Wrong Kind of Love (10 page)

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Authors: Nichol-Louise Andrews

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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So where you from Lucas?” avoiding the topic of Amelia.

New York.”

Yeah, cool. So you got a last name”


As in the mafia family Valentino?” Danny asked throwing a look of worry to Jono.

Yup, you know the name then?” The two guys nodded “So do you know Amelia then?” his eyes were dead and unreadable, Danny and Jono were very edgy in their seats.

I don

t think so no” Jono replied, Danny shook his head to.

Really are you sure?”

Definitely, maybe know her if we saw her” Danny replied.

You see that

s not what I heard” Lucas said pulling his colt out his holster. Danny and Jono stood up and backed away from him.

Whoa! look I don

t know what she said about us but she

s lying” Jono backed further away from him.

I doubt that somehow, why don

t you sit the fuck down and then you can tell me the truth according to you.” the guys reluctantly sat down, “So go on tell me, tell me why it is you fucking raped her.”

It weren

t like that mate. She was a tease she was a huge tease, we used to go out, had a good laugh then when it came down to fucking she bolted the next day said some shit like she had made a mistake and that it wasn

t me it was her she just wasn

t ready, bitch I rite liked her to you know”

Sure you did, so which part did you get your mate here to rape her, then stab her in the cheek and fucking threaten her” his voice was calmer much calmer then he expected.

I dint do nuthin to her that she dint want, she was well up for it, I dint rape her, she fucking wanted it she

s a whore, fucking lying one at that if that

s what she

s saying” Danny remarked.

And slitting her cheek what she want that to yeah”

I aint done nuthin like that“

She did it herself then yeah?”

From what I heard she like went fucking psycho fucking slitting her wrists n shit it wunt surprise me if she did, have you not seen her scars the fucking whores covered in them, she slits herself takes a razor and drags it across her skin” Lucas put that to the back of his mind right now all he cared about was killing these two and making it hurt.

What about them other girls you raped and that one girl you raped then fucking tied her to a tree with barbed wire, yeah I bet she wanted it to”

Fuck this shit, get the fuck out my house and tell your little slut I said hi” Lucas launched from his seat and hit Danny on the back of his head with the butt of his colt, he fell to the floor, Jono tried to run but Lucas shot him in the leg so he could not go anywhere.

Your fucking spineless, she dumped you so you got her fucking raped that

s sick and now I

m with her, I love her so I aint gonna let you hurt her no more, this time you fucked up, you hurt my girl, be it was before or after we met you hurt her and I aint impressed, your fucking scum and you know what scum deserves” Lucas was pissed he was mad and dangerous he kicked Jono hard “You fucking answer me when I ask you somet, what does fucking scum deserve?”

What?” Jono was scared, he was trying to crawl away from Lucas but Lucas stamped on his leg snapping it straight away.

This” Lucas shot him, he held the gun under Jono

s chin and pulled the trigger, one down.

Danny was awaking from been knocked out he looked around and could not see Lucas anywhere, he scrambled to his feet and stumbled when he saw Jono, he was lying dead on the in a pool of his own blood. Danny scurried to the front door to try and get away but as he was trying to Lucas slid out in front of him.

Going somewhere” Lucas asked “Shame I was just starting to have fun.”

Look mate I

m sorry”

Yeah I

m sure you are now but you see calling her a bitch, a slut and a whore and saying that she was asking for it, it dunt really scream sorry to me but lucky for you you

ll be sorry now” he lashed out his left hand and sliced Danny

s wrist blood started pouring, he then sat him on a chair and tied him to it with sharp chicken wire that he found laying around in the kitchen, he tied it tight so that it was ripping the skin, Danny was screaming out in agony. Lucas lashed out again with the knife stabbing him in the cheek then he slit his throat, Danny

s white shirt turned a bright crimson. “Bet your sorry now” Danny tried to talk but Lucas had slit his throat so deep it had slice through his windpipe so air was escaping from his lungs causing little blood bubbles to form, his head started lolling on top of his neck and eventually came to a resting point “You asked for it” Lucas laughed. Two down.

Lucas cleaned himself up, checked he had no blood on him, he did not want Amelia to suspect anything.

He walked into his apartment it was only one a.m, Amelia was asleep on the sofa, he crept up to her knelt down beside her, she looked like an angel, he brushed the hair off her face and whispered softly that he was home, she stirred and opened her eyes.

Hey you, how long you been here?” she asked her voice muffled with sleep.

Not long sweetie”

Did you enjoy yourself?”

It was ok cops broke it up though”

And Kesha?”

She was there.”

You know what I mean.”

She tried it on with me” Amelia bolted up “Wait a minute before you go all crazy on me, she tried it on with me I did nothing to egg her on, she took her top off and shoved her hand down my jeans” Amelia looked both shocked and disappointed “But I shoved her away, straight away. You have nothing to worry about I promise I love you and I mean that.”

