Wheels of Steel, Book 2 (13 page)

BOOK: Wheels of Steel, Book 2
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Her face was flaming. But it was a part of trusting him and being open. “Yes, I can say that. I can talk dirty if you want, but only in the bedroom, okay?” He nodded. She could tell that the topic had already begun making him horny, just by his movement beneath her bottom.



“Did you bring more clothes?” He asked hesitantly.



“Yes, in the trunk.” And her barely used bathing suit was packed in it as well.



“Go get it.”



“You’re going to let me up, now?” She asked sarcastically.



He grinned. “I guess.” He unlocked his hands and she stood and stretched.



“You haven’t walked at all today. Do you want to practice after I get my bag? We can go for a walk outside in the moonlight.”



“No.” He said. “I want to hear you talk dirty to me. And since you’ll only do it in the bedroom, that’s where I want to be.”



They got ready to turn in for the evening, Robin coming to Jason after her shower, water droplets still clinging to the hairs of her pussy. The first dirty words she said was when his tongue twirled and lapped and twisted between her thighs, capturing each drop of water and searching for the essence that lubricated her opening. And she cried out; ‘fuck fuck fuck…’ this said more for her own benefit then his; yet he still enjoyed hearing her expression of passion. The next was when they slipped on the condom and Jason pressed into her slick depths. He asked her how much further he should push into her. And her response had been’ ‘Go slow, but put your entire dick in me’.



He had gone slow and he had gotten his entire dick in her. She didn’t cry, either. As a matter of fact, she climaxed, clinging to him, too afraid to move her hips unless the exquisite pleasure transformed into pain. She shuddered as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. He didn’t so much as gyrate his hips as he lay on top of her, buried deep within her clenching and vibrating pussy. She wailed and panted and groaned beneath him and he squeezed his eyes closed so tightly that he thought he’d see stars for a week after--until his face felt like it would break off. But he resisted the urge to pump his hips. He just trembled along with her, his wails and moans of pleasure mixing with hers until they both lay limply in each other’s arms.

Chapter 9



The next morning was filled with combing out Jason’s tangled hair after his bath, getting him shaved, sitting through a morning seizure, getting dressed for school, breakfast of scrambled eggs and of course, finding time to kiss before dashing off to school. It was Friday. Jason’s Mom would have normally come for her weekly visit but because of the party, again she would just come Saturday instead.



And of course there was the party; the one that Jason had spent no time preparing for.



Robin asked him, while they headed to class, if he was nervous about it. He shrugged. “I have so many mixes in my head, Sweetheart, I don’t need to practice. And Link and I know how to play off each other. So no, I have no worries. We’ll jam out after school for a few hours and be good to go.” Robin just watched him in admiration. She would be anxious and wired all day if she knew that she had a performance that night.



After his second class ended they saw Amberly waiting for them at the entrance of the school. Jason stiffened slightly. He was still smarting over the fact that she had told Robin about the pact and their first kiss.



“Hey guys.” She greeted them.



“Hey.” Jason said simply.



“Hey.” Robin responded. “So have you decided on what you’re wearing tonight?”



“Well, I have black leather pants that I’ve never worn. And I figured I could wear a tank top and leather jacket.” Robin couldn’t quite picture the small, petite girl in black leather. But she wouldn’t say anything about it.



“I don’t have a black leather jacket but I do have a black knit dress, and I can add leather boots.”



“Sounds good.” Amberly spoke. She peeked over at the silent Jason. “Did Robin tell you that we are coordinating our look to wear all black tonight?”



“Nope.” He said simply.



“Well I already told Patty to tell Link. We’ll be very cool looking.”



“Right.” Jason said.



“Okay.” Amberly hesitated. “I guess I’ll see you two tonight. Your place about seven, Top?”



“Whenever. I’ll be there.” He said, voice almost dismissive.



Amberly shambled away sadly.



Robin gave him a look. “What was that? If anyone should be mad at her it’s me.”



“I just wish she wouldn’t have said stuff.” He spoke. He didn’t know what purpose revealing the details of that stupid day served except to possibly drive a wedge between him and Robin. He had to wonder if that had been her motive. And that very well could have happened if Patty hadn’t called to tell him what was up.



“Where shall we go for lunch?” Robin asked as they headed for her car.



“Hmmm. You choose.” He said.



“Okay.” She drove to a popular bar and grill while Jason went through her CD’s. He then withdrew his MP3 player and plugged it into her CD player. She was surprised to hear alternative music coming from the speakers. She had to stop being surprised at his taste in music. Just because he mixed didn’t mean that he only listened to hip hop. He’d already introduced her to the Hip Hop Opera, and dubstep and he knew about Jazz.



Once they arrived at the restaurant, she didn’t bother to open the trunk, she just reached in the back for his crutches. He gave her a quick look. “We need to practice, babe. We haven’t walked in a few days.” He nodded and accepted the crutches. It was slow going and Robin thought he had a strained look on his face. She decided that they couldn’t take days off like that anymore. It had really set him back.



They were seated immediately. Robin lowered her menu. “Jason, I meant to tell you that my Mom and I are going on vacation at the end of the year.” She frowned. “What are we going to do about an Aid when I’m gone…or, god forbid, I get sick and need to take time off?” She was thinking about her ulcer. She knew that it would go away on its own but she didn’t know if she’d have a set back that might cause her to take a day or two off.



He was frowning now, too. “You’re going on vacation? For how long?”



“Close to two weeks; after Christmas.”



“Technically, I can get a backup. And if part of that time is during school break then it’s no big deal at all.” He gave her a long look. “Selfishly, though, I don’t want you gone for that long.” He was already dreading the weekends but two weeks without her?



