When Karma Comes To Call (14 page)

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“Explain it to me?”

“The way that bitch fucked you up … my Dad did the same. He built this bubble around me and made me think he as the only one who cared and knew how to keep me safe. He warped me so bad I sided with him against my own mother. He made me think she was weak. That if I showed my emotions I would be, too. Hell, I remember hassling her with him, and yet she kept me safe and fed. Until I came home and found her floating in a blood bath. She slit her wrists and left me a journal and a letter. That shit snapped his hold on me. Made me see our situation for what it was. She made me promise her I’d get out. It was her last wish, so I did it. I broke away, pursued my passion, and he let me after a time. Couldn’t rely on someone who bucked him at every turn. Not to say he was happy. I left the house with the clothes on my back and nothing more. He thought I’d come crawling back. When I didn’t, we both grew to except the way of things.”


“I didn’t want you to know. You were my chance at a new start. Now you look at me and you’ll see that bitch I hate. The one who drove me to coke in the first place.”

“Babe, you survived some horrible shit. Don’t take his fucked up shit he pawned off on you as your own.”

“How can you stomach me?” I whisper.

“Fuck. I wish you would’ve told me this shit from the start,” he growls out the words.

“I didn’t think it’d matter. I haven’t spoken to the man in years. I thought I was the one who got away.”

“There’s no such thing. Any man will take a chance at capturing the one thing he wanted most and lost.”

“I don’t want it. I just want to live the life I’ve made for myself. He’s a fucking snake. I know him. He’ll corner me and use the shit I care about against me. Hell, maybe it’s better if you stay as far away from me as possible.”

“You think I’m scared of Reggie fucking Good.”

“I think you should be.”

“Fuck that. I’m not going to let him win, and neither are you. I told you I protect my shit.”

“Do I still belong in that category?”

“Fuck.” He rubs the bridge of his nose. “You lie to me again that’s it. You don’t know the shit I’m capable of. Lydia’s life ended at my hands, and I don’t ever want to find myself in that situation again. You feel me?”

My jaw drops. “Y-you?”

“I do what the club tells me to, Karma. There’s no picking and choosing, and they’re not the sentimental type when it comes to business.”

“There’s nothing else important about me you don’t already know.”

He regards me with a shrewd gaze. “I’m betting on you.”

“I’m not going to let you down again.”

He refills his drink. “I fucking hope not.”

“Are we okay?” I ask.

He downs his glass in on swallow. “Yeah. We’re good, little girl. Remember what I told you tonight.”

“Couldn’t forget I if I wanted to.”

I study him. I hate the way it all came out, but the wall between us has been demolished. He licks his lips and I press my thighs together. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this man. The heat in my belly has nothing to do with the whiskey I just drank.

“You got anything else to tell me about while I was away? Something a little more, pleasant?” His lip quirks up and I know he’s talking about Chase.

“Well, if I hadn’t been interrupted I might’ve had a story to tell you about our time in the pool.”

“Damn, I been away a week. You can’t tease me like that,” he says. His voice is raspy and his eyes are blazing.

I look him straight in the eyes. “I want to be with both of you.” 

“Yeah? I can make it good for both of you, but we all need to lay down some ground rules.”

“Sounds like you’ve done this before,” I say curious.

“Not when it mattered. That’s the shit you go into with no game plan. You like Chase. She’s your friend, doesn’t mean you or her want my dick in her pussy.”

His bluntness should disgust me. Instead I find myself wet and wanting.

“You really care about me and I can’t figure why.”

“’Cause we fit. Damaged goods, paranoid, and off kilter, but good together. I’m not stupid enough to think I’d find another you, K.”

“So we’re going to try this for real?”

“Trying’s done. You’re mine or you’re not.”


Chapter Ten


“Never thought I’d see the day, brother,” Demon says

“Yeah? Me either.”

Demon laughs. “Got the brothers scared to even look at her now.”

“Good, it’s healthier if they keep their gazes to themselves,” I growl.

“Jesus, you’re a protective mother fucker.” Demon shakes his head.

“Can you blame me?” I ask.

“Fuck no, I’m the same with Ardy,” he admits.

“Exactly. Got to keep the shit you care about closest.”

“She hear from her old man yet?” Demon asks.

“Not a word. He’s supposed to get out tonight.”

Demon snickers. “You fucker, that’s why you insisted on the party being tonight.”

“I want him to come, so we can welcome him home properly,” I state, imagining his brains splattered across the ground.

“Unfortunately for you, he’s not a stupid man.”

“That’s what worries me,” I mutter.

“We got her, brother. She did us a solid and now she’s family. No one’s getting to her.”

“Thanks man.” I clap his shoulder.

“So you putting your mark on her and everything, brother? That’s old school,” Demon says.

“I want anyone who looks at her to know she’s taken and who she belongs to.” I think of the giant rock resting in my vest. I don’t do shit halfway. If we crash and burn later because we rushed in, it’ll still be worth it to know my shit’s on her permanently. I wouldn’t even let her take her name back.

“Shit, man.”

I turn to see Duff and smile. “You got a problem with that, prospect? Want to challenge me or some shit?”

