With or Without Him (26 page)

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Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: With or Without Him
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“What did you think?” Haris asked him.

“Excellent,” Wilson said.

“Is that it? One word?”

“And rather loud.”

Haris laughed.

“I take it from your renewed good humor that whatever the little contretemps was that upset the equilibrium, it’s now been settled?”


“I didn’t mention it before but it might be as well to make sure you’ve made that clear because his bag is packed.”

Haris’s heart sank. “Is it?”

“Obviously I wasn’t prying, merely changing the sheets, though I couldn’t help but notice.”

“Right. And why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I thought you should come tonight because Tyler wanted you to, not for any other reason.”

Haris wanted this subject changed. “Thursday night, we’re going out. Just the two of us.”

“You and Tyler?”

“No, me and you. We’re going to set a trap for whoever has been following us. Tyler doesn’t need to know. I don’t want him worried. Stan Deeds is going to arrange for some of his colleagues to tail us and you’ll drive to a place where the pursuer can be boxed in.”

“That sounds exciting. Might I suggest you don’t accompany me on the journey just in case it turns unpleasant?”

“I don’t think you’ll be followed if I’m not in the car. Regardless, I want to know who it is.”

“And what do you plan to do, if you don’t mind my asking, if the driver doesn’t exit the other vehicle but drives furiously at you when you approach, pausing only to lower his window and empty his automatic weapon before he accelerates away and launches his vehicle at the one blocking him in, knocking it to one side before he races to a waiting helicopter and makes his getaway?”

“Too much TV, Wilson.”

“Yes, sir, but—”

“We’ll stay in the car and let Stan handle everything.”

Tyler raced across the room toward them. Haris stood and Tyler flung his arms around him. Before Haris could hug him back, he moved to do the same to Wilson who looked so astonished Haris had to smother a laugh.

“You both came. That’s great. Simon says he’s going to have a word with a couple of scouts. The guys are freaking out big time.”

“You were fantastic,” Haris said.

Tyler beamed. “Really?”


“Are you ready to leave?” Wilson asked. “Only I’ll need several minutes to make my way to where I parked the vehicle, assuming my back doesn’t cause me too many problems. Hopefully the ringing noise in my head will have subsided by then. Even more hopefully, the car will be where I left it.”

Tyler laughed. “We can walk back together. Des will take the equipment to college. He lives just down the road in Greenwich.”

“Did you have a coat? You’ll catch your death,” Wilson said.

“I’ll go get it.”

Tyler raced back the way he’d come and reappeared a few moments later wearing his jacket and Peruvian hat.

“I had three girls ask me for my autograph,” Tyler said as they stepped outside.

“Only three?” Wilson said. “How disappointing.”

Tyler barked out a laugh.

“No guys?” Haris asked.

“No. You’re not going to bring me down tonight.” Tyler walked backward in front of them, then turned and jumped over a trash bin. He ricocheted from lamppost to lamppost, then took a long run at a postbox and leapt over that.

“It’s a bit like having a dog,” Wilson said.

Tyler grinned. “I could do with a pee.”

“Don’t you dare,” Haris said with a growl, but inside he was laughing. Tyler’s joy was infectious.

“Honestly, tonight couldn’t have gone any better. And we even got paid. Fifty quid each. Now I can afford to buy both of you Christmas presents.”

“That’s very generous,” Wilson said.

“Well I’m only going to spend five quid. That’s what we should stick to. Five quid presents. Something that will make you smile. I’ll spend more on Alcide though, because he’s

Haris rolled his eyes.

The moment they were in the car and the privacy screen was up, Tyler fell into his arms. Warm hands slipped around his neck and Tyler’s soft lips and stubbled chin traced his face from his forehead down to his throat where he slowly licked and then sucked his Adam’s apple. Shivers of lust snaked through Haris’s body. Tyler lifted his head to stare into his eyes and pressed his lips to his mouth. He closed his eyes and let Tyler kiss away the remnants of his jealousy and insecurity and suck the words ‘who were you with last night’ right out of his head.

Wrapped in each other’s arms, they kissed as if they didn’t expect to see another day. Soft and wondering slid to desperate and greedy. Haris yanked off Tyler’s hat and he pulled back with a gasp and a laugh.

“I couldn’t figure out why I was so hot.” He grinned at Haris.

“Think we can keep our dicks in our pants until we get home?”

“I can.” Tyler slithered down and pressed his mouth to the bulge in Haris’s pants. He breathed through the material and the rush of warm air made Haris groan. Tyler sucked and mouthed him until he was sure his cock was going to burst out all on its own.

“That’s not playing fair,” Haris said with a moan, torn between pushing Tyler away and letting him do what he wanted.

They wrestled and tussled and laughed themselves stupid, and when Wilson opened the back door, they almost fell onto the pavement.

“What have I said about seatbelts, sir? Just because the police can’t see into the back of the vehicle doesn’t mean you’re not going to get caught and I’d—ah, I’ll put the car away.”

Haris assumed Wilson had caught sight of the bulges in their pants. As he drove down the road, taking the car to the garage at the rear of the house, they somehow, between kissing and sneaking quick feels of each other, made it to the front door. How he found his keys, opened the door, maneuvered them both inside and shut the door was a blur to Haris. Tyler tumbled over in the hall as he pulled off his boots and Haris ended up on top of him, accidentally on purpose. He toed off his own shoes and wrenched at his coat as they part-crawled up the stairs, mauling each other, kissing, stroking, and stripping off socks as they went.

It turned into a competition to see who’d get to the top of the stairs first, Tyler tugging him down and clambering over him, before Haris did the same to him. When Tyler wrapped his fingers around the top step, Haris planted a kiss on the bare skin exposed at his waist and sucked. Tyler squirmed and then Haris was on top of him, crawling over him and onto the landing. He lay panting on his back, trying to catch his breath as Tyler zipped past into the bedroom.

