Wrath (13 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Song

BOOK: Wrath
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He came for me. 

He wanted to protect me.  The man I saw in him was there, waiting for the chance to take care of me.  Aidan was there for me even when I didn’t expect him to be.

Even if I didn’t agree with his methods, it turned me on so completely.  And what I didn’t agree with, I could handle.  If
could handle

I grinned down at him, daring him to last while I slowly road him, tightening my body around his full girth.  The sensation was sheer bliss, and I was struggling to stay slow, but hearing his ragged breath, seeing the sweat along his throat made me feel so fierce, I laughed.

There was no mocking in that sound.  Just glorious pleasure.

His stern jaw, his intense eyes, they drove me into state of pure arousal.  Even when he was chiding me.  Especially when he was chiding me.

I breathed him in, the smell of him filling me as I bent down and devoured his lips.  I lingered over him, leaning back just slightly.  Savoring the feeling of that thick cock bending in the way only real male flesh could, I kissed softly, teasing him.  I wanted him to understand how I lusted after him.  I wanted him to really
get it

He filled my every thought, and I could fight it to the end, but I wasn’t going to win.  I didn’t want to.  He was in my mind, my dreams, and there was nothing else to do but get wrapped up in him.

And I was determined that I was going to be in his mind as thoroughly as he was in mine.

“Fuck, Emma –”

I rose off him then and grasped the base of his cock, winding my hips before I pushed him deep inside once more.

My fingers fluttered over the chiseled lines of his hips, over my thigh, to trace his missing leg.  For all my desire, I made a point to touch his stump gently. 

He was so perfect in his imperfection.  And the moment was delicious.  The breeze creeping through the open windows.  The hot sunlight keeping us warm as I rode him.  The smell of vinyl seats and motor oil, grease and my arousal, and Aidan’s sweat.  It was intoxicating.

His body followed my arched body, his arms catching me, holding me, those hands gripping me closer as he kissed my throat. 

For one blind moment, I felt utter sympathy for the addicted.  Aidan was my particular vice, and I had no desire to get clean.

He was a sweet escape from the rest of the world.  One I wanted to visit again and again.

He was my heroin.

When those kisses distracted me into surrender, he gripped my hair and pulled my face to his.  “I am going to give you the fucking you deserve for that little stunt,” he ground out, but his eyes were bright with lust.  “Do you understand me?” 

He liked this.  And I grinned back, knowing I’d like it when he returned the favor later.  I could tell by that slow smile that I’d love it and hate it and beg for more.

That anticipation made the current ride all the sweeter. 

He pushed me back against the door, bracing himself against the window as he slowly slid in and out of me.  I was so wet, I was sure I was ruining the vinyl – and I didn’t care.  I squeezed him tighter with my body, panting, my eyes begging and taunting at once. 

“Please,” I whispered shakily.  “Please, please, please.”  I found myself licking my palm, chewing and sucking on my own fingers until he snatched my hand out of my mouth, jerking me right up off the seat by my wrist. 

The kiss I got then – and the way his cock skewered me – nearly caused me to pass out.  I cried out into his mouth, wrapping my legs tight around his ass, bracing against anything I could to keep us in that moment.

When he started to pump again though, he set me down and I arched my back, trying to get more.  I didn’t want slow anymore.  I wanted fast – fast and hard and

I felt him flex inside of me and shouted in frustration. 

When he spoke, his voice was sadistic.  “That’s right, darlin’.  Show me exactly what you want.”  He grabbed my hips and helped me thrust, his strength increasing my pace.  He was getting a kick out of my need.

I shouted again and bit him, wrestling with him until he pinned me down.

“You want it now?”

“Uhhhhn,” I moaned, nodding and angry in the best sort of way. 

“You sure?” 

Now, he was just being a shit.

I licked the air, wriggling under the pressure of his grip, and looked up at him from under lowered lids. 

“Fuck me, Aidan,” I begged him.  “Fuck me now.”

It worked beautifully.  His eyes dilated and he fell onto me like a beast, pulling my head back by my hair as he pounded us both towards orgasm.  But just as he reached his limit, he kissed me again, bruising and full of need – so many types of need.

