What Matters Most (20 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: What Matters Most
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“Fuck, could these jeans be any tighter?” Nick groused. Josh had to give up the tasty bit he’d sucked up a mark on when Nick moved back, Josh’s wallet in hand. He found the key card then handed the wallet back to Josh before opening the door. “Finally.”

Josh opened his mouth to agree only to find himself shoved against the door, closing it and jarring him at the same time. Before Nick could bring his head down for a kiss, Josh grabbed the bigger man and spun them, pinning Nick in place then crushing their mouths together in a kiss that would have singed the hair off Nick’s body if he hadn’t waxed most of it off.

Nick grunted when Josh bit at his lower lip, but he opened and gave Josh what he wanted. Josh swept his tongue inside, slicking over every spot he could reach, then he angled his head and did it again. Nick shuddered under Josh’s hands, the broad planes of his chest WHAT MATTERS MOST

Bailey Bradford



rising and falling rapidly, his big hands clamped firmly on Josh’s ass. Josh buried his hands in Nick’s dark hair, winding his fingers in deep and curling them so he could pull and adjust Nick’s head to whatever position he wanted it. And Nick let him, which sent a thrill through Josh and ratcheted up his arousal to an almost unbearable height.

He ended the kiss with a stinging bite then stepped back, slowly easing his hold on Nick. “Are you sure this is what you want? Tell me now before I can’t stop.” He would though, if Nick asked, at any time. It might kill him, but he’d do it.

Nick glared as he continued trying to pull Josh back. “Do you want me to beg, is that it? I will, I should—” he started to slide down the door and Josh panicked.

“Don’t! Jesus, Nick! I wouldn’t make you beg.” Unless they were lovers, secure and faithful, then the games they could play… But he didn’t want to see this incredible man humbled, brought to his knees unless it was to suck Josh’s cock. He fisted his hands back in Nick’s hair and held tight, emphasising his point. “I only want to make sure you’re sure. I won’t ask again.”

“Good,” Nick said, then winced as he tried to nod. “Can we get naked now? I really want to know what you feel like. I want to touch you. You don’t know how much I’ve thought about what you feel like, here,” Nick ran a hand over Josh’s chest, up to his shoulder, down his upper back. “And here.” His other hand smoothed over Josh’s hip then down the front of his thigh, back up again to the insides of his thighs. “So many places, and I tried to imagine, touched myself in some of those spots, but it wouldn’t be like touching you…”

Josh was the one shaking now, burning inside out from the seductive words, the soft sweep of hands, and the image of Nick touching himself anywhere at all. Josh released the man and moved away, out of reach for now. “All right then. Get naked for me.

Show me you want me.”

Nick kicked off his boots then stripped there by the door. Josh didn’t know if he was relieved or disappointed that Nick removed his clothes so quickly; a slow tease would have been exquisite to watch, but then he’d have had to wait longer to see the beautiful naked body.

“Perfect,” Josh muttered. Even the farmer’s tan was sexy to him, at least on Nick. The thick pelt of chest hair was a huge turn on, as was the dense hair on the man’s legs and arms, and his groin. Josh loved a man who was au natural, though he kept himself satiny smooth WHAT MATTERS MOST

Bailey Bradford



as it seemed to please his lovers when he had one. He couldn’t miss the big cock sticking straight out from Nick’s bush, or the furry, heavy balls hanging between his spread thighs.

His mouth watered as his dick spat a shot of pre-cum. He knew what Nick tasted like, what that thick shaft felt like pounding into his mouth.

Nick moaned and fisted his length, giving Josh a pleading look. “Josh, tell me what to do. I need…something. Touch me, fuck me—”

Josh would blow if Nick kept it up. He turned and gestured at the bed. “Lay down on your stomach. Easier for you that way.”

“I don’t want easy,” Nick said from so close Josh couldn’t help but yelp. He hadn’t heard the big man move. Wet heat slicked a trail over the back of Josh’s neck right before sharp teeth bit at the flesh.

“Oh Jesus,” Josh hissed, pressing the heel of his hand against his dick. “Stop it before I come, unless you want to fuck me instead?”

“Fuck,” Nick rasped, melding himself to Josh’s back. “Could I? Next time?”

Next time?
Josh wasn’t sure he was going to survive
time! “If you don’t come when I fuck you, you can do me after.” It might be the only chance he had to feel Nick in him.

