Wicked End (55 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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Once against the locked door, Mackenzie hitched up her short skirt. “This is why I wore a skirt.”

He lifted her up and grabbed her bare ass, “And didn’t put on panties either.”

She grinned. “Just hope your shorts don’t get too wet.” She knew she had moisture built up. Even her thighs were wet.

He dropped the shorts to the floor and pushed them aside. “Not gonna happen.” Her hands ran up his sides. His eyes closed. “Damnit, Kenzie.” His entire body was on fire. Without another word, he lifted his cock and plunged into her. “Fuck, you make me fucking crazy.” He withdrew and thrust in again. “God, if you keep doing that I’m gonna blow way too soon.”

She dragged her fingers down his sides again, lightly touching the skin. His rhythm suddenly sped up. She had to grab him to stay steady. In took seconds for her body to respond. She clawed at his sides when her pussy gripped him ferociously.

“Kenzie… Kenzie…” She was giving him extreme pain and pleasure in his most sensitive areas. He couldn’t take anymore. “Fuck… cumming… now… damnit!” He grunted as cum flooded her pussy. “How the fuck did you make me cum that fast?” He panted and clung to her, stunned.

She was coming down as well. “Because I know you and wanted you to get relief.”

He closed his eyes and leaned his head on her shoulder. “No one does that for me but you.”

By the time they were sitting at their table again, their food was just arriving. Sally gave them a sly smile as she set the plates in front of them. “Enjoy.” She said it with a knowing tone.

Mackenzie looked down at her breakfast. “Wanna try some?” She drizzled syrup all over the plate.

“Sure.” Brandon stabbed some eggs and potatoes. “Here.” They fed each other. “That’s good.” He bit his lip. “Guess I do like stuffed french toast.” He didn’t say what he was thinking because it would turn her on again.

She took a bite of her own food. “Yeah, wonder if you’d like Scott stuffing you.”

He choked on a potato piece. She thought that way anyway. When he stopped coughing, he met her sultry gaze. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

She was just hoping. “I know. It’s OK.”

They made quick work of their food, in case there was an issue returning the Mustang. Brandon left Sally a two hundred dollar tip then winked at her on their way out. He watched her through the window jumping up and down, clutching the bills. That meant they all had a happy ending.

With an hour to spare, they made it to the airport’s short-term parking lot. Brandon was driving because he knew where the designated parking spot was. He noticed the sheriff’s deputy leaning on his car right next to it, just before pulling in.

“Put this in the windshield.” The imposing figure said as Brandon opened his door.

Brandon took the Sheriff’s department permit and put it where directed. He was still nervous about another riot, but hoped for the best. He heard the deputy talking on his radio.

Mackenzie smiled at the grim deputy. He did give her a small grin, but nothing more. All business, she could deal with that. She strained to read his name. The lettering was small. It looked like “Smith,” but she wasn’t positive.

“Deputy Smith?” she asked, to be sure.

He fixed his gaze on her. “Yes ma’am. Do you have more bags, Mr. Knight?”

“No.” Brandon threw his carry on over his shoulder. Even his jacket had been crammed into it. The rest of his things he left at Jesse’s so he had clothes when he came back in October. Taking Mackenzie’s hand in his, they followed Deputy Smith.

There was another large man posted close by who fell into step with them. When they reached the door to the airport itself, four more male and female officers surrounded them.

Deputy Samuels was one of them. “Glad you took my advice.”

Brandon nodded at him. “After what those crazy bitches did to my girlfriend, no way in hell was I gonna risk it again.

“We have security waiting for you on the other end and a pass so Miss Winters can go with you to the gate.” Deputy Samuels saw several heads turn. “It’s easier to protect you two together. She will have an escort back to her car as well.”

There were no issues, other than a few screaming girls, until they arrived at Brandon’s gate. Mackenzie sat down and pulled in her lips. She was trying hard not to cry. Brandon was doing almost the same, standing over her. They had several people guarding them still, but they had stepped back to give them a semblance of privacy.

Brandon knelt in front of Mackenzie and grasped her hands. “You know I don’t wanna leave you.” He had already gotten several threatening texts from Jake, not to miss his flight. “Things changed so much this past month.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, quelling the unfamiliar emotions. “I can’t believe I fell in love. Never thought that would happen to me.” He pulled her hands to his chest. “You’re the most important thing in my life, but…” He trailed off, wanting to say it in the right way.

“Music is your life too.” She knew what he was thinking. “You don’t have to explain yourself. I know you need to tour and write music and record. I get that girls adore you mostly because you’re famous. It just hurts to have to let you… go…” For the second time that day, she broke down.

Folding her into his arms, he let his own tears flow.
Love shouldn’t hurt like this. I should just be happy I found her.
He struggled to get himself together, but there was no use. His heart was breaking. He hoped Scott or Chico had a few minutes just to talk when he got there. Dealing with this seemed impossible, but both of them had been in his shoes in a way at one point.

Mackenzie heard his flight announced over the speakers and froze.
Not yet, please, not so soon!
She clung to him. “Please…” She cried into his shirt.

“Mr. Knight, we need to get you on board.”

She didn’t look up, just took a few breaths, knowing she was making it harder for him. “I’m sorry. I’ll be fine.” She stood up and hugged him as tight as she could.

“Two weeks, that’s all,” Brandon whispered in her ear. He kissed her temple then lifted her chin. “I love you.” His lips brushed over hers. “Meet you in New Orleans, Tink.” He let her go, knowing she needed him to do it for her.

Mackenzie’s lip trembled. “I love you too,” she cried to him as he took a few steps back. “Call me when your plane lands.”

About the Author

Bella Jeanisse hails from New York City. At 10 years old, Bella picked up her first guitar. She was instantly hooked. Because of her deep passion for tall men, rock music, tattoos and motorcycles, she has gotten to know many musicians and roadies over the years—in every possible way. And although she has been writing risqué stories about musicians for many years, she has just recently taken these tales to the next level revealing, through her protagonists, the hold some of these men still have on her. They have inspired more than they ever imagined.

Now living in Florida with her three sons, she juggles domestic responsibilities, a social life, her career as an IT professional and her writing as carefully as possible. They do cross paths as you have seen in her first collection of short stories. Her life is busy and full, yet very fulfilling.

The few limits Bella puts on her love-life may be found as but a shadow in her writing. She draws from life, fantasy and inspiration to create each tale.

Bella has broadened her horizons to include short stories,
Insatiable Appetites
, with many more to come, some just a sentence at this point. The subjects range from military men to biker chicks to naughty doctors and much, much more.

She is also expanding the
Triple Threat
world to include bands that readers have met in the original novels. This is the first book in that series with many to come. The sequel to
Wicked End
is already in the works, as well at
’s book and
Triple Threat III
. Soon enough you’ll get to know
Brass Monkey
too… So many hot rock stars, so little time to bring them to life.

Read an excerpt of what’s next for Bella's exciting world,
in the following pages!

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Wicked End
. We appreciate your interest in our books. As a courtesy, we’ve included the following
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Sneak Peek: Gasoline
by Bella Jeanisse
Chapter One

Gasoline’s tour bus, driven by crewmember TJ, headed down I-76 in Pennsylvania, on the road to Michigan. The last August free show at the military training center was the next day. There they would meet up with Wicked End and several other bands.

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