When Mercy Rains (38 page)

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Authors: Kim Vogel Sawyer

BOOK: When Mercy Rains
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Setting aside her ideas about operating a bed-and-breakfast inn in her family’s century-old farmhouse in the heart of Amish-Mennonite country didn’t come easily, but after much prayer and thought, she chose to honor her mother. Grandmother’s reticence hadn’t surprised her—Grandmother was, by nature, a negative person. But Mom’s reaction … That had surprised her good. Mom, who rarely got angry and had always been supportive, hadn’t acted like herself at all.

Alexa frequently pondered her mother’s strong rejection over the weekend as she and Sandra finalized the plans for Grandmother’s birthday party. She came to the conclusion that Mom’s anger was borne of fear of losing Alexa to Mr. Aldrich. If she stayed in Kansas, she’d spend more time with her father than with her mother. For nineteen years, it had been Mom and her against the world. Mom didn’t have a husband or other children, so of course she’d be afraid of losing Alexa.

But Mom needed to understand something. Alexa was growing up. And growing up meant striking out on her own. She’d give Mom a few days to settle down, then she’d take her aside and talk with her. She had no doubt, in time, Mom would be supportive again. She loved Alexa too much to stand in the way of her pursuing the course God had planned for her.

Because the more she thought and prayed about it, the more Alexa believed
opening a bed-and-breakfast inn was a God-planted seed. Maybe the seed wouldn’t bloom here in Kansas at the Zimmerman farm, but that didn’t mean she’d never see it blossom. She could be patient and wait for God to reveal where and how. She was young. She had time.

And in the meantime, she’d continue asking Mr. Aldrich questions. Whether Mom liked it or not, he possessed knowledge Alexa needed, and she couldn’t squander the opportunity to “pick his brain,” so to speak. Besides, it was her right to know her father. Something else Mom would have to accept.

After worship service on Sunday, the family gathered at Clete and Tanya’s for lunch. Tanya had set up a self-serve taco bar, and the children took their plates to the backyard while the adults gathered around the dining room table. Midway through the meal, Sandra poked Alexa with her elbow—their preplanned signal to launch Operation Surprise Party.

Alexa wiped her mouth and sent a bright smile across the table at her mother. “Hey, Mom, remember that museum we saw in Wichita when we took Grandmother for her appointment? The one you said you’d like to visit sometime?” She turned to Grandmother. “We decided to do the zoo instead, but even you commented it looked like an interesting place to visit, remember?”

Grandmother nodded. “I remember. The County Historical Museum.”

“That’s the one!” Alexa could sense Sandra smirking and was careful not to look at her. Grandmother was sharp enough to pick up on hidden motives. Alexa kept her gaze fixed on Mom. “I was thinking … Grandmother’s birthday is next Friday, right? Wouldn’t you like to do something fun with your mom for her special day?”

Just as they’d planned, Mom agreed, but her tone lacked real enthusiasm.

Grandmother made a
sound with her tongue. “Alexa, I’m a little beyond seeing getting older as ‘special.’ ”

Alexa laughed and shook her head. “Oh, come on. You aren’t
. And you and Mom haven’t had any real time for the two of you in …” She hesitated, unwilling to cast a negative light on what was meant to be a happy occasion.

Sandra rescued her. “So exactly what are you thinking, Alexa? That Suzy and Mother should take a day trip together?”

“More than just a day trip.” Alexa shot Sandra a grateful grin. “A minivacation.”

Tanya joined in right on cue. “What a great idea! Mother Zimmerman hasn’t been away from the farm for more years than I can remember. All of us have enjoyed getaways, but she always stayed behind. Suzanne can provide the nursing care she needs, so she makes a perfect traveling companion. And you can take care of things at the house while Mother Zimmerman is away. You’re a genius, Alexa.”

Grandmother held up both palms, scowling. “Now wait just a minute. You’re talking about me like I’m not in the room again, and you know how I feel about that.” She frowned at each of them by turn. “I haven’t taken a vacation because I don’t like being away from my home.”

“But, Grandmother, it would only be for a couple of days. Maybe three.”

“Three!” Grandmother’s eyes widened. “Three days away from my house?”

“Well, sure,” Tanya said. “There’s so much to do in Wichita. Museums, and the zoo, and shopping. We took the girls to a place in the mall where you can build your own teddy bear. People of all ages were there, creating furry little friends to take home with them. I can just imagine you and Suzanne making mother-daughter bears as a memory of your time together.”

Grandmother scrunched her face. “You’ve got to be kidding …”

Shelley had initially resisted being part of their team of convincers, but she suddenly blurted in her typically saucy manner, “Mother, stop being a stick-in-the-mud. How many times have you bemoaned not having your oldest daughter with you for holidays? Now she’s here and she’s willing to do something special
just with you
, and you’re being a pill. Stop it.”

Grandmother pursed her lips and glared at Shelley for a moment. She turned to Mom. “Did you know about this?”


“What do you think about it?”

Mom didn’t even hesitate. “I approved it.”

Alexa jumped in again. “Come on, Grandmother, this is meant to be my present to you.” She injected as much disappointment in her tone as possible without sounding overly dramatic. “You wouldn’t reject a birthday gift from me, would you?”

Silence fell around the table. If Grandmother still refused, all their careful plans would be for nothing. Sandra and Tanya had declared Alexa the most likely person to convince Grandmother to leave the farm, thus making the trip her idea rather than anyone else’s. Alexa held her breath, hoping her aunts were correct.

