Wonderlust (Steel Roses #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Wonderlust (Steel Roses #1)
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“It’s not easy to braid your own hair. I’m a professional and couldn’t get my hair this neat.” I nodded in response. I had so much to do this morning. “Alex is in a really weird mood today.” I had to agree with that. Our conversation this morning was still confusing me. “Did he
eat breakfast this morning?”

“Yeah, but eating breakfast is a good thing. We should encourage him to do that more often.”

“You’re good for him, Nat. I can see a change in him since you’ve arrived.”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with me, but I’m trying the best I can.”

“You’re much better than Milly. She never looked out for him the way you do. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but she was so like him. The pair of them were party animals. It wasn’t good for him. She loves the limelight as much as he does. It was a dangerous combination.”

“Did they ever…you know…”

“Get it on?” Diego finished my thoughts. “No, she wasn’t his type, and Alex
wasn’t hers.” Was he saying that Milly was a lesbian? “She bats for the other side, like me.”

“Oh!” I gasped. “I always assumed the two of them…”

“Most people do. She hasn’t publicly come out yet. They are very close, but more like brother and sister.” Why did I feel so relieved when I heard that?

“And you’re telling me all this because…”

“I see the way you look at him when you think nobody is watching. You like him, admit it.”

Alex Harbour
. It’s difficult
to look at him sometimes. He is a good-looking guy, Diego—I can’t deny that—but it doesn’t mean I
him. The man is a complete nightmare.”

“There’s a fine line between love and hate.”

“Don’t start quoting Steel Roses’ song lyrics,” I complained. “I have work to do.” Turning toward him, I gave my best bitch brow. I couldn’t match his, though. He had more attitude than any
I’d ever known.

“I’m done for now, but we’re not finished with this conversation. I need to go over outfits for the premiere with Alex.”

“Good, go bother him instead.”

“Bitch,” he grinned, tossing his long blonde hair behind his shoulders. “I will get the truth out of you.”
didn’t know what the truth was, but I had to admit that since I’d arrived, David hadn’t crossed my mind that much. Did Alex have something to do with that?

Gazing at myself in the mirror, I hardly recognized the glamorous woman looking back at me. Against my better judgment, I’d decided to wear the Armani dress that Alex had bought me a few weeks ago. Fitting in at this premiere was important to me, even if the dress wasn’t my usual style. I hated to admit that the man had taste, though. The dress was short, but it didn’t cling around my butt like it had in the changing room. That was probably because I spent an hour stretching it. Diego had put my hair up into an elegant bun, as well as doing my makeup and giving me a pair of beautiful, strapless silver stilettos to complete the outfit.

“Come on, hot cheeks,” Diego called from my bedroom door. “Shane is waiting in the limo.”
Did Alex have a spare limo in the garage?

“We’re going in a limo?” I asked, picking up my silver clutch.

“It’s a premiere, Darling. What did you expect?” Shaking his head at me, he put his hand in mine. “I can’t wait for Alex to catch a glimpse of you. You look stunning tonight, even if you didn’t let me style your hair down.”

“I don’t wear my hair down when I’m working.” I’d protested that fact earlier, as well. “Don’t walk so fast. I’ll fall over.”

“Girl, you need to wear heels more often, and this won’t feel like working tonight, trust me.” I ended up taking my heels off because he wouldn’t slow down. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I was too focused on putting my shoes back on to notice Alex making his way toward me. Lifting my head once I was done, my breath hitched at the sight of him. He’d looked nice in his dark blue Dior suit when he tried it on, but now that it was fitted, he looked good enough to eat. I hadn’t seen him this clean cut before. He was clean-shaven, and his hair was more styled than usual.

“Wow, that dress… You look…beautiful.” He seemed a little lost for words as his eyes roamed my body from head to toe. I was fighting the drool that wanted to dribble down my chin. Jesus, his muscles were straining in that suit. It looked good with the white shirt, too. The top three buttons were undone.

“No tie?” I questioned. It was the first thing that came to my mind as I gazed at him.

“I don’t do ties.” I knew that. “I don’t do suits that often, either.”

“You should. You look good in them.” His eyes widened. Shit. I’d just given him a compliment. What was I thinking?

