Wheels of Steel, Book 2 (29 page)

BOOK: Wheels of Steel, Book 2
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She knelt down again and began working on his other leg, still not speaking.






“I’m not smart. I’m not saying I’m stupid.” She flashed him an angry look. “But it’s harder for me to get things.” Her face turned red. It’s not something you ever wanted to admit to your boyfriend. ‘Honey, I have a learning disability. I can’t understand what the teacher is telling me. I can’t do it the way they teach us, I have to figure out my own way to do things.’



She rubbed his legs for the next forty-five minutes, working silently. He watched her face seeing several different expressions; anxiety, sadness, anger, blankness, fatigue. How had she become so damaged? Had it been people like him that say thoughtless things? He had promised himself and her that he would never raise his voice to her. Now he had to make another promise, that he would stop and think before he spoke to her in anger.



He reached down and placed his hand under her chin. She looked up at him. “I’m sorry.” After a moment she nodded.



“It’s not good enough when I tell you that I only snapped at you because I was afraid. That’s not good enough. I’m so…afraid of losing you, now that I’ve found you. I’m scared to death that you will wake up and realize that you can do so much better than me, or that something terrible will happen to take you away. I am so afraid of that happening. I don’t want to lose you Robin. I don’t. I’m sorry.”



“I’m not going to leave you just because we have a disagreement.”






“I love you, too.” She leaned forward and kissed him. He sighed, shaky, as if he had been pulled back from a bad fall just in the nick of time. She touched his knees. The anti-inflammatory was just kicking in and the pain was dropping back.



“Jason, if walking is going to do this to your legs-”



“No.” He assured her. “It’s not walking, it’s walking with poor structure. It would be as if you were trying to walk on the side of your feet. Eventually you’re going to hurt them. My legs need to be placed in the correct position.” She watched him.



“You’ve been walking all of this time, doing it for me?”






She sighed. “I don’t want you to be someone else for me, Jason. I want you just the way you are. Everything that you are is what makes me love you.”



He thought about the poem that he had read to Amberly and how he had wanted someone to see him as he really was, accepting even his imperfections.



“Can we go to bed now?” He wasn’t very tired, but he wanted to lay in Robin’s bed with his arms wrapped around her. He just needed to be close to her right now.



“I don’t want you walking again with your legs the way they are.” He slipped easily out of the chair and once on the floor he pulled himself quickly into the bedroom. She had never seen him walking like this unless it was the short distance from his chair into the Jacuzzi, but he was very accomplished at lifting himself. She admired the rippling muscles of his arms. He climbed into bed.



She stood there beside the bed and watched him. “But I’m not sleepy anymore.”



“I was kind of hoping that you’d say that.”



Robin sat down on the bed, fully dressed and removed Jason’s boxers. His amazing penis sprung forward, bobbed and then came to a rest heavily on his thigh. Her eyes scanned hungrily up his ripped biceps. She was rubbing his thighs without realizing it and Jason’s breathing told her that he preferred this type of leg massage better then the deep tissue one that she had just administered. She leaned forward and took hold of his shaft, fingers wrapping around it. He wasn’t as hard as he could get so her fingers were able to close, but she knew that soon they would have no hope of meeting.



Palms still stick with baby oil, she slowly ran them up and down his pole-like shaft. Jason grunted, shivered and then licked his lips in anticipation of Robin’s next move. After working him for a few moments he was very hard and big. She leaned forward and licked the head of his cock. Jason jumped and then grinned when she met his eyes. She did it again and this time he controlled his reaction better. Then it became a test for her to see if she could make him jump. She ran her tongue around the head of his cock, probing the small little hole. Then she licked his shaft with slow, long strokes of her wet tongue. Jason was doing a good job of controlling himself, even if he practically ripped the sheet off the bed as he gripped it. Beyond that, he stayed fairly still as she worked his dick with her tongue.



But then her tongue sought out his testicles. Jason yelped when she lapped his balls. His body arched and he began to shiver.



“Robin!” He gasped. “Seizure!” His head went back and then whipped back and forth. She saw that he was trying to fight it. She released her hold on his dick.



“Jason, let it go. Let it go, baby.” His feet kicked out and then he began humming and grunting. His hands made fists and he thumped the bed. She put her hands on his face, cradling him between her palms. But his teeth were bared and clenched tight. His body began to stretch and reach.



This was a bad one. This is the ones that she hated; where he looked as if he was in pain. His face was purple and his teeth were clenched and his eyes were squeezed shut. She stroked his face.



“I’m here, Jason. Let it go, baby. Come on, Jason. Breathe for me.” Her heart was thumping. One day he might not breathe. One day it might be like in the restaurant when his breath never returned. She rubbed his chest gently and his body suddenly collapsed. She waited for the sharp intake of breath and when it came she collapsed down next to him and hugged him. After a few moments he stirred, stretched and then winced. She looked up quickly.



“Where does it hurt?”



“Hips. What did I do to my hips?” He grinned. “Did I get up and run around the bedroom?”



She gave him a solemn look, not in the mood to laugh. “No. You just kicked.”



“I did?”



She nodded. “A lot.”



“I didn’t kick you did I?”



“No.” She said quickly. “I know to stay out of your way.” He touched her face. What amazed him is that he couldn’t make his own legs kick…yet they were able to. He always found that to be interesting. “Honey, do you want to finish with the blowjob?”









