Work of Art ~ the Collection (25 page)

BOOK: Work of Art ~ the Collection
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Tonight’s the Spring Event fundraiser for the Getty Museum and the party’s set up in the Sculpture Garden where the latest acquisition, a large Alexander Calder, is featured. The primary-colored shapes of the Calder defy their actual weight as they shift and rotate in the breeze.

Everywhere we turn, Jonathan knows someone, and he keeps me by his side, introducing me before engaging in various conversations. I like watching him in this setting. He’s so comfortable in his skin, and people respect him, which says a lot in this business. The crowd is on the older side, but I suppose that makes sense; it’s an expensive fundraiser to attend.

There’s an open bar, but I opt for a glass of mineral water, figuring I should take a little break from the drinking. I want a clear head when surrounded by all these art world intellects. Jonathan introduces me to the Sturridges, who are longtime major patrons of the museum, and they have an animated conversation about the recent
Renaissance Masters

After a few minutes, my attention wanes, and I start watching other people’s interactions. To my right is a striking, petite Italian woman with very short salt-and-pepper hair, talking with a tall, older man in a suit. She’s very expressive as she talks and, judging from the grin on his face, he’s delighted by whatever she’s saying.

Another man joins them and hands each of them a glass of wine. As he turns sideways, I realize it’s Max and my heart jumps. He’s so serious as he speaks. He doesn’t smile, and he uses his hands to gesture in a more careful manner than he usually does.

At one point, he pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and shows it to the woman. She takes out a stylish pair of glasses and reads what he’s pointing to. She smiles at Max, shakes her head, and puts her glasses in her bag.

As they continue to talk, another couple joins them, shifting the position of their group. Max is facing in my direction and a bit of panic sweeps over me. Do I want him to see me right now? But as soon as the question enters my head, his eyes lock with mine, and it feels like we’re the only two people on this vast terrace of the Sculpture Garden.

A second later, Jonathan puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer, and I’m temporarily distracted. When I look back, Max is staring at Jonathan. Even at a distance, I can see his jaw tense and the dark brooding in his eyes. He looks angry as his gaze travels between Jonathan and me before refocusing on his conversation with the group.

I have a sinking feeling, although there’s no reason for Max to have an issue with my being here with Jonathan. He might not like it, but he hasn’t given me a good reason not to be with Jonathan. Max and I are nothing more than friends, after all. Regardless, I have an overwhelming desire to clear my head, so I lean into Jonathan and excuse myself.

I weave my way through the crowd and away from Max and his group. As I come to the edge of the gathering, I head for a stone bench facing the railing with a view of the gardens below. I sit and let out a sigh, grateful for the solitude. I take a deep breath. The air’s finally cooled and feels refreshing as it fills my lungs.

Since it’s evening, the garden is artificially lit and the effect is eerie. It feels unnatural to see a garden lit up at night. I reflect on how different my life has been since the New York trip. A month ago, I didn’t even know Max or Jonathan; I wouldn’t have been writing an important book soon-to-be published or attending such an upscale prestigious party.

This month’s been exhilarating, yet I also feel completely out of control.

Jonathan dazzles me, and I’m not acting or thinking clearly. Max has stolen my heart and left me with a deeply-rooted longing for something that may never be within my reach.

So, at a time when I should be enjoying the new excitement in my life, I’m as splintered and fragmented as a cubist painting.

I recall, with a new sober clarity, the scene in the restaurant, and shock hits me once more. Who was that woman lustily feeling up a man she works for in one of L.A.’s most prestigious restaurants?

What in the hell is wrong with me?
I double over and cradle my face in my hands, while resting my elbows on my knees, and let the disbelief wash over me. I’m so overcome with the feeling that I don’t even look up when I hear footsteps behind me.

A moment later, someone settles next to me on the bench. I part my fingers and turn my head to peek.


He’s studying the garden.

I resume my original position for a moment, but then take a deep breath and bravely sit back up.

