When Karma Comes To Call (7 page)

BOOK: When Karma Comes To Call
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“To the mall,
Weren’t you listening earlier?” I purr.

“Shit, bitch looks hot,” another brother says.

I grin. “Thank you.”

“Duff, go with them, watch their asses. If even a hair on their head is harmed, I’m holding you responsible,” Arsen demands coldly. This is the man the club knows. The cold killer, who’ll put you in the ground if necessary. It’s a part of who is, but it’s not all. I’ve seen that. I wish I knew why he was retreating from me.

“G-got it,” Duff stutters. I love the prospect. He’s sweet with me, and I’ve formed a sibling like bond.

“Come on, Duff. You get to escort two pretty ladies today. You’ll look like the shit.”

His lips quirk up.

“You making eyes?” Arsen barks. “You got no standing for that.”

“He’s like my brother. You going to take that from me, too? I’m already stuck here with men and whores all day,” I snap

Arsen’s brow furrows. “You and that mouth, I swear to Christ.”

“I wasn’t making eyes. I know better,” Duff says, working to smooth things over. I love this kid. He’ll make a good addition to the club. Some peace and diplomatic ability is sorely needed.

“See that you keep your hands to yourself and your attention on your job,” Arsen snaps.

Duff nods solemnly.

“I’m done with breakfast. I’ll see you later, brother.” Arsen hobbles to the room. says.

We walk out of the clubhouse and I tilt my face up to the sunshine, grateful for the freedom and warmth. Away from Arsen I can think. The man has a way of sucking all the air out of the room and addling my brain.

“Freedom,” I cry, imitating Braveheart.

Arden and Duff laugh, and I know at the least, we’re going to have fun. I could use that now. My ribs are healing, my monetary issues are settled, and soon it’ll be safe enough for me to return to my old life.
And be alone.
I shove the afterthought away and focus on the present.

Thirty minutes later we’re browsing Victoria Secret while a red faced Duff hangs out by the entrance.

“How are you feeling now?” Arden asks.

“Almost human. There’s something to be said for retail therapy and distance from the club.” I pull out a sexy red bra and consider it for a moment before deciding to put it back.

She snickers. “Yeah, I can’t even imagine being cooped up with them twenty-four-seven like that.”

“I feel sorry for you, having to grow up with an overbearing brother,” I say.

The smile slips from her face.

“What?” I ask.

“He wasn’t always like this. Life has a way of kicking your ass and turning you into something else.”

“There’s a story here.”

“Yes, but it’s not mine to tell,” she states apologetically.

“Tell me what you can, then.”

She sighs, and half-heartedly sifts through the lacy bras in the sales section.

“He did time, and the way it went down was fucked up. Shit changed him. You. I think you remind him of that time before he made the decision to go nomad.”

“Wait, he wasn’t always a nomad?” I ask.

“No, this is his home, he patched in to this charter and had a good run.” She pauses.

“Hey, don’t get yourself in trouble. You’ve said enough. I can piece most of it together.”

“I see something in him I haven’t in a long time, Karma. Don’t give up on him. He needs you whether he wants to admit it or not.”

“I appreciate your loyalty, babe, but I’m no one’s doormat. If he can’t get his shit together, we’ll never get off the ground. I’ve come too far to slip into some unhealthy pattern with a man who’ll only continue to treat me like shit, and use me up until I break underneath the weight of my unhappiness.”

“Shit, K, that’s deep,” Arden murmurs.

“’Cause I mean it. Nothing good comes from dysfunction. Shit always ends tragic,” I say, thinking of my mother.

“Looks like he’s not the only one with skeletons.” 

“Not skeletons if you don’t hide them, babe. Now enough about me. Why are you single?”

“I see what you did there.” When she shoots me a quick grin, her eyes light up.

I wink. “Now dish.”

“My judgment is shit. No matter how good it starts off it always ends in flames and explosions. Sick of having to have big brother come in and bail my ass out, so I’m taking a time out.”

I whistle. “That bad, girl?”

“Worse. The last bastard was married. Know how I finally found out almost a year later? His wife showed up trying to kick my ass on the job,” Arden explains, sighing heavily.

“Oh, shit,” I whisper.

“Yeah. So, I’m good on the romance front right now.”

“You’ll be ready to get back out there before you know it, or not. I’ll be the first to say playing the field is a healthy necessity to figure out who you want to be with and why.”

“Why are you single?” Arden asks, turning the question.

“Hello, ex junkie,” I reply.

“You were not a junkie.”

I momentarily cast my gaze downward, unable to meet her eyes. “Babe, you didn’t see the mess I was.”

“Were you sucking dick in an alley, shooting up, and living on the streets?” she asks.

“No, but I was out of my fucking mind, and screwing up the life I’d built.” I sigh.

“Why’d you stop?” 

“Because I knew I needed to. I was approaching the line between addict and junkie. I knew no matter what I did I couldn’t bring back the things I’d lost.” 

“Was this about a man?” she questions tentatively.

“Hell no. This was about family. The only one I had left.”

“So you’re alone now?” Her voice is soft and gentle.

“It happens. I’m doing fine. Well, I was until a situation arrived. But that’s been handled.”

“And when they do?” Arden asks.

I’m kind of confused by her question. “What do you mean?”

“After your problem disappears, what do you plan on doing next?”

“Living my life. If you’re asking if Arsen will be a part of it, that’s up to him. Either way we’re going to be thrown together a lot. Maybe it’s best we don’t go there and stop while we’re ahead.”

“I don’t believe that and neither do you. But I’ll let it go. Because I did promise you a day of shopping.” 

I smile, grateful for the topic swap.

