Wrong Kind of Love (4 page)

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Authors: Nichol-Louise Andrews

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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Yeah well it

s shocking still.”

Even if you

ve seen it loads of times?”

Stop mocking me” she blushed playfully pushing him.

Your pretty easy to mock though”


s not nice, your cruel

she blushed again.

You blush a lot”


s because you mock me a lot.”


s cute” he held her hand and pulled her into his arms once again he tucked a wave of hair behind her ear and lent in to kiss her.

I should go” she pulled away “I had fun, I

ll guess I will see you around”

Oh ok, do you want me to drive you?”

No. No thank you” Amelia walked off down the street, Lucas waited a few minutes and then jogged off after her.

Hey Amelia he called after her “Amelia can you wait up a second please. Amelia” she stopped, turned and looked at him.


Did I do something wrong?”

No why”

Why? Because you high tailed it off away from me like you just stole something”

I said I had to go. Sorry”

Hey don

t apologise if you gotta go but if your blowing me off Amelia, shit you could just say.” She never looked up at him he threw his hands in the air “Whatever bye” he walked off towards a parking lot where his car was. His phone rang, it was a member of his fathers commission asking how the Colleti job went. Lucas informed the man it was taken care of, it was clean and no one saw him.

Lucas” it was Amelia she must of followed him, he looked at her then turned away and told the man on the other end of the line that he had to go and that he would be in touch tomorrow. He put the phone in his pocket and unlocked his Chevy impala

s driver door.

Lucas” Amelia put her hand on his arm.



m sorry”

What for?”

For being a bitch, its just I don

t wanna get played”

Played, who

s playing you, I like you”

I…err” she hung her head and started toeing the floor.

Why would you think I

m gonna play you?”

Because your, your you” Lucas scoffed “Your popular, your reckless, you sleep around, you don

t date you screw around and I

m opposite to everything your about. What

s in it for you?”

What do you mean?”

I mean what

s in it for you, what do you want from me, I

ve told you I

m not like the girls you know, I

m closed off, I don

t want to get hurt. I wont get hurt.”


m not gonna hurt you. I like you Amelia and I wont hurt you I promise I know you don

t trust me I get that my reputation isn

t exactly squeaky clean and I know I

m not a nice girls kinda guy but if you give me a chance I

ll try my best not to screw up.” she looked up at him wide eyed, her eye lashes were long and her eye liner thick like she was trying to hide her beauty.

You better not” she exclaimed.

I promise. You gonna let me give you a ride now?”

Errm” she looked at his car then to him and then back to the street.


ll not bite”

Ok” she slid into the passenger seat of his black American muscle car, it was a classic and well taken care of.

So where you want me to take you, home?”

Oh no, my father has company and well… no not home” Lucas glanced at her she was mysterious he liked that.

I aint gonna let you wonder the streets do you wanna come back to mine?”

Oh I err…. I ”

I wont pounce you we can order in I

m starved what you say, I

ll pay”

Yeah I guess that

s ok I could eat something”

You guess that

s ok wow please calm your excitement” Amelia laughed at him “I like that” he turned the key in the ignition the car roared to a start.

Like what”

Your laugh”

He held open the door to his apartment, switched on the lights and closed the door.

Wow, this place is gorgeous, you live here alone”

Just me”

Its so clean, its gorgeous”

Thanks. So what you want?”

Excuse me?” she asked confused.

To eat; Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, pizza?”

Oh pizza

s good thank you”

Ok pizza it is, I

ll order now, cheese and ham ok?”

Ah ha” Amelia scanned Lucas

s living room and sat in front of his large collection of films.

It will be here in twenty mins”

Hey why do you have all these movies if you don

t have a TV?” she asked, he had all the other usual stuff, sofa, stereo a few odd paintings on the wall but no TV.

I do” he picked up a remote and pressed a button making the strangest painting of a woman screaming move to reveal a huge plasma TV.” I like to keep things hidden away”

No way, you have the entire collection of Nightmare on Elm Street, I love these” she turned to him and gave a cheesy smile “What do you say to a Freddie marathon” Lucas looked at his watch “Oh sorry am I imposing, shall I go” she got to her feet.

