Without You I Have Nothing (58 page)

BOOK: Without You I Have Nothing
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She bent her head
until their lips touched and she allowed her passionate longing to flow into
him. Then, breathless, she struggled free. Shrieking, she fled for the poolside
and breakfast. Her message was unspoken but clear.

Peter pretended not
to have understood as they trooped off exploring yet again. He led the way with
an urgency that surprised Jennifer.

In Arab Street, he
seemed to be searching for something as he studied the windows. Surprised by
the wealth of materials and the rich variety of carvings on offer, Jennifer
straggled behind until Peter led her into a shop heavy with incense.

"Benares Silk,”
he demanded. His Tamil sisters had taught him well.

"These are the
best, young Sahib... Now Sahib, this Sari…,” taking one from the pile, he
lightly draped it around Jennifer's hips. "It suits the young memsahib. Just
right for her coloring - and feel the texture - the finest quality."

He paused, and
clapping his hands, summoned his wife from the rear of the shop.

"What would you
like to drink, Memsahib?”  She asked.

They sat and accepted
the fresh lime sodas offered by the Indian's wife who was totally surprised
when Peter thanked her in Tamil. Politely, Peter listened to the sales pitch
before laughingly interrupting, "And I'm a stupid Australian. This isn't
Benares Silk!"

Fingering the sari,
he continued, "And this isn't gold thread. A Hong Kong factory produced
this sari. Sorry!"  Peter began to make his way towards the entrance.

"If the Young
Sahib would like to see...”  The shopkeeper and Peter repeated the pantomime
until Peter demanded a shirt and removed his.

The shopkeeper's
wife, seeing Peter's back, shrieked and the shopkeeper went seven shades of
white. "Sahib, forgive this poor, ignorant man. We do not sell shirts but
if you wait a moment a shirt shall be here for you."

"Yes and I want
a jeweler. Not some salesman from the Pasar Malam (night market) either."

The shopkeeper
reluctantly produced the sari from the window and the haggling really began.

The purchase of the sari
included the buying of a choli and a pavada. When Peter demanded that the
shopkeeper's wife teach Jennifer how to wear the blouse, the petticoat and the
sari she took Jennifer to a room at the back of the shop.

Ashi, as he called
himself, commented, "The memsahib will look beautiful. You've chosen well.
However, you'll need something special to match her beauty."

Peter allowed Ashi to
lead him next door to a tailor where he selected an off-cream material for a
featherweight suit. His purchases included a dark brown shirt, pale cream tie
and new tan shoes. With the measurements taken, Peter warned the tailor that he
would be back the same afternoon to collect his purchases.

Feeling very pleased
with his devious surprise, Peter returned with Ashi to see Jennifer rejoining
them from the back of the shop. Her red hair down to her shoulders, and her
right arm hanging free of its folds gave the sari life. She walked with such
grace that the sari swished in a sexual benediction. Peter's heart stood still
while Jennifer's face betrayed no emotion as she silently studied Peter's eyes.

"My God,
Jennifer!  If only you could see how beautiful you look!  I'd whistle except
that my mouth's gone funny. Quick, change out of that before I run amok."

She skipped into his
arms. "Peter, you spoil me."

When Peter asked that
Ashi's wife deliver Jennifer's clothing to Raffles, he was adamant that she be
there to dress Jennifer by 7.

They returned to the
hotel early in the afternoon when the steamy heat had sapped Jennifer's strength.
She knew that the evening would be special and was grateful that Peter was
content to hold her.

"Sleep well my
love. We'll paint the town red tonight. While you sleep, I'll have a swim. Remember,
this heat means I'm home."

She was already
drowsing when he left.

It was easy in Arab
Street to have a shave and a massage before going to the tailor's for a fitting.
Dressed in the new clothes, Peter looked in the mirror to see a well-dressed
almost handsome, tall, muscular Australian male. From there he returned to
Ashi's to check the sari had left and to see if his order from the jeweler had

It seemed to take
forever to get back to Raffles in the traffic and to commence knocking on the
door of their suite.

Ashi's wife slowly
opened the door. She stepped back to reveal Jennifer whose cool green eyes were
pools for Peter to drown in and he could only suck in his breath in admiration
of his wife's loveliness.

Finally Peter could

"Mrs. O'Brien,
may I have the pleasure of your company this evening?"

The emerald earrings
hung from her ears. The emerald pendant lay low in the dip of her choli, which
modestly revealed the tops of her breasts and the shadowy suggestion of her
cleavage. The pale green sari with its gold brocade border enhanced the color
of the emeralds and highlighted her beauty. Gold sandals peeking from beneath
the hem of the sari told Peter she had done some shopping of her own.

"I don't know
what my husband will say when he finds such a handsome, well-dressed stranger
in our room.”  She turned Peter around. "Who was your tailor, Peter?  You
look terrific."

"By the way, I
found this in the corridor and I thought you may as well have it, but I don't
know how you'll explain it to your husband.”  Grinning, Peter carefully took
her right arm and fastened the emerald and diamond encrusted bracelet to her

"The card in my
pocket reads 'To the most beautiful woman in Singapore', but I can't give it to
you in case your husband reads it."

magnificent Peter. How can I ever thank you?  What can I say?”  In reply,
Peter's eyes flashed a very strong message and Jennifer blushed furiously.