“Careful, Straight Lace, I’m starting to think you might like me,” he winked, running his hands through his hair.

“I do like you, just not in
way.” Grinning, I turned to follow Diego, who had already started to walk away. His outfit was pretty tame tonight. He’d gone for a white suit, a sparkling pink shirt, and pink strappy heels.

“Oh, well that’s progress at least. I thought you still hated me.”

“I’ve never hated you.”

“Not even the first time we met?”

“Come on you two. We’re already late!” Diego called from the front door.

“After you,” Alex gestured, holding his arm out. I moved, holding in a groan when I felt his hand press softly against the small of my back. With his skin touching mine, I couldn’t deny the fire that soared through my body.

“That was very gentlemanly of you, ” I grinned as he joined me in the limo.

“I’m always a gentleman.” I scoffed at his response while we watched Diego slide gracefully next to me.

“No skinny trousers tonight then?” Alex smirked, looking at him.

“Why? Do you prefer me in those? I can change if you want to look at my ass all night.”

“Fucker!” Alex glared. I snorted, watching Diego stick his tongue out at him.

I’d seen events like this on television, but it was nothing compared to the reality of how vast everything was. We were dropped off at the top of the red carpet, which looked a mile long.

“Do you have extra sharpies in your bag?” Alex asked before we both got out.

“Yes, and you’ll have press to talk to halfway down the red carpet after the photo op. I had a long chat with Grace this morning. She’s the media organizer tonight.”

“You did do your research.”

“It helps to be organized sometimes.” Alex nodded, giving me a warm smile.

The noise around us was deafening. Everywhere I looked in the crowd, someone was calling Alex’s name. Watching him with his fans felt surreal. Fifteen years ago, I’d been behind that barrier calling out his name just for a single glimpse of him. Things had definitely changed since then. Here I was today, on the red carpet, aiding him as he greeted the crowds.

“Alex, will you sign my shirt? Alex, can I take a photo with you? Alex, I fucking love you! Alex, sign my tits.” I couldn’t keep up with all their requests, but watching as he made sure they all got something from him—whether it be a smile in their direction, a handshake, or a signature—took my breath away.

“What?” he asked half an hour later before he reached the paparazzi.

“You’re amazing with your fans.”

“They made me who I am today. I owe them everything. Do you still think you have me all worked out?” Gazing at him, I couldn’t answer.

Chapter Eight

“You’re pretty good at handling the media,” Alex mused once we’d taken our seats inside the cinema. “You sure know how to put them in their place. I think that was the most effortless set of interviews I’ve ever had.”

“I have a love, hate relationship with them. I don’t mind being abrupt when they overstep their mark.”

“That’s a little like us.” I had to giggle at that. “You look really beautiful tonight, Nat.”

“Maybe you should keep your eyes on the stage instead of on me.” I smirked, brushing of his comment while we watched the director and main leads take the stage. I tried to collect my thoughts, but
Alex Harbour
had just called me

So many people acknowledged Alex as they wandered past us. Some stopped to congratulate him on the song for the soundtrack. I, myself, was disappointed with the song. It had a more pop feel than rock. To me, it was like he’d sold out on this track. It wasn’t the real him.

My mouth fell open when Adam Rider came over and had a quick chat with us. He was ‘the’ Hollywood actor at the moment, and gazing up at him, I could see why. The man was almost as sexy as Alex, with his dark, almost black hair, deep chocolate eyes and sexy Irish accent. He wore a tux just as well, too.

“When are you going to take that jump into the film industry, Alex?” he asked, darting his eyes toward me.

“That’s never going to happen, Adam. Music is my love. We’ve had this conversation before.”

“And who is this? I don’t think we’ve been introduced.” Adam held my gaze, the same way Alex did the first time I met him. Celebrities of their caliber always had that effect on me, knocking me breathless with their beauty. It was a surreal moment to realize they were real people, not just a perfect face in a magazine or on TV.

“I…I…I’m Natasha White,” I stuttered, taking his hand when he offered it to me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Natasha,” he cooed, kissing the back of my hand. Hollywood actors…were they all this smooth? “I’m not used to seeing Alex with such a sophisticated woman.” Now I was blushing.

