Wonderlust (Steel Roses #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Wonderlust (Steel Roses #1)
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“Oliver is pissed off with me.”

“As he should be! You promised him you wouldn't be drunk. Look at you!”

“I always knew
get his happily ever after. He’s rich, handsome, and sits behind a desk all day. I’m never in the same place for too long, so it’s impossible for me. Besides that, the ones I want never want me back. It’s so fucking ironic. I can have
woman I want, yet that one…” He was rambling. I had no idea what about.

“Stop rambling like a drunk! You’re on stage in ten minutes. Focus!”

“I’ll be fine. You go and take a seat. Give me a few minutes to warm up.” I had to trust him.

Jade, Mr. Kirkham's girlfriend, was stunning. As I watched them greet their guests, I realized that they made a perfect couple. The pure devotion and love bounced off of them. Neither could keep their eyes away from each other. It made me wonder what a love like that felt like.

As the band began to play, I took a seat. I hadn’t heard Alex sing since I was fifteen.

I knew the three songs Mr. Kirkham had asked Alex to play.
Secret Garden
by Bruce Springsteen
, When We Were Young
by The Killers and
When A Man Loves A Woman
by Percy Sledge
However, I didn’t know what order Alex would be playing them in.

The music to
Secret Garden
began to play, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Kirkham lead Jade to the floor. All I was focused on, though, was Alex as he took to the stage. His body looked tense. He was searching for something. When his eyes found mine, he took a deep breath and began to sing.

I’d been transported back to my teenage years. No one’s voice had ever held me the way Alex Harbour’s did, and that hadn’t changed. My heart began to race, my pulse so loud, I could hear it in my ears. This is what
did to me. How he made me feel.

His voice was still raw, the gravelly tone mixed with a softness spoke to me in a deep, unchanging way. Everyone else faded away. All I saw was him.


“Are you sure the two of you can’t stay any longer?” Jade asked, still giddy from Mr. Kirkham’s proposal. She’d said yes, of course.

“Unfortunately, we have to catch a flight to New York,” I sighed. “Congratulations again, though. It’s been lovely to meet you both.”

“I want an invite to the wedding, Ollie, and I don’t mean as the wedding singer,” Alex teased, shaking his friend’s hand.

“That can be arranged, so long as you bring the lovely Natasha as your date,” Mr. Kirkham replied. Alex nodded while I blushed. Jeez, these two men were both so hot. How the hell was Jade so composed standing there?

“Look after him, Jade,” Alex grinned.

“Oh, I plan to. You have nothing to worry about.” We left the lovers gazing into each other's eyes as they rejoined their party.

“Mr. Kirkham and Jade are a lovely couple,” I mused, taking a seat on the private jet a while later.

“I think Ollie's met his match. They’ll be good for each other. In a lot of ways, he’s like me. He needs a strong woman to tether him to reality.” I was a strong woman. I could keep Alex grounded, too.
Stop it, White!

“You did great once you sobered up.”

compliments, Straight Lace?”

“You gave me a
bedroom. You deserve them.” Joking was the easiest way to dissolve the direction of the conversation.

“True. I’m going to take a nap. Wake me just before we land.” That meant I could watch him sleep. Oh. My. God, I was turning into such a perv, but I couldn’t help myself.

“You can wait here. Gina and I won’t be long,” Alex murmured. Being here at Rock Records was a little daunting for me. This music company was twice as big as Flavour Records.

“Good luck.”

“He’ll need more than luck. He needs a damn miracle,” Gina said as she glared at Alex. “You have
song. One original song for this album!”

“It will be fine.” He turned, winking at me before making his way down the corridor. In the short time I’d known him, I’d learned that he could sweet talk his way out of anything.

I sat reading my emails as I waited. My parents had sent me an update on their world cruise, complete with photos. I hadn’t managed to meet up with them yet. Truthfully, I hadn’t even asked Alex if I could take a few days off to see them. My parents understood that I was busy at work, though. Even if my mother did kick up a fuss about it.

An hour later, Alex and Gina emerged from the meeting. Alex had a smug smile on his face. He’d obviously gotten his own way again.

“How did it go?” I asked, closing my laptop and standing up to greet them.

“They’ve pushed the deadline back so I can work on more material,” he grinned, looking down at his phone. He seemed a little distracted.

“That’s great.”

“He’s got to sign up for a
stadium tour
next year, though.” Gina stressed. “He’s hasn’t toured in
five years

“That’s a good thing, right?” I frowned, looking between them.

“I don’t need to worry about that yet. It’s months away.”

“Alex, you can’t hide your head in the sand. You have to do this. You’ll lose your label deal if you screw around with them this time.” Gina was getting more agitated by the moment.

“We can talk about this later. I’m going for a drink with Milly before my flight home,” Alex glared.
Milly Crown
? Of course that’s who he was referring to. She was living in New York now. “Do you want to come, Nat?” Gob smacked, I gazed at him. Why would he invite me?


“You can say no. It’s fine.” He chuckled at my reaction. I’d always wanted to meet Milly, but something told me Alex needed some time to talk to his friend. They hadn’t seen each other for months.

“I have a few things to sort out for Diego’s party, actually,” I lied. Everything was already taken care of. All I had to do was get a dress for myself.

“Okay, I’ll only be across the street. I’ll meet you back here in a few hours. Get the receptionist to make you a coffee or something. I’m taking Steve with me.” I grinned up at him. “What?”

“I’ll be fine. Go.” With a shy smirk, he nodded and then left.

“He has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.” Gina sighed, slumping down on the couch. “He thinks he can write an entire album on his own in
four months

“That doesn’t seem like such a task.”

“Nat, Alex hasn’t written an album in over ten years, and even then, he wrote those with Matt Higgins. He can’t do this on his own.”

