Whispers on the Ice (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Whispers on the Ice
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“Aleksei, this is ridiculous!” Jordan complained laughingly, holding his hand tightly with both of hers as he lead her through knee-deep snow toward a secret place, her angora beret pulled over her eyes. “I look like a total dope!”

Aleksei glanced over his shoulder at her, his eyes full of love and amusement at the petite woman behind him, looking very snow-man like in her off-white down parka, trudging along through the deep snow, blindly following his lead. “Hardly a dope, more like a blindfolded snowman,” he teased, flinching when she scooped a handful of snow up and tossed it toward where she hoped his head was. “Almost,” he offered on a laugh, brushing the small bit of snow off his shoulder where her snowball had grazed him.

“Wait until I get this hat off, then we’ll see how you fare.”

“Don’t make threats you can’t back up,” he teased.

“I don’t,” she replied sweetly, pulling gently against his hand. “Want to slow down just a bit? My legs are long, but they’re not as long as yours.”

Aleksei didn’t answer her question, he simply scooped her into his arms, settling her snugly against his chest and giving her a quick kiss to her cold, pink cheek. “How’s that?”

“I’m perfectly capable of walking by myself: you don’t have to carry me.” Jordan explained, snuggling closer to Aleksei’s chest and tightening her arms around his neck. “Can I take this silly hat off my eyes now?”

“No, we’re almost there. And as to carrying you, I happen to enjoy having you in my arms,” Aleksei stated softly, his deep voice sending shafts of warmth straight to her heart.

“As long as you don’t mind.”

“If I minded, you would still be knee-deep in snow,” he offered, lightly kissing her nose.

With seemingly no effort, he continued to walk on through the deep snow, unhampered by her weight or the weight of the backpack containing their skates and a small CD player strapped to his back.

Jordan’s other senses became more alert as Aleksei trudged on through the deep snow. The sound of the snow whispering and then crunching as it compacted beneath Aleksei’s boots, the wind gently teasing tendrils of her hair against her cheeks, the steady sound of Aleksei’s deep breathing as he moved ever forward, his seductively spicy after-shave.

“I smell ice and someone has a fire going,” Jordan suddenly stated, lifting one hand to remove the covering from her eyes.

“No you don’t!” Aleksei chuckled, quickly turning around and putting her on her feet. “The hat stays on until I say otherwise.”

“Aleksei, this is ridiculous. How much further do we have to go?” she complained, her hands held securely in his. Despite still having the offending beret covering her eyes, she could feel Aleksei’s overpowering presence before her, effectively blocking any view she might have had.

“We’re almost there,” he promised, once again taking her hands and gently urging her forward through the snow.

Two minutes later he slowed his steps, guiding her before him and slipping behind her to slide his arms around her waist. “Now you can look,” he whispered the warmth of his lips a scorching heat against her cold, pink cheek.

Jordan pushed the beret from her eyes, the softness of it coming to rest against her forehead and squinted as the bright sun reflected off the pristine snow into her eyes. Blinking as her eyes adjusted to the brightness, the view before her took her breath away.

There, before her, was the largest frozen pond she had ever seen, covered in untouched snow but for a large rink-size section that had been shoveled clear and smoothed. Tall pines surrounded the area, giving them privacy and offering semi-shade from the glare of the bright sun; their branches kissed with a dusting of white powder. A portable outside fireplace was already happily burning; small bursts of sparkles showered into the morning sky as a piece of wood exploded into flames.

“My, God, Aleksei. How did you ever find this place?” Jordan asked reverently, pulling his head down for a sweet kiss.

Aleksei gratefully accepted the kiss, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened, his hands running over the full bulkiness of her parka, and moaning deeply when she ran her hands over his bottom then began a slow, torturous journey around his hips and toward the source of his manhood.

“Jordan…” Aleksei growled deeply, grasping her hands and holding them lightly behind her back only to find the position pushed her hips against his and passion flared between them yet again. “Jordan…” he warned, his voice deep and raspy.

