Witches' Waves (15 page)

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Authors: Teresa Noelle Roberts

BOOK: Witches' Waves
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Just a few days ago, she would have taken his withdrawal for rejection, for him realizing that a freak like her wasn't worth the effort. But Kyle was still half-wrapped around her, still caressing her nipples. And Deck hadn't really withdrawn. He'd moved a little, but he was still with her in the way that mattered most: his magic was still cuddling hers. She didn't know why she knew that, when it was something she'd never experienced before. Shaw had forced her magic, made her have seizures, but Deck's touch on her powers was gentle, even if his hands on her body were pleasantly rough and possessive.

Deck drew a breath. Maybe a sighted person wouldn't have noticed the intake of air, but he was about to say something. Kyle beat him to it, though. “Bedroom. Now. Need you both naked.”

Deck chuckled, and the sound of his rich laugh moved over Meaghan's skin like a caress. “Isn't that my call, Kyle? Seeing that it's my bedroom and everything.” Kyle muttered something that Meaghan couldn't make out, and Deck replied, “Of course I was about to say it when you beat me to it, and for us nonfurry types it's getting cold after the unplanned swim. So—bedroom. Now. Naked. We can get back to arguing about who's going to teach Meaghan about magic after we've had some fun.” Then he paused briefly and added, “If Meaghan agrees.”

She could still remember all the reasons it was a bad idea for her to have an orgasm, but she'd had one last night without problems. She felt safe at Donovan's Cove. Safe with Deck and Kyle.

And, damn it, she wanted to get off with someone she actually

Even if she decided she didn't dare to let herself come, she wanted to enjoy the guys. Please them. Even just be with them, enjoying their energy while they fucked or sucked or whatever two men might do together. “Yes!” she exclaimed, a little more vehemently than she meant to.

Speaking her mind, saying what she wanted so openly, was a thrill in itself. Her whole life had encouraged her to be passive. Certainly Shaw had wanted her passive in bed, taking his direction but never instigating, not even when he'd gotten her to the point she craved his touch.

When she finally said no to the Agency, had it broken her passivity in all areas? She wanted to explore that thought further.

But not right now. Because Kyle and Deck were taking her hands and helping her up.

Kyle rustled around briefly—putting his shorts on, she surmised. Then he put one arm around her shoulder, the other under her ass. “Put your arms around my neck,” he said. She obeyed—not without thinking, like she might have once, but because she couldn't think of a good reason not to obey and a whole bunch to do so.

Especially since he might not be naked anymore, but he was close to naked, his chest bare where she rested against him and warm and utterly delicious.

He swept her off her feet as if she weighed nothing, and, as she giggled and clung to him, began to walk.

To the house. To Deck's bedroom.

The room felt spacious. It was warm after being outside, especially after their time in the water. She could tell a window was open, though, because a cool, damp sea-scented breeze played across Meaghan's skin. She shivered from pleasure at the ocean's remote touch. Remembering her dream of making love with Kyle and Deck in the arms of the ocean, she shivered again as unfamiliar sensations that wanted to become familiar filled her.

Deck must have noticed, because he said, “I'll close the window if it's too cold.”

Meaghan and Kyle almost simultaneously said, “Don't.” Meaghan was intrigued by how the confident Kyle sounded almost pleading, where she managed to sound like she had some authority. Or maybe it was just that she had confidence that the guys would take her opinions into consideration.

“Duh. Should have known with you two.” Deck laughed as he spoke. By now Meaghan expected him to laugh more often than not. She was half in love with that laugh of his, big and physical, almost tactile. It seduced her to chuckle along with him.

She was still in Kyle's arms, snuggled against his body. Disorienting and wonderful at the same time, to be held above the floor in a strange place, held by a man whose touch was fur-coated even when it wasn't, and to be laughing. Laughing like she hadn't a care in the world.

As soon as she thought
hadn't a care in the world
, though, all her very real terrors crushed in on her.

