Whispers on the Ice (3 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Whispers on the Ice
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“Amazing how fast TODAY gets their information, isn’t it?” Whittaker asked with a sheepish smile.

“Yeah—amazing. Especially when it’s a direct quote from a reliable source.”

“Well, you know, son, they don’t have truly reliable sources that often. So when they do get one, they run with the story like the wind!”

“You’d better hope like hell you can run like the wind when I get this damn cast off my leg,” Aleksei threatened meaningfully.

Unfazed, Whittaker just shrugged and smiled that annoying smile he couldn’t wipe off his face, frustrating Aleksei even further. “I’ll worry about that when the time comes.”

“According to TODAY, I’m meeting with my new partner tomorrow.”

“By God, those news people can get it right on occasion.

“Is this a private meeting?”

“As private as it can be with cameras and news people around.”

“Whittaker, I could…” Aleksei began, running his hand through his hair and rubbing the suddenly tense muscles in his neck. “Why are you doing it this way?”

“This way both Dee and I can be sure the two of you will be on your best behavior. Generally speaking, you can manage to hold your own at a news conference and I’m hoping your expertise and maturity will help ease the way for Jordan. Who, by the way, is certain you are entertaining thoughts of maiming her in one way or another.”

Aleksei’s look was one of pure disbelief. “Maim her? She’s the one that put the lovely gash in my leg—not the other way around.”

“Be that as it may, she’s under the impression that you hold grudges and it’s just a matter of time until you exact your revenge on her,” Whittaker explained patiently.

“Tell her I don’t pick on little girls,” Aleksei stated in a dangerously low voice.

“Tell her yourself—tomorrow. But I wouldn’t use those particular words. You’ve only got one good leg left,” He chuckled, holding the door open and pointing with the papers. Now, are you ready to blow this joint?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“You always have a choice.”

“Yeah, right. That’s why I get to go play nice-nice with the ‘Ice Queen’. God only knows what parts of my body she’ll try to slice off this time,” Aleksei complained loudly.

“Come on now, Aleksei, how much damage can one little girl do?”

Aleksei cast a deadly look at his coach and stated, “You’d better be damn sure you have plenty of bandages on hand and I want to see papers indicating she’s up to date on her rabies shots.”

Whittaker’s loud laughter echoed through the hospital halls as they headed for the parking lot.


Bright lights, reflectors and electrical cords crisscrossed the living room of Dee Carlen, where the soon-to-be first-time interview between new skating partners Aleksei Rocmanov and Jordan Jamison would take place. Dee’s tastes ran toward the simple and comfortable, shades of off-white with splashes of color via pillows, flowers and pictures made the room comfortable yet fashionable. Yet with all the electronic paraphernalia scattered about, it was a wonder any of the home’s decor showed at all.

The front door remained open, as more equipment was moved into place and storage cases were hauled outside to the porch. Aleksei and Coach Whittaker arrived early (at Whittaker’s insistence), and skirted the wires and tripods. Aleksei finally gave up the attempt to maneuver through all the cords and wires and simply leaned against one wall out of the way as he nonchalantly watched the cameramen set up their equipment.

“He’s here,” Jordan whispered to Dee from where she peeked around the closed door that led into the kitchen. Through the wooden shades of the door, she could watch Aleksei unobserved by any and all.

“I know,” Dee answered, filling a tray with coffee, cups, cream and sugar.

“They’re not supposed to be here for another hour,” Jordan mumbled nervously.

“They’re early,” Dee explained simply, grabbing a handful of spoons and placing them on the tray.

“Aleksei’s never early,” Jordan argued, casting another quick glance at the handsome man leaning against their living room wall.

“Well he is today. Jordan, if you’re so anxious to meet him, quit peeking through the door like some voyeur and go say hello.”

“This is anxiety, not anxiousness, you’re witnessing,” Jordan hissed, pressing a delicate hand to her pounding heart.

“Doesn’t look like that to me, but what do I know,” Dee countered, hoisting the tray and making her way toward the door Jordan was blocking. “Excuse me, miss, but move aside.”

Jordan automatically pushed the door open. Unfortunately, she did-n’t notice the pile of cables on the floor and stumbled forward, clutching at air and catching hold of a reflector tripod that immediately collapsed and caused a domino-effect to the other four reflectors stationed in a neat semi-circle around the sofa set up for the interview. When the dust settled and all was quiet, Jordan looked over her scene of destruction and then glanced at Aleksei who continued to lean casually against the wall, a sardonic brow lifted in amusement, his dark eyes gleaming brightly as he struggled to keep the smile from his lips.

