Dr. Peter Ihrke, American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology; International Bank Note Society; Helen Irwin, National Tennis Hall of Fame.
John Jay, Intercoiffure America; Dr. William P. Jollie, American Association of Anatomists; Larry Josefowicz, Wilson Sporting Goods Company.
Jeff Kanipe,
; Robert Kaufman, Metropolitan Museum of Art; Edward E. Kavanaugh; Dr. Thomas P. Kearns, American Ophthalmological Society; Michele Kelley, American Hotel and Motel Association; Dr. Anthony L. Kiorpes, University of Wisconsin, Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine; Dan Kistler, Christian Research Institute; Dr. Ben Klein; Samuel Klein, United States Postal System; Ken Klippen, United Egg Producers; Dr. Kathleen Kovacs, American Veterinary Medicine Association; Stanley Kranzer, Metropolitan Life.
Jean Lang, Fieldcrest; Keith Lattislaw, National Center for Health Statistics; John Laughton, American Standard; Mary Jane Laws, American Dairy Association; Cathy Lawton, Shulton Inc.; Dr. Beverly Leffers, Milton Helpern Institute of Forensic Medicine; Professor Alfonz Lengyel, Eastern College; Dick Levinson, H.Y. Aids Group; Peter H. Lewis,
New York Times
; Pierre Lilavois, New York City Sewer Department; Barbara Linton, National Audubon Society; Kenneth M. Liss, Liss Public Relations; John Loftus, Society of Collision Repair Specialists; Joan G. Lufrano, Foote, Cone & Belding; Lynne Luxton, American Foundation for the Blind.
William L. MacMillan III, Pencil Makers Association; Alan MacRobert,
Sky & Telescope
; Dr. M. Mackauer, Center for Pest Management; Joseph D. Madden, Drug, Chemical and Allied Trades Association; Reverend Robert L. Maddox, Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Mail Order Association of America; William C. Mailhot, Gold Medal Flour; Michael Marchant, Ogden Allied Aviation Services; Ginny Marcin, Campbell Soup Company; Colonel Ronald G. Martin; Howard W. Mattson, Institute of Food Technologists; Dr. Robert McCarley, Sleep Research Society; James P. McCauley, International Association of Holiday Inns; Dr. Everett G. McDonough, Zotos International; William F. “Crow Chief” Meyer, Blackfeet Indian Writing Company; Mary D. Midkiff, American Horse Council; Jerry Miles, American Baseball Coaches Association; David G. Miller, National Association of Retail Druggists; Dr. Stephen Miller, American Optometric Association; Robert J. Moody, General Electric; Rita Moroney, Office of the Postmaster General; Pete Morris, C.H. Morse Stamp Company; Bill Mortimer, Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association; George Motture, Wise Foods; Meg Wehby Muething; Arthur J. Mullkoff, American Concrete Institute; Edith Munro, Corn Refiners Association; Gordon W. Murrey, Murrey International; D.C. Myntti, American Bankers Association.
Dr. David Nash, American College of Physicians; National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health; Arnie Nelson, Yellow Spots; David Nystrom, U.S. Geological Survey.
Norman Oehlke, International Fabricare Institute; Carl Oppedahl.
Dr. Lawrence Charles Parish, History of Dermatology Society; Dianne V. Patterson, United States Postal System; William R. Paxton, Federal Railroad Administration; Peggy Pegram, Bubble Yum; Joy Perillo, AT&T Archives; Pillsbury Company; Leslye Piqueris, American Foundation for the Blind; Lawrie Pitcher Platt, Tupperware Home Parties; Bruce Pluckhahn, National Bowling Hall of Fame and Museum; Proctor-Silex; Dr. Robert Provine, University of Maryland; Roy S. Pung, Photo Marketing Association, International; Thomas L. Purvis, Institute of Early American History and Culture.
Jerry Rafats, National Agriculture Library; Dr. Salvatore Raiti, National Hormone and Pituitary Program; Monika Reed, Berol USA; Walter Reed, National Automatic Merchandising Association; Al Rickard, Snack Food Association; Bob Riemer, Gasoline and Automotive Service Dealers; R.J. Reynolds; Robert S. Robe, Scipio Society of Naval and Military History; Dr. Robert R. Rofen, Aquatic Research Institute; Tim Ross, U.S. Ski Coaches Association; Professor Mary H. Ross, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Rosemary Rushka, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Micael Saba, Attiyeh Foundation; Gabe Samuels, Yellow Spots; José Luis Perez Sanchez, Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain; Ronald A. Schachar, Association for the Advancement of Ophthalmology; Schick Division, Warner-Lambert; Janet Seagle, U.S. Golf Association; William Seitz, Neighborhood Cleaners Association; Gwen Sells, Tall Clubs International; Dale Servetnick, Department of the Treasury; Norman F. Sharp, Cigar Association of America; Anthony H. Siegel, Ametek; Dr. M.S. Silberman; Joan Silverman, Citicorp; Dave Smith, Disney Company; Linda Smith, National Restaurant Association; Sid Smith, National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers; Wayne Smith, Sunbeam Appliance Company; Bruce V. Snow, Dairylea Cooperative; Dona Sorensen, Fleischmann’s Yeast; Marshall Sorkin, Carter-Wallace; Richard Spader, American Angus Association; Dr. Bob Spanyer, American College of Physicians; John J. Suarez, National Pest Control Association; Amy Sudol, Chase Manhattan; Richard J. Sullivan, Olive Oil Group.
