Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2 (9 page)

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The beast howled, and through the screeching din she heard Kai say, “Hang on, Sprite. This might get sticky.”

Before she could comprehend his words, she felt her captor stiffen, then let out another cry even louder than the first.

It dropped her to the concrete. She pushed herself up from the ground, understanding what Kai meant. Blood coated the ground. Not hers, and it didn’t appear to be Kai’s.

Brooke ran to the side of the alley, flattening her back against the bricks. She saw why the Neshi had released her: one of its arms dangled awkwardly, blood pouring from its shoulder. Kai lobbed a ball of demonfire at it, and she remembered Brenin’s description of its slow-burning skin. Orange flames licked up and down its arm, but it didn’t seem affected as it struck again and again at Kai. The smell of burning flesh mixed with the creature’s moldy reek churned her stomach.

He knows what he’s doing
He’s fought Neshis before
. So transfixed by the battle before her, she jumped and yelped when she heard a voice at her ear.

“Are you okay?”

Brooke spun to see a woman close to her own height, with huge green eyes. She wore black leather pants and a fitted leather jacket, auburn waves spilling over her shoulders. She exuded an ethereal yet predatory beauty. She also held a dagger in one hand.

Brooke jumped back, her eyes flicking from the blade to the woman’s body. They had a similar build. Brooke’s muscles coiled. She could take this woman out.

“It’s okay,” the woman said, “I won’t hurt you. I need to make sure you’re all right.”
She sheathed her dagger. “This is for Agent Orange over there. If I ran into him alone.”

Brooke stared at her. Who on Earth expected to run into a Neshi demon in Chicago?

“I’m Miranda,” the woman said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Her
ear. Brooke looked closer, her attention caught by a small horn above it. No wonder she looked otherworldly. She wasn’t human.

“What are you?” Brooke asked in a shaky voice.

Miranda smiled. “I’m a Deserati demon. We’re allies with the Lash demons.”
She frowned at Brooke. “You didn’t answer my question, but I guess you’re okay, because I smell only Neshi blood. Or…”
She trailed off, staring at Brooke. “What kind of fae are you?”

Brooke hesitated, not sure if she wanted to divulge her species to this stranger. Miranda put up a pleasant facade, but if she was a demon, she probably had power that Brooke couldn’t imagine.

“Shouldn’t we help him?” Brooke pointed to Kai.

“Kai?” Miranda turned to the two demons fighting in the alley. The Neshi’s skin released a pungent smoke, all of its arms on fire now. “He doesn’t need any help. Now that I’ve established that you’re all right, we can sit back and watch the maestro at work.”

Brooke stared at her. “You know him?”

Miranda smiled, her gaze fixed on Kai. She inhaled deeply and let her breath out on a sigh, murmuring, “Mmm-hmm.”

Something about the possessive way Miranda’s eyes raked Kai’s body left a bitter feeling in Brooke’s gut. Which was ridiculous. If this Miranda creature wanted to hang out with a rude, glowering demon, she could.

“Have you known him long?” Brooke asked, needing to know just how well this redheaded hottie knew Kai.

“We’ve worked together on and off, over the years,” Miranda replied, her green eyes never leaving the Lash demon.

“Did you guys, um, date?”

Miranda turned to Brooke. “Date?” She laughed. “Such a human term. That’s cute.”

Well, what word would you use?
Brooke wanted to ask, but she felt silly asking any more questions. And more than that, she didn’t understand why she cared.

A thud echoed from the ground and she turned as one flaming orange arm landed several feet in front of her, followed by a second one. Raising her eyes, she saw Kai wield one of the Neshi knives. He plunged it into the demon’s chest with practiced ease. The creature howled.

Brooke watched, unable to look away. Kai twisted the blade and flicked it back out, sending a black lump to the ground. It landed with a wet thunk. The Neshi crumpled to the concrete, next to its steaming heart.

“Bravo, demon,” Miranda called in a sultry voice.

Kai’s head whipped around, eyes widening at the new arrival. “Miranda?”
Then his gaze slid to Brooke. “Sprite. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”
And relieved that you seem okay

Miranda turned to her and sniffed. “You don’t smell like a sprite.”