“Natasha is my new personal assistant.” Alex’s tone was sharp as he shot daggers at Adam. “You better take your seat, Adam. It looks like they’re going to start.”

“I need to find my date anyway. Good talking with you, Alex. Natasha.” Gracefully, he disappeared into the crowd in search of his seat.

“Wow,” I gasped, holding my chest. “I just met
Adam Rider

“Are you a fan of his?” Alex didn’t seem that interested in my answer. He was busy playing with the arm of his chair.

“Who isn’t a fan of his? I heard he turned down the lead role in this film we’re seeing tonight.”

“I wouldn’t know, but I’m not sure Westerns are his thing anyway.”

“Do you see him a lot? Are you good friends with him?”

“Straight Lace, do you have a crush on Mr. Hollywood? I do know him pretty well. We jam together from time to time.” He couldn’t hide his smirk. “Most actors are womanizers, though, and Adam is no different. I wouldn’t get mixed up with him.”

“I’ve heard that about rock stars, too,” I quipped. “And you definitely live up to that.”

“Maybe you need to find a more reliable source. You really don’t know me well enough to make that judgment yet.” His lips were inches away from my neck as he whispered in my ear. It didn’t help that the lights dimmed just as he spoke, either. In the darkness of a crowded room, all I could feel was his soft breath against my skin.

“I know you well enough. I’ve seen you with countless women in the short time I’ve worked for you.”

“That may be true, but I don’t chase women. Haven’t you noticed they come to me?”

“That still makes you a womanizer.”

“Because I sleep with them?” He was amused with my response. “I enjoy sex. There’s nothing wrong with that. Our bodies were made for pleasure, and nothing feels better than skin against skin. Surely you know that.”

“I don’t understand one night stands. How can you feel connected?”

“You’ve never had a one night stand?” The film had started, but neither of us were paying attention to it. With the surround sound, we did have to move closer toward each other though.

“No. It’s never interested me.”

“You can’t judge something you’ve never done then, can you?” Damn him. He was right! “Whoa! No counter attack this time?”

“Watch the film,” I replied, shaking my head at him. As I glanced over at him a few moments later, I saw a smug look on his face in the dim light.

The movie wasn’t the worst I’d seen, but it wasn’t the most original by any means. The plot was a little predictable; a wanderer came across a small town controlled by outlaws and ended up setting them free.

“Are you both coming to the after party?” Diego asked excitedly as we made our way outside.

“I won’t be,” I replied, looking at my phone. It was only ten thirty, but parties had never been my thing.

“You’re not coming?” Alex frowned at me. He seemed disappointed. “The party is the best thing about these events.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Goodnight, Alex. I’ll hail a cab to get home.”

“Shane can take you. Diego will escort you to the limo.” He wasn’t going to argue about this?

“I can find my own way. It’s fine, really.”

“It will give me some peace of mind. I don’t want you wandering around alone looking like that.”

“Are you worried I might get chatted up by a Hollywood star?” I couldn’t help myself. He was too easy to tease.

“Maybe,” he grinned.

“Order me a mojito. I’ll meet you at the bar,” Diego said to Alex before linking his arm with mine. “Let’s get you home, party pooper.”

“Goodnight, Natasha,” Alex called as I was escorted away. The moment we were no longer beside him, he was surrounded by females. They didn’t like to waste time and had seized the opportunity to talk to him. Why did my heart feel as if it was deflating as I moved farther away from him? He was bound to take one of them home tonight.

“Was that just an excuse to get away from him?” Diego asked once we were out of Alex’s view.


“Oh, come on. Could the two of you get anymore obvious?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sexual tension, that’s what I’m talking about. It radiates off both of you when you’re together.”

“Diego, not this again!” I threw my arms up, irked that he was still talking about this.

“Did you notice his face when you said you weren’t coming to the party?”

“Why would it matter? I’m his PA, not his bloody date!” Diego sniggered at me. “What is so damn funny?”

“You sound so British.”

“Duh! That’s because I
British.” Shane came into view and I sighed in relief. “You go back to Alex. Don’t let him drink too much please. He has meetings tomorrow.”