“Aleksei, I’ve never made love in the snow,” she suggested brazenly, her eyes shining brightly. Her cheeks flushed, whether from the cold or passion didn’t matter, her lips parted as her breathing hitched, little puffs of steam evaporating in the cold air. Standing on her toes, she continued to push against his hips, his physical reaction readily visible beneath the snugness of his jeans, his warmth shimmering in waves around him.

Aleksei tried to get a grip on the situation. Rational—think rational he repeated to himself. “Do you have any idea what the temperature is out here?”

“Cold?” Jordan asked impishly, her eyes turning a dark green as she watched his go black. Suddenly her hands were free and they were gently stroking against the fabric covering the pulsing strength of Aleksei’s erection.

“Jordan…” Her name escaped on a whisper, his hands pushing into her hair, her beret knocked to the snow, forgotten. His mouth covered hers, their tongues meeting hungrily, lost in passion as their bodies strained together, seeking what they knew they would find together; a place where they became one and galaxies exploded in showers of shimmering light.

“Make love to me, Aleksei,” Jordan entreated, her hands tightly gripping the front of his jacket as she tried to stand on legs which refused to hold her.

Fire burned deeply in Aleksei’s obsidian eyes, his breathing harsh as he struggled to control the passion that raged through his tall, muscular body, his hands reaching for the zipper on Jordan’s bulky jacket. “Just remember, brat, I won’t be the one who has to explain how you got frostbite on your ass.”

“I’ll gladly risk frostbite if it means feeling you inside me,” Jordan whispered brokenly as the coat fell open beneath Aleksei’s nimble fingers. His hands slipped beneath her sweater to cover her breasts, the lace of her bra lightly abrading her sensitive skin.

Magically, the front clasp on the lacy garment opened and the heat of his palms scorched her erect nipples, her gasp of surprise at the heat of his touch extraordinarily loud in the stillness of the forest, the sound echoing to all corners of the pond.

“All the animals in the forest are going to be talking about us tonight,” Aleksei teased, his mouth replacing where his hands had been only moments before.

Jordan watched Aleksei suckle at her breasts, her vision growing hazy as her world spun crazily. Aleksei’s touch caused her blood to race wildly through her body. Gently she cradled his face between her hands, a wistful sigh escaping her lips when she drew him from her breast, the coldness of the air brushing against the dampness on her breast where Aleksei’s mouth had scalded nearly unbearable. With an unbelievably wicked look, her dark green eyes glazed as passion overtook her and she naughtily suggested, “Then why don’t we really give them something to talk about?”

Aleksei’s deep, wicked laugh acknowledged her request.

Not long after, the silence of the forest was broken.

* * * * *

“Can we skate now?” Jordan asked breathlessly, energized after their bout of wild lovemaking in the snow, smiling wickedly at Aleksei’s sudden disbelieving frown.

“Do you really expect me to be able to use my legs after what you just put me through?” he growled, shifting slightly to escape the snow that crept beneath his down-filled coat and against his bare bottom.

“You at least got to keep your pants on. I was the one with my bare ass hanging out for all the world to see.”

“But it’s such a nice ass,” Aleksei offered, smiling in appreciation as he watched her wriggle her legs back into her snow pants.

“Be that as it may, I still would have been the one thoroughly embarrassed if someone had happened upon us.”

“Then be glad that the only voyeurs were of the four legged variety and they don’t tell tales.”

Jordan glanced around their secluded glade and smiled at the beauty surrounding her. “In this magical place, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear the animals can speak.”

Aleksei nodded in agreement, “You’re probably right. Let’s hope they don’t have cell phones and call Whittaker and tell him what a naughty girl you’re being.”

“It’s only because you have such a bad influence on me—just ask Whittaker!” She shot back.

“Whittaker’s prejudice. He thinks you’re an angel.”

“He’s right,” Jordan agreed, smiling broadly.

“He hasn’t seen you like I have. He doesn’t know about your
dark side
!” Aleksei stated, his voice deeply menacing and dramatic, his look one of lechery.