It was that kiss that brought me over the edge.  Sending me into another orgasm, this one the whipped cream on top of the shake. 

My body shaking and spasming under his, I felt as if I had gotten the cherry too.

He groaned over me, shuddering and struggling for breath, his eyes wide with some private shock.

I reached up and touched his face, let him refocus on my broad, joyous grin. 

“That… Yes.  Yes, that was…” I burst out laughing, and he shuddered again, grinning as my body spasmed around his spent cock.  It was still hard enough for me to play with, but honestly, I could barely breathe.  So I just leaned up and kissed him. 

“Thank you,” I whispered to him, suddenly shy and utterly happy.

He kissed my lips, then my cheek. 

“Baby, thank you.  Damn!”

If we both ended up laughing, well neither of us could keep it up for long.  Clambering back into the front seat took more dexterity than either of us had at that moment, but we did eventually get situated.  He smirked into his knuckles, and I was grinning like a fool.

“You know what?”  I finally said as I buckled my seat belt.  My legs felt deliciously tingly, my panties soaked underneath my skirt. 

“What?”  He was running a hand through his hair, still trying to get his wits about him.

“I’m feeling like ice cream.”

He didn’t seem to understand the craving or my amusement as I announced it, but he looked at me with wide, happy eyes, and said, “Baby, you can have whatever you want.”

And with that, we went to get ice cream.




I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter with my free hand, switching to my knee when I needed to shift.  It was a bit of a maneuver, but it was worth it to have Emma snuggled up against my side, her eyes closed, her breathing soft.

I’d never wanted a woman snuggled up to my body before, but now I needed her there. 

She was so soft and delicate when she was asleep, a stark contrast to the fiery minx she was when awake. 

She was ferocious and playful, wicked and kind all at once.  It was her strength that drew me to her, but her vulnerability continued to surprise me.  She owned herself and took what she wanted, but she knew when to relax too, and when to accept help.

She had agreed to let me know when she wanted to see her mother from now on.  “Could we go together?” she asked, a bit shy. 

I’d agreed.  Hell, how could I not?

We had talked it over again over a post-orgasm ice cream – her sundae and my cone.  I’d felt like a damned teenager again, a bit foolish, but she had mesmerized me out of my discomfort with the joy in her face.  

She was as open and playful as the child she had never been allowed to be, but she was utterly a woman – a grown woman who I actually believed could handle anything I threw her way.  I’d never felt this before – the trust and naturalness of it… It was like a dream.

If I got hard again, looking down at her sleeping body, who could blame me?  The line of her body, the curve of her waist.  Over that fulsome hip and delicious thigh, my eyes travelled all the way down to her toes, and I had to catch myself to keep from swerving the car.

She stirred in her sleep from the sudden correction, but snuggled closer.

She should have been in her seat belt, but I had hated to wake her.  The night was getting late though, and I knew she had classes in the morning.

I breathed with relief when we reached the lot.  My flat had been closer.  And at this point, the boundaries were too muddled for niceties.

If she wanted me to take her home, I would.  But I was pretty sure we would share a bed tonight.

I’d have to fight the need to fuck her again.  She’d come with me, too.

She has classes
, reason reminded me. 

I wanted to punch it in the face. 

I wanted to shut the world out, but life didn’t slow down for this sort of thing.

Emma was gorgeous and complex and I knew that I’d do anything I could to keep her safe.  From her mother, from her mother’s asshole pimp.  Anyone.

I wanted to protect her from the world.

And the only way I knew to do that was to be a part of something bigger than myself.  Something I could believe in.

Like being with her completely. 

It was like the club.  We were: Fire and Steel.


Chapter Eight



“I want in.  But first I want to know some shit.” 

I looked in Rage’s eyes, studying his reaction. 

He let nothing slip.  Those eyes were blank, unreadable, for a long moment.  Then the hint of a grin started at the edge of his eyes and spread across his face.

“Was hoping you’d make that decision, man.  What you want to know?”

