What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There (13 page)

BOOK: What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There
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close his eyes and remember how you feel naked against him? But, I’m dealing with it because I

want to be with you.”

A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

“If you want to be with me Ginny, then you need to talk to Dane and let him know there can’t

be anything between you two. You can’t be on the fence, you need to make a decision. Had it

been anyone else we wouldn’t be having this conversation, but considering the circumstances

I’m willing to be flexible – until now.”

~ Genevieve ~

Oh, thank God!
She wanted to throw herself into his arms, but held herself back. She’d

driven around Staten Island for a couple of hours after leaving Dane’s house, trying to get her

thoughts together before ultimately parking in his yard and waiting for him to come home. She

was grateful she’d been to his house a few days ago and remembered the address.

“So you’re not angry?”

A hint of a smile touched his lips. “Oh yeah. Furious, but I’ve begun to care for you and I’m

not willing to let you go unless you decide I’m not the one you want. But you need to decide

right here, right now. I won’t share you with my brother.” He took her hands in his and it felt so good, it felt supportive and reassuring. A smirk touched his lips. “You can’t have us both.”

“I want you, Graham. Only you. I’m sorry, I… I don’t –”

He slipped a hand to the back of her head and urged her forward. She trembled at his touch,

leaning in and swiping her lips across his. “I’m sorry,” she murmured against his lips.

“It’s okay. I’m just glad this is settled,” he whispered back. “Just stop talking for a minute

and kiss me already.”

Smiling, she allowed him to fully capture her lips, kissing her with such intensity her entire

body ignited with desire. A burden had been lifted. Her decision was made and she could now

finally give herself fully to the man she wanted. The man, she now realized, she was supposed to

be with from the start.

She closed her eyes and allowed the waves of need and desire to rush through her as she

repositioned herself so she was straddling his lap. Graham’s hands slid around her waist and up

under her shirt, his fingers digging into the flesh of her lower back. Her lips left his and she

began to run a string of butterfly kisses along his jaw and to his neck, as her hands began to

explore the hard lines of his chest beneath his uniform shirt.

Frustrated and needing to feel his warm flesh without the restriction of clothing, she pulled

back, her eyes locking with his, and began to unbutton his shirt. To her surprise she found her

hands shaking slightly, her fingers fumbling with the buttons. It was partially nerves, part

anticipation and his growing erection beneath her was – distracting.

She sighed loudly as she finally finished with the final button and pushed the shirt off of his

broad shoulders. Grabbing the bottom of his white t-shirt she tugged it up. Releasing her, he

lifted his arms and allowed her to pull the garment up and off.

Sitting back onto his lap her eyes scanned every inch of exposed body, beginning at his

shoulders and slowly moving downward. Her eyes landed upon two more scars, on his left side,

just below his ribs. She traced the scars as he watched her intently.

“What happened?” She lifted her gaze to his jaw and traced the scar there with her index

finger. “What are these from?”

He smiled. “A rookie mistake.”

She frowned. “I think I’m going to need more information.”

“I was attempting to arrest someone, a heroin addict, the first week I was on the force. I

didn’t pat him down well enough. He still had a knife and when I let my guard down he pulled

out the knife and lunged at me. Got my jaw first and then took a couple jabs at my side. Luckily

he didn’t hit anything critical with the blade, but it certainly knocked me down a notch. I’d

graduated top of the class at the academy so I guess I figured I was hot shit – invincible. Dane

and I went to the academy together and I was a big braggart about graduating ahead of him. A

few days in the hospital and banished to traffic duty for several months made me learn my


“That’s horrible.” It occurred to her just how dangerous his job could get. If the guy had

gotten Graham in a different area, severed an artery, she wouldn’t be sitting there straddling his lap planning on exploring every inch of his body.

“It’s all in a day’s work. And I’ve gotten more cautious. Lesson learned.” Seeing the worry in

her expression he pulled her to him and brushed his lips across her temple. “You don’t have to

worry. Okay?”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held tight to him, burying her face into the side of

his neck. “All right.” Her thoughts about his job were pushed to the back of her mind as the feel and smell of him reminded her of why she was currently straddling him and that she desperately

wanted to see him without the remainder of his clothing.

