White Wind (35 page)

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Authors: Susan Edwards

BOOK: White Wind
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Golden Eagle thought of the storm on the hill and nodded decisively. “He shall be called Striking Thunder. He shall strike his enemies in the dark of night and in a flash be gone, leaving only his fire behind as a sign of his greatness.”

Hawk Eyes nodded, pleased. “You have chosen well, my son, has he not, wife?”

Seeing Eyes nodded. “Yes, he shall be a great warrior someday, greater than even his father or grandfather,” she stated, looking upon her grandson. Golden Eagle and Hawk Eyes glanced at one another. Each knew by her words that the child named Striking Thunder would indeed become a mighty warrior.


Fluffy white clouds rode the gentle breeze across the deep blue sky. One lone eagle soared the currents, keeping a watch on the earth below. Movement on the Great Gray Rock sent the majestic bird spiraling higher, his cries echoing across the land, as though protesting the human intruders.

A hand appeared from below the top, then another as a figure pulled himself up. Standing from the high perch, Golden Eagle gazed down at the valley floor far below him. His feet were planted apart in an arrogant stance as he lifted his hands to the sky as if to embrace all that he could see before settling on his lean hips.

Sounds of scrambling came from behind him, and he strode over to the edge and helped White Wind over the top before returning his attention to the view below.

White Wind sat a moment and caught her breath. When Golden Eagle had suggested that they take a day and go off by themselves, she’d had no idea he wanted to climb a mountain.

She bestowed a look of love and wonderment at the man she proudly called husband. Framed by the sun’s rays, he looked every bit her golden warrior, so magnificent and powerful.

She was proud to be his wife. Despite the hard life they led, she and their six-month-old son lacked for nothing.

Rising silently to her feet, she came to stand behind Golden Eagle, wrapping her arms around his firm taut waist. She rested her chin upon his warm shoulder and took in the glorious sight from the top of their world.

The breeze played with her unbound hair, wrapping silky sun-bleached strands around Golden Eagle. White Wind laughed softly as he pulled her into his protective embrace.

“It’s beautiful, Golden Eagle. It was worth the climb up. Look, our home is there below us,” White Wind said, awed by the sight below.

“This land is ours. I do not know how long we can hold it from the white man, but it matters not where we go as long as you are at my side.”

A cry below had them both looking down. Another eagle soared, staying close to the cliff. An answering cry sounded from above.

Golden Eagle and White Wind, entwined in each other’s arms, watched as the eagle above them flew straight up into the clouds and disappeared.

Turning toward Golden Eagle when the bird failed to reappear, White Wind, eyes the color of the sky, mused, “I wonder where he went.”

Golden Eagle cupped her chin and lowered his head as he whispered, “He’s flown in search of a mate.” Once again he surveyed the scene below.

“Come, White Wind,” he said. “While this land is ours, let us be like the eagles above us. Let us also ride the wind together.”

Torn between love and duty; conflicted by attraction and thirst for revenge; having to choose passion or security. Don’t miss these additional titles from Susan Edward’s
Series, available now.

White Dawn (Book 1 of 12)

White Dusk (Book 2 of 12)

White Shadows (Book 3 of 12)




About the Author

Native American/Western romance writer Susan Edwards is the author of the popular White Series. She was nominated for the
Romantic Times
Career Achievement Award for Western Historical and the Reviewers' Choice Best Book Award. She is very pleased to be able to offer her series in digital format. Susan is working on an idea for a new White book, a reunion of characters. She is also working on developing a new series, one that she is very excited about. Check her website, www.susanedwards.com, for current news.

Susan lives in Central California with her husband and a houseful of cats, including two rescue kittens who stole her heart. Her other passion is gardening. Through her love of all things Native American, she has designed a twenty-six-foot medicine wheel garden and has "broken ground." It is a big project but one that she loves. You can follow her progress on her website. Susan also loves to knit and join her husband for hikes in the hills when it isn't too hot outside.

You can follow Susan at her various social media outlets:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/susanedwardsauthor

Twitter: www.twitter.com/susan_edwards

Blog: http://www.susanedwardsauthor.blogspot.com

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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9268-4

Copyright © 2011 by Susan Edwards

Previously published by Leisure Books
Copyright © 1996 by Susan Edwards

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