I rubbed my jaw and shifted in my seat.  “Why are you so quick to trust me?” 

It was a legitimate question.  He had offered me a job less than an hour after meeting me.  And he had offered me a way into his club after less than a day of working for him.  Why?

Rage held up two fingers.  “Two reasons.  Number one, you lost your leg for our country.  That tells me you know how to sacrifice.  You know the consequences.  Number two, you take pride in what you do.  I saw that in the way you worked.  No bullshit.  No fucking around.  You do your job, you do it well.  No whining.” 

He assessed me, his eyes looking me over.  “Am I wrong?”

“No.  You’re not wrong.” 

I swallowed.  He was putting a hell of a lot of faith in me.  I had a feeling that if I ever disappointed him it was going to hurt.

And not just my pride.

“Good.”  He nodded, leaning forward on his elbows.  “What else?”

“I want to know what the fuck I’m walking into.  It’s obvious you have shit going down.  You’re working with the mob.  What the fuck dude?”

He sighed and when he leaned away from the table, it told me more than he would say aloud. 

“We’ve always worked with the mob.  We do protection detail for them.  Nothing directly illegal until Bones decided he was going to fuck shit up.”

“Bones?”  That name again.  I remembered Strike mentioning him after the protection detail.  Fire and Steel seemed to want to get ahold of this guy pretty bad.

“Bones was the old Prez.  Wanted to take control of more territory, get involved in the drug trade.  Shit went down.  It wasn’t good.  Suffice it to say, we won.  He’s still out there, though.  Skulking around, somewhere. 

“I want to find Bones.  Strike wants to find who’s fucking him over.  He needs our services.  We need his resources.  We’re trading.”

“Shit.”  I said as I threaded my hand through my own hair.  That was some heavy fucking information. 

Brothers turning on brothers for a profit.  It hit at my very core.  When you’re part of a team you don’t do that shit.  You don’t fucking play games against each other.  It’s you and your brothers against the world – or the world will tear you apart a piece at a time.

That’s how men – groups – countries died.

“Bones got out, and several of his boys took off about the same time he did.  Cut our numbers in half.”  Rage looked grim, and I suddenly understood why he hadn’t explained sooner.  “His shit left us vulnerable.  I’m of the mind to make sure he pays for that.”

I shook my head, “No wonder Thrash was wary.”

“Thrash’s a smart motherfucker.  He trusts no one.  No one but me and Beast.”

“Beast?”  I hadn’t met a ‘Beast’ yet.

Rage’s face went dark a moment, aged a bit.  “Bones had him killed.”

I backed off of that and turned the new information over in my mind. 

The pieces fit together.  Why Layla’s eyes became sad when she thought no one was looking.  Why the club was so big, but so empty.  Why there was a quiet anger about the place.

They’d been fucked over.

When Rage spoke again, I could hear it in his voice – I was as good as cut.  I was trusted.

“If you’re serious about joining, we’re ready to patch you.  Already been a vote on it.  Thrash meant what he said about not having to play prospect.  You already took your damn lumps.  And we’ve seen what you can do, man.  You’re good.”  He held out his hand.  “I want you in the club.” 

I took it, shook it firmly.  “I’m ready.” 

ready.  I needed to be part of something bigger than I was again.  I missed that.  Missed being in the action.  Yesterday’s run had showed me that.  I was still pretty damn good, even if I did have a bionic fucking leg.

“I’ve got one question for you though, Wrath.”


“Can you make our fight your fight?” 

I thought about it.

Could I help go after a son of a bitch who threatened the people who gave me a job?  Who gave me a reason to get up in the morning?  The people who had led me to Emma?

Fuck yeah, I could.  I could do all that and more.

I’d fucking run this ‘Bones’ down myself if I had the opportunity.

“Just tell me what you want me to do.  I’ll get it done.”  And in my mind, there was no doubt.  I’d do it or go down trying.  That was why they’d trusted me, Daniels, Renshaw and the rest.  I’d kept their gear ready and peak, but I’d been ready to give it all to protect the team if necessary.  When there had been trouble, I’d gone.  When they’d needed me, I’d made sure to get there.