“Hey,” I say quietly.

“Hey, Ava,” he responds, still watching the view.

We both sit silently for at least a minute.

“So, did you come with Jonathan tonight?”

“Well, we drove separately . . . but yeah, I guess you could say I came with him.”

“I see.” He nods.

But what does he see, I wonder? “Who did you come with?”

“No one. The Matthews invited me, but the only reason I came is because I knew Lisa Forrester from MOMA was going to be here, and it was a good chance to talk to her again. She’s the curator for the show you got me into.”

I smile.

“Jonathan seems quite taken with you.”

“You sound surprised.”

“No, I’m not surprised that he’s attracted to you . . . I’m surprised you’re responding to it.”

I remain quiet, intently looking at the garden.

“I’m going to leave soon,” he says, more to himself than to me. “This isn’t really my crowd.”

I wonder who his crowd is these days.

“Hey, let’s go get something to eat.”

Surprised that he’s willing to leave already, I glance at him. “I’ve already had dinner.”

“Where’d Jonathan take you?”


“Of course he did. Well, you could keep me company. I’d really like that. Hey, have you ever been to The Apple Pan?”

I shake my head.

“It’s the anti-Spago—best burgers in town. You have to stand behind people as they’re eating and grab their stool as soon as they get up to leave.”

I give him a wide-eyed stare. “As fun as that sounds, I can’t just leave, Max. Jonathan doesn’t even know where I am right now.”

“I’ll take care of that. Come on.” He takes my hand and pulls me toward the party, only letting go when I finally start following willingly. We pass a couple of women in party dresses heading toward the bar. As we get closer, he whispers conspiratorially, “Tell him you don’t feel well or something that he can’t argue with. Girls are good at that.”

“You’re trying to get me in trouble,” I chide him.

“Of course I am. I know . . . tell him you have bad cramps.” He snickers, clearly pleased with himself. “That always freaks guys out. Besides, you know you’ll have more fun with me than these rich art snobs.”

I shake my head. I can’t believe I’m even considering this. It’s so rude to do that to Jonathan, even if he’s busy working the event.

“Look, let me introduce you to Lisa. I’ll say hello to Jonathan and then you can drop the cramps bomb and make your escape. Then I’ll sneak out after you.”

“You’ve got this all figured out. What if I want to stay? Maybe I’m having a great time and don’t want to leave.”

“Yeah, that’s why you were sitting on that bench with your face in your hands.”

I glare, and as we weave among the groups of people, I struggle to figure out what I really want to do. I’m annoyed that Max can persuade me so easily, but in my heart of hearts, I’d much rather have another L.A. adventure with him. I’m an anxious little moth drawn to his flame.

We’re almost back to where I left Jonathan when Mrs. Matthews and her husband catch my eye. We stop and Stella smiles at Max and then at me.

“Ava, how lovely to see you here. Let me introduce you to my husband, Stephan.”

I extend my hand and smile. “Mr. Matthews, it’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

“Ava, please call me Stephan. I’m sure Max told you the good news about being included in the MOMA show.” Mr. Matthews is an older gentleman with a sturdy build, and he pulls off that handsome bald look.

“Oh, he did, and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much to both of you for supporting Max’s work.”

“Yes,” Max says, sliding his arm around my waist. “And thank you, Ava, for being my advocate.”

“That she certainly is!” Stella nods with a warm smile.

We excuse ourselves and join Jonathan.

“Ava, I was starting to worry about you,” he says, raising his eyebrows while he appears to be summing up Max. His lips turn down into a scowl.

I decide to alter the details about my conversation with Max, hoping to defuse a conflict.

“Sorry, I ran into Max and we started talking about the book.”

“Well, don’t worry, Max. It’s coming along just fine,” Jonathan comments dryly. “I’m really enjoying working with Ava on it.”

“As am I,” Max quips. “As a matter of fact, we’re spending the day together tomorrow, but you know what, Ava? Let’s just make it a fun day and not do any work at all.”

