What Happens Tomorrow (7 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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I wasn't ready for tonight to end. Not even close. I hinted about going back to her place and finishing the movie from the last night…the night all hell broke lose. She seemed to like the idea and I was happy knowing I’d be able to kick back with my beautiful girl in my arms.

Having her in my arms the way I’d imagined so many times before was fucking incredible. The feel of her body as she relaxed into mine, and the fresh scent of coconut that I could smell on her skin…


It wasn’t long after the movie started that her eyes dropped and opened and dropped again. I could tell she was fighting sleep, so I massaged her head a little, hoping to get her to relax and soon it worked. She was peaceful and asleep. I caressed her cheek softly so as not to wake her. She slept peacefully for a while, but then started to get restless, tossing and turning her head from side to side, moaning, then she screamed. A blood curdling screech from her lips.“Kill me! Just kill me!”

When she finally opened her eyes, she began to cry hysterically. I’d never seen her like that before and it scared the living shit out of me. What the hell kind of nightmare could have caused her this much distress?

I tried to comfort her, but she shied away as if I would hurt her. When I tried to pry a little more, she pushed me away. Told me she needed to be alone.

No goddamned way!

There was no way I would leave her like this. I needed to know she was all right, but she wouldn’t have anything to do with it, and not wanting to cause her any more stress than she was already under, I agreed to leave.

Crushed that I couldn’t take her pain away, I walked out the door. I agreed to give her space, but I needed to watch over her. Someone did.

I quickly ran up to my place and grabbed a blanket. Tonight there would be no sleep. Tonight, my ass would be parked on one of the courtyard deck chairs close to her apartment.

I would be there if she needed me.





I HAVEN’T HEARD a word from Brooke in almost a week. It’s killing me. I replay that night over and over in my head, trying to figure out what the hell happened. I call and text without a single reply.

Saying I’m worried is an understatement.

I need to know she’s okay.

Not feeling very social, I turn down an afternoon of surfing with some of the guys from the complex and decide to go for a walk and grab a coffee instead. I need to clear my head. I can’t believe my eyes when I round the corner to the coffee shop and see Charlie tethered outside. The minute he sees me, his little tail wags a hundred miles a minute. I’ve never been a fan of those little girly dogs, I prefer something more manly like a lab or shepherd, but there is nothing girly about Charlie. He’s a big dog packed into a little dog’s body.

“Hey, buddy, where’s Brooke?” I ask as I squat down to greet him. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the shop door slowly open and watch as she cautiously exits the shop. My heart skips a beat…okay, it skips many beats.


Damn, I have it bad for her, but judging by the solemn look on her face, she isn’t feeling the same way.

I took a chance. I let her know how I felt about her. But it’s obvious she has things going on in her life right now and I need to stand down before I lose her completely. It’s not about me. It’s about her.





A WEEK HAS come and gone since I’ve seen or talked to anyone. I haven’t even returned my mom’s calls. I know I wouldn’t be able to talk to her without her figuring out something was going on and I don’t want to worry her. You can’t hide anything from my mom, and the last thing she needs is more Brooke related stress in her life. Instead, I sent her a text and told her I was busy with work.

I’ve been avoiding Jenna as well. I told her I was down with the flu because if she thinks I’m sick she’ll stay away, but if she thinks for one minute I’m avoiding life by hiding out, she’ll use my spare key to break in and kick my ass. I don’t need that right now.

And I’m avoiding Tyler. I couldn’t face him after my breakdown. How could I? He must think I’m some kind of freak.

But I didn’t expect to miss him as much I as do. I constantly think about him…dream about him holding me safe in his arms and making the pain go away. I thought it would be easier to be on my own, but it’s not. He texts me every day, simple texts telling me that he’s worried and that he wishes I would talk to him. How will he feel when he finds out that I’ve lied to him?