“I won,” he shouted.

And for once, Haris didn’t care because there were no losers. He pushed up and raced after Tyler, flinging himself on him and knocking him facedown onto the bed.

“Ouff,” Tyler gasped. “Elephant alert.”

Haris nipped his ear. “Boa constrictor alert.”

“They don’t bite.” Tyler laughed into the bed.

Haris stripped the top off Tyler and then wormed his hand into the back of his tight jeans and squeezed his butt.

“I can’t play anymore. I need you too badly,” he whispered in Tyler’s ear.

“I can’t move. An elephant’s sitting on me and even worse, it’s crushing my reticulated python.”

Haris smiled and slid to one side. Tyler was naked before he was and reclined on the bed, stroking his cock, watching Haris strip. His hip bones jutted out, framing a perfect dick. The guy was all long limbs and fluid muscle. His eyes sparkled in the dim light, his lips were kiss-swollen, his smile bright and every time Haris saw him like this, every one of his receptor switches was triggered.

“Are you going to stare at me all night?” Tyler asked.

I could stare at you forever.

“It’s that third nipple.” Haris crawled onto the bed and Tyler lifted his legs and wrapped them around his hips.

Am I going to be able to let him go?

Haris buried his face in the curve of Tyler’s neck and licked the salty depression of his collarbone before he kissed him on the lips. Their cocks rubbed together as they rocked their hips. Gentle eventually turned rough and they rutted more fiercely, mouths together, sharing oxygen, breathing into each other’s throat.

This was way deeper than sex.
Does he feel it too?

As Tyler slid his hand between their bodies and wrapped his fingers around Haris’s dick, Haris did the same until they were pumping their fists around each other. Haris could have carried on until they both came, but he wanted more. He rolled off Tyler with a moan and reached for lube and condoms from the drawer.


“Just fuck me,” Tyler gasped.

Oh God.
Haris messed up the first condom and had to open another. It seemed hours before he managed to position his cock against the entrance to Tyler’s body.


“If you don’t get inside me in the next two seconds, I’m going to fuck you,” Tyler snapped.

He pushed against the muscle barrier and kept pushing until Tyler’s body accepted the intrusion and let him slide the rest of the way home.

“Fuck, fuck,” Haris gasped.

“Are you in yet?” Tyler met his horrified glance and had the nerve to laugh.

“No, not yet. Ready?”

Tyler chuckled and then they both groaned.

“You feel so good,” Haris whispered. “Hot, gripping me so tight.”

The first pull back and thrust forward just about blew Haris’s mind. He yelled
Go slow
to himself but it was hopeless. He had no choice. The exquisite sensation of dragging his swollen cock back and forth through Tyler’s nerve-rich channel catapulted him toward completion. Every stroke grew more frantic and his need to come gathered inside him like the roiling clouds of a thunderstorm.

“Hey, hey,” Tyler gasped and stroked his face. “It’s okay.”

Haris pulled himself back from the brink and reached for Tyler’s dick. Concentrating on that saved him. In moments, he had Tyler writhing beneath him and he began an alternate rhythm, driving into Tyler’s ass as he jerked his cock. He stared at Tyler, watched him breathing, saw his chest rising and falling faster and faster. He needed another hand. One held up Tyler’s legs, the other held his cock but he wanted to trail his fingers down the depression between his pecs, follow that dark trail down to where his cock rose over his stomach.

Tyler arched his hips off the bed, impaling himself harder as he came apart in Haris’s hand, his come splashing them both. Then Haris was there too, orgasm rumbling through his body like an approaching train, and with a final hard thrust he exploded into Tyler’s ass and he knew sex had
been this good.

Arms pulled him down and Tyler kissed him, plunging his tongue into his mouth, gliding it around Haris’s until he began to kiss him back. Tyler slid his legs flat and Haris lay on top of him, arms holding him tight.

“Okay?” Tyler whispered.

“I think I got my money’s worth.”

The moment the words were out of his mouth, he wanted them back. What the hell had made him say that?

Tyler gave him a tight smile. “No refunds. I’m shop soiled now.”

“I didn’t mean—”

Tyler silenced him with a kiss and then pulled him to his feet. “Shower.”



Haris barely had the energy to wash up. He collapsed face down on the bed and Tyler settled at his side, dancing his fingers over his back. Then, as though he’d become aware he was following the line of the scars, he stopped.


Haris chewed the inside of his cheeks.

“Actually,” Tyler said. “I’m not sorry. I told you something I’ve never talked to anyone about before, but you don’t want to talk to me about this? It’s obvious what happened. Those are whip marks. Is that why you’re not into the BDSM scene? Someone went too far?”


Tyler waited and then glared. “That’s all I get? No?”

Haris swallowed to bring moisture to his mouth. “It had nothing to do with BDSM though the holder of the whip was likely a sadist. It was a punishment for being what I am.”

“What? Good looking, smart, sexy, fantastic body…rich?”

Haris smiled. “Anything else?”

“Sulky, moody. I’ve never known anyone to sulk like you.”

“Why would I be punished for any of those? Apart from being a moody fucker, obviously.”

“You going to tell me? Or do you want me to guess?”

Haris’s mouth curved in a little smile. “I was whipped because I’m gay.”

Tyler winced. “Shit. Is that why you don’t have anything to do with your father? He whipped you?”

“Not my father.” He pressed his lips together.

Tyler lay alongside him, settled his head closer to his and stared into his eyes. “You don’t have to talk about it. I didn’t mean to push you. Shit, I know what it’s like to not want to talk about things. I’m an expert, believe me.”

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