I give him a dirty look. Why’s he trying to provoke Jonathan? Am I just the door prize for some stupid pissing match?

“I don’t know, Max . . . I’m really not feeling well right now. I may have to cancel tomorrow.”

Max gives me a stern look. I guess our playacting isn’t going the way he planned.

Jonathan moves closer. “You aren’t well?”

“No, I’m sorry to say, but I’m having really bad cramps. You know . . . it’s a girl thing. I may have to leave in a minute,” I whisper.

His color drains as he nods, accepting my ailment without question. It’s rather ironic that he looks extremely squeamish over my “female problems.” Max called that right.

Jonathan suddenly takes my elbow. “Okay, but before you go there’s someone very important here I’d like you to meet. Excuse us, Max.” A couple moves toward us and smiles at Jonathan.

Max turns, and instead of walking away, he smiles at the woman and her companion as well. Jonathan tenses and looks really pissed.

“Lisa,” Jonathan steps forward and kisses her on both cheeks. “You’re a long way from home.”

“Jonathan!” They embrace.

Jonathan shakes her companion’s hand. “Lewis, so good to see you.”

Jonathan turns to me. “Ava, please let me introduce you to my good friends, Lisa Forrester, who’s a curator at MOMA, and noted artist, Lewis Sierra.”

They both shake my hand warmly.

Lisa turns to Max. “Max, this must be the Ava you told me about earlier.”

He nods and looks delighted.

What exactly did he tell them about me?

Jonathan’s eyes narrow and his lips press tightly together. He’s really steaming now. I would actually enjoy this if I weren’t the tennis ball in this grudge match.

“To what do we owe this honor? Did you come out just for the show?” Jonathan asks, trying to gain control again.

“My best friend from college is celebrating a big birthday, so we came out for that and decided to come to this party too,” Lisa says.

“Business and pleasure,” Lewis says with a smile. His voice is a deep baritone.

We continue to talk for several minutes, until I finally decide to excuse myself and say my good-byes to everyone. Jonathan looks concerned and asks if he can at least walk me to my car, but I insist he stay with Lisa and Lewis. He reluctantly agrees.

Max watches me walk away, a devilish smile on his face.

I’m almost to my car when Max runs up behind me. “I’m just over here.” He points to his Porsche parked nearby. “So, follow me out. It’s about ten minutes from here.”

After we park behind The Apple Pan, Max holds open the swinging screen door and we step into a single room with beadboard wainscoting topped with plaid wallpaper and grumpy old waiters wearing white wedge paper hats and standing behind a U-shaped counter. Luckily, there are several empty stools due to the late hour, and Max and I sit right down and order. Our sodas are served in cups that are really white paper cones perched in red plastic holders. This place is several steps back in time and I love it.

Max looks so happy as he eats his burger and I smile. The hickory sauce drips all over his chin as he laughs and tells me sordid stories about some of the patrons from the party. He shares some of his fries with me and I let him eat most of my apple pie. I swing my legs under the stool and feel the most carefree I’ve felt in days. We’re in our own bubble, unaware of anyone else around us.

When we’re done, Max pays and then walks me to my car. “Thanks for coming, Ava. Maybe you should be thanking me. I
save you from a boring evening with that old man.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I wouldn’t say he’s boring.”
If he only knew,
I think. “But I did have fun with you tonight.”

“Oh, admit it, girl,” he teases as he grabs the lapels of my jacket. “I’m much more fun than he could ever be. You’re just trying to make me wild with jealousy.”

“Really?” I push him back as he pulls me forward laughing. “And is it working?”

“Mmm.” He pulls me into a tight hug and groans. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me is almost too good and leaves me wanting more.

“And it’s just a matter of hours until you see me again,” I say as we pull apart.

“Yes, our Huntington Gardens outing.” He smiles as he tucks me into my car. “Until then, Ava.”

I start out of the parking lot, and when I glance back in my rear view mirror, he’s watching me with a smile on his face.

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