, 78

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh 91–2

Reagan, Ronald 248

Red Nose Day 141, 142

Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West
(Caldwell) 51

Refn, Lars 90–1

regulation: financial 147, 148, 158, 160, 163–8; medical 151, 236, 246; broadcast, US 202–3, 248–50; telecommunications 258–9

religion: cruelty/bullying nature of 6–12; blasphemy
The Satanic Verses
see Satanic Verses, The
; loss of authority 23–5; tolerance 27–8, 101, 108, 300; manufacturing offence and 54–97; racism and 98–138
see also under individual name of religion

Reuters 148

Reynolds Defence 197

Rhodesia 186

Richmond, Dave 210

Riverdale Press

Roosevelt, Theodore 250

Rose, Flemming 89, 90, 92, 95, 97

Rosten, Leo 125

Roubini, Nouriel 160, 164

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) xii–xiii, 154–9, 161, 163, 165–6

Runcie, Robert 37

Rushdie, Salman xxii, 3–20, 22–48, 51, 53, 71, 95, 107–8, 119, 124–25, 138, 151, 193, 301

Russia 20; oligarchs xix, xxi, 199, 203, 275; human rights and 127; 146; wealth in 146–8; energy companies in 146–7; autocracy 174–5, 272–4, 284; War on Terror and 256; Belarus and 267–8; monarchy 272–3; effective control of 273–5; media 275–6; English libel law and 275–6; Internet and 290, 297

Ruthven, Malise 39

Rwanda 203, 260



Sagan, Carl 237

Sahgal, Gita 40, 123, 151

Said, Edward 3

St Paul 68, 70, 133

Salisbury, Harrison 217

Sandford, Christopher 180

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