Worth the Risk (3 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Risk
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He knew this from firsthand experience.

“Champagne, then. It’s my drink of choice tonight. I’m in a celebratory mood.”

“Happy for Alex?”

He leaned in close, his mouth just above her ear, his breath stirring her hair. “More like happy to have you in my arms again.”


Oh yeah, he went there. He’d been dying to go there since he’d kissed her. Something about Gracie had always screamed off limits. She wore her suits like armor, her dark, sleek hair never out of place. She was smart, creative and calculating—the three most important traits he needed from the members of his marketing team.

She also tasted like heaven and made the sweetest, sexiest sighs when touched and kissed just so. Sighs he wanted to hear again—this time accompanied by moans and even a scream or two.

Hunter frowned. It wasn’t smart to want to bed an employee, but hell, if Alex could go and marry his damn assistant, then he could fool around with someone who worked for him, right?

“What do you mean, have me in your arms?” Her voice was shaky and full of skepticism, her pretty green eyes narrowed. Ah, she was such a firecracker and he loved it. She got pissy over things so easily and for some twisted reason, he provoked her on purpose. Always made him wonder what she’d be like in bed.

A wildcat, he had no doubt.

He decided it was best to change the subject. “You look amazing.”

Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink and she dropped her gaze from his. “Thank you.”

She wore a pale green dress that revealed plenty of skin without looking cheap. Something from the Worthwhile line, he believed. Same with the shoes that made her legs look like they went on for miles. He’d had his hands on those legs that night. Trailed his fingers along the inside of her thigh, his tongue thrusting against hers just before she shoved him away…

Hunter cleared his throat, his cock jerking against his fly. “Did you come with someone tonight?”

“What?” The shock in her voice was unmistakable, and he wanted to laugh. He didn’t mean it like that. What a dirty girl his Gracie was.

That fact only intrigued him more.

“I meant did you bring a date?” he asked, barely able to repress the chuckle that wanted to escape.

“Oh.” Her cheeks reddened even more. “No. Becky and I came together.” She paused. “Did you bring a date?”

“No, I came solo.” Taking a date to a wedding, especially a family member’s wedding, was risky. The women always got crazy ideas in their heads. Like maybe he wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps and eventually get married too.

No way, no how.

“Oh, um. Huh.” She shot a glance toward the table where Becky sat once again, and he wondered at that. She seemed really nervous. Which was so unlike her that he grew concerned.

He knew she was great friends with the human resources manager, which should have made him the nervous one. One wrong move, one grave mistake, and she’d go running to her friend. And even though he was in good with Becky, she’d still have to do her job and report him to his brother.

It was what he expected her to do.

Not that he’d ever sexually harassed Gracie on the job, hell no. Flirt with her, most definitely. He flirted with lots of women he worked with; he couldn’t help it. But he never, ever crossed that line. Had never been tempted, and he worked with plenty of attractive women.

Until he met Gracie. She tempted him like no other. And for one delicious, decadent moment, he’d held her, kissed the very breath out of her. Touched her, eliciting such an easy response from her he knew without a doubt they would be so incredibly good together.

The song ended, and she stepped immediately out of his arms. She tried to escape; he knew what she was doing, but he didn’t want to let her go like this. Not yet.

“Hey.” He grabbed her hand, halting her from exiting the dance floor completely, and she stopped, wobbling on her high heels as she turned to look at him. “You’re going to pass up my offer for a drink, then?”

She smiled, and it was full of regret. “Alcohol and us don’t mix well, Hunter.”

Damn it, she was right, he knew this. He should let her go now. Let her walk away, watch the silk of her dress slide over her pert ass as her long-legged stride sent her far away from him. Lament over what could never be and forget everything that happened between them.

“Thanks for the dance,” she continued when he hadn’t said anything. “I’ll see you Monday.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets, silently watching her go. He didn’t normally do this. Let women walk away from him without a fight. Of course, they didn’t usually leave him first. He enjoyed spending time with women, plenty of women, but relationships? They so weren’t his style.

Hell, he still thought Alex was crazy for jumping straight into marriage, even after witnessing just how sickeningly in love they were with each other. Yes, Tessa was the mother of his child, but a wedding? The rings and vows? Making everything so rigidly legal?

Definitely something Hunter wasn’t interested in.

So why did his feet itch to chase after Gracie? He was not a chaser. Egotistical maniac maybe, but it was the truth. Women normally chased

Not Gracie. She pushed him away. She made him stop. She told him they didn’t “mix well“.

Hunter frowned. That was complete and utter bullshit. They mixed so well they were downright combustible. Why was he the only one who saw this? Felt it?

Deciding to hell with it, he fled the dance floor, pushed his way through the throng of guests that mingled in the cavernous ballroom. He scanned the room but there was no sign of Gracie.

She’d already left.

“Hey, where are you going?”

Holding back an irritated growl, he turned to find his younger brother standing before him, his arms draped around the shoulders of two very beautiful, very giggly women. “Are you drunk?”

Rhett grinned. “Getting there.” The women giggled louder.

Hunter stepped closer, irritation rushing through his veins. His brother would be the absolute death of him. He had little tolerance for Rhett’s behavior and thought he was a spoiled brat. How Alex put up with his crap, Hunter hadn’t a clue. “Don’t make an ass of yourself at Alex’s reception. Especially after everything he’s done for you.”

“Are you threatening me, bro?”

Hunter snarled at the fumes shooting from his brother’s mouth. Light a match and Rhett would probably go up in flames. “I’m just asking you to, for once, put your selfish behavior aside and think of someone else. Like Alex and Tessa. It’s their night. Don’t ruin it.”