David Taylor, Bank Administration Institute; Thomas A. Tervo, Stearns and Foster Bedding; William D. Toohey, Tobacco Institute; Victor Toth, Multi-Tenant Telecommunications Association; Bob Toy, Telephone Pioneers of America; Jim Trdinich, National League.
Ralph E. Venk, Photographic Society of America; Dennis Vetock, U.S. Army Military History Institute; Elaine Viets, St. Louis
; Gerald F. Voigt, American Concrete Pavement Association; Vulcan Foundry.
Al Wagner, AFC Computer Services; Debbie Walsh, American Federation of Teachers; Belinda Baxter Walsh, Procter & Gamble; Spider Webb, Tattoo Club of America; Monique Wegener, Lenders Bagel Baker; Richard H. Welsh, Jr., Cannon Mills; S.S. White Industrial Products, Pennwalt Corporation; Melvin T. Wilczynski, Lane Drug Company; Dr. Elizabeth Williams, Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory; Dr. Jack Wilmore, University of Texas; Frank C. Wilson, American Orthopedic Association; Donald W. Wilson, U.S. Ski Educational Foundation; Jerry Wiseman, Atlantic Gelatin; Dr. Robert M. Wold, College of Optometrists in Vision Development; Merry Wooten, Astronomical League; World Impex Bowling.
S.G. Yasinitsky, Orders and Medals Society of America.
Dr. E. Zander, Winthrop Consumer Products; Linda Zirbes, Hyatt Hotels Corporation; Jim Zuckerman, Associated Photographers International.
And to my sources who, for whatever reason, preferred to remain anonymous, thanks for your contribution.
Aches, colds and
Addresses and ZIP code, on envelopes
Aerosol cans, shaking of
cold rolls in meals of
tickets, red carbons on
Alcohol, in cough medicine
Alphabet soup, letters in
Apes, hair picking of
Apples as gifts for teachers
Arabic numbers
Armpits, shaving of
Army and Navy, Captain rank in
Astronomy, telescopic images in
ATMs and transaction costs
Audio tape versus videotape, technology of
gas gauges
keys, ignition and door
oil, grades of
Bagels, holes in
Bags under eyes
Ball throwing, sex differences and
Balls on flagpoles
Balls, tennis, fuzz and
Banana peels as slipping agents
ATMs and
Barns, red color of
Baseball, circle next to batter’s box in
Bathtub drains, location of
Batteries, sizes of
Beards on turkeys
Bibles, courtroom and
Bird droppings, color of
jet lag and
roosters crowing
telephone wires and
walking versus hopping
Bleach, flour and
Blind, money counting and the
Blue ribbons (as first prize)
Boots, ranchers’ hanging of, on fence posts
Bowling shoes, rented
kneading of
yeast in
Bubble gum, pink color of
Buttons, arrangement of, on shirts
Calories, measurement of
Calves, cows and
Cameras, black color of
Captain, Navy and Army rank of
Cartoon characters
Donald Duck
Mickey Mouse
Cattle guards, effectiveness of
Chalk, outlines of murder victims in
Cheddar cheese, orange color of
cheddar, color of
Chef’s hat, purpose of
Chickens, white and dark meat of
Chocolate milk, consistency of
Cigarettes, first puff of
Cigars, new fathers and
Civil War, commemoration of
Clouds, location of
body aches and
clogged nostrils and
symptoms at night of
Commercials, television, loudness of
Corn silk, purpose of
Cottage cheese
Cotton in medicine bottles
Cough medicine, alcohol in
Courtrooms, bibles in
Cows, calves and
Cracks on sidewalks
Crickets, chapped legs and
Crowing of roosters
Currency, color of
Deodorant aerosols, shaking of
Disney cartoon characters
Donald Duck
Mickey Mouse
Dimples, facial
Dimples on golf balls
Doctors, back tapping of
Dogs, black lips of
Donald Duck
Double-yolk eggs
Downhill ski poles, shape of
Drains, location of bathtub
Dreams, nap versus nighttime
Driving on right side versus left side of road
Dry cleaning
One Hour Martinizing
on eye charts
as school grade
Ears, hairy
Earthworms as fish food
hard-boiled, discoloration of
Elections, custom of voting on Tuesdays and
English, driving habits of
green lights on
rail speed of
Eye chart, E on
bags under
floaters and
sneezing and
Exclamation marks in telegrams
Fathers, new, passing out of cigars and
Field goals, measurement of
Film, countdown leader on
growth of
lunula on
eating preferences of
return to dried-up lakes and ponds
sleep patterns of
First class mail, priority mail versus
Flagpoles, balls on
Floaters in eyes
Flour, bleached
Flu, body aches and
Football, yardage of kickers in
Forks, switching hands to use
French dry cleaning
Gas gauges, automobile
Gas pumps, shut off of
Gauge, width of railroad
Gelatin, fruit in
Golf balls, dimples on
Grades in school
Hairy ears in older men
Half dollars, vending machines and
Halibut, coloring of
Hard-boiled eggs, discoloration of
Hills, mountains versus
posture in fields
plastic circles on walls of
toilet paper folding in bathrooms
Hurricane, trees and
Ice cubes, cloudy versus clear
Irons, permanent press settings on
Jell-O, fruit in
Jet lag, birds and
Juicy Fruit gum, flavors in
Ketchup bottles, restaurants mating of
to cities
Kiwifruit in gelatin
Kneading and bread
Legal-size paper
Letters in alphabet soup
License plates on trucks
Light bulbs
fluorescent, stroking of
loosening of
in traffic signals
Lips, black, on dogs
Lunula, fingernails and