What it Takes (21 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Ascher

Tags: #FIC021000, #FIC027000, #FIC027020

BOOK: What it Takes
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“Why’d I get the impression that the two of you weren’t talking about the film?” Grayson asked as he sauntered to her side.

“Because, my dear, you have an overactive imagination,” Kelsey laughed off Grayson’s perceptive comment with a wave of her hand. She certainly hadn’t meant to have that conversation, especially with an audience to witness it. She was sure Veronica hadn’t picked up on it. But she’d forgotten Grayson was in the room. She swallowed hard and kept her eyes averted.

“No,” Grayson said thoughtfully. She knew by his serious tone that she was in trouble; she wouldn’t be able to brush this off. “I don’t think that’s it.”

She shrugged. “Then I don’t know what it is.”

He put his hand on her arm. “Red? Are you falling for him?” he questioned. Kelsey still refused to meet his eyes. “Well, are you?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she whispered, pulling her arm away.

“That would be a ‘yes’ then.”

Kelsey turned and glared at him. Grayson was beaming from ear to ear.

“What happened? I thought you weren’t going to give in to him.”

“I haven’t given anything to him,” she snapped.

“Yet,” he mumbled.

“And I don’t intend to.” She could only hope she was strong enough to make that a true statement.


“No,” she stated firmly. “End of discussion.”

With a puckered brow, he turned her and they followed Patrick and Veronica onto the set.

Kelsey used packing as an excuse to avoid brunch in Patrick’s room with her co-stars the next morning. Alone in her room, she looked over the room service menu until she heard a light tap on her door. She shook her head and chuckled to herself, then walked toward it. It was probably Veronica or Grayson coming back to try to change her mind again.

It wasn’t.

“Patrick?” Her upturned lips slowly fell as her nerves quickly coiled. “What are . . . I thought . . . aren’t you having breakfast with Grayson and Veronica?”

“I thought you might be hungry.” He held up a plate with scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, grits, and home fries on it. Despite his grin, his rich eyes showed his apprehension.

Kelsey noticed his nervousness and relaxed a little as she took the plate from him. “Thank you.” She saw a plate in his other hand that was very similar to the one she’d just taken from him. “I’m not that hungry,” she said with a smirk.

He laughed and held the other plate up. “I thought I might join you,” he said and his smile started to fade, “if you don’t mind.”

“What about Grayson and Veronica?”

He shrugged. “They can manage on their own for a little while.”

Her heart skipped a beat and she breathed slowly as she considered breakfast.

With him.


She wasn’t surprised that he’d hunted her down, that he’d sought her out for breakfast. Since their conversation before the dance scene, she’d been expecting it. They’d wrapped the film in the wee hours of the morning then had had a small celebratory party on set that had lasted until dawn. The entire crew had come out, and Kelsey had used them as a shield between her and Patrick. She’d meant what she’d said; she was trying to trust him. She just wasn’t sure she was ready to discuss it with him.

As she continued to examine her wants, Patrick began to frown. “I’m sorry.” His shoulders dropped slightly. “I’ll just go back to my room.”

“No,” she said quickly as he turned to walk away. “Stay.”

Apprehension and anticipation gripped Patrick as he turned back to her.

“I’d love the company,” she added.

He studied her face, noted the honesty in her expression, and excitement bubbled in his veins. He followed her into the room and she placed her plate on the table then retrieved two bottles of water from the refrigerator.

“Sorry, it’s all I have.” She handed him one, then sat in front of her plate as he set his on the table beside hers.

“I can get some coffee, if you’d like,” Patrick offered, albeit half-heartedly. Now that he was here, leaving was the last thing he wanted to do.

She laid her hand on his arm, warming his blood as it rushed to his chest. “No, it’s okay,” she said, shaking her head as she chuckled. “I can always get some later.” With one hand, she picked up a piece of bacon as, with the other, she motioned for him to sit.

Patrick took a few bites of eggs and potatoes, watching Kelsey eat as the silence stretched uncomfortably between them. “Veronica said you were packing,” he finally said.

“I am,” she answered cautiously.

“Why? We’re not leaving for two days.”

She took another bite of egg and chewed slowly. Sensing her hesitation, Patrick began to worry. When she swallowed, he grinned, hoping to ease her.

“I’m leaving tomorrow,” she said softly.

He furrowed his brow, not sure he’d heard her correctly. “What?”

“I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“Why?” Patrick’s smile faded, along with his hope for spending more time with her, for holding her in his arms as they danced, or simply watching her enjoy a movie. “I thought we were all flying out together.”

She put her fork down and pushed her plate away. “I’m not going back to LA. I’m going home.” Kelsey folded her hands on the table in front of her. “Patrick, I haven’t seen my family in more than three months. I miss them.”

Patrick studied his plate as his mind raced. He was desperately trying to find a way to keep her there.

“Thanksgiving is next week and we need to start preparing for that,” she continued.

Patrick knew Kelsey’s family was important to her, but he wondered whether there was another reason she wanted to leave early. Again, he was struck with the feeling that he’d been wrong. Obviously, the conversation before the dance scene had simply been about how her character was feeling, nothing more. Not the hints he thought she’d been dropping about her own feelings.

Damn, she

And he’d apparently failed to convince her that he was sincere.

He felt defeated. “I didn’t know you were going home.”

“I didn’t know you needed to,” she replied lightly.

Patrick lifted his eyes to Kelsey’s, momentarily stunned by the discomfort he saw in them, then stood and walked to the counter. Afraid his feelings were written all over his face, he turned his back to her. Resting his hands on the counter, he looked up at the ceiling. “What time does your flight leave?”

“I’m not flying.”

Patrick tensed. “Why not?”

“It’s only a five-hour drive. I rented a car,” she answered, her voice closer.