Nick groaned and Josh could feel the man’s big body shudder against him. “I don’t think that’s an option. You don’t seem to understand how bad I want this.”

“Then let me undress,” before he came in his jeans, a distinct possibility with Nick uttering words that acted like a fist pumping Josh’s cock.

Nick suckled the back of Josh’s neck then backed away before walking around him to lay on the bed—on his back.

Josh hesitated with his shirt halfway off. “Nick, the first few times it’s easier on a guy if he’s on his stomach or hands and knees. It’ll hurt still, but not as bad.”

Nick glowered and only scooted to the centre of the bed. “I don’t care. I want to see you.”

Josh tried again. “You might regret it, just tell me—”

“I won’t,” Nick growled, patting the bed. “Hurry up and come here.”

“Bossy bottom,” Josh muttered, stripping off his shirt. His boots were a little trickier so he sat on the bed and worked them off as Nick stroked his back, murmuring praises about the softness of his skin, the firmness of his muscles.


Bailey Bradford



“Get a condom and the lube from my bag,” Josh said, gesturing at the pink bag beside the bed, desperate for a reprieve from the edge he was precariously balanced on. He finished stripping while Nick gathered what they needed then Josh knelt on the bed facing his soon to be lover. “Just sit them beside you, unless you want to put the condom on me?” He regretted asking, afraid he’d scare Nick away, more afraid he wouldn’t be able to hold back if Nick touched him.



Nick barely heard the question, staring hungrily at Josh. There wasn’t a bit of hair on the man’s fine body, his groin bare, his legs, chest, arms and pits smooth and supple. And that fat cock Nick had touched before, the thick veins emphasising its length and girth, the broad cap slick. How could he speak when all he wanted was to devour the man from head to toe? The bit of fear that had lingered tried to grow as Nick stared at Josh’s cock. He couldn’t imagine how something that big would fit up his ass, but Josh didn’t seem to think it wouldn’t work, and Nick really wanted to try.

“I’ll do it then,” Josh said, reaching for the condom.

“What? No!” Nick batted his hand away, Josh’s question only now filtering through his brain. “I’ve put them on myself, surely I can do this.”

A flush spread over Josh’s chest and up his neck as his dick jerked. A bead of pre-cum slid from the slit, slowly rolling over the cap and stringing onto the bed. It was the hottest thing Nick had ever seen, next to his very naked, very sexy man. Scooting closer, he dragged his finger through the slick liquid then darted a questioning glance at Josh.

“You don’t have to,” Josh murmured.

But he wanted to, and the words couldn’t climb out past the moisture pooling in his mouth. Nick brought his finger to his lips, looking once again at Josh. Slowly, teasingly, he licked the salty pre-ejaculate from his finger, humming his approval at the taste. “You taste so good,” Nick said, leaning in closer, his gaze locked with Josh’s. Josh hissed when Nick lapped at the leaking slit. Nick felt a surge of desire roll through him and he shifted to his hands and knees, uncaring of how he looked as he sought more of Josh’s offering.

Josh moaned and fisted the base of his cock with one hand, his other tugging at his balls. “Nick, another time, maybe…”


Bailey Bradford



Nick pulled back, wondering what he’d done wrong. He hadn’t got to do more than

run his tongue over the smooth flesh, barely getting a taste of what he sought.

Josh reached for him with a shaking hand, stroking him from cheek to chin before rubbing his thumb over Nick’s lips. “It felt too good. I keep telling you, or trying to, I’m gonna come if you touch me much at all.”

Nick breathed a relieved sigh and nodded. That, he understood, and at least he hadn’t screwed up his first attempt at a blow job. He just hadn’t got to do it, really, but he would.

Lying back on the bed, he tossed the rubber to Josh. No way was he risking having to wait much longer for what he wanted. “What do you want me to do?”

Josh tore the package open and began sheathing himself. “Bend your legs, and spread them for me, as wide as you can.”

Nick told himself he was
a chick despite Adam’s earlier teasing. It was still difficult to follow Josh’s directions, putting himself in a position he’d often taken a woman in. Still, he didn’t hesitate, knowing Josh might misread it for fear instead of embarrassment.

Nick bent his legs until his heels bumped his ass, then spread his legs as much as he could manage. The position left him wide open and exposed, especially that one part of himself no one had ever seen or touched—besides Josh.