“But we can pull on a condom and I wouldn’t mind riding that thing.” He gave her a happy look.



“You like being on top, don’t you?”



She nodded while reaching past him for a condom. “I like making sure that you don’t kill me with it. If I’m on top I can control it.”



“Ah, and I just thought that you wanted to be a cowgirl.” Robin rolled the condom on him. He was harder than ever, especially since having a seizure.



“I thought I’d wake up to find you riding it.” He said.



“It’s hard to think of doing that when it looks like you’re choking and dying on me.” He supposed he would feel the same. Robin quickly shed her clothes and Jason resisted the urge to play with her breasts. She had mentioned that they got sore and he could tell that they were slightly swollen. Her nipples were darker than ever which made him want them in his mouth more than anything. He wondered why things that you should resist were more enticing.



Instead, he slid his fingers between her legs and stroked her there while they kissed, until she was wet and swelling at his touch. Robin moved to mount him and he had her turn away. She gave him a confused look but mounted him in the reverse cowgirl position.



Robin lowered herself on him, her breath coming out in excited pants. Her body came to life when his dick was near, it was as if she had no control, her pussy grew wet and swelled and when she positioned the head of him at her entrance, her muscles began to rapidly open and close as if inviting him in. When his head would slip into her, Robin’s entire body would react like a match igniting a fuse…



Like now, his dick was inching inside of her. He was long, she had to come up on her knees slightly to keep him from impaling her, and these first few minutes she would always doubt if she could take his entire dick inside of her. He stretched her, pushing her to her limits, and then when she thought there was no more space to stretch she would happily realize that he was inside of her completely.



She felt his hand reach around to stroke her clit. His fingers moved so gently over her. His finger control was limited, but he always made his touch on her clit gentle. Her body began to shake uncontrollably and she sighed out his name.



He gripped her shoulders from behind. “I want you to lay back.”






“Lay back against my chest. I got you.”



She allowed Jason’s strong hands to guide her backwards until her back was laying against his chest, his dick still firmly inside of her. They didn’t move for a moment. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Then suddenly Jason’s hips moved forward and his dick was rubbing in and out of her. His lips were near her ear and he kept murmuring words, telling her how good her pussy was. One of his hands cupped her breast carefully, and through it all he kept pumping his hips, driving in and out of her.



Her body began to jerk too soon. How could she be coming so fast??? And then she cried out in pleasure, a guttural, animal sound. Jason placed one strong hand on her belly, the other still cupped her breast. He held her in place as her body began bucking wildly.



Her head felt light and she lost all ability to think coherently as the fuse that had been lit earlier finally touched. Robin exploded into a million pieces. When the pieces reassembled some few minutes later, she found that her throat was sore from yelling out and her sheets were soaking wet from another female ejaculation.



She bore down, clenching her lower muscles because Jason was still inside of her, still very hard.



“You didn’t cum?” He was rubbing her body, causing her to tremble with aftershocks. He paused.



“No. I got mass skills. I know how to hold back.” He thrust one last time inside of her and her knees came up and she cried out in pleasure.



“Oh Jason, stop! No more…” Her knees began to tremble. He let her roll off of him, it was more like she flopped back onto the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him.



“Mass skills?” She tweaked one of his nipples and his body convulsed.



“Okay okay!” He covered his nipples with his hands to protect them from her probing fingers. She giggled. Robin was leaned over him as he lay beneath her, their eyes holding each other. How was it possible that she could have so much love for one person? She could see his love for her reflected in his green eyes as he watched her. Her mouth opened and she just began singing the first song that came out of her mouth; Sade’s Kiss of Life.

Chapter 20



It was well after two am before the exhausted couple finally slept. The next morning there was no time to do anything except use the toilet and then to dash back to Jason’s apartment. While he bathed Robin got coffee made and loaded the car with his book bag and computer. Once he was done, she left him to dress while she quickly showered.



No time to make-out or eat breakfast, just time to hurry to school. Jason spotted Link in the distance right before his first class and he whistled shrilly. Thirty sets of eyes fell on Jason; including Peter’s. Jason raised both fists and flipped him the double fingerbird. Peter blushed and after a short pause Jason chuckled. Peter gave a relieved laugh and wheeled away.



During the first period calculus class, Robin thought about what Jason had said the night before and she studied the calculus problem that was on the board. While Jason worked it out on his computer she began working it out on paper. After a moment she was stumped, but she considered the fact that she had never cracked open a book and that the Professor’s lectures occurred only once a week that she was doing pretty good.



Jason looked at it and smiled. Since he wasn’t very good at whispering, he didn’t attempt to explain it, but she copied the solution just as he instructed. She was pleased to see that what she had written down had been absolutely correct. Maybe she could do this if she made just half an attempt.



Lunch couldn’t come quickly enough for either of them and they hurried out of the business class and towards the cafeteria.



“Are we going to dress up Friday?” She asked. “I’ve never been to a Halloween party before.”



“Yeah, that’s the best part; the dressing up.”



“What should we dress up as?”



“Well…we can go as a theme; a couples theme.”



“That sounds good; like Romeo and Juliet.”

BOOK: Wheels of Steel, Book 2
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