With all the chivalry of days past, standing on his good leg, he swept a grand bow and stated: “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, my new partner, the ‘Ice Queen’!”

Jordan’s eyes widened in horror, but never left Aleksei’s. With a brilliant smile, she flipped her middle finger at him, silently mouthed a clear
fuck you
and picked herself up out of the nest of tangled cables beneath her, and regally left the room.

The entire camera crew stood stock still, mouths hanging open in astonishment.

“Anyone for coffee?” Dee casually offered, looking for any takers.

“Is it loaded?” someone asked on a laugh, the moment of tension dissipating like mist touched by the sun.

Dee sighed and shook her head. “No, but give me two minutes. I’ve a full bottle of whiskey and I think we may all need a little fortification to get through this interview.”

The coffee tray was set on the table and Dee disappeared into the kitchen and returned, as promised with a new bottle of whiskey and several shot glasses. “I decided why ruin perfectly good whiskey with coffee,” She stated and poured out several shots of the fine liquor and passed out the drinks to eleven crewmen, Frank Whittaker and finally to Aleksei, who still leaned casually against the wall. “You might need this to dull the pain of what’s to come,” Dee encouraged, holding the glass to Aleksei. Quickly she tossed back her own drink, breathing slowly as the warmth of the liquor filled her chest and settled comfortably into her stomach.

Aleksei followed suit, tossing the drink back, his eyes never leaving Dee’s and handed her back the glass. Dee smiled at his show of macho. “You’ve made an enemy,” She stated simply.

“You?” Aleksei asked, his voice deep and warm from the after effects of the whiskey.

“No. You’ll come to wish it were me—but no. It will take a lot to get Jordan to forgive you for your…” Dee searched for the right word, “arrogance.”

Whittaker choked on the chuckle he tried to hide, smiling at the disgruntled look Aleksei tossed at him.

“You owe her an apology,” Dee stated.

“Bull!” Aleksei countered.

“You humiliated her in front of everyone.”

“She told me to‘fuck off ’.”

“Aleksei … ” Whittaker warned softly.

“So now we have two stubborn children, each refusing to admit they were wrong. Where does that leave us? I was under the impression that you were the mature one in this pair. Perhaps I was wrong,” Dee ended, poking Aleksei in the chest with one finger to emphasize her point.

“Well, I hope we can come to some sort of truce, because if I’m not mistaken, the head honchos have just pulled up and our little interview is about to get underway,” Whittaker stated, pushing the sheer drapes aside and looking out the windows.

“Well?” Dee asked bluntly, tilting her head back to look up into Aleksei’s face as he pushed away from the wall and stood his full height of six foot two inches tall.

Casting a quick glance at his coach, he returned his gaze to the expectant eyes level with his chest. “Where do I sit?”

Dee and Whittaker both released their breaths and Dee pointed to the love seat in front of the newly set-up reflectors and lights.

Aleksei limped cautiously over the cables and sank into the comfortable love seat, gratefully accepting a hassock a considerate cameraman offered to rest his cast leg upon.

“Will she show?” Whittaker asked Dee quietly as they watched a pretty girl apply powder and make-up to Aleksei’s already handsome face.

Dee smiled knowingly, inwardly cringing at what might transpire now that the first volley had been fired. “Without a doubt. I’m more concerned with the amount of blood Aleksei will lose this time. He won’t get away with just a scratch like he did in Canada,” Dee stated matter-of-factly.

“You knew about that?” Whittaker asked in amazement.

Dee laughed at Whittaker’s expression. “Everyone knew about it!”

Whittaker’s expression told her otherwise.

“Take heart, Frank, I’ll keep you advised of every single, mundane, detail that concerns this pair.”

“If they don’t kill each other today in front of the entire viewing world.”

“You don’t need to worry about that today. There’s a curiosity they have about each other that needs answering before any real damage occurs. Something’s pulling them toward each other and I personally think they’re both protesting just a little too much for any real dislike to be there. It’s all part of the testing process—pushing each other just to

see how far they can before the other pushes back.”

“I hope you’re right,” Whittaker agreed.

Dee smiled and moved forward to greet the numerous reporters entering her small home, graciously offering
coffee to them and making everyone comfortable as they made final preparations for the interview.

Aleksei sat comfortably on the love seat, the last touches of powder having been applied and waited for his ‘new partner’ to reappear.

Introductions were made and everything was ready to begin—with the exception of Aleksei’s still missing partner. The same make-up girl that had flirted all the while she powdered Aleksei’s nose, called down from the top of the stairs announcing Jordan was on her way.

