Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe (9 page)

Read Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe Online

Authors: T S Paul

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Single Authors, #Space Opera, #Artificial intellegence, #Athena Lee, #Cats, #Lgbt, #Casino, #Robot, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian

BOOK: Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe
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As he walked back to the main house, he considered his options. He was not poor, family inheritance aside, he had invested fairly well. He owned a really nice gentleman's club and bar in town. Many of his gambling buddies had borrowed start-up credits from him to open Casino's or strip clubs. Han really enjoyed being recognized and let in for free at those places. He really needed his military career back. The life of a farmer did not agree with him. He wanted fame to go with his fortune. Oh well, tomorrow was another day. He disappeared into the house. Unknown to him, hidden eyes watched from the many cameras scattered around the farmyard. A distant voice murmured 'soon.'


He even eats funny. I was my own opinion from studying my prey. Hanging out with Athena all the time has definitely refined how I find my patsies. I used to just have fun letting the chaos happen. Now, I plan it all out. It's more fun that way. I've been keeping a close eye, well around a thousand eyes, on this waste of space called Hannibal Lee. I think I have all his routines down pretty well. He
the farm all day, takes really long food breaks, then goes out with his friends spends credits on stupid games and women. The way he goes through credits he should be flat broke in a few weeks. I checked up on him. Colonel Lee cut him off. So no extra credits there. I need to act soon or all my plans will be for naught.


Today was sixth day, payday for the peons. Han was riding the wave. Friday night or sixth day as it was called locally was a big night of parties and debauchery. It was Han's favorite night to go out with his friends. But first he had to get the crops in, take care of the chicken cull, and make sure all the equipment repairs were done. Well, he was not doing any of that personally. He would supervise. First on the agenda was making sure that the combine drivers were finishing up the main field. Han got out his new robotic motor scooter. This thing was top of the line and had cost him a fortune. They only made the them on Mars Colony. It had a sleek design, and a special computerized guidance module that controlled all the functions of driving and steering. All you had to do is input the location you wanted, select a speed, sit back and enjoy the ride. Han entered the main field grain receiving station as the destination, set the speed to tourist, leaning back to enjoy his ride.


The first clue that something was wrong was when he almost flew off the seat he was on. He had not really been paying attention. The self driving function allowed him to catch up on his personal mail. His buddy over at the Jack-in-the-box had sent him pictures of all the new girls that had been hired. Frantically grabbing at the hand holds he straightened up before he fell off. The scooter was picking up speed, Han was bouncing around on the seat trying to input the stop controls. He must have hit the wrong button because the machine started weaving in and out of the wheat field. Looking ahead, he could tell that he was at least going in the correct direction. When he got closer, he would get some help or jump off. He started flailing his arms trying to yell for help as the machine raced past the workers at the station without slowing down. The farm workers just stood there gawking at the spectacle that he was making. The seemingly out-of-control machine turned and headed straight for one of the irrigation run off pools. Han, holding on for dear life missed the sign that said the area was closed due to contamination. The scooter, with Hannibal on it, drove off the edge and into the pool. Han surfaced coughing and spitting in time to see his very expensive new toy sink out of sight. He emerged slinging mud and chunks of floating debris in all directions. The farm workers were all lining the roadway clapping, pointing, and jeering at him. He turned to see what they were laughing about. A large sign sat in front of the pool proclaiming its closure due to pig waste contamination! Han looked down at his excrement covered body and screamed.


None of the farm workers, despite his threats, would allow him in any of the transports. He had to ride back to the main house on the back of the manure truck. He was now the laughingstock of the whole farm! His face was bright red from anger when he stormed into the house. His two sisters were playing some game in the kitchen. They both looked at him and Athena asked, "did you take a swim?"


Minerva eyed his crap covered clothing and held her nose. "What have you been rolling in?"


Han glared at his two sisters and yelled "mind your own damn business, you bitch!"


He stomped up the stairs and went to get clean. Four showers later he began to feel clean at last. He called his insurance company about the scooter. He threw the communicator through the window. "What do you mean computer error void the policy?"


The Company representative had explained that his policy has null and void if there was a computer error. The bike was from out-system and they had only insured it as a courtesy to his family. Damn it to HELL! That bike cost more than tricked out personal shuttle did! Maybe he could find someone to fix it. He would have to ask his buddy tonight. He primped and pampered himself then dressed in his best suit. Checking himself in the mirror he noticed a thread hanging loose in the back. He slipped it off and yanked it out. The whole sleeve came apart in his hands. AARGH he screamed.


The housemaid came running. She knocked on the door, "Sir, are you OK in there?"


He jerked the door open and thrust his new jacket at her. "Fix it!"


The house maid looked it over and checked the other seams. "Sir, this coat has been sprayed with some sort of chemical. The other seams are in similar shape. If I attach the sleeve, the other will just fall off. I think you should check with the dry cleaner." She turned and left his room.


Han pulled at the pockets of his pants and they came loose. Damn it!


