Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5) (84 page)

BOOK: Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5)
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Slowly, he lowered his face, and brought his lips down on hers. His arm tightened around her waist. He would simply show her how much she meant to him.  Dani stiffened in his arms. She’d never responded like that before, either. She’d always seemed to enjoy his kisses over the last few weeks.

Dani pulled her head back, and pressed harder against his chest. “Please,” she whispered. “This is not a good time.”

Puzzled, he released her, and stepped away.  What had happened over the course of the last hour? Frustrated, he ran his hand through his hair, and turned his back.

“The wood box needs filling,” she said without emotion. Josh clenched his jaw. Women! Without a word, he yanked his coat off the peg by the door and left the cabin. Apparently some physical labor would have to be enough to douse the fire in his body.


Chapter 19



Danica moaned softly, and rolled to her side. It seemed like only seconds ago that she’d returned Dawn to her crib after the baby’s middle-of-the-night feeding. In the deep recesses of her sleep-induced mind, she wondered why her bed seemed to dip to one side. She pulled the covers up over her shoulders, and snuggled more comfortably under the blankets. She leaned against something solid and warm, and wriggled her body closer, craving the odd feeling of safety and security it presented.

The sensation of a warm hand sliding slowly up her arm to her shoulder assaulted her senses. The tickling of someone’s breath against her ear brought her fully awake. Her head turned, and she rolled to her back.

“Josh?” she asked in a raspy voice. What was he doing in her bed? Her eyes opened, but it was too dark to see.  For a split second, fear shot through her, and the face of a light-haired blue-eyed man in a soldier’s uniform materialized in her mind. Her heart sped up, but common sense quickly replaced her near panic. Josh’s wildly rugged scent enveloped her, and like an intoxicating drug, wrapped her in a serene sense of calm.

His weight shifted next to her, and his arm reached around her waist, drawing her closer to him. A jolt of adrenaline coursed through her veins and settled in the pit of her stomach. His hot breath against her ear sent shivers down her spine. Without thinking about it, her hands reached for him, sliding along his bare chest, upwards along his arms, and around his shoulders. Her heart rate increased, as did her breathing.

Nu suuntsa nian punnahapi
.” His sensual words whispered against her cheek sent tremors along her spine.  When his mouth covered hers, she thought her heart would explode. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, pulling him closer, and her lips parted as she returned his kiss. Josh groaned, and slid one arm under her head, while his other hand caressed along the curves of her hip and waist. The heat of his hands seeped right through the thin material of her nightgown. His lips moved against hers with increasing urgency, and Danica couldn’t breathe. Desire like she never imagined coursed through her in almost painful scalding waves.

Josh abruptly broke the kiss, and lifted his upper body away from her. His breath came in quick, shallow gasps.

“Dani . . .
,” he rasped. He caressed her face with one hand. His breath was soft and warm against her cheek.

Renewed waves of desire washed over her. What was he doing here in her bed? Things had been rather strained between them over the last two weeks. After that horrible afternoon when she found out that Jonathan Douglas wasn’t dead after all, Dani had maintained a detached distance from Josh. She had to work out the havoc in her mind. Every day, she feared the lieutenant would show up again. As the days passed, she began to relax more, but Josh had maintained his distance. 

She knew she’d irritated him with her aloof manner, but she couldn’t be near him for fear he would find out why she was so tense. On the outside, she’d tried to present a calm demeanor. On the inside, her mind raged in turmoil. She hadn’t even been able to approach Josh and tell him she wanted to remain married to him. It was well past one month since Dawn’s birth.

At least Jonathan had told her she was dirty goods in his eyes for being married to a half-breed. She didn’t have to fear he would come after her again. She scoffed at the thought. Nothing Josh could ever do to her could possibly make her feel dirty the way she felt after what the lieutenant had put her through.  She was safely rid of him. She only hoped his patrols didn’t come through this valley anymore. If he showed up again, she’d find ways to avoid him, or better yet, put that bullet in him that he so rightly deserved.

Josh’s fingers worked the buttons on her nightgown, then slid the fabric down her shoulders. His lips trailed soft kisses wherever he touched her. Warm shockwaves pulsed through her veins.