I love you to. I bet you think I was waiting up for you, I wasn

t I must of just fell asleep.”

Ah sure, you were waiting up admit it.“ he looked at Amelia one sleeve of her jacket was rolled up and he noticed deep scars, he touched her arm gently but she pulled away quickly. “Hey what

s these?” he asked.

There err nothing”

Tell me Amelia you know you can tell me anything.”

I…I cant, you

ll think I

m mental”

Try me I promise I wont think your mental”

I have what the doctors say, clinical depression basically I

m sad all the time and always in a dark place. I err… they are… I mean I cut myself” even though King told him this he was hoping it was wrong, how could someone be hiding so much pain behind those beautiful eyes.

You do it to yourself? Why?”

I don

t know I guess it makes me feel better for a short time, something I

m in control of its like when I drag the blade across my skin I feel kind of a release you wont understand no one does but the more I cut and the more I bleed the calmer I feel but then when I snap out of where ever I am and I see what I have done I feel worse like I

m some kind of freak a head case” she was looking at him for reassurance, for him to tell her she was normal and that he still loved her but he was silent for what seamed like a really long time “You think I

m crazy right?”

No. As a matter of fact I don

t. I think you have a lot of pain inside you and I

m sorry I didn

t meet you earlier so I could of helped you out then but I

m here now and I

m gonna do my best to make you happy now” he kissed her head.

You don

t think I

m a nutter then?”

No I love you all of you scars n all, they are you past” he said tracing his finger over one “I

m your future” Amelia smiled at him. “I

m gonna jump in the shower. I

m beat”

Ok” he kissed Amelia and went into the shower, when he emerged Amelia was in the middle of changing he came out the bathroom and accidentally startled her she was wearing black underwear, black lacy French knickers and a black lace push up bra, he stopped dead in his track, he stiffened beneath his boxers and Amelia noticed she blush and averted her eyes.

Sorry I” he stammered, she looked gorgeous, he had not expected to see her stood in her underwear, he could not stop staring at her. “Sorry I dint realise you were in here, I

ll go wait in the living room till your changed” he made his way to the door and Amelia was about to pull on her pyjamas but stopped.

Wait” she called out, Lucas stood still not daring to turn around. “It

s ok. You can stay” he turned around and looked at her, she was smiling, her silhouette was highlighted by the bedside light. Amelia walked over to him and pulled the door closed behind him, she stood in front of him half naked “I want you to stay.”

What are you saying?” she lifted up on to her tip toes and kissed him, she went to touch him, hesitated and then place her hand on his chest tracing the contours with her fingers. Lucas was harder then he had ever been before ,he so badly wanted her but was to nervous to touch her back in case she did not want him too.


m ready”

Are you sure? This is not just because of what I told you about Kesha?”

No. I

m ready” Instantly he wrapped his arms around her, their skin touching both felt to the other like silk and started kissing her like he craved her, was hungry for her. He guided her over to the bed and lay her flat on her back, he climbed on top of her so gently as if he feared she would break. He slid his hand over her body and up her back until he reach her bra clasp, he undid it and freed her breasts, he hugged her and kissed her, never letting his eyes leave hers. Amelia was nervous, he could sense this so he kept reassuring her asking her if she was ok. He kissed every inch of her body including all her scars, he slid two fingers inside her and started to masturbate her, she was moaning lightly.

Baby are you sure?” she nodded, he rolled on a condom and as he was kissing her he entered her, a short sharp pain shot through Amelia

s body, Lucas looked at her, a look that asked her if she was ok she smiled to say she was. She wrapped her legs around him so he could get deeper inside her, he thrust softly in and out her, he could tell she was enjoying it as she was soaking wet and clawing at his back. Lucas knew he could not last long because he was surprised that she was ready and he had been fantasising about this night for weeks but he wanted to make sure she came first. Amelia was moaning louder now and arching her back, he knew she was close to orgasm and because of this he thrust a little harder, he felt her come, he felt her warm juice engulf around him making him come promptly too. Lucas kissed her passionately as he pulled himself out and lay next to her, her head and one hand on his chest both were sweaty and panting. “Wow”

I love you”

Oh God, Amelia I love you too, did you enjoy it I mean did you was it ok I didn

t hurt you or anything”

No but thank you for being so caring. I thought it was amazing did you?”

What do you think” he asked kissing her, tickling her chin “I

ve never made love before it

s miles better, I

ve never been so hot for anyone like I am you. I just hope it was good for you and not brought back any memories for you”

No, none you

ve given me happy memories.”

They both hugged and reassured each other it was like they were virgins and had never experienced sex before and in a way they hadn

t neither realised how passionate sex could be.


Chapter Twelve

The early morning sun woke them, the light shone through the window and both stirred. They were entwined in each other, you could sense how completely comfortable around each other they were.

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