“Maybe you should have more faith in him.”

“The man can’t stay sober or drug free for more than three days. How the hell does he think he can write an entire album?” I was beginning to understand why Alex felt so isolated at times. Even his own manager didn’t believe in him.

“Gina,” the receptionist called from over her desk. “You’re wanted back in the boardroom.”

“Great,” she mumbled under her breath. “If I don’t see you and Alex before I get back, have him call me tomorrow.” Nodding, I watched her make her way back down the corridor.

Growing tired of waiting at reception, I’d texted Alex to let him know that I would be in a coffee shop down the street. He didn’t reply, but I knew he’d read the message. He and Milly had a lot of catching up to do. It made me wonder what their friendship was based on. Had Diego been right? Was it all about the parties? Or was there something deeper? Was Milly someone he could confide in? Did she help him with his burdens from fame?

Sitting there strumming my fingers along the side of my coffee mug, I watched people hustle around outside. I loved New York. I’d been here a few times for work and with Liv on a girly weekend break, but being here with Alex, it was different. New York loved him. They welcomed him with open arms. He was spotted everywhere he went, and the hysteria only seemed to multiply. Laughing, I saw a group of women run past the window. I had one guess where they were heading. Word must have gotten out that he was drinking in a bar with Milly.

We needed to catch our flight in an hour, so I decided to call Steve. Shane hadn’t come on this small trip with us. He was busy getting the security ready for Diego’s birthday party next week.

“Nat,” he answered on the first ring.

“Steve, is Alex almost done? Our flight leaves in an hour.”

“Let me ask him.” Crap, I didn’t want to ruin Alex’s fun, but he did have a lot to do. I heard muffled voices and a few laughs. “He said meet him in the bar.” Oh no!


“Natasha, get your ass over here now.” Alex was suddenly on the other end of the phone. “I’ll leave once you’ve met Milly.”

“Okay,” I sulked.

“Are you pouting?” How the hell did he know that? “I’m not asking you to come to a party. It’s just a
. Steve will wait at the entrance for you. I’m in the VIP area.” With that, he hung up. I wasn’t even dressed to go to a bar. I was in my usual attire of denim shorts and a top. Why did he always do this to me?

Checking my reflection in the mirror, I gave Steve a shy smile as I pulled up outside the bar. At least my hair looked tidy in its braid.

“Is he sober?” I shouted over the music, following Steve inside.

“He’s only had a few drinks.” I noticed Alex and Milly as he spoke. Even in a dim lit room, Alex’s presence was strong. He was laughing and looked so carefree while doing it. Maybe that was the effect Milly had on him. She was his closest friend, after all. It shouldn’t have bothered me, but I couldn’t help but feel envious of her. She’d been there through the ups and downs of his career. She knew him better than anyone.

She was beautiful, too. Gazing at her, she looked like a movie star. Her deep, red hair was catching the shine from the spotlights, intensifying her beauty. She was thin, elegant, and held Alex’s attention better than any woman I had ever seen him with. I had to remind myself that she was a lesbian.

As if Alex could sense that I’d arrived, he turned and his eyes locked with mine. My mouth went dry. I had to remember to put one foot in front of the other as I moved toward him.

“Here she is,” he beamed, touching my arm before turning to look at Milly. “Mill, this is Nat.”

“My replacement,” she teased, taking a step closer. “Wow, you are cute!” she gasped, looking me over. “And look at those eyes!” This woman was making me blush.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Milly. Congratulations on the talk show, by the way.”

“Maybe you can help me persuade Alex to come be a guest. The fucker keeps declining my offer.”

“We’ve already spoken about this,” Alex laughed. “You know too much about me to go on
TV, Mill.”

“You’re no fun,” she pouted, moving to take a seat on one of the couches.

Alex turned, giving me a warm smile. “Do you want a drink?” I looked at my watch. We needed to catch our flight soon. “Nat, we can catch a later flight. Relax.”

“I’ll have a vodka and coke then, please.” He grinned, obviously happy with my response, and beckoned a waitress over. Three waitresses battled to get to him first, and I fought to hold in a giggle as I joined Milly on an opposite couch.

“You’ve noticed how all the pussy swarms around him too, huh?” she snorted. “It’s a good thing Shane and Steve know what they’re doing. Alex is a pussy magnet. Has been since the moment he could play a guitar.”

“Do you remember that time in Madrid? When they were climbing from balcony to balcony to get to my room?” Alex took a seat next to me, stretching his arm out on the back of the couch.

“The ninja fans? Shane had no idea where they were coming from. He soon stopped them, though.”

“What can I say? That’s the effect I have on most women.” Alex shot his eyes toward me as he spoke.

“Ha! Most? You’re too modest! What are we drinking then? Shots?” Milly clapped her hands together as the waitresses brought my drink over.

“We’re only having a few, Mill. I have a flight to catch later.”

“Don’t be silly. I haven’t seen you in months. Let’s party while you’re here. You can crash at my apartment tonight. You both can,” she offered, batting her eyelashes at him. Alex looked torn and I didn’t want to ruin his fun. I didn’t see the harm in going back to LA in the morning. It wasn’t like we were going clubbing. I could sit and have a few drinks in a bar with
Alex Harbour
Milly Crown
. Shit, I was a lucky bitch!

“I can rearrange our flight for the morning, Alex. It won’t be a problem.” My voice was too quiet.

“Are you sure?” he asked in surprise, raising his eyebrow at me.

“Yeah. It’ll be nice to have a drink and let my hair down, too.” He chuckled, shaking his head at me. My choice of words was funny because I’d never
let my hair down since I’d arrived.

“Okay, now that everything has been decided, can I get the shots in?” Milly grinned.

“Yes, line them up,” Alex replied. What was I getting myself into?

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