I stare at Charlie snuggled up on my lap. “Hey, buddy.” He lifts his head off of my lap. “Mama’s sorry about this week, but I promise I’ll make it up to you today. What do you say to a big walk to the doggy bakery for a special treat for my little man?” He hears the magic words
walk and treat
and bolts for the door.




ON OUR WAY home from the doggy bakery we walk by my favorite coffee shop, so I tie Charlie up outside the shop. “I’ll be a minute. You be a good boy.”

With coffee in hand, I’m about to exit the shop when I see
through the glass door, kneeling down and talking to Charlie as he scratches his ears.


He’s in my favorite pair of faded, ripped jeans with a gray, fitted, v-neck t-shirt that clings to his defined muscles, and he’s wearing his aviator sunglass which make him look like some sexy movie star. I swallow hard at the gorgeous sight of him.


He knows I’m here.

I know he won’t leave until he sees me.

Time to pull those big girl panties up, Brooke. Think band-aid affect.

I step out of the shop door and his eyes meet mine as he gets up off of the ground. “Hi.” My voice sounds shaky.

“Hi, yourself.” His facial expression softens as he takes off his sunglasses and hooks them onto the front of his shirt, rewarding me with his gorgeous blue eyes.

How I’ve missed looking into them.

“I was out for a walk when I saw Charlie and—”

“I’m so sorry, Tyler. I-I…”

“I know you are. I really wish you trusted me enough to let me in. I want to be there for you. I want to be the one you come to when you’re hurting. But you keep pushing me away.”

I can’t read the expression on his face and it scares me. Have I pushed him away for good? “I think I understand though. You don’t feel for me what I feel for you. Maybe you felt pressured when I told you how I felt. Maybe you said you felt the same way to spare our friendship. I get it, and I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that.”


“No, Ty! You have it completely wrong.” I pause, looking at all of the patrons within earshot of us. This is not a conversation I want to have in public.“Can we get out of here and go somewhere more private? I need to get him home and then maybe you and I could talk? There’s so much about me that you don’t know. That no one knows.” I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves and the stinging tears. I won’t allow myself to cry in public. “I promise if you give me time, I’ll let you in.”

He reaches over and cups my cheek with a gentle hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He picks up Charlie and takes my hand.

We walk in silence back to the complex. I drop Charlie off at my apartment, then Tyler and I quietly walk over to his. Once in the front door, he stops and turns to me. “Just know that this one thing, whatever it is you need to tell me, it won’t change how I feel about you.” I feel the tears welling up again as he lowers his lips down to plant the most benevolent kiss against my lips. He takes my hand in his and leads me to the couch. “How about we order some dinner, then talk? You don’t have to tell me anything if you’re not ready.”

No matter how much telling him terrifies me, I have to do it. If Tyler and I are going to have any chance together he needs to know the real Brooke Adams. “Sounds good. Whatever you want to order is fine with me. And Ty…” I bite my bottom lip, trying to stop it from quivering. “I need you to know my story. I can’t promise I’ll be able to tell you everything tonight, but I want you to know that I want to try.”

“When you’re ready, I’ll be here to listen.”

Tyler orders Chinese from our usual haunt. While we wait, we make small talk about our week, avoiding any talk about our last time together. Dinner arrives and we set the table. As I take the packages out of the bags, Tyler pours us each a glass of wine. I stop to look up at him. B
and-aid, Brooke

“I was married once.” I can tell by the look on his face that my statement surprises him. He stops pouring the wine and looks over at me, his eyebrows cocked and his lips pulled straight.

“Oh…is that what you’ve been worried about telling me? Brooke, I realize you had a life before me. We both did. Honestly, if this is what’s caused you so much grief, it’s okay. We’re okay.”

And there’s that word. Grief.

I look away, trying to figure out how to tell him the rest of my story. I don’t have the slightest idea where to start. “Let’s sit down and eat. We can talk after dinner.”

We eat in relative silence, sneaking endearing glances at each other. It’s obvious we’ve missed each other’s company. After dinner, Tyler cleans up, then suggests we go out.

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