You Can't Read This Book: Censorship in an Age of Freedom (36 page)

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Authors: Nick Cohen

Tags: #Political Science, #Censorship

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‘If Khader becomes minister of integration’
‘Politisk Bestyrtelse over Imam-udtalelser’, DR (Danmarks Radio),
, 23 March 2006

‘We appreciate the incident’
‘Somali Charged Over Attack on Danish Cartoonist’, BBC News, 2 January 2010

‘republication of the cartoons’
‘Yale Surrenders’, Christopher Hitchens,
, 17 August 2009

‘It really is open’
‘Secrets of
South Park
’, Jake Tapper and Dan Morris, ABC News, 22 September 2006

‘notoriously impertinent paper’
‘Firebombed French Paper is no Free Speech Martyr’, Bruce Crumley,, 2 November 2011


‘I was a Somali woman’
, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Free Press, 2007, p.72

‘The last punishment’
Al Jazeera TV, 28 January 2009

‘Whoever finds it serving’
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association response to the Mayor of London’s dossier concerning Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, February 2005

‘She ought to sacrifice’
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
, Mary Wollstonecraft, London, 1791, Chapter V

‘accepting systematic merciless abuse’
Hirsi Ali, p.244

‘My father is not’
‘Yes, Hirsi Ali Lied. Wouldn’t You?’, Isabella Thomas,
, 21 May 2006

‘neo-conservative wave’
‘Secrets and Lies that Doomed a Radical Liberal’, Jason Burke,
, 21 May 2006

‘gentle gesture of disdain … so closely attended to’
For a full discussion of the attacks on Hirsi Ali see
The Flight of the Intellectuals
, Paul Berman, Melville House, 2010, pp.242–63

‘A sustained attack’
Ibid., p.264

‘women are often pressured’
Sharia Law in Britain: A Threat to One Law for All and Equal Rights
, One Law for All, June 2010

‘reformist groups’
‘Panic in Whitehall’, Martin Bright,
New Statesman
, 5 December 2005

‘the paper exaggerated’
Tone Down the Shrill
, Hope Not Hate, November 2010

‘represent mainstream Muslim’
Letter to Chief Executive of Channel 4, Quilliam Foundation, November 2010

‘Your democratically elected governments’
London bomber: Text in full, BBC News, 1 September 2005

‘Absolutely free in their’
‘¿Pueden convivir en paz el islam y Occidente?’, John Carlin,
El País
, 20 February 2005

‘They condemn homosexuality’
‘Woman Artist Gets Death Threats Over Gay Muslim Photos’,
Sunday Times
, 6 January 2008


‘to make it easier for men’
Milton: Poet, Pamphleteer and Patriot
, Anna Beer, Bloomsbury, 2008, p.147


‘Between 2002 and 2007, 65 per cent of all income growth’
Emmanuel Saez of Berkeley and Thomas Piketty of the Paris School of Economics, quoted in ‘The Rise of the New Global Elite’, Chrystia Freeland,
, January 2011

‘The pre-tax income of the richest 1 per cent’
‘Winner-Take-All Politics: Public Policy, Political Organization, and the Precipitous Rise of Top Incomes in the United States’, Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson,
Politics and Society
, June 2010

‘stood at £98.99 billion’
Sunday Times
Rich List 2010

‘Russia had more dollar billionaires’
‘The 100 Richest Russians’,
, 23 July 2004

‘received £37 million – 1,374 times the pay’
‘Pay Gap Widens Between Executives and their Staff’,
, 16 September 2009

the ratio of CEO pay to average’
St Petersburg Times
, political, 20–21 December 2010

‘a study of wealth in America in 2004’
‘The Inequality that Matters’, Tyler Cowen,
The American Interest
, January 2011

‘These are not small sums’
‘The $100 Billion Question’, Andrew G. Haldane, Bank of England, March 2010

‘the rich are likely’
‘Inequality and Corruption’, Jong-sung You and Sanjeev Khagram,
Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations Working Paper No. 22
KSG Working Paper No. RWP04-001

‘promises all the worst features’
The Storm
, Vince Cable, Atlantic Books, 2009, p.122

‘Of the fifty-three billionaires resident’
Sunday Times
Rich List 2010

‘If a man is not an oligarch’

‘her school into disrepute’
‘“You Deserved to be Sacked”: Dinner Lady Dismissed for Exposing Bullying in School Gets Just £302.73 Compensation’,
Daily Mail
, 4 February 2011