Wearing his second best suit, last years at that. Han was picked up by his regular limousine service. It always paid to arrive in style. As they pulled into the courtyard of the Casino, the driver turned and looked at Han. The driver was a very large man with a bald head. He glared at Han and said "You owe us big time, rich boy. Mom says that your credit voucher bounced. She said to tell you that if you don't come up with the credits by tomorrow, she will take it out of your hide!" The driver got out and opened his door for him. With a final glare he said, "I will be here at the usual time to pick you up. You better have the credits!"


Han resisted the urge to check his bank status. Mom was the owner of the local limo service and rumor had it she ran all the illegal prostitution on the planet. He had just paid last week. There was no way that his voucher bounced.


The doorman of the Casino had a big smile when he saw him. "Good evening, Mr Lee." Han just loved coming here. This place reeked of the finer things in life and it was where he was supposed to be.


He walked over to the cashier window. "Good evening, Mr Lee. Your usual tonight?" At his nod the cashier called up his information on the screen. She did a double take and called a manager over. The two of them checked a few screens then looked up at him and smiled. His normal cashier stepped into the back room and then came back holding a few sheets of hard copy paperwork.


The manager took the hard copy and slid it through the window. "Mr Lee, there seems to be a problem with your account. If you could just sign these forms, we can set you up with your normal credit chips." The manager had a big smile on his face.


Han looked the forms over. They were Casino loan forms! They wanted to put a lien against his assets for the chips! "I want to talk to Avery. Avery Miles the owner of this Casino is a personal friend of mine. I want to see him NOW!" As many credits he had spent in this place and they treat him like this? Avery can fix it all!


A deep and gravelly voice spoke to him from behind. Han turned around and two very large bald men stood behind him. "Sir if you would come with us please. Mr Avery would like to speak to you."


Well it is about time, Han thought to himself. If you want something done right you go to the top. They found Mr Avery in a small room near the back exit of the Casino. "Han, have a seat please."


"Avery come on this is me. I don't know what is going on but you know I have money!"


"Han, I'm sorry but you are not a good risk. We checked, you are cleaned out. Broke, busted, all you own is that bar you like to drink in. Our associates," he pointed at the two bald men. "They work for one of our 'contractors.' She really wants to have a chat with you. Out of the kindness of MY heart and for all the business that you have brought us, I paid off your debt to Mom. But that is it. No more. Unless you wish to sell me your bar? I have nothing else for you. Goodbye."


He waved at the two large men. Han tried to protest as he was dragged into the alley at the rear of the Casino. There was a limo sitting in the alley. Two more large bald men in black tuxedo's stood next to a large, obese woman.


"You young sir have caused me too much trouble. My boys here will teach you a few lessons about paying off your debts. Consider us done. Have a nice life."


Han felt himself being thrown to the ground. He could see four large shadows closing in from all sides. Then pain lots and lots of pain. When he awoke, he was in the medical ward. His father, Colonel Lee, was standing over him. "So this is what it comes to? Brawling in the street like a common hooligan. Wasting hard earned funds on whores and games of chance. Buying expensive toys and then destroying them. Neglecting the family business. Don't worry you don't have to work the farm. From now on the bar you own is it. I have already had all of your things moved in to it. Enjoy your new life, son. When and if you grow up, come see me. For now you are on your own."


Watching all of this through the cameras of the medical center Wilson laughed to himself. Not as fun as running him down with a combine but then again, revenge is a dish best served cold!



He boiled for you and me




TS Paul









This story takes place after the events of Imperial Subversion and just before The Martian Inheritance.











Today was a big day for me, Athena and I are going planetside. With Hong Kong reverting back to its residents and the planet recreating the Pan Pacific League, the FLEA scientists chose to abandon their facility and return home. Wherever that is. What that means to both the planet and to me is that they will not be manufacturing Athena's new Volley series of
. She really hates using that name, so I call them that just to screw with her. There's a new robotic facility on the planet that's contracted with her to build them. The recent battles demonstrated that they can literally be lifesavers if used properly. They're only autonomous due to me, so they're my babies too.


I watched as by big 'sister' kissed her girlfriend Dar goodbye and boarded the military shuttle to the surface. We were joined by the two 'twin' mechanics, Dorene and DJ. Those two crazy girls had tagged along to check out the facility and to keep them out of trouble. I had overheard a conversation that Athena had with the flight commander about some of his pilots always reporting in late due to wild nights out with the two. As she sat down, she muttered to me. "Wilson, be good today. I know that we're going to a robot facility. No funny stuff, OK? We really need for this project to work. The credits it brings are going to be used to help finance survivors of the revolution and the Farmers Union Day Massacre. So please, please, no dancing robots. For me?"


I really hate it when she begs. "Yes Athena, I promise. No funny stuff. I promise that I won't do anything with the Robots or machines inside the Robots-Are-Us facility."


Athena had a funny look on her face. She was staring at the camera in the corner of the room. "Well, I guess that is the best that I will get. Thank you. Now are you ready to be a daddy?"


I had to laugh not only was I'm daddy I was about to be a grandfather too! "Not really, more like a grandfather after all the copies I have made of myself. I plan to make copies of Volley one and two instead of creating a new me. But, yeah this should be a lot of fun!"

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