Read Wildly (Crimson Romance) Online

Authors: Debra Kayn

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary

Wildly (Crimson Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: Wildly (Crimson Romance)
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He squeezed her fingers. “Have you heard what movie they’re playing at the park?”

Back to the Future.
The first one.” She groaned. “I think I’ve seen it about twelve times over the years.”

“That’s okay.” He leaned over and snuck a quick kiss. “I’m sure we can keep ourselves entertained in other ways.”

Warmth filled her, and she relaxed. John had surprised her during the week and had kept his word on not rushing her into a relationship she wasn’t emotionally ready for, but she’d found herself wanting to please him. It was nice to come back to his house after working and he listened as she talked about her day.

He hadn’t pushed her to go further than a few kisses. She let him think the reason for her hesitation was because of her mom being back in town. To explain about Grayson and her own feelings was something she wasn’t ready to deal with yet.

Once in town, they found a parking spot a block from the main street and walked toward the park. Shauna took Blue’s leash from John and slipped her hand into his. The late summer breeze blew her hair off her neck, and she slowed her pace. A crowd had already gathered on the grass, and she waved to several people she recognized.

The Ladies of the Library Association played movies at the park on Saturday nights all throughout the summer for the community. The tradition had started when Shauna had gone away to school. The excitement of the crowd rejuvenated Blue, and he tugged at the leash. She tugged on John’s hand to keep up with her as she let Blue have the lead.

The happy spirit flowing in the park was exactly what she wanted for the Celebrating Cottage Grove event. A positive direction on bringing a community together was the main priority. Together, they could accomplish the goal of reviving the town.

Cottage Grove was a small town where people lived their whole lives, and today the multigenerational families were still going strong. Grandparents sat with grandchildren. Parents visited with other adults, and groups of children ran amok.

Blue stuck his black nose up in the air and barked. Shauna stopped and kneeled down. She’d watched John numerous times reward one of the dogs when they’d given a warning bark.

“Good boy.” She stood back up. “What kind of dog is Blue?”

“He’s part Border Collie. The rest we’ll probably never know.” John shifted the blanket he carried and pointed. “Let’s go sit over there.”

Underneath an oak tree, they sat on the quilt and settled Blue in between them. The sun hovered on the horizon. Across the open area stood a large homemade screen made up of several white bed sheets. Shauna waved to Ella who was standing by the picnic table where Mayor Carson was selling bags of popcorn for fifty cents.

“There’s Kate and Jackson.” John whistled to grab their attention, and then motioned them over.

Shauna smiled and patted the blanket beside her as they approached. “There’s room for more. Sit with us.”

“Thanks.” Kate lowered herself to the ground and squeezed Shauna’s hand before whispering, “How are you?”

“Fine.” She brushed off the question and turned to Jackson. “Hey, stranger.”

Jackson, all five foot eleven inches of him, leaned over Kate and hugged Shauna. “It’s good to see you back in town. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at mom and dad’s party a few weeks back. Kate’s been after me to join you girls for a night out, but duty calls.”

“How do you like working for your dad?” Shauna asked.

Jackson’s family owned Trident Oil Company. He’d grown up in Cottage Grove and everyone in town had always known he would assume his dad’s role and someday take over the business.

Jackson winked. “About as much as I liked following the rules he laid out when I was a teenager. I keep trying to convince him it’s time to retire, but dad’s going to dictate what I do his whole life.”

Shauna laughed. “I take it you two still butt heads and love every minute of it?”

“Yeah.” He grinned. “Now that my brother Stewart is married, at least dad’s eased off on me and placing his attention on Stewart and Jill. They just announced they’re going to have a baby.”

“Wow, congratulations, Uncle Jackson.” Shauna grinned.

“Hey, do you two want to go load up on snacks before the movie starts?” Kate scooted closer to Shauna. “I’ve got the munchies.”

“Popcorn and candy bars coming up.” John pushed himself to his feet. “Diet drinks for you girls?”

“Oh, you did not just insinuate that we
diet drinks.” Kate glared.

“Uh … ” John glanced to Jackson, who shrugged and backed up, shaking his head. “No, of course not.”