‘his career stalled’
‘Changing the Face of Whistleblowing’,
British Medical Journal
, May 2009

‘told us, rightly, that’
The End of Politics
, Chris Dillow, Harriman House, 2007, p.277

‘Every Monday afternoon’
The God Delusion
, Richard Dawkins, Bantam, 2006, pp.283–4, cited in ibid., p.272

‘How a job offer’
‘Brisk and Brusque’,
, 6 March 2003

‘In the time that you’
‘Goodwin’s Undoing’,
Financial Times
, 4 February 2009

‘A risk manager’
‘Inside Job: How Bankers Caused the Financial Crisis’, Peter Bradshaw,
, 17 February 2011

‘Do you know who I am?’
‘New Witness Emerges in Libel Claim by Royal Bank’s Chief’,
, 27 March 2004

‘I warn you, don’t make’
The Choice
, BBC Radio 4, 3 November 2009

‘I’m doing a reorganisation’

‘Most risk professionals’
‘The RiskMinds 2009 Risk Managers’ Survey: The Causes and Implications of the 2008 Banking Crisis’, Cranfield University School of Management


‘individual and collective level’
‘Freedom of Speech and the Thrash of Globalizing Cultures: Lessons from Ancient Athens for the 21st Century’, Richard Landes, available at


‘The Karma is’
, Christopher Sandford, Arrow Books, 2009

‘Fucking, you see’
Interview with Roman Polanski by Martin Amis, republished in the
, 6 December 2009

‘I was going, “No, I think I better go home”’
Transcript of evidence available at

‘when he strolled outside’
Sandford, pp.321–2

‘Roman Polanski came over to the table’
‘Polanski Model Says he Didn’t Make Advances’,
Sunday Times
, 24 July 2005

‘each psychopath is more’
‘Crimes Against Fiction’, Jessica Mann,
, September 2009

‘suffered a very serious injury’
Writ of Summons 1991 – M-6464, High Court (Queen’s Bench Division)

‘existence of the injunction’
Inquiry into Press Standards, Privacy and Libel by Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Written evidence submitted by Guardian News and Media Ltd, 23 February 2010

‘The cost of libel actions in England and Wales is 140 times’
‘Comparative Study in Defamation Proceedings Across Europe, Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy’, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, December 2008

‘unduly restrictive libel law’
Quoted in
Free Speech is Not for Sale
, Libel Reform Campaign, 2011, available at

‘constitutes a clear threat’
‘Libel Without Borders’, Rachel Donadio,
New York Times
, 7 October 2007

‘When American journalists’
Office of Rory Lancman, 14 January 2008

‘The jury in London’
‘How I Spent my Summer Vacation in London’, Graydon Carter,
Vanity Fair
, September 2005

‘We are not a court of morals’
‘Polanski Called “Sexual Predator”’, BBC News, 21 July 2005
New York Times
, 7 October 2007


‘Sorry, I can’t’
Everybody Says Freedom
, Pete Seeger and Bob Reiser, W.W. Norton, 1989, pp.7–8

‘Don’t let anyone compare’
Ibid., p.17

‘It is difficult to see how Gandhi’s methods’
‘Reflections on Gandhi’, George Orwell,
Partisan Review
, 1949

‘If the libel action’
Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment
, Anthony Lewis, Random House, New York, 1991, p.110

‘[I]t is a prized’
Mr Justice Black,
Bridges v. California
, 1941


‘reasoned that if’
The Chiropractor’s Adjuster
, Daniel David Palmer, Portland Printing House Company, 1910, p.17

‘I am the originator’
Ibid., p.19

‘ruptured vertebral artery’
Trick or Treatment
, Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst, Bantam, 2008, pp.175–6

‘a 2005 study of British chiropractors’
Ibid., p.178

‘At the heart of science’
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
, Carl Sagan, Ballantine Books, New York, 1996, pp.304–6

not a jot of evidence’
‘Beware the Spinal Trap’, Simon Singh,
, 19 April 2008

‘That is in my judgement’
MR JUSTICE EADY [2009] EWHC 1101 (QB), High Court, London

‘There was no control group’

‘that state you treat’
‘Furious Backlash from Simon Singh Libel Case Puts Chiropractors on Ropes’,
, 1 March 2010

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