Jordan laughed wickedly, offering him a look of coyness and stated brazenly, “You mean the side that has me out here, bare assed and making wild love with you in the snow.”

“That’s the one,” Aleksei agreed, pulling her back across his chest and kissing her lightly. “And if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather no one else knew about this
of yours.”

Jordan sighed dramatically, her breasts pushing temptingly against the firmness of his chest. “If I must, then I suppose I can manage to keep this small secret about myself. But it won’t be easy. You might have to help me keep it by occasionally indulging me in a snowy romp,” She begged prettily, her thumb seductively stroking his lower lip, only to be replaced by her lips when she gently nibbled his sensuous lips then covered his mouth.

“If I have to shave snow from ice cubes I’ll take care of it,” He mumbled before he deepened the kiss. Carefully he rolled over with her until she lay pressed in the soft snow, his body shielding her from the cold breeze.

“Now who’s ass is hanging out?” she asked breathlessly when their lips parted, small puffs of fog dissolving into the cold air as they breathed erratically.

Aleksei glanced about him; amazed he had once again lost himself in the moment and the magic that was Jordan. “I honestly don’t know how everyone can believe I’m a bad influence on you. If I remember correctly, we came out here to skate—at your insistence I might add—and here I am, literally freezing my ass off in the breeze. If you ask me, your poor influence over me should be uppermost in Whittaker’s mind.”

Jordan smiled softly, gently pushing her hips against Aleksei’s as she listened to his half-hearted complaining, her eyes shining wickedly when she heard Aleksei’s breath hitch and felt his answering nudge against her hips. “Whittaker believes I’m an angel in disguise—complete with halo and shimmering wings—just ask him.”

“Yeah, well, he’s been wrong before. Not often, mind you, but on occasion,” Aleksei managed to growl, his voice husky, his body responding heatedly, as he valiantly attempted to fight the sensuous spell Jordan wove so effortlessly around him. With a low groan, he rolled to his side, pulling Jordan with him, where they lay facing each other, his arm a pillow for her head.

“You don’t believe I’m an angel, Aleksei?” Jordan questioned innocently, yet seductively, her eyes darkening as she placed playful kisses to the corners of Aleksei’s mouth, teasing him with soft kisses and gentle bites, then running her tongue torturously around his lips, only to pull away when he sought to deepen the kiss.

“I believe you’re a tease that plays at being an angel,” Aleksei murmured deeply, appreciatively, his obsidian eyes full of passion and promises of wicked retribution if she continued to play this game of torment, his body hardening and swelling to a point near pain.

“How can you even suggest such a thing?” Jordan asked in disbelief, her lips twitching as she sought to control the smile which threatened to spoil her indignant question. Her deep green eyes glowed brightly as further ideas of sensual torment swirled through her mind, making her light-headed as visions of them together in the snow ran wildly through her mind’s eye.

Aleksei watched Jordan’s eyes, truly windows to her soul, and her mischievous mind, and wondered what new tortures she had in store for him. Despite his body screaming anew for release, he worried about hurting her, knew that moments lost in passion could result in discomfort lasting for hours. They only had a few days to themselves and he didn’t want her to spend them in pain, even if making love had been her idea. They had their whole lives ahead of them; there was no reason to rush. Still, she was barely irresistible laying next to him, her face flushed, her eyes bright with passion, her lips swollen and pouty, begging to be kissed. “If you could see what I see right now, the look in your eyes, you would know that angels would never be allowed to look as you do and be considered saintly,” Aleksei answered quietly. His voice was husky, and sent currents of electricity through her as he nudged her gently onto her back and covered her with his muscular form. Holding his weight on his elbows, his hands slid into her coppery curls, holding her head easily as his dark eyes melted into her ever-deepening green gaze. “Still, there is a heaven to be found in angels like you, Jordan. And I will forever thank whatever God there is for sending you to me,” Aleksei stated huskily, his breath whispering across her lips just before his mouth devoured hers, his tongue mating with her own, as his hips pressed in wanton invitation, despite his best intentions.

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