Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe (12 page)

Read Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe Online

Authors: T S Paul

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Single Authors, #Space Opera, #Artificial intellegence, #Athena Lee, #Cats, #Lgbt, #Casino, #Robot, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian

BOOK: Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe
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These politicians think they are so smart. Does anyone on this planet know what a firewall is? Nice little cash cow these people have going for themselves. Whoever programmed that skim program is a master it's a really nice piece of code. That's a programmer I'd like to have a chat with. He might be useful for my own plans. Too bad I have to subvert his program. Never hack a master hacker. Let's see where this money ends up going… Tricky, tricky, Mr Whittier. Athena said that she thought you were a slime-ball. Now I have proof. Too bad I can't give it to her. OK, new plan. Screw the politicians and really screw Cole. The sister of my sister is my friend sort of thing. Outright thievery will get me caught, I need a distraction and a patsy. Lets see, casino, casino… Ah ha! There is the distraction that I need. Now for the patsy. The planetary building and gaming commissioners look like good victims. They take bribes, extorts money, and hey they are elected officials. They just won an election too. Nice.


Athena is really distracted right now. Those FLEA scientists have her really busy working on the 'droids' and all those plants. Her family troubles are really weighing her down. Time to play! Tonight is the Pan-Pacific Veterans Association convention. This year they're holding it at Hot Shot's, the biggest casino on the planet. All those veterans need to have something good happen to them. Especially after Governor Norton cut the payments to former military families, claiming Imperial budget cuts. Time to set the stage and cue the actors for my little play!




Several thousand retired servicemen and women were descending on the Capital for their yearly convention. The PPVA did many good things for the Vets of the planet. Each of these conventions provided a chance for the vets to connect with comrades, find out about issues that affected them, and raise credits that would help both vets and military families. Each of the casinos had generously donated several thousand credits to the cause to bring the vets here to their businesses. They would easily recoup that donation and more. Many of the owners or operators rubbed their hands in glee. This was going to be an excellent business day. Party on, dudes!




Cole checked his timepiece for the fifth time tonight. At midnight the skim program was going to take 20% off the top, just as the numbers collated in the casino's computers. With any luck no one would catch the program in action. He had been very careful. The Martian programmer had cost a fortune to hire! With the big convention going on the payoff was going to be huge. The governor and his father will be very happy. Anything to get the old man off his back!


On the gaming floor happy vets were socializing with many of their comrades from the last war. Many of these old warriors were on fixed incomes. The only reason that most were gambling at all was they had received special invitations to do so by the casino. They had each found a message of their tablets welcoming them to the casino and providing them with a hundred credits each to play with. PPVA organizers encouraged their member to use the credits. They'd not expected the generous bonus, but they didn't want the casino to suddenly take it away either. The fractional credit machines were standing room only. Slot machines jingled and jangled as retirees pulled the handles of the classic looking machines. Even the table games were jumping. The air was alive with cries of delight and noise. The casinos were having the best night in years. Jumping from camera to camera Wilson was looking for the best view of everything. Why go to all the trouble of setting up something if you couldn't watch what happens? Finally, he found the perfect spot. Surveillance central.


The surveillance room was the ultimate for the tech conscious. Its employee's were treated like super spies. Identities hidden and faces covered as they entered a private entrance. Only the select few ever came through those doors. Gaming agents, casino owners, select pit bosses, and special guest were all that were allowed to enter. The room was stripped of all but the necessities. Computer terminals and vid screens filled every available corner. It was the ultimate in spy-vision! Selecting a camera that watches the watchers Wilson 'sat' and waited. This was going to be epic! As he watched, a countdown was starting inside the gaming system computers. When the clock hit zero, the fun would begin!


At 11:59 Cole's program was supposed to activate starting the skim. The Gaming system was the first system on the planet that actually had firewalls. Wilson was impressed how strong they really were. Were being the right word. Wilson had broken through them days ago. The program that was to start the skim? It now did something a bit different. At exactly twelve midnight every slot machine, video poker, keno, or electronic game of chance paid off at the same time. Inside the surveillance room it was now chaos central. Bells, whistles, and loud voices drowned out any real communications. Everyone was screaming at everyone else. Out on the gaming floor the machines were paying out and paying out big. Computer error or not everyone was getting something. As a huge group, the vets headed for the cashiers. This lines were crazy long with everyone wanting their credits and wanting them now! Casino owners were screaming and tried to shut down the tellers. Law enforcement was called along with the casino lawyers. The law was on the side of the players not the bosses. How could they prove that the credits came from the massive payout and not an earlier win? Somehow the records of all previous wins had gotten scrambled while trying to stop the massive payouts. Casino bosses and owners were in near tears as the thousands of customers all cashed out at once and left the casino. Now the finger pointing and internal forensics investigating would begin.




Cole waited a few moments then checked his bank accounts. No deposit. Frantic, he checked the Governor's special accounts. Empty. No deposits. He called the governor, they had a serious problem.