She shook her head and made herself keep laughing, made herself focus on Kyle's strong arms supporting her, Deck's laugh buoying her. Made herself focus on the moment. On being with two wonderful, caring men who, against all odds, desired her. On working magic earlier, even if it hadn't all been on purpose. On experiencing great new adventures.

Hell, on being here at all, in a room that smelled of ocean and, faintly, of sex.

Kyle set her on her feet. “Gotta get you out of those wet clothes,” he muttered, starting to do so. Deck joined in and together the two men undressed her. Most of her sodden borrowed layers were a little too big, so they came off easily. The wet jeans fought them, but they were too big as well for her, so even wet they slipped off without too much fuss.

She'd been dressed and undressed often enough in the hospital, usually when she was weakened by a seizure, but this was entirely different. In the hospital it was functional on her nurse's part, an embarrassment on hers, one more reminder that she wasn't quite normal.

Now she wished she had more clothes on, layers and layers of complicated clothes with buttons and hooks and zippers, so she could enjoy their hands on her, really appreciate the way they worked together on this sensual task. She'd had no idea that fabric, even cold, wet fabric, shifting on her skin could feel so good, that someone smoothing her long, damp hair after a shirt was pulled over her head was both tender and erotic. No idea that air brushing on newly bared skin could make her feel so exposed in such a good way.

Something occurred to her as she reveled in the air on her skin. “Why aren't I freezing? That water was cold, but I feel fine now.”

“Water magic helps, and I'm giving you a little extra energy to warm you.” Deck rubbed her with a fluffy towel as he spoke, chafing her skin. She took it from his hands to wrap it around her hair.

Then she said, “We don't want you to get cold. Do we, Kyle? So we'd better get you out of your wet clothes too.” Deck made a little, unconvincing noise of protest as Kyle took her hands and helped her find the hem of Deck's wet shirt.

Kyle counted to three, and they pulled it off together. Kyle did most of the work because he could see what he was doing, but she enjoyed taking action, enjoyed Deck's playful protests.

She didn't need help getting his board shorts off, but Kyle helped anyway. But before she could explore Deck's body, the two men worked in concert. They picked her up and deposited her on the bed so she was leaning on the wall, against a pile of pillows. The bed was rumpled, the soft sheets wrinkled under her smelled of Deck and Kyle together. The towel had fallen off her, but Deck ran his hand over her head. She tingled all over, including her scalp, and suddenly her hair dried. Very practical use of water magic. She'd have to learn that spell. She'd have to learn a lot of spells. And she'd have to deal with Deck being nervous about teaching her.

Later. Now she had more urgent things to think about. It wasn't as though she'd dare to do much magic when she felt like her skin was catching fire anyway. Who knows what distraction might make her do?

Naked, she stretched on the rumpled bed, hoping that the movement looked sexy. She'd never given much thought to how she looked, since she couldn't see herself. Certainly Shaw hadn't cared about her looks, just her visions. But she wanted to look good for Kyle and Deck.

The sheets felt like something far more extraordinary than cotton—silk maybe, though she had no idea, except from descriptions in books, what that would feel like—and her own hair on her skin made her shudder with need.

She decided that if she felt this sensual, she must look it too, whether or not she met all the usual requirements for beauty.

Then Kyle crawled up next to her. She reached out to help him undress as he'd done for her—it would be a small challenge when she couldn't see, but she figured Deck would help.

Her hands fluttered onto sleek, bare skin. Kyle was already naked again. Had Deck yanked his pants off, maybe grabbing his ass or stroking his cock as he did, or had Kyle impatiently undressed himself? Either idea was delicious.

Meaghan's arousal had made the sheets feel silkier than they really were, but it was nothing compared to how Kyle's skin felt. Smooth, supple…she thought the word was
, although she had no experience with the real thing, velvet not being in large supply in the hospital. And so hot, so wonderfully hot.

Her hand rested on his abdomen, the hard muscles tense, quivering beneath her touch.

She swept down over smooth hair until she reached his cock.

Thick, hard, hidden in its sheath, but eager to come out. She clasped her hand around it, began to stroke as Deck had shown her. Kyle groaned, arched against her.

