Without You I Have Nothing (14 page)

BOOK: Without You I Have Nothing
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Jennifer was ashen
and speechless. Pandora’s Box was open and she had to accept the consequences. Slowly
she studied him, unable to interrupt as the story unfolded.

“I remember that we
had packed and were off for a holiday to the Cameron Highlands, the cool resort
area. Mum and Dad could not stop hugging and kissing and saying it was their
second honeymoon.

“But one incident of
the trip is burnt into my brain. We drove around a wide sweeping bend to find
the way blocked by an overloaded truck. My father got out to see what the
trouble was. A burst of gunfire startled Mum and me. She looked terrified and
my father was dead.

“Suddenly the doors
flew open. Someone threw filthy, stinking bags over my head and tied me to a
bamboo pole. Slung like a pig going to market between two men, I was carried
into the jungle at a brisk trot.”

Sighing, Peter looked
at Jennifer. “Do I go on?”

“You still haven’t
explained your back.”

“Do you promise that
my story goes no further than you?”

Jennifer nodded.

“I was taken prisoner
at the age of six and, for the next six years, became a slave, flogging post
and student. My masters flogged me until I learned to speak Mandarin, Cantonese
and Hokkien, to read and write Mandarin, speak, read and write Malay,
Indonesian, Thai, Lao and Tamil as well as learning the art of disguise. They
used me as a punching bag until I learned how to protect myself.

“Because my mother
was also a prisoner, they knew that I’d keep my mouth shut and, with brown
contact lenses to conceal my blue Christian eyes, I was their spy. I went into
neighboring kampongs, Malay villages, to steal, to gather information or to
pass on orders.

“To add to my misery
the leader of the thugs shot my Mother. Not many months after her shooting I
had a Kukri at my throat. A platoon of Gurkhas that had been following the
fleeing band had rescued me.”

Sightless, Peter
stared at Jennifer. Then, groaning, he returned to the present.

“I believe that’s
enough to answer your questions. I’ve said too much already.”  Peter dropped
his head into his hands and Jennifer could see he was weeping - the memory of
his mother and father and their deaths too vivid. Through his tears, he sobbed
words she could scarcely hear.

“The full story is
for my future wife when she first agrees to marry me.”

Jennifer slid to the
floor beside him and rocked him in her arms.

Peter lay there,
wrapped in her comfort and warmth for what seemed ages.

Finally, he stood and
helped her to her feet.

“Let’s dress and go
to eat. You can practice using your chopsticks again.”

Jennifer remembered
the Chinese restaurant very well and when the waiter approached, she grinned at
Peter as she spoke. “Tell the Boss ‘The Little One’ is here.”  Peter could only
smile back at her.

The headwaiter had
eyes only for her and smiled at Jennifer saying, “I see that you’ve tamed ‘The
Little One’. Hold onto him... he’s really special.”

“I know,” was
Jennifer’s reply.

He led them to a
corner table where even the arrival of the meal didn’t stop their holding hands.
Again, they ate well and Jennifer was amazed at how easily she could accept
Peter’s Cantonese and how effortlessly she managed the chopsticks.

As they left Jennifer
inquired, “Why was the Boss so interested in me?”

“He has never seen me
with a woman before so he assumed…,” Peter’s voice trailed off as Jennifer
hugged his arm tightly.

Back at Peter’s
apartment, Jennifer attempted to return to the prior discussion of Peter’s life
but he ignored her questions instead asking, “Would you please be my partner at
a very special event next Saturday?  You must trust me enough to ask no

For a long time Jennifer
hesitated, before whispering a shy, “Yes.”

“Then the special
event is - on Saturday morning at 9 am a limousine will pick you up at your
apartment. The driver will take you to various places all day. You will do
exactly as you're told - exactly.”

Holding up one hand,
Peter stopped Jennifer’s questions

“You’ll eat a light
luncheon and I’ll pick you up that evening at say 7. You will be my Cinderella
and I shall try very hard to be your Prince Charming although I do believe I
make a better frog. Ask no questions now. Are you sure you still want me as
your Prince Charming?”


“I said no questions
- not one.”

“Peter, you can be
such a confusing bugger.”

Ignoring her comment,
he stood and seemed to fiddle at the back of the altar before saying, “Close
your eyes and open your hands.”

Jennifer did as bid
and allowed Peter to lift her to her feet and lead her into her bedroom.

“Open your eyes.”

She gasped. In her
hands were the two diamond earrings and the diamond necklace she had seen
around his mother’s neck.

“These are for my
wife and I hope against hope that the lady of my life will be you. The gems are
yours to wear on Saturday night. They are on loan to you, shall we say, and
perhaps if I can win your love, they are yours and your daughters’ forever.”

Jennifer could only
stare at the jewels in her hands. Slowly she turned away from Peter and still
studying the jewels, quietly walked to the mirror.

“Can I put them on
now so you can see them on me?”  Without waiting for an answer, she pushed him
out of the room before closing the door. Delighted, she made a careful
selection of underwear and a dress with a moderately plunging neckline so the
diamond necklace could glitter with joy, sitting in the shadow of her cleavage.

“Oh, hell, you're so beautiful,
and I'm such a frog,” were Peter’s words when she left the bedroom, but
Jennifer would have none of it.

She reached up and
kissed him lightly on the lips.

“If that’s the case,
then you're my own special Frog.”

Saturday arrived after a week of
hectic rehearsals.