“I’ve waited for you long enough, Dani.”

“You have?” Danica squeaked. She was suddenly much too warm under the covers. His body heat right next to her was like a blazing, all-consuming fire.

Josh rolled onto his back, pulling her partly on top of him. With his hand behind her head, he buried his fingers in her hair and brought her face down to his, and kissed her again. Danica’s hands touched the smooth contours of his chest, exploring his shoulders and firmly sculpted arms. She slid one leg upward along his thigh, and felt his arousal. He drew in a hissing breath, and she stiffened. She realized suddenly that he was completely nude.  Her pulse increased.

“I’ve hungered for you, Dani. I want you as my wife in all ways,” he murmured against her neck. “Can you accept me as your husband?”

Danica reached for his face, feeling along his rough whiskered cheeks. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears. She’d waited for Josh in her fantasies for so long, and now here he was, asking her to take him as her mate permanently. She never believed this day would actually come. Self-doubt filled her.
But I’m soiled, and damaged goods
, she wanted to scream. What if she couldn’t go through with it? What if . . . ?

“I’ll never hurt you, Dani,” Josh whispered, his lips grazing down her neck and nibbling along her shoulder.  “Don’t be afraid of me.”

Danica cupped his face between her hands, and pressed her lips to his. Josh groaned, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her fully on top of him. She was not afraid of this man. How could she be?  He was all she’d ever wanted.

“I want to be your wife,” she mumbled against his lips. Josh’s arms went rigid for a moment, and he drew in a deep breath.

“Dani,” he groaned huskily.

“I love you, Josh,” Danica said on a heated breath. He crushed her to him, and rolled her onto her back. She let out a surprised squeal, and giggled into his neck. His hands were suddenly everywhere, making her skin tingle wherever he touched. Her nightgown was too much of a barrier between them. She squirmed beneath him, trying to undo more of the buttons that Josh had missed earlier. Apparently realizing her intent, he helped her pull the garment over her head, tossing it aside impatiently.

The cold night air sent goose bumps up her arms, even while sweat moistened the skin between her breasts and around her neck. Breathing heavily, she wrapped her arms around Josh’s neck, entwining her fingers in his thick hair.

“You feel so good,” he growled against her neck, sending renewed shivers of desire down her spine. His hands moved slowly up and down along the curves of her body, as if he tried to memorize each dip and swell. In time with his hands, she rubbed her feet along his muscular thighs, eliciting another groan from him as his mouth claimed hers with a languid slowness that drove her nearly mad.

Once again, he rolled over, and pulled her fully on top of him, their sweat-slickened bodies molded against each other, skin to skin. Danica felt his arousal firmly against her stomach.

“Josh.” His name was barely a whisper against his mouth.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice strained and husky. Danica knew without a doubt she didn’t want to be anywhere else but here, in his arms, joined with this man.

“I’m sure,” she said. Josh lifted her at the waist. He paused.

“Dani, I –”

A loud wail interrupted what he was about to say. They both emitted simultaneous frustrated groans, and Josh lowered her hips. Danica collapsed on top of him, and buried her face in his chest, her hair falling all around her. Her body shook with uncontrollable giggles as Dawn’s angry cries intensified. Danica rolled off of Josh, but he pulled her back.

“I’ll get her,” he grumbled, and raised himself to a sitting position. Danica turned toward him, and pressed her lips to his.

“We’ll have to work on our timing,” she snorted.

“I think our daughter needs to work on hers,” he growled. He flipped the covers away and left the bed.

Danica sat up, and adjusted the pillows behind her back. Her heart was slowly returning to its normal rhythm. She pushed her disheveled hair from her face while she listened to Josh speak softly to her . . . to their daughter.  An incredibly warm feeling doused her from head to toe. Josh Osborne wanted her, truly wanted her for his wife, and he’d accepted her baby as his own. The unfulfilled intimacy they had just shared, although it had no doubt left him as frustrated as she was, had been more amazing than she could have dreamed up.

Chilled, she pulled the covers further up, and sat up against the headboard. Josh returned and sat at the edge of the bed, and placed the hungry infant in her arms.

“I’m sorry,” Danica said when Dawn settled down to nurse. 

