Worth the Risk (9 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Risk
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“No wonder you’re so tough.”

She frowned. “You think of me as tough?” Did that please her? She wasn’t sure.

“Oh yeah.” He nodded slowly and tugged on her hand, leaving her no choice but to lean closer to him. “Very tough. You wear your sleek sophistication like armor, but just beneath it you’re soft and warm. Like a cuddly little kitten.” He grinned.

Which made her realize he was teasing, and she needed that so badly right now. She hated it when things got too serious. “I am definitely not like a cuddly kitten.”

“Maybe when you bare those fangs and wield those claws, you are.” He laughed and shook his head. “That’s what Alex calls Tessa. Kitten.”

“That seems terribly—sexist.” And quite romantic, if she were to be honest. A sweet, personal nickname. There was probably meaning behind it that no one else knew or would understand. How she wished for that sort of intimacy with someone.

Could that someone be Hunter? No, that was her dreaming the impossible dream. She’d be a fool to believe they could have what Alex and Tessa shared.

“She seems to like it. Of course, she likes everything about Alex. Even his asshole-ish ways.”

Gracie laughed, marveling at the intimacy they shared at this very moment. He was talking about his brother not in a professional manner, but as if he and Gracie were friends. Lovers. He’d shared pieces of himself, his history, and she’d done the same.

Was he always so free when it came to sharing those personal bits of information? She doubted it. He had reason to keep most of it quiet, due to his being such a public figure and part of a famous family—at least in the fashion world.

It made her feel special, that he would share so much of himself and his family with her. Did that also make her foolish?

Probably so. But she was too enraptured with Hunter at the moment to care.

She carefully extracted her hand from his grip, and he gazed at her pensively.

“You’ll come with me to dinner with Rhett, won’t you?” He asked like he was afraid she might turn him down. Vulnerability flared in his gaze, his expression turned to worry, and she was touched that he wanted her there.

Touched even more he was afraid she’d say no.

“Yes, as long as you don’t mind taking me along with you,” she answered.

His smile could’ve blinded the sun. “You’ll be a good buffer. Maybe we won’t fight with you there.”

“Anything I can do to help keep the Worth family peace,” she joked.

“You’re become far more valuable than you think,” he said, his voice serious, his expression solemn.

She had the distinct feeling he spoke the truth. And that scared her to bits.

Chapter Seven


The restaurant was small but loud, with a giant bar that ran the entire length of one side of the building. Every stool was occupied and there was a large group of people waiting in the small lobby, yet Rhett somehow got them right inside. They ended up sitting at a fantastic table outside on the small enclosed patio, their waitress instructed by Rhett to bring them three margarita specials pronto.

“They make the best margaritas ever,” Rhett assured them after she left with their drink order.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Gracie teased, her gaze skittering to Hunter’s briefly before she looked away.

Memories swarmed him of the last time he was with her after a few drinks—naked and tangled in the sheets. Just like that, a faint sweat broke out on his forehead.

“If I knew I had a chance with you, hell yes. But I think you only have eyes for my brother. Why, I’m not so sure, but I’m not going to step on what he considers his.” Rhett laughed and clapped Hunter on the back.

Gracie reared back, her eyes going wide. She wouldn’t look his way, and he wondered at that. Was she surprised by Rhett’s statement? It was a pretty obvious observation, at least to him—and to his brother.

He and Gracie, they belonged together. They fit. He could see it. Rhett could see it. Why couldn’t she?

She ignored him when the waitress returned with their drinks. She took hers with a big smile and immediately sipped from the straw, smacking her lips in satisfaction after she finished. Rhett laughed and encouraged her to drink up, shooting Hunter a knowing smile when Gracie looked away.

What, was his brother purposely trying to get her drunk for his benefit? He didn’t know whether to thank him or tell him to leave her alone.

They continued to chat, Gracie and Rhett. They were closer in age, seemed to have a lot in common, and Hunter glowered, watching his brother charm and flirt with her. White-hot jealousy speared through him, despite his constant self-reassurances that he was being an idiot. She didn’t like Rhett, she liked

Well. She liked him enough to have sex with him a couple of times. Share a few intimate secrets with him too, but that was it.

And damn it, he wanted more. He wanted the entire package. A committed relationship, the works.

Swallowing hard, he grabbed the margarita glass in front of him and took a huge gulp, the tequila settling in his belly and setting it on fire. He should watch it. Too much tequila had a way of making him do really stupid things.

Like maybe tell a woman he was halfway in love with that he never wanted to let her go.

They munched on chips and salsa and sipped their margaritas, enjoying the gentle, warm breeze that was the complete opposite of the freezing cold they’d just left behind in New York. Not a single cloud marred the velvety twilight sky and the city lights reflected on it, giving it an orangey-pink glow.

Gracie had showered and changed when they arrived at the hotel and was dressed casually in a white gauzy shirt with bright stitched flowers embroidered around the neck and a pair of cropped dark rinse jeans. The black sandals on her feet exposed the vibrant red polish on her toenails. She fit right in with the California climate.

She fit right in hanging out with him and his brother too. He wondered if she even noticed.

“How long have you worked at Worth, Gracie?” Rhett asked.

“Just a little over a year.”

“And why haven’t I ever noticed you before? I notice all the pretty women who work at Worth.”

“Maybe because you were too busy clubbing it up to pay much attention,” Hunter interjected after he’d rolled his eyes.

Gracie shot him a chastising look, but he ignored it. He saw the way Rhett’s gaze flickered with embarrassment and, complete ass that he was, he liked it.

The kid needed to be reminded of his past mistakes. They weren’t that long ago.