Josh finished rolling the rubber on then looked at him, his full lips parting. A grunt that sounded like he’d been kicked in the gut by a horse rushed from Josh’s mouth as his green eyes widened. The flush, which had started to fade, darkened once more, spreading to the roots of his hair and down to his waist. “Jesus, Nick, you have no idea how fucking hot you look right now.”

“Glad you think so, ‘cause I feel like an idiot,” Nick admitted, his thighs quivering against the need to cover himself.

Josh chuffed softly and popped open the lube. “It’s hard, harder for someone who’s always thought they were straight, I guess, but it gets easier.”

Nick pushed himself up on one elbow and made sure Josh was paying attention. “I

won’t do this for anyone else, so it only has to get easier with you. Even if it doesn’t, I’ll spread for you any time you want me to.”

“Oh.” Josh blinked, the lube slipping from his grasp. “I don’t…that’s…how can



Bailey Bradford



Josh looked so stricken that Nick wanted to laugh, except it hurt to think he’d caused Josh to be so unsure. He couldn’t stand it. Nick forgot about the position he was supposed to be in and sat up, shifting to his knees so he could frame Josh’s face with his hands. “I went to that club, thinking if I was gay, surely someone else could make me feel like you did.”

So close, he couldn’t miss the pain that flitted across Josh’s expression. Nick swooped down for a tender kiss, lingering over it until he felt Josh ease. “No one did, Josh, understand me? No one, not a woman, not any man, has made me feel like this. I don’t know that I’m gay so much as it’s just
do this to me, make me ache, make me need something I never even thought about before you. Do you understand me?” It was suddenly so important that Josh did understand, that he believed Nick wanted only him.

Josh dropped his lids, hiding once again, but Nick wasn’t having it. He tipped the younger man’s head up and dipped his own until he could gaze at the narrow slits, bits of green farmed by white.

“Do you believe me, Josh?”

Josh’s lips moved, his Adam’s apple bobbing, clicking noisily before he finally spoke so quietly Nick had to strain to hear him. “Yes, I believe you.”

It was enough for now, and Nick kissed the last of the words from Josh’s lips before resuming his position, this time without the vulnerable feeling. He wasn’t the only one who was risking himself tonight, though how he hadn’t seen it sooner was beyond him. Too busy buzzing with lust, he thought.

Josh crawled over him, planting his hands on either side of Nick’s head. Their cocks brushed together, pulling twin moans from them. Josh dropped to his elbows, pressing the insides of his knees against Nick’s hips. The contact of dicks and lips was almost too much; Nick thrust up, needing more friction on his shaft while he opened to Josh’s plundering mouth. Josh groaned into the kiss as he lowered himself fully onto Nick. Nick couldn’t think as electric shivers raced over his body. His hips jerked and pumped as his hands slid and grabbed, touching all the places he’d longed to, unable to process it as his body sang with pleasure.

“Yeah, baby, just like that,” Josh coaxed, slithering down Nick’s body. He whimpered first with the loss of Josh’s lips on his, then with ecstasy as sharp teeth raked over his nipple.

“Gahhh!” He meant to say something, some expression for, I didn’t know those things had a purpose, but Josh bit a taut nub and heat radiated out to the tips of Nick’s toes. Nimble WHAT MATTERS MOST

Bailey Bradford



fingers plucked and pinched the other tit, and Nick howled, his balls boiling with the need to come.

Josh huffed, his warm breath gusting over the wet nipple. “Like that, do ya?”

“God,” Nick said after gathering enough spat to talk, “you have no idea!”

Josh laughed outright and tweaked both nipples, sending dual streams of pleasure to Nick’s cock. “Oh, I think I
.” He twisted the tips, causing a burning sensation to blossom in each breast. “Bet I could make you come just from this.”

“Yeah,” Nick gasped, his balls pulling tight. “But I want to come with you in me.”

Josh left off tormenting his nipples with a smug grin. “You will.” He manoeuvred around until he was kneeling between Nick’s spread thighs then twisted to reach for the lube. Nick knew what he wanted to ask when Josh looked up at him.

“Yes, I’m still sure, now hurry up.”



Josh wanted to ask again, but Nick looked certain, not a hint of fear in his dark eyes.

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