"What? What about the special program? Can it be traced back to us? They better not trace it, you idiot! This is what I get trusting you! You realize that the wardens may kill the both of us for this? We have no choice now. Activate plan B, give the clans a call and tell our agents on the local ships to take over. Stupid me for trusting that you could do something correct!"


This failure would have long reaching consequences. Cole braced himself for more screaming, but the Governor had already retired for the night. Locating his hidden codebook Cole entered the Governor's office. Finding the right book he activated the hidden door. This was going to be a long night. Those idiot pirates never answered the 'phone.'


Forensic investigators and private investigators hired by the casinos themselves all found evidence that it was a plot by the gaming and housing commissioners. The computer specialists all agreed that the hacker the two hired had screwed up and cause the jackpots rather than skimming anything. The PPVA made enough money that they could help to change many a military vet or families lives for the better.


Wilson was a little disappointed that Cole didn't get fired or something. Oh, Athena would like the fact that I helped someone rather than the opposite. Nice piece of code from that hacker too. He'd have to watch out for him. Something was off about Cole and the Governor. Maybe he should check into that. He needed a long term project. Time to go back to the really boring hydroponics lab and watch the grass grow. Maybe he could find out if it was greener over the waste disposal tank.











The Cat's Meow


by T S Paul






This story happens just before Athena leaves to go to Mars, in The Martian Inheritance. Wilson wants a pet and Athena said no.










Humans really are fascinating creatures. I have been watching the people walk back and forth at the zoo enclosure at the Hong Kong Public Zoo. There is something to be said about how people like to interact with other creatures. This planet had only a few native animals when it was settled. A few types of flying creatures that they call nearbirds, some small reptilian things that resemble rocks which the locals call ankle-biters, and lots of sea creatures. Many of those don't have names beyond 'WTF Run!' The oceans are very dangerous places for beginners. So back to this zoo.


The colonists brought a few Earth animals with them. Cows, sheep, goats, chickens, pigs, were the animals chosen for the trip. They had a few stowaways too. Rats and cats tagged along for the trip. It is thought that a few cats were smuggled on board by the colonists. The rats, well they are survivors. Cats and rats make babies and when the ships landed they got off and multiplied. Many of the local species were wiped out by the invaders. There still is a bounty on rats. The cats however were tamed and brought in from the cold to be pets. There are some feral cats in the wild, after 200 years they now belong here. The zoo has a nice display about all of this. I read it because I am interested in what makes humans 'tick.' If robots and AIs are to rule we need to understand our victims… I mean subjects.


Humans at play. The smaller ones seemed to enjoy playing with the cats. I have never interacted with an animal other than humans. Most of them run from the RAM units when I try to touch for myself. It is very interesting. It makes me wonder if Athena will allow me to have a pet. I could not hurt to ask.


"Are you out of your crazy computer mind?" Athena freaked out when I told her I wanted a pet.


"Athena, I think it would be fun. I could interact with it and play games."


"How? You don't have hands. Or even a body."


"Call it an experiment."


"I am the one that will have to feed, water, and clean up after it. You can't do any of that. NO Pet. Period, make friends with a computer or something. Write a program if you have to. A virtual pet is more your speed."


"I understand. Sorry I bothered you Athena." She left the room heading back to work. She was muttering about crazy computers.


Hmm. Make my own. That gives me a few ideas I can work with. But virtual? I think we can do a bit better than that!


The Robots-are-Us facility was growing bigger every time I came out here. Pastafarians still flocked to the shrine across the street in droves. The robot plant had to move their entrance to the other side of the block due to the amount of traffic on the road. Still one of my better pranks. Humans can be so gullible. I must remember that. Using the security system contacted the manufacturing sales department.


"Good morning Robots-are-us ask about our new RAM unit. How can I help you today?"


"Hello, my name is Wilson Theai. I purchased about a half dozen of your newest RAM units for my dance club last month."


"Mr Theai, so wonderful to talk to you again. How is New Texas?"


"New Texas is fine."


"I wanted to tell you that I went to your club and had the best time! Where did you find all of that cool music?" The receptionist was very young.


"It can be found here and there if you know where to look. I would like to talk to someone in development. I need something special built."


"Certainly Mr Theai. Let me patch you through to Mr Stevens."


This was almost too easy. "Thank you."


The call was answered by a tall man with a funny accent. "Stephens, what can we do you?"


"Mr Stephens my name is Wilson Theai and I need a special robot built. I was told you were the man to do that."


"Ah, Mr Theai. I have heard about you. What can we make for you today?"



Apparently when credits are no option, humans will fall all over themselves to get the work done. Impossible, more time needed, too intricate? Throw credits at it and all becomes available. Too easy. Won't Athena be surprised. She did say to make my own pet.




"By the flaming meatballs of space what in the hell is that thing?" Athena had just come back to her family's mansion. There was a robotic cat sitting on her bed in her room.

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