Rhett didn’t acknowledge Hunter’s remark. “Have you always worked in marketing at Worth?”

She nodded. “I’ve always been in marketing, period. Being at Worth Luxury is like a dream job come true. I’ve always wanted to work for a fashion house.”

“Really? Why’s that?”

Yeah, why was that? He should’ve been the one asking, but he’d let his brother do the talking instead. For now.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, her cheeks coloring a rosy pink. “I’ve always liked fashion. I used to pore over old copies of
I found at the library.”

“Didn’t buy any on your own?”

Her lips thinned and she reached for her drink, took a sip before she answered. “I couldn’t afford to buy magazines growing up.”

That little statement alone blew him away. Even though he’d just learned about her circumstances, he still couldn’t get over it. Hunter didn’t know what it was like, not being able to afford anything he wanted. He couldn’t comprehend not being able to buy a magazine for a few dollars, let alone being shoved around from place to place as a child. With no real family, no parents to care or look after you, never really feeling like you belonged.

That was Gracie’s reality. And it was so far from his, he couldn’t begin to imagine it.

“Were you poor?”

“Jesus, Rhett.” Hunter kicked him under the table.

“Ow.” Rhett glared at him. “I was just asking.” He sounded like a sulking little kid.

“I was definitely poor.” She took another sip from her glass, almost draining it before she set it back down on the table. “I was just about as poor as someone can be.”

“That’s tough.” Rhett sounded completely blown away. Spoiled little bastard probably was. “I can’t imagine.”

“I’m sure you can’t,” Hunter said with a snort.

Rhett gave him the finger. “Like you can, jackass. You grew up same as me.”

Hunter repressed the urge to give him the finger in return. Arguing with Rhett always made him revert to immature ways. “Yeah, but I know what it’s like to work hard for what I have.”

The two men stared each other down silently until Gracie cleared her throat to break the tension. “Okay, you two. Let’s get along now. I don’t want a fight to ruin my dinner.”

Rhett cracked a smile first, shooting it straight in Gracie’s direction. “Fine, I can get along with him for one night.” He studied her appreciatively. “What are you anyway? The Brother Whisperer?”

“I don’t think I could work that kind of magic on the two of you this fast.” She glanced in Hunter’s direction, offering him a sweet little smile and the sight of it sent a zing straight to his heart.

He had it bad. So bad.

“I don’t know about that.” Hunter stirred the frothy drink with his straw. “Having you around means we have to keep it together and not yell at each other. You’re like our personal peace officer.”

“True, he’s right. Stick around, Gracie. We need you,” Rhett added.

Hunter did need Gracie. More than he cared to admit.

“Do you really need me, Hunter?” Her voice was soft, the glow in her eyes solemn. Rhett coughed, as if suddenly uncomfortable, and Hunter parted his lips. Ready to give her the answer she most likely wasn’t prepared to hear.

“Here you go!” Their server magically appeared at the table, carrying a large tray with their dinner orders on it. She placed each plate in front of them, all three of them mute as she chattered on about how hot the plates were and that she hoped they’d enjoy their meals.

Hunter’s mind raced. He didn’t know if he was relieved he didn’t have to make the confession or disappointed he didn’t get to let it all out. He stared at the plate before him, the food literally steaming it was so hot, and his appetite left him.

How could he eat after what had almost happened? Would she retreat? Pull away from him after everything got serious? Yeah, it had been brief but still. He saw the look in her eyes, the way she seemed to hold her breath as she waited for his response.

Damn Rhett for saying the crap that he did. It would’ve never happened like this if Rhett hadn’t been there. He put thoughts in Hunter’s head. Ideas that he wasn’t sure he could cope with—more like ideas and realizations that Gracie probably couldn’t cope with.

He didn’t want to fuck this up. And he was afraid it might be too late.


Gracie pushed the food around on her plate with her fork, her appetite long gone despite how delicious everything looked and smelled. She’d taken a few token bites, but it all had tasted like cardboard in her mouth.

Hunter didn’t appear much better. His plate was still mostly full, though his margarita glass had been drained and he’d requested a new one. Only Rhett was oblivious, eating with gusto, still munching on chips he dipped in his beans before he popped them in his mouth.

She envied his oblivion. And she also realized that she really, really liked him. He was much more carefree than Hunter and Alex. She couldn’t even use the word carefree to describe Alex, he was so far from it. And Hunter, though more easygoing than the oldest Worth brother, was still nowhere near as laid back as Rhett.

He was easy to talk to, easy to laugh with. Not bad on the eyes, either. He had the classic handsome Worth face and dark hair, though he wore his a little longer and it curled around the back of his neck. She was sure the overgrown hair, the sparkling blue eyes and compelling smile drove the women he encountered absolutely crazy.

But Rhett didn’t drive her crazy, not like that. She hated to admit it, but she only had eyes for Hunter.

And right now he would hardly look at her.

What had transpired between them earlier before their waitress had appeared with dinner? She still couldn’t believe she’d said to him.

Do you really need me, Hunter?

Unbelievable. The balls she had to even bring something like that up. She didn’t know if it was pure bravery or absolute stupidity on her part.

More likely the latter, she thought with a barely suppressed sigh.

“What the hell is wrong with you two? You hardly ate.” Rhett pushed his empty plate away from him and waved at the waitress when she looked their way. “Don’t tell me you’re not feeling well.”

Gracie shrugged, leery of what he might suggest. “I’m tired. I think it might be jet lag.”

“Definitely jet lag,” Hunter added.

“I was hoping I could take you two out to a few clubs I like to hang out at,” Rhett suggested just before the waitress stopped at their table and began to clear it.

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