Rhett glared. So did the girls. “I don’t want to fight with you tonight, Hunter.”

“I don’t want to fight with you either.”

They stood silent for a moment, people jostling them as they passed, Rhett’s little harem getting more and more impatient if their loud sighs were any indication.

“Don’t tell me you’re arguing on my wedding day.”

Hunter exhaled, all the fight leaving him in one fell swoop. Damn it, the last thing he wanted was Alex to witness this. “Not fighting, don’t worry. I was actually just leaving.”

Alex stood at Hunter’s side, a look of concern crossing his face. “Don’t party too hard, okay, Rhett?” He sounded like a too-kind dad gently chastising his very bad kid.

It irritated the ever-living shit out of Hunter.

“Anything for you, Alex.” Rhett shot Hunter a smirk as he released his hold on the women. “I’ll see you two later, okay?”

They waved and giggled and left in a flurry of overwhelming perfume and bits of glitter. “Who the hell were those chicks?” Hunter asked the second they were out of earshot.

“My friends. Alex said I could bring them.”

“Nice. What are you going to do, have a threesome after the reception?”

“Hell yeah, and what do you care anyway? Maybe you’re just jealous. I probably get more tail in a month than you’ve ever gotten in your life.”

“That’s because I work for a living, you asshole. Which is more then I can say about you.” Hunter clenched his fists, ready to sock his brother in the mouth.

His big brother would kill him for making such a public display at his wedding reception.

Alex stepped in between his two brothers, his large hands splayed on either of their chests to hold them off of each other. “For once in your lives, can’t you two get along? It’s my wedding day, for Christ’s sake.”

Hunter inwardly fumed. Rhett pushed all of his buttons, none of them good. Why he couldn’t muster up even an ounce of ambition and actually work like a real person, Hunter hadn’t a clue. All the opportunity and chance in the world, and the man was a complete and utter bum. Absolutely worthless.

Rhett most definitely did not live up to the family name.

“Like I said, I was just leaving.” Hunter shot a glare in Rhett’s direction before he clapped his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Congratulations again, man. I hope you and Tessa are happy.”

Alex smiled, his gaze going hazy like it did at any mention of Tessa’s name. The guy was a complete sucker for his new wife. “Thanks, Hunter. You sure you want to leave so early? The party’s just getting started.”

The music started back up, some fast and loud song that had half the crowd flooding the dance floor. Whereas during the ceremony he couldn’t wait to get his party on, he suddenly realized he was getting too old for this sort of thing. “Nah, I’m done. Your wedding and all the responsibilities of being the best man wore me out.” He smiled to take the edge out of his words but they weren’t far from the truth.

Hunter left his brothers where they stood, relieved to get out of there. He was thrilled for Alex, really he was. But he needed a break from all the wedding stuff. It had consumed the Worth family, and he was over it.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t over Gracie. Too bad she’d already gone.

A wave of disappointment threatened to wash over him and he shoved it aside. Waving at a few people as he moved through the room, he came out into the quiet corridor with a relieved exhale. Only a handful of guests lingered. A couple stood close to a potted palm, speaking in low tones, the man casually touching the woman on the arm.

Hunter frowned. At least someone was gonna get some tonight.

He headed toward the banks of elevators, tugging his bow tie loose before he shrugged out of his tux jacket. He wore suits on an almost daily basis, but the monkey suit was a bit much after a few hours.

Only one person waited before the elevators, and he slowed his steps, shock coursing through him at the sight. He knew that sweet backside anywhere.


She turned at the sound of her name being called, and he grinned.

Maybe he wouldn’t end up going home alone after all.

Chapter Three


She knew she’d dawdled too long. Becky hadn’t wanted her to leave, had tried to drag her back onto the dance floor, but Gracie’d protested, saying she was too tired. After much begging on both of their parts, they’d come to an agreement.

And Gracie finally made her almost-escape.

She certainly hadn’t expected to run into Hunter again. It looked like he was making his escape as well.

“Fancy meeting you here,” she said somewhat breathlessly as he stopped just beside her.

Oh, and didn’t he look amazing, his black jacket slung negligently over his shoulder, his bowtie unraveled and the first couple of buttons of his crisp white shirt undone. He exuded warm, gentlemanly sex appeal, and she barely suppressed the shiver that stole over her.

She had it bad, and it was such a colossal waste of time.

“I thought you’d already left.” The pleasure in his voice was unmistakable.

Which meant she was in a heap of trouble if she didn’t get away from him and soon.

“Becky tried to convince me to stay.”

“But you didn’t want to?”

She sounded like a complete loser. Oh well, too late now. “I’m pretty tired. And really, I’m not much of a dancer.”

“You were pretty light on your feet when you were dancing with me.” His voice was so low she had to strain closer just to hear him. He could seduce her alone with words. Just listening to him speak sent a shiver throughout her entire body.

The elevator doors opened, relieving her of having to reply. He let her walk in first, then followed her inside, the doors sliding closed with a finality that made her aware.

Achingly aware of the man who stood so close to her in such a confined place. The wedding and reception had been held at the Waldorf Astoria, one of the oldest and most prestigious hotels in New York City. The hotel elevators were awfully small, and one wall was floor-to-ceiling mirrors.

Giving her a perfect view of the two of them standing there, Hunter so tall and lean, his head tipped back in that universal pose of keeping an eye out as the floor numbers counted down.

She watched him covertly in the mirror, greedily drinking him in. The sensual tension brewing between them was almost unbearable in its intensity. They didn’t speak a word, but they didn’t have to. It was so very obvious—at least to her.

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