“What? No, no.” He holds up his hand.

“Just fucking with you man. You get Ink set up?” I ask.

“Yeah, man, he’s ready whenever you are.”

“Go get your shit situated and then we’ll celebrate properly,” Demon says.

“Good deal.” I search the crowd and find her with Chase, Arden, and a few other old ladies at the bar. I walk over and place a hand on her hip.

“It’s time.”

“All right, ladies, we’ll see you on the other side,” Karma says.

I swing my arm around their shoulders and pull them to my side. “You sure you ready for this? Once it goes on it’s not coming off.”

“You want kids?” Karma asks.

I blink. I never thought about it after Lydia. “Fuck, if you want them someday I’m game.”

“Then I’m ready,” Karma states.

Chase whistles.

“You good, girl?” I ask.

“Yeah, this just got real.” Chase’s voice wavers, but I can see the excitement in her eyes. It’s a big step for her, too.

Smirking, I squeeze her to me. “Don’t worry. Ain’t your turn for ink yet, maybe next time,” I tease, guiding them to my dorm.

“Karma, this is Ink. Ink, this is my old lady, Karma, and our sweetheart, who you know, Chase.”

Ink’s eyebrows disappear beneath a fringe of blond hair. I grin. I can’t help but feel like the luckiest guy in the world. This is about Karma being happy, but I’m benefitting, too. Chase is skittish. We’ll have to go slow, but after the mess the club had to pull her out of, I understand and I don’t mind. We’ve all seen what abuse can do to people. Maybe it’s why this feels so right.

“Nice to meet you, Karma. Chase. Guess this answers some questions,” Ink says politely.

Chase laughs. “Didn’t know you cared, Ink.”

“Trust me, we all care,” Ink mutters.

I chuckle, thinking of the money being paid out over bets since they saw us together.

“Likewise,” Karma says.

“Normally it’s up to the man to pick the what and where, but my girl’s got a job she needs to be able blend into, so I want you to show her the piece we came up with,” I say.

“Yeah, man.” Ink moves to his station and hands her a sheet of paper.

The piece is simple. The name Slayer done in the font of the band. It’ll scrawl across her shoulders.

“I love it,” Karma says, leaning in to study it with Chase mirroring her on the other side. Black curls mix with blonde locks. It’s a normal sight. I haven’t seen the two of them apart much unless one is working. Chase even hangs out with her at the studio and at shows.

“You think you can sit for it?” Ink asks.

“That won’t be the problem,” Karma whispers.

Chase and I exchange a look. “What’s up, K?” I ask, frowning.

“I’m one of those people who find tattoos … stimulating,” Karma explains.

The meaning hits me and I grin.

“It’ll just be us in here, and Ink will keep his mouth shut,” I assure her.

“What happens in the room stays in the room,” Ink states.

“Okay.” Karma starts to relax.

Chase strokes her hair and my dick twitches in my pants.

Damn, I don’t know what I did to deserve these women, but they match me like no one else could. Maybe I got two to make up for the bitch I had the first time.

“You’re off the hook, kid, go have fun,” I say to Duff, who’s watching with interest.

“All right. Congrats, K.”

She smiles. “Thank you.”

I stand back and watch as she undoes her halter top and straddles the chair, making herself as comfortable as possible. Ink walks her through the process, preps her, and applies the stencil. I take a seat in front of her as she settled into the inking. She’s no stranger to ink. There are medium-sized pieces scattered over her body. Words run underneath her breasts, lyrics of some sort. A few butterflies and wildflowers flow down the side of her body. The gun buzzes and Ink starts his outline. She bites her bottom lip and moans.
It’s going to be an interesting couple of hours.

“Damn, K,” Chase says huskily.

I can see Chase’s nipples straining through her white tank top. When I trail my fingers down her arm she leans her weight into me. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” I ask.

“Insanely so,” Chase whispers.

“So are you.” I nuzzle her neck and she wraps her arm around my neck and moans throatily. Cupping her breasts I grind my hard-on into her ass.

She gasps, and Karma opens her eyes. She stares at us and licks her lips.

“Look, Chase, I think we got her attention,” I whisper. “Like what you see, Karma?”

“Show me more,” Karma demands.

“Should we show her, C?”

“Yes,” Chase rasps.

“Spread your legs, baby,” I say. I nip my way down her neck, rolling her taut nipples between my fingers. Her breathy noises make me bold. “You ready to let me inside?”

We’ve been working up to this moment for weeks. It makes sense we’d consummate today.

“Yes, Arsen, please.”

I release her breast, pull her skirt up around her stomach, and slip my hands into her silky blue panties.

“Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me.” I circle her clit and push inside. Her pussy grips me tight. I pump my fingers, spreading and stretching her slick center to prepare her.

“I been waiting for this moment. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my dick, babe.”

Her head falls back and our lips lock. She has a spicy sweet taste, complimentary to Karma’s but different. Our tongues touch and swirl. Karma’s breathing becomes heavier. I pull away, giving parting nibbles to her lips.

“I think Karma’s feeling left out.”

I slip my fingers from her center and bend her over the table Karma is leaning against. “Give our girl a kiss, Chase.”