Kai pulled out his phone and started dialing. “I gotta call the guys.”

Brooke waited next to Miranda, shifting her weight and unsure of what to do with her bloody hands. The blood didn’t bother her nearly as much as the relationship she suspected between Kai and this gorgeous female. And the fact that it bothered her made her grit her teeth in frustration. Kai was surly and rarely bothered with manners. He gave her a stupid nickname that she…
. She was getting used to being called Sprite.

Kai ended the call and looked at the red-haired demoness. “What are you doing here?”

Miranda smiled and pushed off the brick wall she leaned against. “Well, you knew I was in town. I haven’t been able to leave just yet.”
She sashayed toward Kai, stopping a foot away from him. Clearly in his personal space. “I heard the commotion and had to check it out. And who do I find but you, killing a nasty Neshi. You know how I feel about you doing that.”

Brooke could see Miranda’s smile in profile, and when the Desrati slowly dragged her gaze from Kai’s chest to his eyes, Brooke’s patience snapped. She narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat.

“And I met—” Miranda broke off, turning to Brooke. “I didn’t get your name.”

“Brooke,” she said quickly, before Miranda could murmur anything else in that sultry voice of hers. Fixing her eyes on Kai, Brooke stepped closer. “How did you find me?”

He paused and raked a hand through his hair. “I scented the Neshi last night, but we couldn’t find him. Tonight, we were still looking for him and, uh, I thought you might be working late.”
He cleared his throat.

Brooke blinked up at him, unsure of why her question seemed to make him uncomfortable. “Oh. I’m glad you thought to check my office.”

“This was too close, Brooke.” Kai pinched the bridge of his nose. “If I hadn’t checked…”

“It’s not my fault I’m swamped at work.”

“That’s not what I meant. I want you to have an escort for your commute, if you want to keep working. And you should move into my house.”

Brooke’s face warmed and she sputtered, “
I want to work?
Who do you think you are?
Maybe you’re sitting on centuries of old money, but I have bills to pay!
My mortgage, for one. And I’m not moving.”

He glared at her, his eyes full of amber heat. “When the guys get here to help clean this up, I’m taking you home. To my house. You’re staying there until we figure out what’s going on. I’ve never heard of a Neshi on Earth.”

“I just got wind of that thing myself,” Miranda piped up, moving her curvy body an inch closer to Kai. She’d watched their conversation with raised eyebrows and a smirk. “I also haven’t seen many water sprites in Earth cities.”

The soft amber glow of Kai’s eyes found Brooke’s. Without looking away from her, he told Miranda, “Brooke’s not a water sprite. She’s a Solsti.”
As he spoke the last word, a smile tugged at the corner of his sensual mouth.

The air went still. Brooke glanced at Miranda, whose mouth opened then closed again.

“Holy shit!”
Miranda exclaimed. “You told me they were here, but—” She shook her mane of gorgeous hair. “I didn’t expect to meet one of them.”
She looked Brooke up and down, then her gaze shifted to Kai. “A Solsti,” she murmured, gazing at him with an expression Brooke couldn’t read.

Brooke’s heart pinched at Miranda’s tone. There was obviously some history between them. But screeching tires interrupted the awkward moment, as a black Escalade slammed to a halt at the mouth of the alley, and the other three Lash demons piled out.

Eyeing the corpse and various appendages, Gunnar shook his head. He swore softly, then turned to Brooke. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She managed a small smile.

“Hi, Gunnar,” Miranda said.

“You know him, too?” Brooke’s head snapped around to stare at the woman. There was no sultry note in Mirands’a voice as she addressed Gunnar, but Brooke’s protective instincts toward Nicole flared to life. This demoness better make herself scarce if she had a history with Gunnar.

Miranda nodded. “The Lash and Deserati have joined forces over the years. I’ve met quite a few.”
She looked more intently at Gunnar. “Nice mate lock. Who’s the lucky lady?”

