Read Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla Online
Authors: Marc Seifer
Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Science & Technology
Stetson, Francis Lynde, 135, 174-75, 178
Stillwell, Lewis B., 54, 78, 133-35, 241, 384
Stockbridge, Frank Parker, 339-40
Stoilkovic, Stanko, 436-37, 440
Stokowski, Leopold, 355
Stone, John Stone, 372-73, 375, 377
Storm, Margaret, xiii, 468
Strickfadden, Kenneth, 428
Strong, F. Finch, 158
Stumpf, Carl, 18-19, 200
Swezey, Kenneth, 412-13, 448, 450, 458
Szigety, Anthony, 20-22, 43, 66
tachyon, 418, 423-25
Tate, Alfred O., 38
Tauscher, Hans, 433-34
Taylor, Myron, 419
telautomaton, 19, 193-203, 239-42, 317, 349, 407
Telefunken, 360, 368, 374, 377, 381; pays Tesla royalties, 361, 369, 397; increases size of Sayville, 369-70; subpoenas Marconi, 371; wireless spying, 375, principals arrested, 377, 388
telepathy, 91, 94, 355
telluric currents, 188-89.
See also
earth currents
Terbo, William, ix-xii, 7, 418
Tesla, Angelina (Trbojevich), 6-7, 13, 93, 190, 293
Tesla, Dane, 7, 10-11, 441, 465-67, 488
Tesla, Djouka (Mandic), 6-7, 10, 93, 98, 415, 441, 465-67
Tesla, Josip, 6-7, 13
Tesla, Marica (Kosanovic), 7, 93, 95, 190, 293
Tesla, Milka (Glumicic), 7, 93, 293
Tesla, Milutin, 6-7, 10, 16, 18
Tesla, Nikola: 289; autobiography, 399-400; beliefs concerning life after death, 165, 385-86; birth, 1, 7; birthday celebrations, 383, 421, 441, 464; body, sends electricity through, 89-90, 112-113, 120, 142, 325; Buddhist influence,
Buddhism, Akâsa, Vivekananda; celibacy, 207-8; Colorado Springs notebook, 219-20, 283, 508-09
19, 20; cult figure, xiii, 428-29, 467-70; death, 444-51, 448; Descartes, influence, 19, 202; as ditch digger, 40-42; at Paris Edison Works, 27-30; Pearl Street Station, 33-39; salary controversy, 34-35, 38-39; Edison Medal, 384-86, 396, 458, 463; eidetic imagery, 11, 509
20; and ESP, 91, 94, 382, 400, 439; extraterrestrial connection, 152, 154-55, 157, 216, 220-26, 241, 318, 351, 404, 416, 422, 465, 467-68, 509
17; gambling, 17, 466; heritage, 1-4; honorary doctorate, 130-31; honors, 441-42, 464; hotel bills unpaid, 292, 301, 405-8, 412, 430, 434; illnesses, 13-14, 22, 29, 93-95, 169; laboratory fire, 146-47; nervous collapse, 314, 319, 321-25; obfuscation of his name:
Hering, Pupin, Steinmetz, E. Thomson; Kline: 490
47; Hughes: 490
52; personality, 11-12, 174-77, 188-90, 197-98, 207, 228, 307-8, 328, 337, 385-86, 412-13, 440-11; psychoanalysis, 440-41, 465-67; pool playing ability, 28, 141; revelation, 22-23; sexuality, 17, 412, 465-67; pigeons, 325, 381, 385, 404, 412, 414, 429-30, 440-43, 466-67; press attacks, 196-99, 226, 241-42; secret papers, 446-62, 468-69; remark, anti-Semitic, 212; suppression of papers, 443; ship named after Tesla, 445; and quantum model of atom 168-69; vs. relativity, 102, 418, 420-27, 461, 526
5; on radioactivity, 424-25
tesla, 464
Tesla Electric Co., 41, 43, 361
Tesla Memorial Society, xiv, 464
Tesla Museum, 300, 459, 471
Tesla Ozone Co., 341
Thaw, Harry 310, 322
Thomson, Elihu, 25, 36, 38, 40, 46-48, 63, 69, 71, 74, 76, 119, 135, 241, 279, 377, 381, 384; AC invention, 81; arc lighting, 40; disputes with Tesla, 48, 70, 72; and Martian canals, 156, 404; and stolen AC blueprints, 78, 135-36; Thomson-Houston Co., 70, 77-78.
Thomson J. J., 84, 86, 108, 377
Thompson, Sylvanus P., 25, 120, 276
Thomson, Elihu
Thurston, R. H., 44, 99
Tito, Joseph, 447, 464
Trbojevich, Nicholas, ix-xi, 294, 383, 418-19, 450-51
Trump, John O., 452-57
tuned circuits, 99, 109, 218, 232, 348
bladeless turbines
Twain, Mark 35, 160, 207-8, 238, 336; meeting with Tesla, 127; photographed in lab 128, 139; saves Hammond Sr., 345; Tesla deal, 197
Tyndall, John, 115
Uhlman, Lewis, 217, 231
Upton, Francis, 36-37, 71
Vail, B. A., 41
Van de Graff, Robert, 454, 525-30
Van Tassel, George, 468
vector waves, 96, 461, 498
Verne, Jules, 155
Viereck, George Sylvester, 337, 369, 436, 438-42
Villard, Henry, 37, 76-77, 134
Vivekananda, Swami, 161-62, 164-65, 239, 257, 260
Von Braun, Werner, 156, 529
Vril power, 63, 193-94, 197, 202, 216
VTOLs 329-35; 403
Wallace, Henry, 442, 448-49
Waltham Watch Company, 399
War of the Worlds,
Warden, James, 260, 291, 309, 324
Wardenclyffe, 260-74, 276, 283-91, 349, 362, 464; height, 271, 313; underground construction, 283, 290-91, 407-8; cupola, 290; destruction, 385, 393, 395
Webb, J. Beavor, 162
Weaver, Gen., 353
Weilage, G. J., 443
Westinghouse, George, xiv, 38, 46, 48-60,
74, 76-77, 82, 150, 171, 175, 238, 255, 360, 384, 386, 400, 465; war of the currents, 47; purchases Tesla patents, 49-50, 52-53, 58-59, 190, 210; and Chicago World’s Fair, 100, 119; harnesses Niagara Falls, 134-137, 175; letter to Tesla, 238; death, 366-67.