Their lips meet and I watch appreciatively as I free my cock. The passion between them is intoxicating.

I push her panties aside, grip the head, and ease in. Chase cries out.

“Shit, you feel so good, baby girl.” I kiss the back exposed by the low cut shirt. I want to fuck her senseless, but I know it’s been a long time since she’s had a man. I ease out and push back in.

“Oh, Arsen.”

“Make her come, Arsen. Show her how good it can be,” Karma says breathlessly.

Chase and I find a pace somewhere between fast and slow. I want her to see how good we are together, and what being with a man should be like. Hell, I want to keep her. This isn’t fucking, it’s making love. These bitches got me so twisted up I’m getting sappy. I glance at Karma. Her eyes are dilated, her breathing is ragged, and her hands are gripping the back of the chair to remain still.

Just as Ink is finishing the R outline her body begins to shake. I can see the strain on her face.

Ink finishes his work and steps back.

“Come for me, girls. I want to see you both let go.”

Karma rocks her hips, and I increase my speed. Chase’s walls flex around me. Her body tenses and she comes, hard. Karma leans back and cries out seconds behind her. I explode, filling Chase with all I have. I rest my head on her back, kissing her heated flesh.

“Shit. My girls are an undiscovered national treasure. Only thing keeping my dick from moving right into your pussy still wet from Chase is the fact I want to take you with my name on your body.” I wrap my hand around her throat and lean her head back, licking at the seam of her lips. I pull out and Chase moves to walk away.

“No, leave it. I want to know I’m still inside you.”

Her lips form an O, and I smirk. I glance down at Karma. Slumped in the chair she’s blissed and content.

“She’s good to go, man,” I say to Ink.

“I bet. Those endorphins are working overtime. She’s not going to feel a thing,” Ink replies with a smirk. He returns to the tattoo and I watch as my girl winds up again. I peck Chase on her lips.

“Be back, baby girl.”

A few hours later, Ink steps away and declares her finished.

“How you feeling, K?” I ask.

“Like I’ve had a sexathon.”

Ink laughs. “Well, I think we feel like we just watched live porn, so that’s reasonable.”

I smirk. I like Ink. I’d trust him with my life, and we’ve shared a time or two. He’s the only one I’d stand to watch me with my girls.

“I’m sorry,” Karma whispers.

“Don’t apologize. The pervert liked it,” I say.

Karma gives a shy smile. “You okay, Chase?”

“She’s more than okay. Aren’t you, baby girl?” I ask.

“Oh yeah.” Chase grins. “We did it.”

“Yes we did,” Karma agrees. They’re happy, which means I’m in a good place.

I bend down to capture Karma’s lips as Ink smoothes on a healing gel and wraps her up.

“Keep this dry, make sure you apply this two to three times a day, and whatever you do, don’t scratch it when it starts to heal.”

“Got it. Thank you.” Karma gazes up at me, her eyes wide.

“I wouldn’t have missed this. Never thought I’d see the day Slayer would get himself an old lady,” Ink states.

Smiling, she shrugs.

“Thanks, brother, I appreciate it.” I clap him on the back and give him a half hug.

“Anytime. Especially if it’s one of these two.” Grinning, Ink walks out of the room, shaking his head.

“Looks like you made a new friend, girls.” I slip my arms around their waists. “You’re going to have me piling up bodies. I can feel it.”

“You’re the only man either of us is interested in,” Chase murmurs. Her automatic response warms me. She’s opening up. It’s a big deal for her.

“We have something for today,” Karma says.

“For me?” Chase asks.”

“Yes, in my pocket. We got it for you, Chase. We wanted you to be a part of today, too. We know you’re not ready for a tattoo, but we wanted something to show we’re all bound.” Karma reaches into her jeans and pulls out a black drawstring pouch. “Here.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Chase says. Color darkens her cheeks.

“Yeah we did. It’s all of us in this, babe. I know we’re still feeling our way, but no one’s more important than the other.” I tug her blonde hair. “You hear me, Chase?”

“I hear you,” she whispers.

“You believe me?”

She peers up into my eyes and nods.

I smile. “Open it.”

Her hands shake slightly as she opens the pouch and pulls out a braided black bracelet with an infinity symbol, and an oblong plate that says Slayer’s.

“This is beautiful.”

“So everyone knows you’re mine, too,” I explain.

Her eyes glitter and I know she’s close to breaking down.

“I have one, too,” Karma says, holding up her own bag.

Chase clears her throat and holds out her arm. “Will you put it on for me?” she asks.

“Yeah, baby girl.” I stroke her wrist before I attach the bracelet. We’re going to get where we want to be. Funny how quickly I went from rolling solo to have a small tribe.




I come off the stage drenched in sweat. My blood is boiling, and my heart is singing. There’s nothing like seeing people out there being moved by your music, and singing along. Knowing my pain is helping someone else makes the violence, sadness, and regret a little easier to deal with. Seeing Chase leaning against the wall toward the end of the hallway I can’t help but grin. Shit’s been good for the three of us. I open my mouth to greet her and a man steps from the shadows beside her. The breath leaves my lungs and my legs wobble.

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