Finally Grandmother shook her head and sighed. “I suppose it would be ungrateful to reject a gift. If Suzanne really wants to go away for three days with a grumpy old woman, I won’t resist.”

Alexa threw her arms around her grandmother’s neck. “Thank you!”

She patted Alexa’s arms, then wriggled. “You’re welcome, but don’t strangle me.”

Alexa laughed and picked up the last taco on her plate. “I made reservations for you at a bed-and-breakfast in an 1889 Victorian house with period furnishings and a private courtyard and a library where you and Mom can kick back and read and—”

Grandmother’s laughter covered Alexa’s words. “All right, all right, you’ve convinced me. You can quit trying to sell the idea now.”

Alexa grinned at Mom, who actually winked in response. Conversation rose again, moving to other topics, but Alexa didn’t join in. She listened. And gloated. Not only had she convinced Grandmother to go away for enough time to get the house scraped, painted, and decorated for the party, she’d also put Mom in a place where she would have firsthand experience receiving the kind of attention Alexa hoped to provide to guests someday.
God, let this time with Grandmother not only bind Mom to her mother again, but let it open her eyes to what You’re leading me to do. Let her give me approval, because I can’t go ahead if she’s set against it

Alexa caught the handle of Mom’s suitcase and braced herself to toss the case into the trunk of Grandmother’s older model sedan.

“Hold up, Alexa.” Mr. Aldrich trotted across the yard. The bill of his cap shaded his face, but she knew he’d be smiling. Every time he looked at her, he smiled. The familiar warmth blossomed in her chest as he stretched out his hands toward her. “Let me do that for you.”

Even though she was capable of lifting the suitcase—she and Mom had learned to be independent without any man around to see to heavy items or opening doors or taking out the trash—she stepped back and watched him swing the case into the trunk. He made it look a lot easier than she would have. “Thanks.”

“No problem. Anything else need to go in there?”

“Grandmother’s wheelchair and her suitcase. But she isn’t quite finished packing yet.” Alexa wasn’t sure if Grandmother was deliberately delaying the leave-taking or if she just couldn’t decide what to take. As she’d said, she hadn’t been away from the farm in years. It might be uncertainty rather than unwillingness that slowed her progress.

Mr. Aldrich fell in step with Alexa as she moved toward the house. She liked having him walk beside her. Their shadows stretched long across the grass in the morning sunlight and seemed to run ahead as if preparing the way.

“I was pretty surprised when Clete told me his mother would be going on a trip with Suzy.”

Alexa still hadn’t gotten used to people calling her mother by the shortened name. In a way, it made her wish she had a nickname, too. It seemed casual, personal, affectionate. But Mom didn’t seem to hold any affection for Mr. Aldrich anymore. Did he still harbor feelings for her? She wished she could ask.

Alexa forced herself to respond to his comment rather than delving into the past. “I think she surprised a lot of people, but I’m glad they’re going, and not
just so we can … do what we need to do.” Better remain evasive in case Grandmother came out on the porch and overheard them talking. “Mom and Grandmother need time together. It’ll be good for them.”

The corners of Mr. Aldrich’s eyes crinkled with his approving grin. “That’s a very unselfish attitude. You’re a caring young woman, Alexa.”

Just as had happened when he’d said he was proud of her for wanting to enter a vocation of service, pleasure flooded her. Mom often praised her, but hearing words of affirmation from this man—from her father—awakened parts of her that had lain dormant her whole life. She swallowed a delighted giggle and quoted one of her mother’s mottoes, “ ‘It’s more blessed to give than to receive.’ Mom taught me that. She’s always put others above herself. If I can be half as caring and unselfish as her, I’ll be happy.”

“Yes, well …” His steps faltered for a moment, his expression turning hard. The muscles in his jaw bunched as if he clamped his teeth down on other words. Then he pulled in a slow breath and his face relaxed. “Just be careful to never put humans—not even your mother—on a pedestal. None of us are perfect. Try to emulate Jesus instead. He won’t disappoint you.”

Alexa hurried to assure him—partly in defense of Mom and partly because she wanted him to know she understood what he was saying. “I always try to look to Jesus first. Mom taught me that, too.”

They reached the porch, and Alexa started up the steps. Mr. Aldrich remained at the bottom. “As soon as they’ve gone, come out to the barn. I’m cutting down the last of the cabinetry and have my saw set up out there. It’s noisy, so I won’t hear you holler—you’ll have to come get me. I’ll stop what I’m doing and make a phone call to let the fellowship men know they can come out and get started on the house.”

She hugged herself, imagining the transformation that would soon take place. She could hardly wait to see the house decked out in its new color scheme. “Okay.”

The screen door opened and Mom stepped onto the porch. She held a
suitcase so old school it didn’t even have wheels. Its weight made her list to the right. “Alexa, I think we’re finally ready. I’ll take this to the car. Do you want to go in and say good-bye to your grandmother?”

Alexa hurried up the steps. “How about I bring her out, and I’ll tell both of you good-bye by the car.”

“Fine.” Mom headed across the porch and slowly made her way down the steps, the case thumping against her leg. When she reached the bottom, she angled her path to move around Mr. Aldrich.

He shifted, too, blocking her passage. He held out his hand. “Let me take that for you.” It was a gentlemanly gesture, but his voice sounded clipped. Hard. Almost demanding.

Mom lifted her chin slightly and took a giant step to the side, avoiding his hand. “No, thank you. I’m capable of taking care of it myself.” She scurried on across the grass.

Mr. Aldrich scowled after her for a few tense seconds before clomping across the yard to the barn.

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