Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2 (7 page)

BOOK: Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2
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Brooke smacked her sister’s palm. One year older than her own age of twenty-seven, the two of them had been inseparable for as long as long as she could remember. Their giggles settled down to a comfortable silence as they walked another block. “Work has been so crazy, I haven’t even talked to Gin since…” she counted mentally. “Last Friday’s video chat.”

As they turned into the driveway, Nicole gazed up at the stately brick mansion. “What do you think it will take for her to walk through those doors?”

“I still haven’t figured that out,” Brooke said as they walked up the driveway. Two years younger than Brooke, Gin was the most stubborn person she knew. She thought Brooke and Nicole were reckless to use their abilities, and she had no interest in honing her own affinity with fire.

Opening the front door, the sisters were greeted with shouts and computer-generated gunfire coming from the great room.

“Boo-yah!” Rhys yelled, jumping off the couch, Xbox controller in hand.

“Pussy,” Brenin muttered.

“I guess the lesson is over,” Nicole said.

“Not for Gunnar. He’s still up in Rilan’s study,” Rhys said over his shoulder.

“Maybe I should check on him,” Nicole said, smiling.

A frisson of anticipation shot through Brooke’s body as she wondered where Kai was.
With Rilan and Gunnar?
Out patrolling the city?
And why do I care?
Like a rubber band, her mind snapped back to the last time she’d seen him. In the kitchen, standing so close, tantalizing her senses…

. His insults lingered in her thoughts, too.
He’s an ass, remember?

The sisters climbed the stairs to the second floor, where Nicole ducked into Rilan’s suite and Brooke went to her room.
My room
. She shook her head. Demon Central felt more like home with every day that passed.
When did that happen?

She stored several changes of clothing here, as well as travel sizes of all her toiletries. Changing out of her work clothes, she pulled on a black sports bra, loose-fitting red tank top, and yoga pants. She tugged her long brown hair into a messy bun atop her head and slipped back downstairs.

Rhys and Brenin were so absorbed in their video game that they didn’t notice as she made her way through the house and down the basement steps. Well, she amended, they were probably aware of her on some level. Their heightened demon senses would register every scent, sight, and smell around them.

The pounding drums and screeching guitars of Iron Maiden echoed in the lower level, vibrating the door of the training room. She pulled it open and stepped inside.

Kai was engaged in an impressive display of swordsmanship. Alone. She stood by the door, partly because she was unsure of what to say. She hadn’t seen him since their little incident in the kitchen on Sunday. When he not only apologized for insulting her, but made her insides turn to jelly with barely a touch. She pushed the heated memories from her mind, needing to focus on her workout.

However, another part of her was transfixed. Wearing only sweatpants, Kai moved with a swift grace she would never have imagined. Flashes of silver met her eyes as he swung the huge sword with ease. His bare feet skimmed across the blue mats, the muscles in his arms and back rippling with every twist and thrust. She had never seen him in action, except for his skirmish with Brenin. He looked magnificent and lethal, and she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

He stopped and faced her, his handsome face showing no surprise. Of course, he would have scented her the minute she opened the door. He strode to the sound system against the wall and lowered the volume. “I didn’t know you were coming over, Sprite.”
His tone was pleasant. Not laced with his usual sarcasm.

She swallowed. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I…I had a rough day at work, and I wanted to take it out on the bags.”

“Then the place is yours.” He spread his arms and turned toward the weapons area, picking up his T-shirt from the floor.

“You don’t have to go.”
The words tumbled from her mouth before she could stop them. “This room’s big enough for both of us.”

He pivoted to look at her, sword in one hand and T-shirt in the other, and a smile twitched across his sensual mouth.

Her water bottle fell to the floor with a thud. He had never smiled at her before. He’d smirked when he insulted her, sure. But this was genuine, reaching all the way to his twinkling brown eyes, and devastatingly handsome.

Get a grip
, she berated herself as she bent to retrieve her water. She crossed the room, daring to glance at him, and found him still grinning at her. Her stomach flipped.