Then he pulled away. “Not yet. Too much.” The words came out as a groan. “Want to hold out for you both.”

Reluctantly, she moved away. “I didn't think men could,” she said, wondering.

“Could what?”

“Wait. But that's twice you have.”

Kyle and Deck both cursed, but the curses sounded almost tender to her ears. Thunder rumbled outside. Deck mumbled, “Sorry about that.” Kyle chuckled and after a second, Meaghan echoed him. They were safe inside now.

“Some men can't be bothered to wait,” Deck commented, his voice harsher than she'd ever heard it, no humor in it. “Some men use their partners like they were tissues. And some men lie a lot to get what they want. Kyle and I aim to prove we're better than that.”

Before she could ask any more questions, four strong but gentle hands encouraged her to lie down on the big, rumpled bed.

Kyle's mouth closed over her right nipple, hot, teasing. Deck lay on her other side, his broad-shouldered body pressed against her, every inch of skin that touched her a benediction.

Deck's long hair spread over her skin, silky and feather soft—he'd used the drying spell on himself too, obviously—as he took her other nipple into his mouth. He and Kyle were doing the same thing, but it felt so different. Deck's mouth was cooler than Kyle's, and his hand, cupping her breast, was both bigger and rougher. Rougher in the sense of more calloused, rougher in the sense of firmer and surer. He nipped occasionally. Kyle touched her as if she might break, but his lean body was taut with energy, as if he was holding back from the full force of what he wanted to do to her. He felt sleek where she touched him, sleek and hot, even though he'd been in the frigid water in his otter form far longer than they'd been immersed, and she and Deck were still cool. His hot mouth and Deck's merely warm one suckled and licked at her nipples, and the sensations broke in waves over her body. Both men stroked her skin as if she were some great cat.

The hair on Deck's chest was crisp under her fingers. He swore under his breath when she brushed over his nipples, and she made a mental note to go back and investigate that more. But right now she was exploring. Playing.

Seeing her new lovers the only way she could, and enjoying it to the fullest. She couldn't picture either of them—it had been too long since she'd been able to see and she couldn't translate the information her fingertips collected into anything like a visual image—but she could learn a lot through touching them.

She knew both men were strong, but Deck's muscles seemed bigger, bulkier, while Kyle's were more sleek. Even Deck's abs were different from Kyle's. She swore she could feel their delineation, and understood for the first time what authors meant when they talked about “six-pack abs.”

Inch by inch, she explored that difference, one hand on Deck's belly, the other on Kyle's, until they both made beautiful, obscene noises.

Only then did she try to move down to their cocks. Kyle still squirmed away. Deck sighed and let her stroke him. He felt big, more thick than long, and surprisingly silky for all his hardness.

But though Kyle was playing hard to get, he was the first to reach between her legs, parting the damp curls there to find her clit. She opened her legs wider to allow him access.

She shouldn't. Maybe she should at least say something. But the part of her brain that would take care of that kind of thing was floating away on waves of pleasure and words seemed far way. Besides, she felt secure behind the shields Deck had helped her set earlier.

As soon as Deck and Kyle had taken her in their arms, the shields had become thicker, yet at the same time more flexible—deep water that wouldn't transmit anything she didn't want.

She was safe.

And so she relaxed into Kyle's touch.

“You're like the ocean,” Kyle whispered.

“Cold and stormy?” That was Deck, but even as he spoke, he shifted his body. It meant that Meaghan lost her grip on his cock, but it was so worth it.

Because Deck was kissing his way down her body, each touch of his lips setting off sparks. Kyle circled her clit with exquisite delicacy. Almost too delicate, almost a tease, but at the same time it felt so good she wouldn't want him to change what he was doing. Even though she couldn't see, instinct made her squeeze her eyes shut. As she did, the men's auras reappeared, bright and vibrant, streaked with red. She couldn't study her lovers' faces and bodies, but she could see their energies, their spirits, which was something most sighted people couldn't say.

Deck's mouth closed over her clit, taking the place of Kyle's clever fingers. As she spread her legs wider, hoping for still more contact, Kyle slipped two fingers inside her.

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