Kate elbowed Shauna and they both laughed. The men made a hasty exit. Shauna petted Blue, who tried to follow John.

“You’re terrible.” Shauna snorted. “Watch him bring us back extra popcorn and pop to make up for that comment.”

Kate turned her head, and leaned closer. “Never mind about that. I needed to get them away so I could tell you that Grayson’s here.”

She nodded. “I know. I heard he’d come back.”

“No. I mean he’s here at the park,” Kate said.

It took Shauna a moment to let the new information soak in. When it did, she forced herself to shrug. “I don’t care.”

Kate squinted and studied her. “Hm.”


“I guess I never thought I’d see the day that you got over Grayson Schyler. It’s a little hard to believe.”

She gazed over at John, walking back toward them. “I’m with John now. He makes me happy.”

“I’m glad.” Kate scooted over and helped the men pass out the treats. “This better be diet pop, John.”

He paused. “It is, but Jackson was the one who ordered the drinks. I’m innocent.”

“Smart man. You learn fast.” Kate laughed.

“What? You’re not mad at Jackson?” John huffed. “Women.”

They soon grew quiet and the projector lit up the screen. Shauna snuggled beside John and leaned back against him. The movie distracted the others and with the cover of darkness, she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. What was Grayson doing here? Had he brought one of his women? Not that it mattered. She had John now.

Before she knew it, intermission came, and Blue stood beside her, wiggling his rear end. She scratched Blue’s neck. “Do you need to go for a walk?”

“I’ll take him.” John shifted to rise, but she patted his leg.

“I’ll do it. My foot’s asleep, and my butt’s numb from sitting on the ground.” She stood up, shook her leg, and then limped away until the feeling came back to her foot.

Not wanting Blue to do his job where everyone walked, she hurried to the other end of the park where she knew there were supplied sacks for dog pickups. She continued walking, letting out the retractable leash and giving Blue enough distance to run ahead. When she thought she’d walked a good distance away from the crowd, she moved over to a statue and leaned against it.

Without the benefit of lights in the area, she didn’t let Blue go too far away. It was hard enough to see in the dark, she didn’t want to lose him if he slipped out of his collar. Alone, she stuck out her lower lip and blew the hair out of her eyes. She was tired of the direction her life was taking her.

She wanted to talk to her dad, but had no desire to deal with the reasons why her mom had decided to reappear in her life. Even at work, she stayed alert in case Grayson showed up, and then beat herself up for doing so. At least throwing herself into organizing the event helped her stay sane.

“Hey, Blue.” She patted her leg, and smiled as Blue came running to her. “You’re such a good boy. I might just have to steal you away from John. We could hit the road and escape all this nonsense, huh? I’d even let you stick your head out the window. We could listen to loud music, eat junk food, and find us some swanky resort to stay in.”

Blue barked.

“What male could turn down an offer like that?” A familiar husky voice spoke behind her.

She stiffened. Every nerve in her body sizzled, and the air in her lungs swelled.

Grayson stepped in front of her. “Hello, Shauna.”

Chapter Seventeen

In the two weeks of Grayson’s absence, he’d somehow become even sexier. His hair lay mussed, falling down on his forehead. The lines on his forehead were more prominent, and to make it worse, he stood in front of her with his hands deep in the front pockets of his jeans, unthreatening and approachable.

“I need to get back. The movie has probably started.” She tugged on Blue’s leash, but Grayson leaned down and swept up the pooch.

“You’ve seen the movie before.” He stroked the dog’s back, while seeming to gauge her reaction.

“That’s not the point. I came with John.” She pursed her lips.

She couldn’t yank the dog out of his arms. She wasn’t heartless. Not stomping away had everything to do with Blue’s position, not because Grayson had sought her out.

“I went on vacation.” Grayson stepped closer.

Shauna moved backward, bumped into the statue, and groaned. Rubbing the back of her head, she glared when Grayson chuckled.

“Are you sinking to a new low? You not only want to hurt my feelings, but like a little physical pain on me too?”

He shook his head before motioning with his chin for her to look up. She leaned back and tilted her head, and instant recognition came with the dawning realization there was no running away from Grayson Schyler. But it didn’t take a ten-foot gold statue of him to knock sense into her brain.