Everyone looked up expectantly and suddenly Jordan was greeted with an audible gasp of surprise. The young woman standing at the top of the stairs looked nothing like the
little girl
who had earlier caused such an uproar. Her legs were encased in sheer black stockings ending in impossibly high heels seemed to make her legs go on forever. The short black mini-skirt barely covered her shapely little bottom and the black chiffon blouse emphasized more than distracted from the lacy camisole which displayed more cleavage than Aleksei could have guessed at. Her shades-of-copper hair was piled loosely on the top of her head with a gold and black barrette, wispy tendrils escaped to lay softly against her slightly flushed cheeks. Light make-up enhanced her green eyes, now shining dangerously bright, flashing in challenge even as her full lips curved into a sultry smile of welcome for Aleksei, much as a spider probably welcomed a fly. With a casualness she didn’t feel, she slowly made her way down the staircase, her eyes never leaving Aleksei’s face and smiled to herself when she saw him sweep his tongue over suddenly dry lips.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she accepted a crewman’s helping hand to escort her to the love seat. Glancing uncertainly at the small amount of room Aleksei had left for her, she carefully seated herself on the low arm. Aleksei watched in amusement, having given great thought as to how much room to leave her. He had to give her credit for having courage. He’d figured she would have just squished into the remaining corner and disappeared. But surprisingly, she’d just seated herself like a queen on her throne on the arm of the love seat; her long legs crossed elegantly; innocently seductive. Jordan Jamison had certainly earned the title of ‘Ice Queen’.

The interview began easily enough.

“Aleksei, what made you decide to leave singles competition?” a reporter inquired.

“The decision was made based on a number of things; primarily though, on my ability to physically maintain the high level rigors of singles competition. At this point, the doctors are uncertain if there will be any limitations I may experience in regard to my jumps, they just aren’t certain how my leg will hold up. In pairs, I’ll be the strength behind Jordan. It will be my job to present Jordan to the world. If I do my job right, the audience will barely notice me.”

Murmurs about the impossibility of Aleksei ever being invisible were whispered, notes were scribbled down rapidly.

“Jordan, are you concerned with the difference in your sizes. Didn’t you have difficulty with that point with Bob Hanks? And, unless looks are deceiving, Aleksei’s larger than Hanks was.”

Jordan looked at Aleksei and smiled warily. “As you all know, my ex-partner had a tendency to misjudge his power and I spent more time than I would have chosen checking out the boards on an up-close and personal basis. I can only hope that experience won’t be repeated.”

“How do you know it won’t?”

“Until we actually skate together and become accustomed to the feel of each other, I won’t know. However, I have every confidence in Aleksei and look forward to going back to sheer tights for competitions.”

Aleksei’s eyes clouded briefly at the cryptic statement, reminding himself to ask her about the comment later, but his attention was pulled back to the interview on the next question.

And so it went on for the next hour, question after question, cautious answers from Jordan, generic answers from Aleksei. Finally the interview was over, until one of the reporters asked for a picture of them together. Their first official photograph as a

Aleksei watched as Jordan nervously tried to escape the request. Despite her womanly appearance, she was still just a sixteen year old all dressed up, even if she did look twenty-two. Knowing how reporters could be, he cautiously lowered his cast leg to the ground and stood, reached for her hand and effortlessly pulled her to her feet and against his chest. Even with her hair fluffed and piled high, and the ridiculously high heels, the top of her head didn’t reach his shoulder.

Camera’s clicked, and whirred, flashes of light from the reflectors causing streaks of white to blur Jordan’s vision and make her dizzy. Feeling herself start to tilt, she reached for Aleksei to steady herself and found herself suddenly swept into his arms and cradled gently. Jordan shook her head slightly, trying to clear the bright spots that still flashed before her eyes and turned her head toward Aleksei’s softly voiced “close your eyes and count to ten slowly.”

Obediently she complied and when she re-opened them, the spots were gone and Aleksei was watching her expectantly.


Silently she nodded yes.

“Good,” He answered, smiling easily, then returned his attention to the reporters before them.

“How’s she feel?” The question came somewhere from the left of the group of reporters.

Aleksei bounced her slightly, testing her weight and smiled at the group before them. “Hopefully, her skates will add enough weight to her that I can tell when I’m holding her,” he teased, releasing her legs and gently

placing her back on her feet.

“How about you Jordan, any comments about your new partner?”

Jordan tried to calm her racing heart, tried to ignore the heat that threatened to melt her legs beneath her as she leaned casually against Aleksei. “I can only hope we don’t have to skate in any arenas with low ceilings. I have the feeling I’m going to be seeing some spectacular views of the audience during our lifts and throws.”

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