“As you wish.” He tossed the T-shirt back into a corner and resumed his practice.

She set her water down and pulled a pair of boxing gloves off a shelf full of equipment. The guys didn’t need them, but she and Nicole didn’t relish bloody knuckles. After a few minutes of warming up with soft jabs, she let loose with a series of right and left hooks. She moved through all the punches she knew, then kicked the crap out of the bag with her roundhouse. She was in the zone, utterly focused, picturing not a punching bag before her, but random bad guys.

When she stopped for a drink, Kai’s voice jerked her out of her little world. “Remind me not to be on the business end of your kicks,” he drawled.

“Good idea. Those guys usually don’t get back up for a while.”

“You done beating up that bag?”

“I’m done with the bag, but I’m not done for the night.”

“Good, because I want to show you something,” he said. “I mean, if you want.”

Who are you and what have you done with Kai?
No insults, no orders, and even a smile. This was so different from the way he usually acted. Maybe it was that big harvest moon. She suppressed a smile and stretched the muscles she’d abused. Whatever the reason, this wasn’t just a civil conversation, but an enjoyable one.
First time ever.

Turning to him, she asked, “What is it?”

“I know the broadswords can get heavy—”

She snorted. “Oh, just a little.”

“We have some small thin blades. I think you’d like those better.”

She raised her eyebrows. Curiosity piqued, she followed him to the weapons table.

“This is patterned after an Italian long sword.”
He picked up a shiny blade that was surprisingly thin. He offered the hilt to her and she grasped it, amazed by its light weight. It looked delicate, the hilt being small enough for her hand but big enough to cause damage if she needed to hit someone on the head.

She noted the double-edged blade. “Why couldn’t I start with this one?”

“Brenin had the right call. You need to know how to handle the heavier swords in case that’s the only thing available. At least know how to block strikes until you can get to a weapon that’s more your size.”

She lifted the sword, entranced by it, yet unsure of how to handle it. “Show me what to do.”

Grinning, he walked her through the basics of stabbing and thrusting with the slender blade. She did okay for her first time, using him as a target. He dodged out of the way every time. But when they moved on to swinging and chopping, she had more trouble executing the proper motions.

“Your problem is with the follow-through.” He frowned. “I think that will just take time and practice. Here, try to start with your arm like this…” He moved behind her, gently guiding her wrist and elbow.

She sucked in a breath at the contact. His hands were warm, and those zings of electricity returned, swirling around her arm. Her world slowed down to the laziest fast-forward setting on her DVD player, and she watched his hands touch her skin, heard his voice at her ear. Her mind didn’t register his words, but her body greedily drank in every detail of the demon beside her.

His hands tightened a fraction and his body stilled. She turned her head to peek at him, wondering if he felt the same way she did.

“Did you have a date today, Brooke?” he asked, his tone cold, his jaw set. His words pulled her from her trance.


He repeated his question.

She stared at his hand, still encircling her wrist. Her body drowning in the warm, pleasurable sensation of simply being next to him, her mind was nowhere close to being able to process his unexpected words. “What are you talking about?”

He dipped his head slightly toward her arm. “I smell a human male.”

“Are you saying I smell like a
She gaped at him and tried unsuccessfully to jerk her arm away. Even for Kai, this was a new level of rudeness.

“You’ve been in close contact with one. His scent lingers on your skin.”
Kai’s voice was low and rough.

“I haven—” Brooke stopped mid-sentence, her eyes slowly lowering to the floor. Charles. They had walked arm-in-arm out of the office tonight. Kai took issue with
The idea would be funny if it wasn’t so preposterous.

She yanked her arm away and took a step back, glaring at him. “What is your problem, Kai?
I’ve been working my ass off, putting in twelve-hour days!
I had time for a date, why would I end up
at the end of the night?
And what the hell business is it of yours anyway?”
She practically spat out the last words.

