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Authors: Colin Ellard

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The finding of magnetic bones in the human head was reported by R. Baker, J. G. Mather, and J. H. Kennaugh in a paper entitled “Magnetic Bones in Human Sinuses,”
, 301 (1983), 78-80.

Finney describes his work with Nainoa Thompson and the Polynesian Voyaging Society in
Voyage of Rediscovery: A Cultural Odyssey through Polynesia
(University of California Press: Berkeley, 1994). Finney speculates that Thompson may at times have been guided by magnetoreception in his paper “A Role for Magnetoreception in Human Navigation?”
Current Anthropology
36 (1995), 500-506.

David Lewis’s story of scrotal navigation is related in his book
We, the Navigators: The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific
(University Press of Hawaii: Honolulu, 1972), 86-92.

Descriptions of Bedouin tracking methods are found in Donald P. Cole,
Nomads of the Nomads: The Al Murrah Bedouin of the Empty Quarter
(Aldine Publishing: Chicago, 1975).

Wilfred Thesiger,
Arabian Sands
(Dutton: New York, 1959), 51-52.


The best biography of Edward Chace Tolman is found in volume 1 of
Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology
, edited by G. A. Kimble, M. Wertheimer and C. L. White (APA Press: Washington, DC, 1991) in a chapter by Henry Gleit-man entitled “Edward Chace Tolman: A Life of Scientific and Social Purpose,” 227-241.

Tolman’s classic starburst maze experiments are described in his paper “Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men,”
Psychological Review 55
(1948), 189-208.

The story of von Frisch’s marvelous early experiments with bees is told by him in the wonderful little book
Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses, and Language
(Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY, 1972).

A brief discussion of Aristotle’s observations of bees is given by the biologist J. B. S. Haldane in “Aristotle’s Account of Bees’ ‘Dances,’”
The Journal of Hellenic Studies
75 (1955), 24-25.

A nice illustrated account of Michelsen’s robot bee studies is given in the article by J. Knight entitled “Animal Behaviour: When Robots Go Wild,”
434, no. 7036 (2005), 954-955.

J. L. Gould, “Honey Bee Cognition,”
37 (1990), 83-103.

The paper by R. Menzel et al. entitled “The Knowledge Base of Bee Navigation,”
Journal of Experimental Biology
199, no. 1 (1996), 141-146, gives a good overview of some recent thinking about bee maps.

It took a large team to demonstrate, using sophisticated radar tracking methods, that bees might, after all, have a “map-like” spatial memory. See R. Menzel et al., “Honey Bees Navigate According to a Map-like Spatial Memory,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
102, no. 8, (2005), 3040-3045.

David Sherry has written a nice, accessible review of food caching in birds: “Food Storing in the Paridae,”
Wilson Bulletin
101, no. 2 (1989), 289-304.

The studies on spatial mapping in Clark’s nutcrackers were conducted by Brett Gibson and Alan Kamil and described in “Tests for Cognitive Mapping in Clark’s Nutcrackers
(Nucifraga columbiana)” Journal of Comparative Psychology
115, no. 4 (2001), 403-417.


Jean Piaget and Barbel Inhelder wrote the classic first book on the development of spatial concepts in children,
The Child’s Conception of Space
, translated by F. J. Langdon and J. L. Lunzer (Routledge and Kegan Paul: London, 1971).

For the history of maps, I can do no better than recommend the massive volumes of the History of Cartography Project. The material I discuss in this
chapter was taken from volume 1 of
Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean
, edited by J. Brian Harley and David Woodward (University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1987).

It is easy to find sensational and preposterous accounts of the origin and purpose of the Nazca lines. A more balanced treatment, which embeds the lines in their full cultural context, can be found in Helaine Silverman and Donald Proulx’s academic but quite readable book
The Nasca
(Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ, 2002).

Barbara Tversky has contributed an enormous number of insightful articles and presentations to our understanding of human spatial cognition, among many other things. One of my favorites, which contains most of the ideas discussed here, is the chapter “Cognitive Maps, Cognitive Collages, and Spatial Mental Models,” in
Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS
, edited by A. U. Frank and I. Campari (Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1995), 14-24.

Erik Jonsson’s book
Inner Navigation: Why We Get Lost and How We Find Our Way
(Scribner: New York, 2002) is a delightful general account of some aspects of human navigation. Jonsson is very much of the belief that experiments on urban university students are preventing us from understanding the true navigational capability of human beings. He even has a hunch that Robin Baker was on the right track with his magnetoreception studies and has encouraged me to continue with them. I’d almost like to do so just for the fun of watching participants stumble through forests with magnets on their heads!

Yi-fu Tuan’s
Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience
(University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2001) is a remarkable work of anthropology covering much of the relationship between the basic dimensions of space and our beliefs, feelings, thoughts, and rituals.

Some of the experiments dealing with accessing spatial information between nested environments can be found in the paper by F. Wang and J. Brockmole entitled “Switching between Environmental Representations in Memory,”
83 (2002), 295-316.

Tim McNamara reported the work on the structure of spatial memories for objects presented on a screen in a paper with J. K. Hardy and S. C. Hirtle entitled “Subjective Hierarchies in Spatial Memory,”
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition
15, no. 2 (1989), 211-227.

Jean Piaget and Barbel Inhelder,
The Child’s Conception of Space
, translated by F. J. Langdon and J. L. Lunzer (Routledge and Kegan Paul: London, 1971).