She smiled softly. “Honestly, I don’t want to be gone that long, either.”



“Where are you going?”



“The Bahamas. This will be the first trip that my Mom’s taken since Daddy passed. She really wanted me to go with her and though spending that many days with my Mom won’t be easy, it’s kind of important.”



“I understand.” The waitress came by and took their orders. Afterwards Jason cleared his throat. “Have you told your mother about me?”



She watched him closely trying to gauge his expression but was unable to. “Just about you being my patient.”



He didn’t say anything for a few moments. “What do you think she will say about us?”



She considered all of the things that her mother would see; a boy that was white, younger than her, in a wheelchair, and with Cerebral Palsy. “Nothing good.” She spoke honestly.



He didn’t ask her to explain.



“What about your Mom?”



“I don’t think she will care. I’ll talk to her about it this weekend.” His mother was very cool in some respects…but she was also very overly protective. Right now, his thoughts were less on his mother and more on the fact that Robin had brought up a good point. If she needed time off, who would fill her shoes? Would he have to take a leave of absence from school? Would he have to take his chances without an Aid? What about his books and the laptop—the seizures were the least of his problems. His hands didn’t work well. If they did then he wouldn’t feel as if it took the precision of a micro surgeon to aim a wad of toilet tissue successfully to his bum. Without working hands he couldn’t plug in his laptop, retrieve his books, put away his books, he’d have to take a bus to and from school or depend on others to transport him.



The two of them were quietly contemplating their personal thoughts when a woman suddenly appeared at their table, smiling broadly. Robin returned the smile wondering if the older woman knew Jason.



“Hello there. I couldn’t help but notice you from our table.” She gestured a few tables over where a man was sitting; presumably her husband. He seemed embarrassed that his wife might be bothering them. Robin noted that Jason watched her with no sense of recognition.



The woman pressed her hands together and seemed to beam. “I just want you to know,” she said, speaking to Robin, “that I had a cousin that was like him. No one would ever treat him like family. They never even let him eat with us. When I was a child, I’d say, ‘why doesn’t Charlie eat with us?’ But they never wanted to talk about Charlie. Aunt Lois would take his meals up to his room and feed him there.” She turned to Jason, and leaned in. She talked loudly and slowly. “Honey, you have a nice day, and be a good boy to your caregiver.” Robin’s eyes got big at the woman’s awful statement. She couldn’t believe her presumptuousness! It was made worse when she reached out and patted Jason on the top of his wild red curls.



Jason was quiet; his lips a pale slash in his angry face. He lifted his hand and slowly gave the woman the finger. She looked at his hand as if he was offering it for her to shake, then she seemed confused that his one finger was raised. Suddenly there was a dawning realization and her mouth dropped.



“Uh…?” She looked back and forth from Robin to Jason who’s head was flopping around like crazy. He looked more like he had a mental disability than ever…well except for the light of intelligent anger in his narrowed green eyes.



“Fuck off you old bitch.” He spat out angrily.



Robin was so shocked by the venom behind his words that her own hands flew up to cover her mouth. The old woman looked as if Jason had thrown something at her. She stumbled away, back to her table. Jason’s hands were fists on the table top as he stared at nothing. Robin reached out and placed her hand over his.



“She put her fucking hands on me…” He was saying.



“Jason…” But the waitress suddenly appeared with their meal and Robin watched her anxiously, waiting for her to leave. Jason had a strange look on his face, he wouldn’t look at her, the food, the waitress, he just sat there angrily. He had moved his hand under the table so she was unable to touch him. “Are you okay?” She asked when the waitress was gone.



It took two attempts before he could speak clear enough for her to understand him. “I’m not okay. But I can’t (unintelligle) that (unintelligle) so fuck it.” It wasn’t as if he could whisper so his sharp words caught the attention of the table next to theirs. Robin avoided looking over at the older lady. She looked down at her plate of chicken tenders and began to eat quietly.



“What?” He finally asked, as if she had spoken, and of course she had, just without words. Disapproval was written all over her posture and silence.



Robin slowly put her half eaten chicken tender back onto her plate. “Baby…did you really have to curse her like that? I mean she was completely out of line, but-”



“You’re siding with her?!” Voice loud, though not yelling—yet loud enough to cause them to become the center of attention.



Robin’s skin began to prickle with the first signs of perspiration. “No!” She said in a hushed tone. “Don’t think that in a million years! That woman was a busybody. But she is also three times our age. I was just raised to show some respect to your elders, no matter how much of an asshole they are.”



Jason was staring at her. “I wasn’t ever taught that I had to show respect to a bigoted idiot! She thought I was mentally retarded because I have CP, but then she had the audacity to tell me I was! Fuck!” Oh god, he was so loud. Everybody was watching now.



“I’m sorry Jason.” She felt bad and unconsciously she gripped her churning stomach and began to quickly finish her meal. She should have just kept her mouth shut. Now he thought that she was saying he had no right to react the way he had, when all she had wanted to tell him was that there was another way to respond. He’d had an opportunity to teach that woman something, to show her that jerking muscles had no link to your mental ability and instead he had just lashed out.



Suddenly her IBS started to kick in and it was go to the bathroom now or never. She silently cursed the timing of this. Now it was like she was running away like she was a spoiled little girl that hadn’t gotten her way. “I have to go to the bathroom.” She said apologetically, then she jumped up quickly, darting to the restroom. In the stall she allowed her watery bowels loose. She felt nauseous as was often the case with irritable bowel syndrome. Of course she knew that it was anxiety that had caused it to kick in and it certainly wasn’t good for keeping the ulcer under control.

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