He took a step closer. His brown eyes took on a dark amber glow. “It’s our business because you’re vulnerable. You may be a Solsti, but you’ve got a lot to learn. We keep you safe, and that means we get to know your shit. You don’t get to fuck whoever you want, Sprite.”

Gasping in shock, she flung the sword to the floor. She knew her mouth was hanging open again. Fury raced through her blood and she reacted without thinking. “You don’t own me!
I’m not fucking
She swung her leg up in a high arc, aiming for his ribs.

Still anticipating the satisfying crack of bone, her back hit the mats with a thud. Her breath gone in a
, she looked up into the amber luster of Kai’s eyes. In the fraction of a second it took her to breathe, he pinned her beneath his muscular body, her arms held above her head by one of his hands.

He leaned down until only inches separated them. “Good,” he growled, and he covered her mouth with his.

Her words of protest died. Every reason why this was a bad idea fled her mind. The little sparks she felt when their arms had brushed were nothing compared to the sensation of his lips. At once soft and demanding, she was conscious of only one thought.

His kiss was like embers falling on dry leaves. Desire shot through her blood, igniting every cell, chasing away every thought that didn’t involve getting his body as close to hers as possible. Her skin grew warm as he nudged her lips apart. She opened without hesitation, welcoming the insistent thrust of his tongue deep in her mouth. He flicked the roof of her mouth and she gasped at his teasing intensity. But he stole her breath, drawing in the tiny moan that escaped as he slanted her mouth under his.

She slid her tongue along his, her body going completely pliant under his skillful kiss. He tasted like the darkest red wine, earthy and oaky. She sucked his tongue as heat uncoiled deep in her belly. Wiggling under his weight, she attempted to free her hands.

He released her wrists, only to clamp his hand firmly on her hip, sending a fresh wave of fire through her body. She needed to touch him everywhere. Her hands flew to his bare broad shoulders, squeezing him, learning his muscles. She caressed his neck, trailing one hand up into his thick soft hair. She had wanted to do that ever since she first laid eyes on him. Knotting her hand in his hair, she sucked his lower lip into her mouth and nipped him gently.

He rumbled his approval, and his free hand slid up her side, caressing her ribs. The scoundrel stopped maddeningly short of her breast. The heat from his hand seared through her thin tank top, stoking her need higher. Her nipples tightened and she gripped his shoulders, pushing him, wanting more control, but it was like trying to move a boulder.

He wasn’t done claiming her mouth. His tongue plunged deeper, thrusting, hinting at more. His scent of leather surrounded her. She arched her back, pressing her breasts against him.

She pushed again, and he rolled them over as one. His hands slid down her back, over her hips, to cup her ass. He locked her against him, and she gasped as she felt the hard steel of his cock nudging her belly. And her mound.
My God, he’s huge.

His hands on her bottom felt so good, massaging her and driving her crazy. She felt a rush of liquid heat between her legs, knew he’d feel it through her thin yoga pants if he touched her there. He kissed her senseless, her lips covered in tiny dancing sparks of crazy desire. Her whole body tingled and ached, on fire with need.

She couldn’t wait any longer. Her breasts were swollen, nipples pouting for his touch, the ache deep in her belly turning painful. Reaching back, she grabbed one of his hands and brought it to her breast.

He groaned into her mouth and flipped them over again, settling between her legs. She whimpered as her hips cradled his raging erection.
God, he feels so good
. She arched into him again, her body set on one goal.

He cupped her breast and released it, only to slide his hand under the edge of her tank top. Skimming up her bare stomach to her sports bra, he palmed her over the fabric and she sucked in a breath. Teasingly, he traced his fingers along the bottom edge, then slid one just under the elastic band. He dragged it back and forth, making her moan.

As if reading her mind, he shoved her bra up, freeing her breasts. The cool air and the friction from the fabric made her nipples even harder. His warm hand covered her, tenderly caressing her sensitive flesh, and when he dragged his thumb slowly across her straining nipple, she cried out in pleasure.

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