Sit down, I was only wondering how much longer this pizza was going to be”

You sure?” he nodded “Ok” she slumped herself back on the floor flicking through the sleeve of the box set.


s with the bag anyway, you carrying your worldly good with you. Are you like a bag lady”

Shut up, I told you my father has company. He doesn

t really like me around so I normally stay at The Hotel on Sunset.”

Really? don

t be silly you

ll stay here I have a comfy bed.”

What, no a hotels fine”

Relax. You can have my bed and I

ll sleep on the couch”

Oh right sorry” she giggled “Are you sure?”

I insist. Do you mind if I go put some sweats on?”

No not at all” Lucas went off into his room as the door bell rang “I

ll get it” she flew to her feet, paid the pizza man and laid the pizza box on the kitchen counter. “It

s here” she yelled to Lucas.

Great I

m starved” he came out shirtless, Amelia tried to avert her eyes from him. His body was tanned and ripped, his skin was imperfection free and soft looking. On the top of his left arm he had a tattoo of a pit bull the same one as that of the colt. “Don

t worry I

m putting a shirt on” he grabbed a white t-shirt from the hall closet and pulled it over his head.

I never said… I mean I didn

t. err… can I use your bathroom please I

m gonna change too if that

s ok”

Sure go ahead its just there” he pointed to a closed door next to his bedroom “And feel free to come out topless”

Doubtful” she smiled.

What in gods name are you wearing” he laughed passing her a pizza slice.

There my jammies”

Yeah I can see that but their pink with care bears on” his laughter embarrassed her.

Stop laughing at me. These, I

ll have you know are my favourite jammies and they are super comfy. So you can stop laughing now and put the film on now” she sat crossed legged on the sofa.


re very err….” he laughed again.

Very what” she looked stern faced at him.

Different very different but cute though”

Stop with the mocking”


m sorry but for a girl who loves the Godfather and who is making me stay up all night to have a Freddie Kruger marathon, pink care bear pyjamas are not what I was expecting”

Well sorry I left my see through baby doll set at home”


Yeah you wish.” Lucas smiled at her “So come on stick Freddie on” she playfully pushed him off the sofa, he lent over to kiss her but she backed away from him with a look of apology, he just half smiled. Lucas was a good looking guy every other guy at Cal High wanted to be him and every girl wanted him so why was Amelia so different he couldn

t work it out. Did she think she was to good for him, probably it was true but he didn

t think that was the reason. Did she not like him, no that wasn

t true either. He made her blush, he made her nervous they were common signs that indicated she liked him. What was it, he just couldn

t figure her out but something stirred in him when she was around and wasn

t the kind of sexual magnetism he felt when he was with Kesha. He did of course feel sexually drawn to her but there was something more, something he couldn

t quite put his finger on. The way he felt when that guy had been touching her outside the theatre he was crazy with jealousy and the time he

d spent with he knew he wanted more from her. He knew this wasn

t good, he was Mafia, his father had sent him here on business to spy, to kill not fall in love with a pretty face but for some reason Lucas knew he wanted to love her, he knew that she would love him. He wanted to love, to be loved, though his mother loved him deeply it wasn

t a mother son love it was more a distant relative love, they were after all no real relation and this was the main reason they had no bond. His father loved him but this was the wrong kind of love, mafia love. Valentino had so desperately wanted a son to take control of the family name and all that came with it that when Lucas had been born he

d thought of nothing else, he

d trained him from a young age how to be fierce, how to be feared and now how to kill but he

d never taken his son to Central Park to look at the zoo or to a Nicks game. They had never done normal every day father and son things. He was never taught though what to do when someone makes your heart stop beating just by a single look from them, he

d not been taught how to love.


s four a.m, I

m so tired, do you mind if I crash out?” Amelia asked her eyes all puffy with sleep.

No sure go ahead” he pointed to his room.

Are you sure that

s ok I mean it

s your bed I don

t mind the sofa or even going to a hotel, I don

t wanna put you out”

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