Whispers on the Ice (6 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Whispers on the Ice
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“Sounds like part of a law practice.”

Whittaker laughed, nodding in agreement. “I don’t care what it sounds like, as long as it works.”

“Will it?” the doctor inquired, scribbling notes in Aleksei’s file.

“I think the potential is there. They’re both proven skaters. A semi-truce has been called so hopefully they won’t kill each other this week but they haven’t actually ‘skated’ together yet.”

“Due to his leg.” the doctor finished the thought, still scribbling notes.

Whittaker glanced back at Aleksei, watching his reaction as the nurses made the final cuts and carefully removed the cast, then the padding and cloth covering his lower leg.

“Who’d you say his new partner is?” the doctor asked suddenly.

“Jordan Jamison,” Whittaker answered, his eyes taking in the doctors surprised look and nodding in agreement.

“Will it work? He’s got to out-weigh her by over one hundred pounds and have over a foot on her,” the doctor guessed.

“So you know her.”

“Treated her after her partner threw her into the boards. Luckily it was just a hairline fracture, and her partner then wasn’t that much bigger than she was. On the ice together, they looked pretty equal. But I’ll tell you, when I had her on the table, she wasn’t a whole lot bigger than a peanut!” the doctor’s stated, concern clear in his voice.

Whittaker chuckled softly at the doctor’s comment. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that ‘
’. The first time she met Aleksei she flipped him off. You could say she fired the first shot and it took them a good three weeks to get to where they could be on the ice together and not go for blood.”

“I thought you said they haven’t skated together yet?” the doctor asked.

“They haven’t. Aleksei has been sitting on the most uncomfortable steel chair I could find for him, center ice, watching her literally skate circles around him. I figured it would be good for the boy to see how she moves, and who knows, maybe make him a little humble. Besides, just because he was fool enough to jump off a mountain doesn’t mean she should fall back on her training. He’s just going to have a whole lot of catching up to do,” Whittaker stated.

“Can he do it without further injury?” the doctor asked seriously, watching Aleksei as the nurses carefully applied lotion to his dry, scaly leg.

“That’s why he’s now part of a pair, less strain on that leg. I won’t lie to you; it’s not going to be easy getting him back to a hundred percent. But if you could see how Jordan rides his ass and taunts him, he’ll do it just to get the chance to exact revenge on the ‘

“Why do I have the feeling there’s more here than you’re telling me?” the doctor inquired with a knowing smile.

“Suffice it to say, you don’t have to worry about Jordan’s well being,” Whittaker offered.

“What about Aleksei’s well being?” the doctor asked.

Whittaker shook his head sadly. “As far as I’m concerned, Aleksei’s well being flew out the window when he took on that little bitty spitfire and expected to win the war. Far as I can tell, he hasn’t even won a battle yet!”

“What’s it called, ‘artistic differences’?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard them referred to as ‘fire and ice’?” Whittaker asked the doctor. At the doctor’s affirmative nod, Whittaker continued. “And what happens when ‘fire and ice’ come together?” he questioned.

“Lots of steam?” the doctor suggested.

“Exactly!” Whittaker stated, poking his finger toward the doctor. “And if you’d seen them just before I brought Aleksei over here, you’d know we’re just about to experience some serious skating.”

The doctor smiled at Whittaker’s enthusiasm and shook his hand. “Good luck. Let me know if you need a hand cleaning up the carnage,” he offered, turning as Aleksei approached them on crutches and accepted his outstretched hand.

“Thanks, Doc,” Aleksei stated, smiling in appreciation, his hand extended. Even the stiffness in his ankle and the itching skin from his knee down couldn’t ruin his good mood.

“I recommend you take it real slow on that ankle. No jumps for at least eight to ten weeks and then only if the limp is completely gone. If you feel any grinding or extreme pain, I want you back here immediately,” the doctor stated firmly, shaking his hand in return.

“I know the drill, Doc.” Aleksei agreed, “your nurses gave me thirteen pages of instructions and threats of severe torture if I screw up.”

“It pays to have a properly trained staff,” The doctor confirmed, smiling at the nurses as they straightened the examination room.

“Good luck, Aleksei,” the nurses chimed, smiling and waving as Aleksei made his way carefully out the door and down the corridor toward the lobby.