“My sister.” Brooke’s voice dripped ice. When she had first heard of mates acquiring one lock of hair in their partner’s color, she thought it was ridiculous. But now, as she watched the beautiful female study her sister’s mate, she was glad. The blond stripe nestled in his black hair stood out like a beacon, announcing that Gunnar only had eyes for one woman.

Miranda turned to Brooke, eyes wide. Brooke wished she could take a picture of Miranda’s stunned expression as her eyes flicked from Brooke to Gunnar, then to Kai. She glanced down, and took her time raising her eyes to Brooke’s. “Tell your sister, congratulations. I hope to have the pleasure of meeting her one day.”

Brooke nodded.

“On that note, I’d better get back to my assignment.
Brooke, it was an honor to meet you.”
Miranda inclined her head, then turned to the men. “See ya ‘round, boys!”
She vaulted to the top of one of the buildings framing the alley, and disappeared as quickly as she arrived.

Brooke was still staring at the rooftop when Kai stepped closer, interrupting her thoughts.

“Let’s get you home, Sprite.”

“I don’t want to go to your house.”

“You can’t stay alone.”

“Yes, I can. My condo is warded.”

“The house is safer, with all of us there.”

“How would we even get there?
We’re both covered in blood.” Brooke gestured to his soaked T-shirt.

He jerked his head toward the street. “The SUV’s big enough for all of us.”

“I’m not riding bitch,” Rhys muttered as he collected Neshi arms from around the alley.

“Or I can carry you,” Kai said, ignoring his friend. Did she imagine it, or did he just try to hide a grin?

“No. And my condo is closer.”


“I’m serious, Kai. We need to clean up before anyone sees us. The condo is warded. You’ll be with me. I’ll be safer than ever.”

Kai glared at her.

“Gunnar left some clothes in Nicole’s room. You can wear those. And you can bring me to work in the morning. You said I needed an
She dragged the last word out and laced it with sarcasm.


“Fine. If you won’t bring me home, one of the other guys will.”
She looked at the rest of the group, who all appeared fully focused on the body in front of them. None of them volunteered. “Oh, come on!”

Rhys spoke up. “He’s right, Brooke. You’re a Solsti. We’ll guard you with our lives.”

She swallowed, knowing Rhys was right. She would have died tonight if not for their protection. Still, it didn’t make sense to go so far when her own place was a mile away.

Biting her lip, she chose charm. She tilted her head and smiled at Kai. “It’ll only be a few hours. I have to be at work early to send the final drawings to my client in New York. I won’t be out of your sight until I’m at my office. I’m so tired, and it’s so close. Please, Kai?”

He folded his arms over his broad chest and shook his head, glowering at her. “Okay, Sprite. You win. Just for tonight.”

Relief coursed through her veins and she let out a huge breath. “Thank you.”
She barely had the energy to walk, not that she would tell Kai that. She could set one foot in front of the other for the short trip to her place. Before he had a chance to change his mind, she said, “Let’s go.”

She took a step toward the entrance of the alley and promptly stumbled, falling forward. Her hands shot out to break her fall, but Kai moved faster. He scooped her up in his arms, cradling her to his chest. Though he was covered in demon blood, his left shoulder had managed to avoid the mess, and she rested her head there.

“You may have talked me into staying at your place, but I’m carrying you there,” he growled in a voice that brokered no argument.

“Fine,” Brooke muttered. But she wasn’t complaining. The near-death experience, the late hour, plus the crazy workload at her office, all conspired to make her exhausted. For the first time in what felt like hours, she relaxed. She settled into Kai’s strong arms as he took off, the shapes of the darkened city passing by in a blur of speed.



guard until they were inside Brooke’s condo. He’d covered the city mile in two minutes, his senses on high alert the entire time. Brooke was right. Between him and the protective wards, her condo was the second-safest place he could think of. And he didn’t plan on sleeping.

She emerged from one of the bedrooms carrying a pile of clothes. “Here you go.”
She set them on the living room couch. “I’m sure something in there will fit you.”


,” she said. “You saved my life tonight.”

He shrugged. “I’d be a sorry excuse for a Lash Watcher if I didn’t.”

“How did that thing get here?
And why?”

“Those are the million dollar questions, Sprite.”

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