Growing even closer
to Jennifer, wanting her so much it hurt, Peter could not help walking around
with a huge grin on his face as he wondered how Jennifer was coping. His
thoughts showed his plans were falling into place.

Chapter  4     A Fairy Tale Date

In the taxi, he began
muttering to himself.

“It’s so naughty of
me not to tell her but it will be so delicious to see the surprise on her

Sitting in the
barber’s chair, he waited for a shave and haircut. He knew that he had to look
his best.

Across town, with
beauticians hovering over her, Jennifer was perplexed,

‘Peter can be a real
bugger,’ she said to herself in a most unlady-like manner. She had two girls
giving her a manicure - including false nails - two giving her a pedicure and
yet another giving her hair a rinse ‘to bring out the highlights', so they told

The beauticians
creamed her face and her neck. They gave her shoulders even more intense
treatment and didn’t allow Jennifer to touch a thing. They even applied her
make-up meticulously.

By four o'clock, they
were satisfied and, with hair piled high on her head in the manner of regency,
she was travelling in the limousine to the next stop of the day - a very
expensive-looking boutique.

The owner met
Jennifer at the entrance and led her inside to displays of costly evening gowns
and accessories that were even more expensive.

“Ah, Miss Blake, you
look beautiful. Let me see what I have for you.”

By 6:30, after hours
of dressing Jennifer in various evening gowns he seemed satisfied and moved
onto the next item on his list. He asked Jennifer, “Have you done as Mr. Peter
required and brought the diamonds?”

Unable to speak,
Jennifer nodded, opened her purse and handed them to the owner who hung the
necklace around her neck and pinned the earrings to her ears.

“Oh, before I forget.
This is a gift from Mr. Peter who said it is yours as a thank you for being his
escort for the night.”

He clipped a diamond
tiara to Jennifer’s hair before leading her to a full-length mirror.

Unbelieving, Jennifer
stared at her reflection showing the transformation that had been wrought.

The green silk, ball
gown was just the right color for her and the diamonds seemed to accentuate the
fire in her eyes. She knew that she would enjoy dancing in those green slippers.
Smiling, she projected her thoughts into the mirror. 'What had Peter said about
Cinderella?  Well, bring on the Pumpkin Coach.'

The limousine was no
longer empty as Jennifer carefully walked down the steps from the shop. Peter
alighted and stood to hold the door open, his face a picture of awe.

“Jennifer, thank you
so much. Thank you for tonight - a night to treasure.”

Her silk gown dipped
low from her shoulders and seemed to hang there by the strength of will power
alone. The gown flaring over her hips emphasized her feminine waist. The touch
of lace at the bodice snuggled warmly against the silken pillows of her breasts
heightening the regal rise of her neck. Gleaming in Jennifer’s auburn hair,
swept up to pile high on her head, was the tiara while the diamonds glittering
at her neck seemed to set her green eyes ablaze. The earrings were just the
balance needed.

Jennifer was
surprised that Peter did not attempt to touch her or kiss her and, when she
sat, he didn’t try to sit beside her but sat opposite. He said nothing but his
eyes told her a complete story of his devotion and his belief in her beauty.

Eventually, the
limousine stopped and the chauffeur opened the door. Peter alighted to turn and
help Jennifer step out into the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House.

She paused to study
Peter anew. In white tie and tails, he looked so elegant. Taking his proffered
arm, she leant into his ear.

“You're so handsome,
my frog prince, so very handsome you’ve won Cinderella’s heart.”

Slowly they climbed
the long flight of red-carpeted steps and turned to walk across the foyer to
the restaurant. Flash after flash of news cameras hindered their progress and
Peter tried to appear inconspicuous.

With their incessant
questions, reporters swooped on Jennifer while completely ignoring Peter.

Laughing nervously
and smiling, she answered their questions while Peter allowed her the limelight
until, tiring of the attention, she tightened her grip on his arm and they were
ushered to their table overlooking the harbor.

Jennifer leant across
the table, her hand in Peter’s.

“You scrub up well. I
hardly recognized you in the formal wear.”  Her smile told him she was teasing.

“I had to scrub up
particularly well to match your beauty.”

“Peter,” Jennifer was
suddenly shy. “Will you kiss me, please?”

Peter slowly rose to
his feet. Moving to her side and bending low, he cupped her chin in his hand. He
kissed her gently, trying not to smear her lipstick.

“You can do better
than that,” Jennifer laughed and her hand snaked into his hair and pulled him
hard into her open mouth. Flash bulbs almost blinded Peter as he stood
breathlessly trying to re-gather his wits.

The passion in her
kiss almost consumed him.

Smiling broadly,
Jennifer reminded him of their acting as he regained his seat.

“Come, a kiss to seal
the bargain. I owed you that.”

Dinner over, Peter
led Jennifer to their seats.

“Please sit on my
right, Jennifer. That seat has always been vacant but tonight I have the most
beautiful woman possible sitting with me. Do you know what makes it even
better?  She wants to be with me.”  He squeezed her hand.

The lights dimmed and
the orchestra struck up. The potpourri of tunes from Die Fledermaus made
Jennifer’s feet tap and she clung to Peter as the opera progressed. At the end
of Act One Peter escorted Jennifer from her seat around to the stage door where
the number of people who knew him astonished Jennifer. He led her to the side
of the stage where they stood, in the wings with a crowd of couples all attired
in evening dress. Peter put his arm around her as if he were about to dance
with her.

BOOK: Without You I Have Nothing
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