“I’m a patient man,” he grumbled. Unable to see in the dark, her eyes followed the sound of Josh’s voice. He’d moved to the opposite side of her bed, and Dani felt the mattress dip from his weight. Her heart rate increased. The covers lifted, and he lay down next to her. She held back a gasp by biting down on her lower lip when Josh’s warm hand slid up her arm.

“Someday, our daughter will have to relinquish her rights to you, and then you’ll be all mine,” he said in a hushed voice against her ear.

“Oh?” Danica raised her voice in a mock question. “You really are a patient man, then. Dawn will be nursing for many months, you know.”

“I’m not that patient,” he growled. He caressed the swell of her breast with one hand, while the other reached behind her neck to pull her head down for a kiss. “She’ll have to learn to share you with me.”

“Perhaps she will,” Danica answered. “Josh?” she asked tentatively.

“Hmmm.” He stopped nuzzling her neck, and waited. “What were the words you spoke earlier, in Shoshone?”

Josh sat up, and leaned against the headboard. He reached for her free hand, and brought it to his lips. Danica wished she could see his face.

Nu suuntsa nian punnahapi
,” he repeated his earlier words. They rolled easily off his tongue, and Danica shivered at the sensual way he spoke them. He cleared his throat.  “It means, I love my wife.” He leaned over and kissed her gently.

Danica inhaled sharply. The tears welled up in her eyes. She adjusted her arm around Dawn.

“And how do you say I love my husband?” Her voice cracked when she asked the question.

Nu suuntsa nian kuhma

She repeated the words, knowing she had never said anything more honest and heartfelt in her entire life.


Chapter 20



Josh gently placed Dawn in her crib, his hand lingering on the baby’s head. His lips curved in a slow smile. He couldn’t imagine loving the infant any more if she were truly his flesh and blood. Her little mouth puckered and quivered, and her eyelids fluttered closed. Josh tucked a blanket around her.

“Sleep well,
” Quietly, he backed out of the room, and pulled the door closed half-way. He turned.  His eyes roamed the warm main room of his home. The sun was slowly making an appearance over the mountain across the river, its rays sending a golden glow into the cabin, and the fire crackled softly in the hearth. By the workbench, his woman stood mixing the contents of a bowl with quick turns of the wooden spoon.

Dani was his woman. His wife.
Josh watched her silently. He never realized what loving a woman could do to a man’s soul. Two weeks ago, she had confused the hell out of him. Her affectionate display in front of the soldier had left his body burning with need. Later, she’d acted colder than a winter blizzard coming off the mountain. He’d stayed out of her way, and waited for her mood to swing back to a more agreeable level. Last night, he’d had enough of waiting. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from going to her bed in the middle of the night.

Her response had been earth shattering. The nearby geyser eruptions were nothing compared to the intensity of emotions that exploded in his mind when he held her in his arms, flesh to flesh. In the darkness of night, he’d finally been able to tell her he loved her, and she had confirmed her feelings for him. She was his to love and protect for always.

Josh smiled. His daughter had the worst timing.   Another few seconds, and the baby would have had to wait for her mother’s attention. Dawn’s angry wails, however, were enough to douse his desire. Temporarily. His annoyance with the baby was fleeting, and he joined Dani in laughter, finding joy and fulfillment in simply holding his wife while their daughter suckled at her breast. After returning Dawn to her crib, Josh had simply held Dani, and she’d fallen asleep in his arms. Love and contentment consumed him as he lay there, holding his woman close.

Josh had left the bed at the first signs of early morning light. After tending the fire in the hearth, and feeding the horses in the barn, he’d returned to the cabin to find Dani in the rocking chair with Dawn. The warm smile on Dani’s face, her eyes filled with love and unspoken yearning for him, left him nearly dizzy. He’d taken the child from Dani to return her to her crib after her feeding.

Josh continued to study his wife from across the room. She didn’t appear to be aware of his presence. He walked up to her, and silently wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply of her fragrant woman’s scent. She shrieked in surprise, and Josh covered her mouth with his hand.