Whittaker again shook the doctor’s hand. “I’ll see that he follows all thirteen pages of those instructions,” He promised, then nodded to the nurses and followed his athlete down the hall.

* * * * *

The music of Romeo and Juliet swelled sweetly, bringing tears to Jordan’s eyes, as she listened to both the music and her coach, Dee, describe the program she and Aleksei would skate. The program that could possibly get their names back to the forefront of everyone’s minds. Despite Jordan’s concern over every pair known to mankind having used this piece of music at one time or another; Dee was convinced it was the perfect piece for Jordan and Aleksei. Dee and Whittaker had choreographed the program, working together, effortlessly it seemed, and now Dee walked Jordan through it mentally. Explaining where the lifts would be, where the throws would land, spirals, footwork, holds, all in minute detail until Jordan could actually see the program in her mind. Jordan could almost feel it in her body and wished she could realize it with Aleksei and that, more than anything, made her anxious. He was her partner—nothing more—one more partner in a long line of them. In all actuality, probably not the last one she’d have. And yet, something felt different this time. There was a connection between them. Dee called it chemistry. Whittaker called it a perfect pairing. Aleksei called it a glutton for punishment. Jordan called it…she wasn’t sure what she called it anymore. At the beginning it had been a desire to see him grovel at her knees, begging for the opportunity to skate with her, touch her, lust after her. Now, somewhere along the line the rules had changed and she was the one needing to touch, lusting after him, wanting him. And it made her crazy! Never had she been so out of control of her emotions. Wasn’t she the one they called the ‘Ice Queen’? Wasn’t she the one everyone deemed untouchable? Now she felt like an icicle looking for a place to melt and the power of Aleksei’s inner flame drew her ever nearer, threatening the wall of ice that protected her heart and her soul from hurt and pain. Was she brave enough to risk the chance of exposing her true self to Aleksei or would he, like all her other partners, laugh at her and carelessly throw her dreams and desires back in her face? Quickly brushing away a tear that slowly trailed down her flushed cheek, she cast a glance at Dee, who silently watched her, lifted her chin determinedly and quietly, yet firmly announced. “We’ll kick their butts if we can get Aleksei up off of his.”

“Did I hear my name being bashed?” Aleksei asked softly, his deep tone sexy and deep. Without a word he took in the startled, almost frightened, look in Jordan’s wide eyes, the shiny trail of tears on her flushed cheeks. “Did I miss something?” he asked cautiously, his eyes never leaving hers.

“How long have you been… When did you get back?” Jordan asked uneasily, turning her back to him abruptly and wiping the tears away hastily.

Aleksei started to move toward Jordan but caught Dee’s barely perceptible shake of her head, her mouthed ‘no’ and that stopped him in his tracks. Nodding in acknowledgment, he easily answered “Only just.”

“Good,” Jordan mumbled in response.

“Good to know I was missed,” Aleksei replied sardonically.

Jordan looked over her shoulder at him, amazed once again at his size, wondering how they could ever skate together, how she would survive his throws. Then deciding at that second they would find a way. A decidedly wicked light entered her tear-shined eyes, “Were you gone?” she asked haughtily, her gaze slowly traveling up and down his body, her eyes widening when he stood a little straighter, foregoing leaning on the crutches.

“How soon they forget,” he replied huskily, his tongue quickly wetting his full lower lip, his eyes darkening at their shared memory of only an hour before.

Jordan was dumbstruck, her breath suddenly gaspy, her mouth dry, her blood boiling in her veins, legs threatening to collapse. “While you’ve been lounging about being ogled and pampered by nurses, I’ve been hard at work. Therefore, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a whirlpool waiting for me,” she stated, a small crease forming between her eyes as she scowled and tried to clear the vibrant image of them tangled together on the exercise mat an hour before.

“Great idea! The doctor said the water would be good for my leg. Give me ten minutes and I’ll join you,” Aleksei suggested, raising an eyebrow, daring her to run like a frightened rabbit.

“Yeah, whatever,” Jordan returned as blandly as possible, one shoulder shrugging in what she hoped was nonchalance, wishing she could gracefully escape. The last place she wanted to be, feeling like she was about to explode, was in a whirlpool with the very person that made her feel so out of control. How do you control emotions you have no control over? How could she survive another encounter with the heat that was Aleksei, no wonder he was called ‘fire’. His soul burned hot and fiery, consuming everyone and everything he directed it toward. And now, those dark, fiery eyes were looking at her and she felt about to be devoured.

