Without You I Have Nothing (60 page)

BOOK: Without You I Have Nothing
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The feelings
overtaking his body intensified as he felt the satisfaction rush from his body
to explode inside her.

Seeing the look on
his face, hearing his loud groan and feeling his penis swell within her,
Jennifer rejoiced.

Gripping each other
tightly, they had reached the peak together. Jennifer's sex squeezed his penis
as it filled her full of thick, warm semen. Their orgasms seemed to have no
end, feeding from each another as they both spasamed, organs and arms
interlocked, moaning into each other's mouths as they attempted to kiss.

They were husband and
wife in name and in deed.


As the boom, boom,
boom of the local mosque calling the faithful to prayers shattered Jennifer's
nap she felt the warmth of Peter cuddling her back and the determination of his
little one to go exploring again. Very aware of her nakedness, she was startled
as she heard him chuckle.

"So trying to
seduce me again, eh?  We have no time for that. Come on - there's a water
shortage in Singapore so we'll shower together, but don't get your hopes up, as
we have to leave quickly. We have a very busy day ahead of us."

Grabbing her hand, he
dragged her into the bathroom and under the shower with him. Ignoring her complaints
at his bossiness, he soaped her back, lingering over her buttocks and legs then
turned her around to begin on her front. Smiling, he watched her eyes close and
heard her shy moans. Next, he gave close attention to her breasts and his mouth
claimed her nipples.

Jennifer pulled his
head closer to her as she drove Peter onwards. Spreading her legs wide, she
felt those gentle hands climbing from her knees to her groin on the pretext of
soaping and washing her. A protest burst from her lips as Peter slid down to
kiss her sex and to probe her treasure cave with his tongue in search of her

"Peter, you're
insatiable. You just told me we're in a hurry and here we go again!  Will you
please stop?"  Jennifer tried in vain to sound annoyed as she continued,
"What are you doing?"

Seeking to overcome
her resistance, Peter looked up at her with a hangdog look on his face. "Loving
my dear, darling wife,” he answered, "and I will never stop."

Laughing, she grabbed
the face washer and rubbed it into his face.

Her laughter
encouraged him. Giving his full attention to pleasuring her before rising to
his feet, he turned her around, allowing his penis to rise between her legs
before he bent her over to cling to the handrail. She felt that marvelous slide
as he entered her, and the incredible feeling of his filling her as one hand
gently tugged her nipples and the other dipped to play with her clit. Together
they climbed the mountain and together they clung to each other as they leapt
off the peak to explode in ecstasy.

After recovering and
drying each other with the thick, white hotel towels, hand in hand, they
returned to the bedroom and Jennifer, horrified, saw specks of her virgin blood
on the sheets.

"Peter what will
we do?  Everyone will know!” she cried.

Peter laughed before
giving her a hug and kissing her forehead. "We'll dress. Then we'll pack
some clothes. My friends here will look after everything, as they know who I am.
Look in the writing room where we took off all our clothes."

Jennifer was amazed. On
the writing table was her sari, freshly washed and ironed, along with her
undergarments and jewelry. Peter's suit was there, also cleaned and pressed. Even
his shoes were polished.

A note said it all,
"Mem, we prayed that The Little One would be a good lover for you and
Lakshmi answered our prayers. May Ganesha protect your home and look after you
and yours."

Discouraging Jennifer
from dawdling or ordering breakfast, Peter quickly led her to the hotel

A Mini Cooper S, the
same color and same fittings as hers in Australia, drew up. The driver handed
the keys to Peter who passed them to Jennifer.

"You drive and
I'll navigate,” he said.

As it was too early
for peak hour traffic, they were soon driving across the Causeway. Jennifer was
thankful for Peter's quiet instructions and found she was soon enjoying
threading her way through the motor bikes and bicycles.

The Johor Baru
Customs gave her passport a cursory glance but Peter's passport caused a

Jennifer became a
little frightened when two Malay police officers escorted Peter to the Police
Stand where he engaged in a long conversation with the officers. She was
relieved when an officer accompanied her smiling husband to their car.

The officer walked
around to Jennifer's window.

"Selamat datang
ke Malaysia, Puan O'Brien. Welcome to Malaysia,” he said. Then with a smile he
added, "Drive carefully and don't let Tuan behind the wheel."

"Let's go!” 
Peter began explaining, "They were interested in me as my passport showed
many visits here and needed to know what we were doing. Everything became clear
when I said we're on our honeymoon. Now, away we go. Turn left at the next
intersection and follow the road signs that say Kuala Lumpur. Get ready for a
Malay breakfast or possibly Indian."

"Isn't the toll
way a delight to drive on?” remarked Jennifer. "But I'm very wary of the
motor bikes, especially those with three or more people on them.”  Jennifer was
enjoying driving, as the highway, a multi-lane toll way, was better than she

Seeing a group of attaps,
huts built of bamboo and banana leaves, looming, Peter recommended slowing and
leaving the main road. He pointed out where to park and together they walked
into the area full of makan stalls.

"'Makan' is
'food' in Malay,” explained Peter, "and sit on your left hand. The teapot
- well what you think is a silver teapot - is full of water. Take it in your
left hand and drip the water over your right then shake your hand dry.”

Patiently he
explained the traditions of Malay eating demonstrating as he spoke.

"Dua te au, dua
nasi lemak, dua sop ayam."

Jennifer was
surprised how easily the words rolled off his lips.