See also
Westinghouse Company
Westinghouse Company, 52, 100-101, 119, 147-48, 151, 214, 360, 391, 401,
Westinghouse Company (
) 430-31, 452, 455; swap with GE for Tesla patents, entente cordial, 178, 190, 276-77, 393, 524
53; reclaims Tesla’s equipment, 291; pays Tesla’s rent, 435
Westinghouse Electric Tesla polyphase system, 101, 148
Wetzler, Joseph, 44, 66, 70-71, 84, 277
Wheeler, George, 161, 299
White, Stanford, 35, 98, 122, 194, 231, 246, 310-311, 325, 343,362; assassination, 322-23; Chicago World’s Fair, 159; girl-in-the-pie party, 160; and Tesla, 158-59, 160-64, 179, 245; and Wardenclyffe, 261-62, 266-67, 269-72, 301
Whyte, William, 464
Wilbur, Curtis, 354
Williams, G., 184
Wilson, Ernest, 344
Wilson, Robert Anton, 470
Wilson, Woodrow, 354, 364, 368-69, 377, 381, 388, 409-10; war powers act restricting wireless, 391-92, 401
wireless transmission, 83, 88, 99, 103-10, 115, 121, 126, 143, 146, 157, 165-66, 187-88, 211, 213, 232-34, 239, 241, 253-54, 273, 285, 350-51, 389, 419, 439; patents, 311-12, 391, 430; priority discussion, 185, 280-82, 359, 363, 368, 371-72, 387-88, 391, 430; non-interferable messages, 248-49, 281, 350-51; wireless telephone, 218, 232, 369; ground connection, 99, 143, 219; tuned circuits, 99, 109, 166, 216, 218, 232, 281, 348, 372, 407; of pictures, 183; stationary waves, 317, 471-74; of power, 86, 105, 107, 114, 176-77, 189, 230, 318, 351, 419 telephotography (and television), 247; world telegraphy, 287.
See also
Colorado Springs; earth currents; magnifying transmitter; telautomaton; Wardenclyffe.
Wise, Tad, xv
Wittenberg, Philip, 452
Wright Brothers, xi, 309, 332, 345
Zahm, A. F., 333.
Zenneck, Jonathan, 361
Zivic, Fritzie, 414
Zmai, Jovan Jovanovich, 95, 119, 124-25
Zoric, Milica, 13
ast editor of
MetaScience, A New Age Journal on Consciousness,
Marc J. Seifer presently edits the
Journal of the American Society of Professional Graphologists.
With over seventy publications in such periodicals as
Rhode Island Business Quarterly, Rhode Island Bar Journal, Hands On Electronics, Extraordinary Science, Parapsychology Review, Lawyers Weekly
Psychiatric Clinics of North America,
Dr. Seifer is internationally recognized as an expert in the field of graphology and also on the inventor Nikola Tesla (the subject of his doctoral dissertation). Featured in Marquis’
Who’s Who in the World, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, The Economist, Providence Journal
(Sunday supplement),
Niagara Falls Review
(Sunday supplement), the
Miami Herald
and the
Washington Post,
he has lectured at such institutions as the United Nations, Kings College, Cambridge University, Oxford University, University of Vancouver, City College of New York, Long Island University, Colorado College, Cranbrook Retreat, Kendall College, West Point Military Academy, as well as in Boston, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Denver, Detroit, Providence, New York, Santa Fe, Tucson, Jerusalem and Haifa, Israel, and Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
His works include
Staretz Encounter
(novel and screenplay),
Tesla: The Lost Wizard
(screenplay co-author),
Handwriting & Brainwriting
(collected works),
Hail to the Chief
The Stephen Rosati Story
(true crime) and
Mad Scientist of the Gilded Age
(video short documentary). He has also written articles on such individuals as Wilhelm Reich, Gurdjieff, the Dalai Lama, Uri Geller, J. Pierpont Morgan, John Hays Hammond Jr., John Muir, Edwin Armstrong, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Franklin Roosevelt, and Steven Jobs.
With a B.S. from the University of Rhode Island, five semesters of graphology at the New School for Social Research, photography at the School of Visual Arts, an M.A. from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. from Saybrook Institute, Dr. Seifer works as a handwriting expert and testifies in court. He is also a visiting lecturer in Psychology at Roger Williams University.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Seifer, Marc J.
Wizard : the life and times of Nikola Tesla / Marc J. Seifer.
p. cm
“A Citadel Press book.”
ISBN 1-8065-1960-6
1. Tesla, Nikola, 1856-1943. 2. Electric engineersUnited StatesBiography. 3. InventorsUnited StatesBiography. I. Title.
TK140.T4S65 1996