“Give me ten minutes to get undressed,” Aleksei stated deeply, his eyes holding hers captive, his comment off-handed to Whittaker and Dee but crystal clear to Jordan.

Jordan swallowed convulsively. “ I didn’t think you wore enough clothing that it took you ten minutes to strip? I don’t know if I can stand the anticipation that long.” The comment was meant to be casual but came out huskily, causing both coaches heads to turn and look at her questioningly.

“I’ll help you, Aleksei,” Whittaker stated, steering Aleksei toward the men’s locker room, casting a last glance at Dee and Jordan.

“Jordan?” Dee questioned softly, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“No problems. I’m okay,” Jordan answered quietly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. With a quick smile cast over her shoulder at her coach, she stated, “Dee, I love the music,” then made her way toward the women’s locker room and the awaiting whirlpool.

* * * * *

Jordan silently walked into the steaming whirlpool, the water swirling noisily, bubbles rushing from the bottom of the pool as air was forced through the jets, their power gently easing away the pains of her workout. Slowly she eased her body into the steaming water, smiling in ecstasy at the high temperature of the water, warmer than normal, but forever grateful for Dee’s thoughtfulness. There was just nothing better than a steaming hot whirlpool. Leaning her neck against the cool tiles, her eyes drifted dreamily closed, a soft smile graced her lips. Within seconds, she was daydreaming.

Aleksei silently limped toward the whirlpool, soundlessly watching the vision before him, feeling his body respond to her and wishing he had more than just the towel draped around his hips. But his ankle was throbbing, along with other things, and all he could think of was slipping into the heat of the swirling water and losing himself in it.

Cautiously he made his way into the water, holding the handrail. Two steps in, the high heat of the water suddenly hit him. “Damn, I didn’t know the hot-tub had been turned into a soup pot and I was the soup of the day.” he swore, holding his position as he tried to acclimate to the water’s heat.

“Don’t be a baby,” Jordan mumbled, her head still reclined and her eyes closed. “It feels great.”

“I’m sure it will after all my nerve endings are fried. But right now, it’s frigging hot!” he growled deeply. Gingerly he eased down another step; his breath hissing out as the water crept up another six inches, causing the bottom of his towel to float away from his legs until it sank into the water.

Slowly she lifted her head, her eyes opening languorously then snapping wide when she viewed nothing but his wide shoulders, bare chest covered in curly black hair, flat, narrow stomach then a skimpy white towel barely covering his hips. An off-handed comment died on her lips, now parted slightly as she struggled for a full breath. Her arms that had been floating weightlessly on the bubbles, suddenly became heavy, sinking to lie helplessly at her sides. Her eyes stared, glazed and unblinking at the beauty of the man before her.

Aleksei returned the gaze, his eyes never leaving hers, as he slowly limped his way, through the waist deep swirling hot water to stand before her. The steam swirled around her, flushing her cheeks and causing small tendrils of hair to curl around her temples. Her eyes darkened to a deep forest green, glazed and uncertain, questioning and knowing at the same time. She gently chewed her lower lip, coloring them an even deeper shade of pink than normal, drawing attention to her already delicious looking mouth. Aleksei groaned softly at the display of total femininity before him. Whether she knew it or not, she was slowly torturing him. Making his blood boil hotly, testing every ounce of control he had or ever would have. Slowly he sank to his knees before her, his good leg taking all his weight when pain suddenly shot through his newly uncast leg. The insignificant burn he felt from the water briefly took his mind off of the pain of his leg, but not the pain Jordan was causing him. Slowly he inched forward on his knees, stopping when his belly pressed against Jordan’s knees. The water made him weightless, all pain from injury gone, his blood boiling in his veins, the sound of the jets blanking out everything. Time stood still and yet their gazes remained locked. She looked so small, like a sprite resting in a steaming spring. Even on his knees, he was taller than she was. Slowly he leaned forward, placing his hands against the cool tile on either side of her head. Wordlessly he watched her, scarcely breathing yet feeling the need to gulp deep breaths of air. Sensuously he ran his tongue over agonizingly dry lips, his eyes darkening further while he watched Jordan’s response to this small gesture.

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