Research on the effectiveness of home staging is done (not surprisingly) by realtors and home stagers. One oft-cited finding, based on a 2003 U.S. survey by the real estate brokerage company HomeGain, suggests that home staging produced an average return on investment of 169 percent, where the price range of staging in the survey ranged from about $200 to $1,000. Other anecdotal accounts suggest that staging also shortens the average time that a house is on the market.

Isovists in architecture were first described in a paper by M. L. Benedikt entitled “To Take Hold of Space: Isovists and Isovist Fields,”
Environment and Planning B, Planning and Design
6, no. 1 (1979), 47-65.

Some of the studies showing that isovist shapes influence feeling and behavior are described in a report by G. Franz and J. M. Wiener entitled “Exploring Isovist-based Correlates of Spatial Behavior and Experience,” in
Proceedings of the 5th International Space Syntax Symposium
(2005), 503-517.

Jay Appleton’s arguments about the importance of prospect and refuge to the human psyche are laid out in his book
The Experience of Landscape
(Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, 1975).

Winnifred Gallagher’s
House Thinking
, a delightful tour through the main parts of a modern house, is filled with much interesting material on the history and philosophy of house building (Harper Perennial: New York, 2007).

Christopher Alexander, in
A Pattern Language: Towns, Building, Constructions
(Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1977), lays out an encyclopedic set of intuitive rules governing how welcoming and functional space should be organized. The theory underlying the rules is described in several volumes, including
The Timeless Way of Building
(Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1979).

Amos Rapoport’s seminal work on the meaning of house form, written from a cross-cultural perspective, is his book
House Form and Culture
(Prentice-Hall: New York, 1969).

It is easy to find bad information about feng shui and difficult to find useful information. Two books that I found useful were Cate Bramble’s
The Architect’s Guide to Feng Shui: Exploding the Myth
(Architectural Press: Oxford, 2003) and Kartar Diamond’s
Feng Shui for Skeptics: Real Solutions without Superstition
(Four Pillars Publishing: Los Angeles, 2003).

Christopher Alexander,
Notes on the Synthesis of Form
(Harvard University Press: Boston, 1964).

The Nature of Order
(volume 1,
The Phenomenon of Life
; volume 2,
The Process of Creating Life;
volume 3,
A Vision of the Living World
; and volume 4,
The Luminous Ground)
was published in 2004 by the Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, California.

Sarah Susanka,
The Not So Big House: A Blueprint for the Way We Really Live
(Taunton Press: Newtown, CT, 2001).

Muthesius’s magnum opus,
Das Englisch Haus
, was originally published in 1904. An English translation by Janet Seligman and Stewart Spencer,
The English House
, has recently been published in a beautiful edition with all his original drawings intact (Frances Lincoln: London, 2006).

Layout and Construction
, volume 2 of
The English House
, p. 9.


A nice summary of Propst’s Action Office concept and his attitude toward its current “Dilbert-ization” can be found in the 1998 article by Yvonne Abraham in
Metropolis Magazine
entitled “The Man behind the Cubicle,”

A discussion of visibility graphs can be found in the paper by A. Turner et al. entitled “From Isovists to Visibility Graphs: A Methodology for the Analysis of Architectural Space,”
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
28 (2001), 103-121.

Though his language is complex at times, Bill Hillier’s books on space syntax were the texts that began the space syntax movement. The key books are
The Social Logic of Space
, written with J. Hanson (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1984) and
Space Is the Machine: A Configurational Theory of Architecture
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1996). The main fountain of information about space syntax can be found at the website of the original group of researchers at the Bartlett School of Planning (

One technical paper describing the use of computer-based autonomous agents to model human behavior in space is A. Turner and A. Penn’s “Encoding Natural Movement as an Agent-based System: An Investigation into Human Pedestrian Behaviour in the Built Environment,”
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
29, no. 4 (2002), 473-490.

Some of the tricks of the trade used to engineer space to influence consumer behavior are described in Paco Underhill’s book
The Call of the Mall
(Simon and Schuster: New York, 2004).

A discussion of social control in food courts can be found in the article by John Manzo entitled “Social Control and the Management of ‘Personal’
Space in Shopping Malls,”
Space and Culture
8 (2005), 83-97.

Bill Friedman’s bible of casino design,
Designing Casinos to Dominate the Competition
(Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming: Las Vegas, 2000), consists of a few introductory chapters that outline his rules of design, followed by extensive case studies of Las Vegas casinos.

Kranes’s playground approach to casino design is described in his paper “Playgrounds,” published in the
Journal of Gambling Studies
11 (1995), 91-102. Kranes describes casinos as “managed wildness” in an online essay entitled “Toward More Adventurous Playgrounds: Casino Lost; Casino Regained,”

The work of Finlay and her team is described in two papers: K. Finlay et al., “The Physical and Psychological Measurement of Gambling Environments,”
Environment and Behavior
38, no. 4 (2006), 570-581, and K. Finlay et al., “Trait and State Emotion Congruence in Simulated Casinos,”
Journal of Environmental Psychology
27 (2007), 166-175.

Recent developments and reactions to cubicle hive office designs are described in an article written by Julie Schlosser in
Fortune Magazine’s
online portal,
, entitled “Cubicles: The Great Mistake” (March 22, 2006),

The Chiat-Day experience is documented in a paper by W. R. Sims, M. Joroff, and F. Becker, “Teamspace Strategies: Creating and Managing Environments to Support High Performance Teamwork,” IDRC Foundation, Atlanta, 1998.

The idea of the quotation and Heerwagen’s “cognitive cocoon” come from J. H. Heerwagen et al., “Collaborative Knowledge Work Environments,”
Building Research and Information
32, no. 6 (2004), 510-528.

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