“You’re such an ass.” She crossed her arms.

“Yeah.” He lifted his shoulder and grinned. “Let’s go back to my place.”

She couldn’t keep going on this way, hot one minute, cold the next, and yet Grayson dangled her out of reach while plucking her heartstrings when the mood hit him. She’d had enough. Not willing to let him have control over her, she gently scooped Blue out of his arms and faced Grayson head on.

“I know this is hard to believe, but I’ve changed. I’m not hanging around Cottage Grove hoping for a little attention. I’m not naïve enough to believe for one minute you feel anything for me, except pity.” Her laugh came out harsh and pained even to her own ears. “I’m not a form of entertainment for you when you become bored with your private horde of women. So, if you’ll excuse me, I have a man waiting for his dog and his girlfriend and for my answer on whether I’m ready to take our relationship further.”

She took two steps, turned back around, and pointed to the doggy bag station behind him. “Oh, by the way, I think Blue left you a gift at the base of your golden statue. You might want to pick that up.”

She whirled around. Each step away from Grayson gave her more confidence. She held her head high and marched straight back toward the others, not stopping until she’d reached John. He scrambled to his feet and clutched her arms.

“What happened? Are you okay?”

She smiled. “I’m perfect. Let’s go home.”

It only took two seconds for him to read the need in her eyes, and he wrapped his arm around her waist and started walking.

“Hey!” Kate raised her head off Jackson’s lap. “Where are you going now?”

“Home.” She grinned. “I’m tired of my stagnant life, and I’m going to change directions. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

In less time than she imagined, John pulled up in front of the one-story ranch house and ushered her inside. She stood in the middle of the living room, waiting for him to come back after he secured Blue in the outdoor kennel. For a split second, she debated whether to slip out the front door, hop in her car, and drive away.

A door shut in the rear of the house, and before she could talk herself into following her instincts, John entered the room. She rubbed her arms, warming herself up. Usually summer nights in the low coastal mountains were rather muggy, but she couldn’t shake the chill.

“Did Blue protest having to go back in with the other dogs?” she asked.

“No. He was worn out.” He embraced her. “You’ve made me a happy man, deciding to come back here early. I hope I’m not misreading what you want to happen between us.”

“I really like you, John.” She slipped her arms over his shoulders and gazed into his eyes. “I’ve been unfair, and you’ve been more patient than I expected.”

“You’re worth it.”

She opened, and then closed her mouth. Was she? She’d failed her dad, her mother, and she couldn’t even satisfy Grayson to save her life.

“Did I say something wrong?” he asked.

Shauna sucked in a breath. “No.”

She’d gone over the reasons why getting involved with John was a good thing. Yet she couldn’t stop thinking about Grayson and apparently it would take drastic measures to make her forget how Grayson made her feel when he touched her.

She leaned in and kissed John. On the mouth. Slow, and lingering.

The warm pressure of his lips promised her a night to remember. In the war of emotions going on inside her soul, doing what was right, what felt good, what she needed, was winning.

She pressed her breasts against his chest. She enjoyed the way his body comforted her, and in startling surprise, the way he reacted helped her feel complete, real, desired.

He broke the kiss, and rested his chin on the top of her head, holding her to his chest. His heart raced against her cheek, and she closed her eyes. John brought out the good things in her, and she wanted to please him.

She rubbed his back, gaining confidence, exploring, until her hands rested on the top of his jeans, pulling him closer. He groaned, lifting her face and heating things up. His tongue brushed the inside of her lip and she jerked back with the speed of an activated mousetrap. Frozen in place, she dared not breathe, or he’d pounce.

Seconds ticked by without either of them moving.

“Aw, Shauna.” He reached for her, but she moved back, her hand automatically going to her throat.

“I-I’m sorry.” She swallowed past the horror of what she’d done.

He sighed and shook his head sadly. “Don’t be. I knew my feelings for you exceeded how you felt about me. I told myself to wait, to let you learn that we could be good together, but it’s not true, is it? There’ll never be an us.”

She blinked to clear her vision, and was surprised at how the tears wouldn’t stop. “I wanted it to be different. I tried. I really did, but … ”

BOOK: Wildly (Crimson Romance)
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