“Yes you did. I need this precious estrogen boost to tide me over.”

We switch to a safer topic, and I find I like the hell out of Arden. When this is all over, I hope I can still call her friend.

By the time we pull into the clubhouse, I’ve had time to cool off. I mentally prepare myself for whatever I might walk into.

“You know, I’ve never seen Slayer like this,” Duff says.

“What?” I glance over at the thoughtful looking man.

“He’s different with you, more human. I mean, I’ll admit he scares the piss out of most people with any sense of self preservation. But with you he’s less …Terminator.”

I snicker. “What are you talking about, Duff?”

“You’re his John Connor. You make the cyborg human.”

“I got to tell you, I don’t think he’d appreciate your description.”

The color drains from Duff’s face. “Don’t tell him.”

I laugh. “You know I won’t, I got your back. Why are you telling me this?”

Duff shrugs.
He was looking out for Arsen.
I smile. “You’re going to be a kick ass brother.”

“Hopefully they’ll see that soon,” Duff mutters.

“How long you been at it?” I inquire.

“About a year and a half.”

“Your time’s coming,” I say confidently. If they didn’t trust him one-hundred percent, he wouldn’t be with me now. Not that I’m super important, but the legal money they’ll gain from me is. We enter the clubhouse and I know it’s going to be a long night. Music is blaring. Tattoo artists are set up with lines and bitches in as little clothes as humanly possible are everywhere. Week days don’t mean shit to these people. Not that I can talk. My business isn’t exactly a nine-to-five. I lead Duff to the room I still share with Arsen, and make an executive decision.

“Are there any spare rooms available?” I ask.

“Uh, I’m sure there are.” He stumbles over the words.

“I want one.”

His eyes bulge. “You know I can’t get behind that.” 

“You don’t have to do shit but show me the room.”

He sighs. “I
the third room down on the right is open. But I don’t have the key.” 

“Who’s the Key Master tonight?” I ask.

Duff snickers. “It sure as hell ain’t Gozer. I’d try Hound.”

“Thank you.” I pat his shoulder, dump my bags in the room, and wade into the crowd to find Hound. I spot him at the bar with a curvy, petite girl with dark hair and dark eyes on his lap.


“Ahhh, Karma, you tired of fighting the pull between us?” Hound asks, smirking, as the girl hovers his neck.

“Hate to disappoint you, big man, I’m only in need of a key.” 

His eyes widen. “You clear that with Slayer?”

“Fuck, Slayer,” I snap.

“Oh, this is going to be good.” He pushes the girl off his lap. “Let’s get you settled in.”

I haven’t seen Arsen since I got in, but I haven’t been looking. Hound unlocks the room Duff mentioned and hands me the key.

“You make sure you lock up after yourself. No leaving the door unlocked, understand?” Hound’s normally mirth-filled eyes are serious.

“I got you. I’ll make sure to keep the door locked,” I promise.

He smiles, going back to the playful charmer I first met. I work swiftly, moving things from his room to mine. My guess is they have him set up in the game room where he can easily prop his leg up, watch the room, and have fun with his brothers. I’m relieved when I turn the lock to my room, and set up my toiletries. There’s no bathtub, but it’s a massive bachelor pad. Stripping down I walk into the bathroom, eager for a long, hot shower, and quiet. I turn the spray on as hot as I can stand and welcome the cleansing spray. Suddenly a pounding on the door like someone is trying to break it down has me   scrambling out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my waist, and curse the gun waiting in the top drawer of the nightstand.
A lot of good it’s going to do you know.

“Karma, get your ass out here, now,” Arsen barks.

I slam the door against the wall as I stride out. “Are you fucking crazy?”

“No, but you must be. You just move your shit out and think I’m going to let that fly?”

His eyes are anything but cold. They’re full or rage. The door hangs off the hinges and a prospect hovers in the door.
At least he was smart enough to have someone else break the door down.
Arsen follows my gaze to the prospect.

“Get the fuck out of here,” he demands.

The fact that he’s not raising his voice scares me more than his yelling.

He leans heavily on his crutches and maneuvers himself to the bed. “Sit your ass down.”

“I prefer to stand,” I say.

“Bitch, did I ask? Don’t think for a second I’ll let this injury keep me from getting up and putting you where I want you to be.”

The steely tone is a great motivator. I walk over and perch on the edge of the bed.

“If you ever pull some shit like this again I will knock your fucking head off.”

“You made it clear this morning you didn’t need me helping you anymore.”

“Did you hear me say that?” he asks.

I chew the inside of my cheek, weighing my words. “No.”

“So why the fuck would you think that?”

“What was this morning then? I left for one second to get you meds and you pull that bitch onto your lap. What was I supposed to think? I’m here to help you and I don’t mind. I really don’t. But I’m not going to be toyed with or humiliated.”

“The hell are you talking about?”

“You looked at me the whole time, waiting for some sort of reaction. Why?” My voice wavers and my vision goes blurry. I blink back the tears and hold his gaze. “Why, Arsen?”

“Because I’m not good for you, Karma. I know you deserve better, and the last thing you need is to get more involved in this life.”

“So you intend to treat me like shit?” I ask.

“No, I want to show you I’m an asshole. The man you’ve seen, that’s not me. It’s a watered down version.”

“Do you even know what you want,

His nostrils flare, and he moves with lighting fast accuracy. I’m pressed flush against him. My heart thuds in my chest, my mouth goes dry, and my panties are damp.

“I want you. I shouldn’t, but I’m finding it hard to give a fuck when I’m here with you like this. Make no mistake, your ass is mine.”

“Says who?” I whisper.

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