Jennifer's coloring
and the ease with which she wore the sari brought stares and murmurs of
approval as they made their way down the broad staircase and across the crowded
foyer to the nightclub.

The crowd watched
their entrance and Jennifer felt most self-conscious as she glided across the
floor, clinging tightly to Peter's arm, to a table close to the stage and the
dance floor.

Their evening,
however, was brief as the excitement of the past few days caught up with them
and they felt too exhausted to remain. Together, they returned to their suite.

After sliding the
drapes back, Peter opened the shutters wide so the full moon of the tropics lit
the room. Deliberately and purposefully, he removed Jennifer's jewelry and
placed the pieces on the writing table.

Jennifer's mind
relished the fact that tonight they would become one. Her body melded to his
and the sweet passion as they began to kiss was electrifying.

As his kisses rained
down on her, intensifying their passion, Peter gently put his hand to her
shoulder and began removing the sari until it lay as a silken pool at their

"Ohhhh...” was
the moan that replied to his action.

He unbuttoned her
choli and bent low over her, caressing her breasts and stomach with his lips. Still
he kissed her as his fingers gently slid her blouse and pavada from her body
and they slipped also to become part of the silken pool.

Her heart was
pounding and she was apprehensive, but she truly wanted Peter.

Standing upright and
looking into her eyes, hungrily he slid his hands over her flat stomach and her
full, round breasts still confined by her lacy bra.

Jennifer reached up
and began slowly unbuttoning his shirt, then removed his trousers. She threw
them to the side, and they became part of the discarded clothing.

Without realizing,
they moved closer to the bedroom.

His skin felt
exquisite against her. She ran her fingertips lightly over his back, tickling
slightly as though she were playing a piano, raising goose bumps all over his

Sighing with
pleasure, he buried his face between her milky white breasts, nuzzling the warm
valley between them.

Her hands slid up his
back and into his hair. She held his head between her breasts while he licked
and kissed her tingling flesh. His body was hard, ever so muscular... he was
just, well, just Peter and he was what Jennifer desired.

He slid his hands
slowly down her back and was aware of the heat of her skin, as if she were running
a fever. Peter wondered if that was due to how much she wanted him, but didn't
wish to interrupt their loving to think about it. His hands ran down her sides,
caressing her while kissing every inch of skin, discovering ways to give her

Her silken wisps of
panties were soon sliding down her legs but Jennifer seemed blissfully unaware
of the loss. She moved her legs to wrap one around his body and tilted her hips
upward, even though they were both still standing, hoping to convey how much
she wanted to make love with him.

He pressed his hard
maleness against her in response, showing her that he wanted her just as much.

As he undid her bra
and it slid to the floor, Peter couldn't believe his eyes as before him were
her beautiful breasts - adequately sized but with the shape and firmness
usually attributed to smaller women. The nipples, hard and wanting, turned up
and out as if begging for his attention - they were his - and his heart

Leaning forward, and
kissing her neck, he paused. Lightly he bit and kissed her earlobes. This
seemed to drive her wild and he locked that up in his memory for future

As his hands cupped
her breasts, he gasped his delight. They really were as firm as they had
appeared. He kissed down her neck and reached one breast, making a line
straight for one of her perfectly pink nipples.

She moaned her joy at
his pleasure of her nakedness. His first attention to her earlobes, throat and
neck had brought her almost to a point of exploding, but this new interest with
her breasts was quickly undermining her ability to stand.

She was shaky and
could feel the ardor begin to override her ability to remain upright.

She wanted him now. The
need grew within her until her mind, unable to cope, shut down and she began to
slide to the floor.

Holding her tightly
in his arms, Peter lifted her and carried her to their bed where he lay beside
her, marveling at her naked beauty.

Jennifer studied him,
the green depths of her eyes flashing their message of love.

Rolling her onto her
belly, Peter began worshipping her back, adoring the creamy, unblemished
whiteness of her skin.

As if they were
unsheathed claws, he dragged his fingernails across her shoulders then down her
back to her hips, all the while whispering into her ear as she writhed under
the delicious assault.

"Welcome, my
love, to the Tiger's Kiss."

His lips followed his
fingernails and the difference - the soft sweetness of his lips and the harsh
reality of his nails - began to eat into her consciousness.

"My God, Peter
what are you doing?"

"Worshiping you,
my own sweet love.” was the soft answer.

Jennifer's eyes flew
open and she gasped as the kisses swept across her buttocks. His hands curled
up and held her buttocks in awe before he sat back on his haunches to study her
more fully.

The air was full of
her fragrant need, as he leant down. Again, he nibbled her ear lobes.

She writhed and
groaned her pleasure into the pillow as his lips kissed her shoulders and his
hands continued their merry dance. Down her sides, to the outside of her legs,
they pranced until they held her ankles.

Peter lifted one foot
and buried his lips on the sole before beginning to suck on each toe. The
worshipping of her body continued.

She tried begging him
to stop but he refused to take any notice. The second foot gained his attention
before he spread her legs and began an upwards slide of fingers and lips until
he reached her inner thighs.

The softness, the
heat and the fragrance enticed him and he used his head to nudge her legs even

The thought of what
he was doing and where he was, what he could smell and that her private parts
were open to his gaze and his kisses were enough to make Jennifer's body arch
into a bow as her body demanded more.

BOOK: Without You I Have Nothing
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