“Are you sure I can’t persuade you to come to the party?” I shook my head. He’d need a miracle to do that. Liv gave up making me go to parties a long time ago because she knew it was useless. “Fine. I’ll see you later. Don’t wait up, Baby Cakes.” He kissed both my cheeks, and then strutted off, swinging his ass as he went.

“Hey.” Shane touched my shoulder. “Alex sent me a message to take you home. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I don’t do parties, that’s all.” Helping me through the crowd, Shane led me to the limo.

“How was tonight?” he asked, pulling into the traffic. Steve was back at the after party, keeping an eye on Alex.

“Good. He’s amazing with his fans and the press. It was pretty effortless.”

“You’re starting to see all his layers then?”

“He’s pretty messed up, but I don’t think he’s beyond saving.”

“He copes with his life the best way he can. I’d go a little crazy if I had to deal with all the shit that he does.” I shuddered, suddenly realizing I wasn’t wearing that much. “Are you cold? My jacket is on the seat next to you.” Stretching across, I picked up his jacket and slipped it on. “He gave me a grilling about being
friendly with you last week.”

“He did

“It’s okay. I set him straight.”


“It’s okay, Nat. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I am extremely attracted to you.”

“Shane, you’re a great guy…”

“Here comes the ‘but.’” As he pulled onto the driveway that led to the mansion, I gazed at him. The moonlight was caressing his face. He was a good-looking guy. Any normal woman would jump at the chance to be with him, but I’d never been normal. When it came to relationships, I seemed to like them as complicated as possible. Why else would I be single at twenty-nine?

“I can’t see us being anything other than friends. I’m sorry.” He took my hand in his, stopping me from playing with my silver clutch.

“It’s fine, Nat. I’m good with just being friends.”


“Really.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Do you feel up to a game of pool?”

“Sure.” It would kill a bit of time until Diego and Alex got home later. They’d both be drunk and end up waking me anyway.

“You’re pretty damn good at this,” Shane mused, leaning on his cue as he watched me sink a ball.

“I played a lot at uni.” I hadn’t changed yet, but his jacket covered me better than my dress did, so I’d kept that on.

“What did you study?”

“Communication and Media in London. It was a great course. I joined Flavour Records right after I graduated.”

“So this is only your second job?” Shane asked while I positioned myself over the table to hit another ball.


“What about your man back in London? Did you meet him there? Is he flying out to visit you soon?”

“I seriously doubt it. Things between us are…complicated.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I assumed the two of you were…”

“Working for Rock Records is my dream job. I had to choose this over him.”

“But you got Alex as your boss. Maybe you should have stayed in London with your man,” he snorted. I missed a shot, thinking of David as
my man
. That would never have happened.

“It didn’t turn out too bad. I’m here playing pool with you,” I grinned as footsteps came from behind me.

“You’re still up?” Alex was at the doorway, and to my surprise didn’t appear drunk.

“I was just playing a game of pool with Shane. You’re back early,” I commented, looking at the clock. It wasn’t even midnight.

“I didn’t feel like partying so I left Diego there.” Oh! Why did I suddenly feel so uncomfortable standing between Shane and Alex? “I’ll leave you two to your game. Sorry for interrupting,” he muttered, walking away.

“I should go and check to make sure he’s okay,” I whispered, dropping my cue.

“No, finish the game at least, Nat. You’re not on the clock right now. You don’t have to chase after him.” That was true, but it didn’t stop me from doing just that.

I found Alex out by the pool with a glass of whiskey in his hand. “What was all that about?” I questioned, sitting next to him on the same wooden sunbed.

“What?” he snapped. “I didn’t want to intrude on you and lover boy.” Was he sulking? “Now I understand why you wanted to get home so quickly. You’ve had the place all to yourselves.”

“Do you know how ridiculous you sound?”

“You’re going to deny it?” he spat, turning his ice-cold stare toward me.

“Deny what? The fact that I was playing a game of pool with a

“If Shane is who you want, that’s fine! Just don’t lead me on as well!” What the hell was he talking about? I wasn’t leading

Leading you on!
When the fuck have I ever done that? I’ve made it quite clear from day one that I don’t want any kind of relationship with you. Jesus, Alex, I have never met a bigger asshole than you. You really think no female can resist you, don’t you?”

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