He turned to find her standing a few feet away.

She let out a breath. “It’ll be here at eight.”

“You’re driving alone?” He leaned against the counter.

She nodded and laughed. “Who’d go with me?”

A road trip with her could be fun, and the thought almost made Patrick’s lips turn up. He lost himself in her bright, sparkling eyes and almost forgot what he wanted to ask. “Are you leaving early because of me?” The words fell quietly between them, hurting more than he’d expected.

She shook her head and took a step forward. “No,” she whispered and held his gaze. He relaxed a little and she repeated, “No. Why would you think that?”

“We’ve hardly spoken since Saturday,” he said. “You even spent Sunday away from the hotel. I feel like you’ve been avoiding me. Like I make you uncomfortable and you don’t want to be around me.” Now that the words were out, he felt a little better but anxiously waited for her answer.

Kelsey felt a tug at her heart as she debated what to tell him. It hadn’t occurred to her that Patrick would perceive her silence that way. She honestly hadn’t thought he’d take her avoidance so personally. It was true; she was uncomfortable around him. But the reason now was so different than it used to be.

“I guess I haven’t known what to say,” she responded. “I’ve had a lot on my mind.”

“Like what?” He inched closer and her heart skittered.

Like the love scene. Like the kisses. Like the way he made her feel. Like the roses and what they meant. Like . . . like . . . like. The list went on, but she couldn’t tell him that.

“Like how much I’ve enjoyed working with you,” she said and the corner of his mouth lifted a little. “And Grayson and Veronica, of course,” Kelsey added as an afterthought.

He laughed lightly. “Of course.”

They regarded each other and she frantically tried to think of something to say to stretch the moment. She could feel something happening, something she couldn’t name, but she didn’t want it to end.

“I was hoping for at least one more day, Kelsey.”

“Patrick,” she sighed and tilted her head as she looked at him. “What difference would a day make?” She almost hoped he would make a good argument for her to stay.

“I don’t know,” he said.

Her heart dropped. She hoped the disappointment didn’t show. His eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked down so he couldn’t study her face any longer.

“I just want more time with you.” His feet came into her view a moment before she felt his finger on her chin. He lightly pressed it upward and she looked up to meet his eyes. “I’d love to dance with you again,” he said softly, intimately.

Because a part of her ached to be in his arms, she took a step toward him. They were almost standing toe-to-toe. “That could be fun,” she said with a smile.

His fingers drifted along her jaw, his eyes watching it travel. “Grayson and Veronica want to do something today,” he said when his fingers reached her hairline. His eyes met hers and she nodded.

“I’m not surprised,” she spoke, gasping for air. Between the heat of his expression and the warmth of his hand, she thought she might melt. “I’d rather stay in so I can pack.”

“We can do that.” He glanced at her mouth for a moment then looked into her wide eyes again. “I meant what I said yesterday,” he started and she raised an eyebrow. “I won’t hurt you.”

Her other eyebrow lifted. “You can’t guarantee that.”

He cradled her head in his hand and leaned closer. “At least give me a chance,” he breathed, pleading with his eyes.

Some compulsion deep inside caused her to close the distance between them and open her lips. In a flash, he swooped in and covered them with his in a gentle kiss that made her forget her fears. The spark she felt the moment their lips touched turned fiery as it traveled to her toes. Her arms snaked up his chest to circle his neck and pull him closer. His free arm returned the favor and reached around her waist to press her tighter against him.

She felt his erection against her stomach and pressed against it. When he growled with pleasure and started backing her up, she moaned against his mouth. His tongue brushed her lips and they instinctively opened for him. The wall now at her back, she boldly met his tongue as it entered her mouth. He tasted her and she relished the invasion. Her fingers wove themselves in his hair, holding him to her as their tongues danced.

She whimpered a little when his mouth left hers then gasped with relief when he kissed her cheek. As he trailed light kisses along her jaw to her neck, he leaned into her and slid his hand down her hip to her thigh. He nipped at the pulse point just above her collarbone and she moaned with pleasure. Eyes closed, head back, she lifted her leg to cradle him against the part of her that wanted him most.

He thrust against her and her eyes flew open. While her body was screaming at her to take him to the bedroom, her mind screamed for her to stop. She tensed and felt him do the same. His lips froze on her shoulder and she looked at the ceiling as tears slowly filled her eyes. What was she doing?

She wanted to say “yes” to him, right now, quite desperately, but her fear had just reared its ugly head. He lifted his head and panic quickly filled his eyes.

“I’m so sorry,” he said as he shook his head.

“No,” she whispered, sliding her hand around to his cheek, stilling him. “No, don’t feel bad.

“Kelsey, I—”

She lightly kissed the corner of his mouth. “Shh,” she soothed. “It’s not your fault. I wanted it too, it just . . .” she exhaled slowly as he put his forehead against hers, “it just became too much.” He nodded and put his arms around her waist. She moved her head to his shoulder. “I guess I just need more time to think about it.”

He rested his chin on her head and held her while her heart returned to a normal rate of speed. She soaked up the safety of his arms and wished she had the courage to say “yes.” It felt right, and natural, to be there. This feeling would have to last her two months at least. If she was just another fling to him, she might never get this chance again.

They stood quietly until he squeezed her once and stepped away. His downcast eyes and crinkled forehead tugged at her heart. He kissed her forehead and tried to pull away. She held firmly and stared deeply into his eyes.

“I didn’t say ‘no.’”

He paused long enough to let her words sink in. “I know.”

She released him and he stepped back. Her body suddenly felt cold and she shivered.

“I’ll go talk to Veronica and Grayson.” They walked to the door. “I’ll bring you a cup of coffee too,” he added with a grin. Kelsey nodded her consent as he opened the door, but then stopped before leaving. “I’ll be back soon.”

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