Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy (49 page)

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Authors: Melvin Konner

Tags: #Science, #Life Sciences, #Evolution, #Social Science, #Women's Studies

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“I can’t just lose my V-card”:
Ibid., 7.

“There’s girls dancing in the middle”:
Ibid., 7.

“‘Get down on your knees’”:
Ibid., 7.

“The Morning After”:
Anne Campbell, “The Morning After the Night Before: Affective Reactions to One-Night Stands Among Mated and Unmated Women and Men,”
Human Nature
19, no. 2 (2008): 157–73.

“The men had subsequently behaved disrespectfully”:
Ibid., 162.

“I have a very poor self image”:
Ibid., 166.

Men’s comments:
Ibid., 165.

“Thought it would be one of life’s experiences”:
Ibid., 166.

Hookups at Syracuse University:
J. M. Townsend and T. H. Wasserman, “Sexual Hookups Among College Students: Sex Differences in Emotional Reactions,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
40, no. 6 (2011): 1173–81.

Kinsey Institute review of studies of hookup culture:
Justin R. Garcia, Chris Reiber, Sean G. Massey, and Ann M. Merriwether, “Sexual Hookup Culture: A Review,”
Review of General Psychology
16, no. 2 (2012): 161–76.

“Bare Market”:
Jeremy E. Uecker and Mark D. Regnerus, “Bare Market: Campus Sex Ratios, Romantic Relationships, and Sexual Behavior,”
Sociological Quarterly
51 (2010): 408–35.

Similar effect in high schools:
W. D. Manning, M. A. Longmore, and P. C. Giordano, “Adolescents’ Involvement in Non-Romantic Sexual Activity,”
Social Science Research
34, no. 2 (2005): 384–407.

“Women possess something very important”:

“Among all peoples it is primarily men”:
Donald Symons,
The Evolution of Human Sexuality
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1979), 253.

“Men . . . have more frequent and more intense sexual desires”:
Roy F. Baumeister, Kathleen R. Catanese, and Kathleen D. Vohs, “Is There a Gender Difference in Strength of Sex Drive? Theoretical Views, Conceptual Distinctions, and a Review of Relevant Evidence,”
Personality and Social Psychology Review
5, no. 3 (2001): 242.

An Australian survey:
Ibid., 246.

Classic study of sexual offers:
Russell D. Clark and Elaine Hatfield, “Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers,”
Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality
2, no. 1 (1989): 39–55. For an entertaining and unapologetic retrospective, see their “Love in the Afternoon,”
Psychological Inquiry
14, nos. 3–4 (2003): 227–31.

2011 “replication”:
T. D. Conley, A. C. Moors, J. L.
Matsick, A. Ziegler, and B. A. Valentine, “Women, Men, and the Bedroom: Methodological and Conceptual Insights That Narrow, Reframe, and Eliminate Gender Differences in Sexuality,”
Current Directions in Psychological Science
20, no. 5 (2011): 296–300.

Petersen and Hyde confirmed substantial differences:
J. L. Petersen and J. S. Hyde, “Gender Differences in Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors: A Review of Meta-Analytic Results and Large Datasets,”
Journal of Sex Research
48, nos. 2–3 (2011): 149–65.

Sex differences in fantasy lives:
Bruce J. Ellis and Donald Symons, “Sex Differences in Sexual Fantasy: An Evolutionary Psychological Approach,”
Journal of Sex Research
27, no. 4 (1990): 527–55.

Lesbian versus gay male relationships:
Phillip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz,
American Couples: Money, Work, Sex
(New York: William Morrow, 1983).

STD risk in gay, heterosexual, and lesbian relationships:
B. G. Everett, “Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
42, no. 2 (2013): 225–36; F. Xu, M. R. Sternberg, and L. E. Markowitz, “Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States: Demographic and Behavioral Characteristics and Prevalence of HIV and HSV-2 Infection; Results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001–2006,”
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
37, no. 6 (2010): 399–405; F. Xu, M. R. Sternberg, and L. E. Markowitz, “Women Who Have Sex with Women in the United States: Prevalence, Sexual Behavior and Prevalence of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection; Results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001–2006,”
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
37, no. 7 (2010): 407–13.