The meal arrived. Huge
portions of rice, a watery black, unsweetened tea, a broth with chicken pieces
beside the bowl and on another plate lay what seemed to be an omelet. Peter
explained that it was a type of bread, roti canai, filled with minced meat,
curry with eggs and onion. He commenced eating.

Watching Peter
carefully, Jennifer followed his lead and noted that the Malay men were
studying her intently. It was obvious they were curious about Peter but were
too polite to ask any questions. Nevertheless, she felt uncomfortable.

With the meal ended,
Peter bellowed and men rushed with accounts which he didn't deign to read scattering
Ringgit on the table before standing. Taking her arm, he escorted her back to
the car after they had washed their hands at the communal sink.

"That was a
Halal, Moslem Food, Makan Stall. I'm sorry the stares of the Malay men
embarrassed you."

Changing the topic he
added, "Look for the Melaka turnoff and take that. It will be on the

Toll payments were
small, tollbooths came and went and it was barely 9.20 when armed guards halted
them at the entrance to an army camp.

A heated conversation
in Malay ensued until an officer came to the car and, satisfied with Peter's
credentials, saluted before waving them through.

Guided by Peter,
Jennifer drove to the Parade Ground. She didn't understand the officer's Malay
command. "Fall out the guard,” as they drove off. The Officer was
preparing for Peter's departure.

Seeing Jennifer's
uneasiness caused by the military surroundings, Peter explained that this had
been the Gurkhas’ camp when he served with them, but it now belonged to the
Malaysian Army.

At the Parade Ground,
Peter stood beside the car and Jennifer made no sound as she held his hand. He
was living with the ghosts of his past and he could hear the drums, the pipes
and the brass band of his regiment on that fateful day when he took the
Regimental Salute. His eyes clouded with memories but he was holding himself
ramrod straight and she knew his thoughts were there, reliving his history.

Finally, with a deep
sigh, he came back to the present and smiled at his wife as he sat her in the
passenger's seat.

"Now it’s my
turn to drive,” he remarked.

As they returned to
the main gateway, Jennifer saw two lines of soldiers standing to attention on
either side of the gate. The same officer, who welcomed them when they arrived,
asked Peter to inspect the guard.

Jennifer leaned back
in her seat asking herself what more was there to discover about this man. She
thought she had learned all there was to know about him but she was finding
more and more day-by-day and she liked what she was uncovering. He was hers and
she was happy.

Past rubber
plantations, past palm oil plantations and into the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur
they drove.

Jennifer was tiring
and was glad Peter had taken over the driving so she could just sit back to
enjoy the scenery and Peter's running commentary.

The only movement she
made was when his hand slipped to her knee and began wandering. With a slap,
she reminded him that he had to behave while he was driving. However, her
giggle told him his attention was most welcome and it held a smiling promise
for later, when they arrived at their hotel.

Peter drove to the
entrance of the Regent Hotel and handed the keys to the doorman.

"Please park the
car and arrange to have the bags taken to our suite,” he directed as he grasped
Jennifer's hand and led her across the lobby to where two sari-clad young women
were waiting. Jennifer recognized them from the wedding - they were Peter's two
Tamil sisters.

"Two o'clock you
said, and two o'clock it is, Peter,” said one, looking at her watch.

Her sister joined in.
"Poor Jennifer!  I'll bet you have led your wife a merry dance, Peter. You
have no consideration!” and his two Tamil sisters began to berate him for his
lack of attention to the Jennifer’s needs.

"Come on
Jennifer, let's eat. I'll bet all he's eaten is that chili dish of his. How he
doesn't burn his tongue we'll never know, but does it make him hot stuff?"

Blushing, Jennifer
tried to answer but couldn't get a word in edgeways.

Ignoring her
reaction, the sisters showed by their impish grins and tinkling laughter that
there was no intention of offending.

The two young women,
one on each side of Jennifer and clinging to her arms, marched off leaving
Peter to trail behind. Chattering gaily, the women were oblivious to his

Even at the meal
table, they ignored him until he ordered chilies and fresh limes and sodas - no

"Peter, you've
not changed!  You know there are foods available that don't need chilies.”  His
sisters knew him well.

Without asking
Jennifer, they ordered some white wine and fish with chips.

Laughing, they
explained they believed she would be missing good Australian tucker and
Jennifer couldn't help asking how they knew the Australian idiom so well.

One ruffled Peter's
hair, explaining, "You can't be around this man without learning something.
What have you done to him, Jennifer?  He's glowing and looks so happy. Come on
explain your secret. Can he keep his hands to himself?”  They had noticed Peter
reaching for Jennifer's hand.

She blushed again,
and this time the blush rose to the very roots of her hair, but the sisters
prattled on disregarding her embarrassment. Immediately the meal ended the
girls took their leave.

"Jennifer, rest.
We'll be back at five and will be taking you off for some pampering. Peter,
drown in the pool for the afternoon and let your poor wife have some peace
without you trying to attack her. Put your hands in your pockets for a while,
not on poor Jennifer. She must be black and blue with your paw prints."

Giggling, they left
while Peter, his arm around Jennifer's waist, collected the keys to their room.

Holding her against
the wall of the elevator, he tried to kiss her senseless. She struggled,
whispering, "Behave Peter. Someone will get in."

"Don't care if
they do, but I sure won't be kissing them."

BOOK: Without You I Have Nothing
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