“Shhh,” he whispered in her ear, feeling her body shudder.  He helped her set her bowl on the counter, then turned her around in his arms. Like a starved man looking for a morsel of food, he brought his mouth down on hers. He leaned into her, guiding her backwards until he had her pressed up against the wall. Dani’s arms snaked around his torso, her hands gripping the backs of his shoulders. Josh’s body ignited at her unbridled response.

He raked his lips across hers while his hands fumbled with the buttons on her dress. Impatiently, he pushed the bodice off her shoulders, and cupped her breasts through the fabric of her chemise. His mouth left her lips to lick and taste along her neck.

Dani gasped, her breathing quick and shallow. “Josh,” she whispered heatedly.  She relinquished her hold on his shoulders, her hands squirming between their bodies, struggling to unbuckle the belt around his waist. She dropped it to the ground, and ran her hands up under his shirt. Josh groaned at the feel of her silky hands against the bare skin of his chest.

He bent and scooped her up in his arms, a wide grin on his face. Dani wrapped her arms around his neck. Her green eyes shimmered with unspoken expectation, her complete look of trust taking his breath away.

“Dawn?” she asked softly.

“Asleep.” He leaned over and kissed her again, and carried her to his bedroom, kicking the door open. His heart pounded in his chest when he gently placed his wife on top of the covers on his bed. He would not be denied this time. Surely the baby wouldn’t wake again for a few hours. As fevered and rushed as his actions had been a moment ago, Josh was determined to take his time, to teach Dani that a man’s touch was supposed to be gentle and pleasurable.

He pulled his shirt off over his head, and sank onto the mattress into Dani’s outstretched arms.

“I shouldn’t have bothered getting dressed this morning,” she purred, a seductive smile on her face.

Josh fumbled with Dani’s skirts, her hands meeting his at her hips as they both pushed the garment down her legs.

“Why do white women insist on so many layers of clothes?” Josh grumbled against her cheek. “It’s much too cumbersome.”

“You have experience undressing white women, do you?” Dani teased, nipping at his neck.

“You’re the only white woman I’m interested in undressing,” Josh growled. He rolled to his back and pulled Dani on top of him. Free of her dress and petticoats, she straddled his hips. The sensuous smile on her face as she gazed down at him added fuel to his desire. He reached up and weaved his fingers through her hair, and pulled her toward him.

The sudden loud knocking against the cabin door in the main room brought him up short. His head sank back against the pillow. He clenched his jaw, staring up at the ceiling and pressed his hands against his temples. He groaned in frustration, then cursed loudly. Who the hell was in the valley this early in the morning, or at all, for that matter? He rarely had visitors.

Dani rolled off him, and pulled a blanket over herself.  Her passion-filled eyes beckoned to him. “I’ll be right back,” he grumbled. “Right after I shoot the bastard at the door.”

Josh grabbed for his shirt and rushed out of his room. The idiot was pounding so loud, it would surely wake the baby in the other room. He reached for his rifle propped against the wall, and yanked the front door open.

“What the hell is so important that . . .” Josh stopped himself. Two young Shoshone boys, no older than ten, stood in front of him. They were dirty and looked worn out. The buckskin clothes they wore would hardly keep them warm in the frigid nighttime temperature.

“Running Wolf.” One of the boys stepped forward and addressed him respectfully in Shoshone. Josh’s eyes narrowed. “Our father and uncle have instructed us to seek you out. There are white men shooting the buffalo several miles to the south of here. We heard and saw them. Our family has no weapons to fight these men, so we stay in hiding. My father says you would know what to do.”

“Come inside,” Josh said. He lowered his rifle and stepped aside, motioning with his hand for the boys to enter. Reluctantly, they did as instructed. Their wide eyes roamed the cabin.

“Who is your father?” Josh asked, speaking his mother’s language.

“Gentle Bear,” the boy answered. Josh had heard the name before, although he didn’t know the man. The few scattered Tukudeka families that were still left in these mountains had become more reclusive than ever before, with the threat of the army rounding up all Indians living within the boundaries of the national park.

Josh’s mind raced. With the clearing of the weather, and the snowmelt, the poachers were at it again. The army detail from two weeks ago had provided him with similar information. He cursed silently. He had no choice but to go and investigate this newest incident. His eyes wandered longingly toward his bedroom. Dani emerged at that moment, fully dressed.