Who pays cash for sex?:
See discussion and references under “Sexual Economics” below.

“Romance and pornography”:
Catherine Salmon, “The Pop Culture of Sex: An Evolutionary Window on the Worlds of Pornography and Romance,”
Review of General Psychology
16, no. 2 (2012): 152.

“Pornography is a male fantasy world”:
Ibid., 158.

Fifty Shades
E. L. James,
Fifty Shades of Grey
(New York: Vintage, 2012). They are reconciled in the sequel, but on somewhat different terms.

“Sexual Economics”:
Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs, “Sexual Economics:
Sex as Female Resource for Social Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions,”
Personality & Social Psychology Review
8, no. 4 (2004): 339–63.

Charlie Sheen and the Hollywood Madam:
Shawn Hubler, “Actor Says He Got Call Girls from Fleiss on at Least 27 Occasions: Trial: Jury Views Videotape of Testimony by Fidgeting Charlie Sheen; Checks Totaled More Than $50,000,”
Los Angeles Times,
July 21, 1995, http://articles.latimes.com/1995-07-21/local/me-26278_1_dr-paul-fleiss-heidi-fleiss-tax-evasion-and-money, accessed Sept. 13, 2014.

Strip clubs mainly women performing for men:
For details and references, see the Wikipedia entry “strip club,” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_club, accessed Sept. 13, 2014.

Coercive sex is overwhelmingly male:
Lawrence A. Greenfeld,
Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault,
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, February 1997, downloaded Sept. 13, 2014, at http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/SOO.PDF.

Psychologist Melissa Hines:
M. Hines, “Prenatal Endocrine Influences on Sexual Orientation and on Sexually Differentiated Childhood Behavior,”
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
32, no. 2 (2011): 170–82.

Neurobiologist Margaret McCarthy:
M. M. McCarthy, “A Lumpers Versus Splitters Approach to Sexual Differentiation of the Brain,”
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
32, no. 2 (2011): 114–23.

exposure to high levels of prenatal androgens:
S. A. Berenbaum and A. M. Beltz, “Sexual Differentiation of Human Behavior: Effects of Prenatal and Pubertal Organizational Hormones,”
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
32, no. 2 (2011): 183–200.

“programmed into our brain”:
A. M. Bao and D. F. Swaab, “Sexual Differentiation of the Human Brain: Relation to Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and Neuropsychiatric Disorders,”
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
32, no. 2 (2011): 214.

“little direct evidence supports this notion”:
S. LeVay, “From Mice to Men: Biological Factors in the Development of Sexuality,”
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
32, no. 2 (2011): 112.

differences beyond the hypothalamus:
J. Sacher, J. Neumann, H. Okon-Singer, S. Gotowiec, and A. Villringer, “Sexual Dimorphism in the Human Brain: Evidence from Neuroimaging,”
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
31, no. 3 (2013): 366–75.

126 brain-imaging studies:
A. N. Ruigrok, G. Salimi-Khorshidi, M. C. Lai, S. Baron-Cohen, M. V. Lombardo, R. J. Tait, and J. Suckling, “A Meta-Analysis of Sex Differences in Human Brain Structure,”
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
39, (2014): 34–50.

changes in brain activity over the menstrual cycle:
J. Sacher, H. Okon-Singer, and A. Villringer, “Evidence from Neuroimaging for the Role of the Menstrual Cycle in the Interplay of Emotion and Cognition,”
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
7 (2013): 374.