I missed more than just the thrill of it.  I missed the loyalty.  The camaraderie.

Rage clapped my shoulder.  “Good.  You can start by moving your shit into the clubhouse.  You stay here until we find you someplace better than that fucking nightmare of an apartment complex you’re staying in.  Don’t think I don’t know where they put you when you got home.  You’ve earned better than that.”

I nodded.  I’d get packed tonight after I drove Emma to work.

Which reminded me… “What about Emma?”

Rage’s face split into a grin at that, getting me there.  “Your girl can come over any time we aren’t in church.”

Well, there was a way to put it…

“And if she’s here when we are, she stays in your room or in the garage office with Layla.  She isn’t privy to this shit.”

I nodded.  I understood.

“You can tell her as much or as little as you want after meetings.  Your choice.  But if you share shit with her, you better be sure you can trust her.  She chokes, you hold responsibility.  Choose wisely.”


“She’s family, we’ll take care of her because of Kat, but I don’t really know her, man.”  He was taking a chance on that count, and I knew it was only because he trusted me.  And his woman. 

“Layla’s got a good feeling about her, but be careful.”

I agreed to pay attention, but I knew Emma’s baggage.  And I knew how stubborn she was.  No one was going to get a peep out of her.  Not unless Fire and Steel hurt her – and even then, I was pretty sure she would come at us herself.  She wasn’t the sneaking sort.  

I rose to leave, but Rage wasn’t done yet. 

“Oh, and one more thing.”

I turned to listen and smacked his hand on the table, pointing to my knee.  “Get your fucking leg checked.  I saw you hobbling around this morning at work.” 

When I opened my mouth to argue, he shut me down hard.  “We can’t have you fucking falling over in the middle of a raid.  Take that shit seriously.”  He laughed when he said it but his eyes were cold.  “I mean it man.”

I believed him.

“I’ve got an appointment at the VA tomorrow.”

“Good.  Hey, while you’re at it, take Mick for his fucking checkup.  He needs someone to watch his back out there, and I need Layla here.  You’ve brought in a lot of new customers.  She’s got her hands full with the books.”

Mostly attractive housewives who came for the thrill of visiting an MC – and for the view.  I didn’t tell them I already had a girl, but I didn’t lead them on either.  Let them watch.  If Emma worried, I’d make sure she knew she didn’t have to.

I knew where I wanted to be, and with who.

I agreed to take Mick.  Before I left, I looked through the glass windows of the conference room.  Ol’ Mick was leaning against the bar, his oxygen tank perched beside him, a beer in his hand.

The man seemed all right, but I wasn’t crazy about carting him around.  Rage was right, though.  The old man needed someone to watch his back.  If someone wanted to hurt the club right at its heart, they’d go after the weakest of us.  If I had to be the one to prevent that from happening, all right then.

Rage was watching me mull it over, waiting to see what I would say. 

“What time is his appointment?” I asked.  Only a wet behind the ears kid would back out of something like this or worry how it would make him look.  Exciting or boring, club business was club business.  You didn’t ask questions.  You got it done.  And you got it done right.

Rage smiled at the question, respect sparking quietly in his eyes.  The man acted big and bad, but he saw more than he let on.  That was the kind of leader you wanted.

“1PM,” he said, and I nodded that I got it. 

My appointment was at 2PM with the prosthetic specialist.  At least I wouldn’t have to wait long.

“Go get your shit, man.  Layla’s hanging out with Emma today, so you don’t need to worry about dropping her off.”

Those women were hanging out a lot more lately.  I hoped that meant Emma would adjust faster to the MC.  Rage was right about that – she was an outsider. 

“Lala’s under the impression that girl need a buddy or some shit.  ‘Someone who understands’ or something.”  Rage shrugged.  “Eh, well.  She might be right.  Usually is.”

The corner of my mouth twitched and I touched my forehead and headed out, feeling like everything was going right. 

Then again, the only time I felt in control was when the world around me was chaos.

Well, Fire and Steel could provide plenty of that. 

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