The boys stared at her, open-mouthed, before lowering their gaze respectfully.

“Josh? What’s going on?” Dani’s eyes moved from him to the two boys in the room.

“They bring news of more poaching,” Josh said. He met her across the room, and reached for her hand. “I have to go with them.” His voice was full of regret as he looked at her. Dani’s eyes narrowed, and her chest heaved. She squared her shoulders, and raised her chin.

“Oh no, you don’t,” she said heatedly. She pulled her hand from his, and bunched both fists at her hips. With her chin, she motioned to the boys. “Look at them. They look half-starved. You’re not going anywhere until they have a decent meal and warm up by the fire.”

Josh stared at her for a second, then his mouth widened in a smile. “I knew there was a reason I decided to keep you as my wife.” He said, and kissed her gently.

“Let me pass so I can get some breakfast started,” she said, and pushed him aside. Josh’s eyes followed her. His heart was about ready to burst with pride and love for this feisty little woman, and he wondered what he’d done to deserve her.



“I’ll be back tonight,” Josh said quietly, his forehead resting against Danica’s, regret and yearning in his voice. He cupped her face between his hands. It took all of Danica’s willpower not to grab hold of him and refuse to let him walk out that door. She knew she was being foolish. Josh had a job to do.

“I’ll miss you,” she whispered, fighting the tears that threatened to spill. Josh gently pressed his lips to hers, and she leaned into him, gripping his shoulders. He pulled away, and inhaled deeply.

“Soon,” he promised, his dark eyes full of unfulfilled longing.

Danica merely nodded. Her voice would crack if she uttered a word. She gave his arms a squeeze, and stepped away from him. Smiling at the two boys who stood wide-eyed and open-mouthed by the door, she raised her hand and waved to them. They quickly averted their eyes.

“You be careful now, you hear?” she said sternly, mustering up the courage to sound cheerful.

Josh reached for his rifle propped up against the wall by the door. He looked up and grinned at her. “With two beautiful girls to come home to, I’ll be extra careful.” He slung his water bag over and across his shoulder, and Danica handed him a package with food she had prepared.

“Make sure those boys eat. And you, too.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He stepped up to her and kissed her one last time, his lips lingering on hers. With a deep sigh, he took a step back and turned. One of the boys opened the door, and said something in Shoshone. Josh nodded to him, and the trio left the cabin. Danica followed them to the door. Josh glanced over his shoulder once more, and she waved, her other arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

Why did it seem so different this time when he left? He’d gone away for parts or most of the day before, but this time it felt odd. Josh hadn’t declared his love for her before. That was the difference. She was his wife now, permanently. She still couldn’t believe it. Her wildest dreams had come true.

Danica smiled as she watched the three figures head across the meadow toward the river. They veered to the right to follow the river’s course heading east.  Somewhere, Josh would probably find a shallow place for them to cross. He had decided to go on foot, since the boys didn’t have horses, and he could navigate some of the more difficult terrain better on foot than on horseback.

With a determined sigh, she tore her eyes off of Josh’s retreating form, and headed back into the cabin. She could get a lot done today. The weather was nice enough that she could do some laundry. If she got started before Dawn woke from her nap, the clothes would have time to dry on the line before the day was over. Quietly, she checked on her sleeping daughter, then gathered the baby’s soiled linens and some of her own clothes into a basket. Hesitating briefly, she went into Josh’s room and removed the shirts he haphazardly tossed over a chair in the corner. Her eyes fell on his bed. The furs and blankets lay bunched and ruffled all over the mattress. Some had fallen on the floor.

Danica smiled, and warmth crept through her extremities and settled deep in her stomach. Her heart did a little flip flop. Perhaps tonight, when Josh returned, they wouldn’t be interrupted and could finally consummate their marriage completely. She sighed wistfully and left the room, deciding to come back later and straighten up the bed.

For the next half hour, she hauled water from the river into a big tub closer to the house. Her hands were numb from the frigid river water by the time she was finished. She wished she had a real laundry kettle that she could simply hang over a fire here in the yard. It would be so much quicker and easier than heating water inside the cabin one bucket at a time. She would definitely speak to Josh about that.

BOOK: Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5)
12.6Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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