Male amygdala larger:
Ruigrok et al., “Meta-Analysis of Sex Differences”; J. E. Bramen, J. A. Hranilovich, R. E. Dahl, E. E. Forbes, J. Chen, A. W. Toga, I. D. Dinov, C. M. Worthman, and E. R. Sowell, “Puberty Influences Medial Temporal Lobe and Cortical Gray Matter Maturation Differently in Boys Than Girls Matched for Sexual Maturity,”
Cerebral Cortex
21, no. 3 (2011): 636–46; and X. N. Zuo and ten other authors, “Growing Together and Growing Apart: Regional and Sex Differences in the Lifespan Developmental Trajectories of Functional Homotopy,”
Journal of Neuroscience
30, no. 45 (2010): 15034–43.

Landmark menstrual cycle study:
Alice Rossi and Peter Rossi, “Body Time and Social Time: Mood Patterns by Menstrual Cycle Phase and Day of the Week,”
Social Science Research
6 (1977): 273–308.

Chapter 9: Developing Daughters

Rosin’s provokingly titled book:
Hanna Rosin,
The End of Men: And the Rise of Women
(New York: Riverhead, 2012).

Rosin, they said, grossly exaggerated:
See, for example, Jennifer Homans, “A Woman’s Place,”
New York Times Book Review,
September 13, 2012, and Stephanie Coontz, “The Myth of Male Decline,”
New York Times,
September 29, 2012, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/30/opinion/sunday/the-myth-of-male-decline.html?pagewanted=all, accessed Sept. 13, 2014.

CEOs of Fortune 500 companies:
See current data, accessed Sept. 13, 2014, at http://www.catalyst.org/knowledge/women-ceos-fortune-1000. The statistics are dynamic; the last time I had checked, in December 2013, the percentage of women among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies was 4.2, not 4.8.

Georgia’s WIN List:
http://gawinlist.com, accessed Sept. 13, 2014.

EMILY’s List:
http://www.emilyslist.org, accessed Sept. 13, 2014.

Obama on the fiftieth anniversary of King’s speech:
For video and transcript, see http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/08/video-and-transcript-president-obama-speech-50th-anniversary-mlk-i-have-dream, accessed Sept. 13, 2014.

Hillary Clinton concession speech:
For a transcript and a link to a video, see http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/jun/07/hillaryclinton.uselections20081, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

“Madam President”:
http://www.emilyslist.org/news/entry/madam-president-iowa-town-hall, accessed Sept. 14, 2014. For the “deep bench” of future women candidates for president, see http://mpotus.tumblr.com/.

Women heads of state:
For a brief history of women as national leaders, see http://content.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2005290,00.html, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

Norwegian prime minister and cabinet:
http://www.regjeringen.no/en/the-government/solberg/members-of-the-government-2.html?id=543170, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

UN Women’s
Transformative Stand-Alone Goal: For a summary and links to the complete document, see http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2013/6/un-women-launches-global-call-for-a-transformative-agenda-to-make-gender-equality-a-reality/, accessed Sept. 14, 2014.

“These ideas are not new”: A Transformative Stand-Alone Goal,
p. 34, downloaded Sept. 14, 2014, from http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/unga13/women.pdf.

the best way to spend a development aid dollar:
For the basic argument, see Nancy Gibbs, “To Fight Poverty, Invest in Girls,”
February 14, 2011, http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2046045,00.html, accessed April 13, 2014. Melinda French Gates, cofounder of the Gates Foundation, gives up-to-date references in “Putting Women and Girls at the Center of Development,”
345, no. 6202 (2014): 1273–75.

Sex ratios by age and country:
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,
The World FactBook,
Field Listing: “Sex Ratio,” accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2018.html.

Something is wrong here:
T. Hesketh and Z. W. Xing,
“Abnormal Sex Ratios in Human Populations: Causes and Consequences,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
103, no. 36 (2006): 13271–75.

Missing women:
Amartya Sen, “More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing,”
New York Review of Books,
December 20, 1990, accessed Sept. 14, 2014, at http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/1990/dec/20/more-than-100-million-women-are-missing/; and A. Sen, “Missing Women—Revisited: Reduction in Female Mortality Has Been Counterbalanced by Sex Selective Abortions,”
British Medical Journal
327, no. 7427 (2003): 1297–98.

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