Winter's Destiny (31 page)

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Authors: Nancy Allan

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: Winter's Destiny
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Dallas reached across and rubbed the tears from her cheeks. “We’re not sure what happened. The teams are still out there looking.”

Amy put her hands over her face. A sick feeling flooded her chest.
Alesha, Alesha. No!

Then Amy sat bolt upright. Her hands dropped to her lap. Her eyes grew wide and she was still. She reached across for Dallas’s hand and sat for a few minutes struggling to understand what had just happened to her. “Dallas,” she said softly, “you know they say that monozygotic, or identical twins, intrinsically know things about each other, even when they’re miles apart?” Amy’s voice was hushed. “Well, I know this is going to sound very odd,” Amy hesitated, trying to understand the sudden knowledge and awareness that overwhelmed her. “But Alesha’s okay. I know that for certain.”





Friday, November 20 3:12 PM

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Hi Amy,

I arrived back in Paraguay this afternoon. With connections, it took two long days of flying. I stepped off the plane into our hot, stifling, humid air and immediately decided that when I’m finished here, I’m going to return to Oregon to live.

I want to tell you why I left so quickly. Deputy Larson brought me back to The Cliff House and told me you and Jamie were okay, and that Helmut had drowned.

I knew that with his and Johnstone’s deaths, the FBI would likely raid the facility, here in Paraguay. I had to get back here right away. The research done here is invaluable and could do a lot of good, so I’m currently having all the computer hard drives and documents removed.

As this facility is close to the capital city of Asuncion, I’m giving the building over to be used as a hospital and research center to benefit the Paraguayans. I’m trying to get everything done before the investigators arrive.

I’ll be back very soon. Please apologize to Dallas for me.

My love to you, Amy,





Four Weeks Later…


Slashes of yellow and lavender streaked across the evening sky, reflecting off the glassy surface of the Pacific. Dallas walked with Jamie down the old boardwalk bordering the beach, the little boy holding tight to Dallas’s hand. In his other hand, Jamie hugged the Frisbee. As they approached the pathway to the beach, Jamie tugged Dallas’s hand. “Come on, Dallas, this is the best spot.”

Amy watched them run down to the packed sand and hooked her arm around Alesha’s. “Jamie idolizes Dallas.”

Alesha nodded in agreement. “I sense he’s not the only one.”

A smile played on Amy’s lips. “What do they say? Smitten, enamored, head over heels? I qualify on all counts. And speaking of which, I noticed Deputy Larson came by the other night.”

Alesha flashed her gray eyes at Amy. “Kev. He’s a really nice guy. He’s asked me to the office party this weekend.” She heard Jamie calling her and looked up the beach. “Oops, looks like it’s my turn on the Frisbee. Here comes Dallas.” She gave Amy a squeeze. “You two can have a romantic moment and enjoy the sunset while I wear Jamie out. Then, it’s over to the restaurant with us. I’m famished.”

“Your turn,” Dallas told Alesha, passing her on the boardwalk. He put his arm around Amy and led her to a sun-bleached log, where they sat, their eyes following Alesha and Jamie, on the beach.

Amy dropped her head on Dallas’s shoulder, “Jamie finally asked me what happened to his dad.”

“What did you tell him?” Dallas asked, concerned.

“I told him that Daddy loved him very much, but he got hurt badly, and we couldn’t make him better.” Amy looked up at Dallas. “That’s enough for now. He’s only five. One day he’ll ask more questions and then I’ll have to answer them best I can.”

Dallas looked down at Amy. “What about you?”

Amy slid her coat sleeves over her hands. “I’m relieved it’s over, for all our sakes, but especially for Jamie’s. You know, Dallas, life is strange. Everything is completely different from what it was six weeks ago. I don’t even feel like the same person. Yet, in spite of everything I went through, I came out the other side with so much to be thankful for. I have you, and Jamie, and Alesha. And of course, Gramps and Grams. Amy put her hand on Dallas’s cheek and looked into his pale blue eyes. “How about you?”

He hesitated. “I never realized how alone I was. Always coming home to an empty apartment. No one to share a meal with or a conversation. Only company I had was my memories.” Dallas reached for her hand. “Truth is, Amy, I can’t wait until we move into our new place.”

Amy looked at him skeptically. “You sure it’s not too much—too fast?”

“No, I’m happy, Babe. What more could a man want?”

Amy smiled up at him. “Well…I was thinking of a little girl.”


Note To My Readers

The Oregon coast is unique and spectacularly beautiful.   It was during one of our camping trips on this pristine shoreline that my husband and I experienced the sudden onslaught from a fall storm so fierce that it not only gave us pause, it became the inspiration for this novel.

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