Vegas had been such a surreal experience that she hadn’t really had the chance to savour

being with him. But tonight would be different.

She pulled back and kissed him, her hands moving to the waistband of his pants and she

wiggled on his lap, riling up his thickening shaft. He groaned against her lips as she nipped at his lower lip, but his hands circled her wrists, stopping her from undoing his pants.

Confused, she pulled back. “What’s wrong?”

He released her wrists, brought his left hand up to her face and tapped the face of his Swiss

Army watch. “It’s past midnight and I volunteered to take on an extra shift tomorrow morning.

Gotta be to work for 5am.”

She frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll go. I didn’t realize.” Lowering her eyes from his, she

attempted to wiggle from his lap, but he grabbed her waist and kept her secure on him.

“Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you’re going? I’m not letting you run away from me


“But… you gotta…” She looked toward the staircase that she assumed led to the bedrooms.

“So I was going to let you get some sleep. I never considered the time. I’m sorry.”

“Hell no. You’re not going anywhere tonight.”

“But... but, you said you have to go to bed.”

He grinned and stood, keeping her tight in his arms. Laughing, Genevieve wrapped her legs

around his waist and held tight to him.

She raised a brow at him, continuing to grin. “So we’re having a slumber party?”

“Hmmm. Yeah. Something like that.” He carried her through the living room and up the

stairs, shutting off the lights as he ascended.

“You know I can walk up the stairs on my own, right?”

“I know.” He lowered his mouth to her neck and bit lightly, sending a spike of desire through

her. “Maybe I prefer it this way.”

Chapter 11

~ Graham ~

“It’s kinda big,” Genevieve called out from the bathroom next to the bedroom where she was

changing into one of his t-shirts.

In just his boxer briefs Graham flopped himself onto the bed above the covers and laced his

fingers behind his head, his eyes glued to the entrance of the bedroom, waiting for her to appear.

“You can always come to bed naked. I’ve seen you naked before, you realize that, right?” He

was actually glad she’d asked for a shirt to change into; he suspected if she were naked next to

him there wouldn’t be much sleeping tonight. As it was he was sporting a semi-erection just

thinking about her lying next to him.

“It’ll do.” She appeared in the doorway.

His erection went from semi-hard to full mast at the sight of her barefoot and wearing his

grey NYPD t-shirt. She looked both adorable and sexy. It did indeed hang off of her and fell to


She paused at the doorway, her face turning slightly pink. It amused him that the same

woman who’d spent a night sandwiched between him and his brother would get a bout of

shyness standing in his doorway with a t-shirt on.

“You can come in you know,” he teased. He pulled open the blankets beside him and patted

the vacant space. “Come on. I won’t bite.”

She smiled, her blush deepening. “I know, it’s silly.” She slowly began to make her way into

the room. Crawling onto the bed, she sat back on her knees and caught his gaze. “Yeah, but it

almost feels like our first time.” She crinkled her nose up. “You know what I mean? It’s silly I


Her eyes lowered down the length of his body and paused at his groin, where his dick was

pressing against the material containing it. When her eyes wandered back up his body to meet his

stare, the lust in her eyes made him groan inwardly. This was going to be hard. Real hard. Maybe

he should have let her go home tonight, but he wanted her with him, even if it was just in his bed for the night with no sex involved.

She chewed at her lower lip as she peered down at him, the heat in her eyes increasing.

If I touch her I’m done for.

But he didn’t have much of a choice as she straddled his waist and lowered herself onto him.

Her scent – sweet roses – filled his nostrils.

“You’re making this really hard to keep to the no sex-o for tonight.”

She moaned softly as her lips grazed the side of his neck. “Are you really sure?”

Placing his hands on the backs of her thighs, he slowly moved them upward, pushing the hem

of the t-shirt up until his hands cupped her lace-covered bottom.

He swallowed and closed his eyes, trying to push down his desire.

“I want this to be special, Ginny. I’m trying to be gentlemanly here. But you’re making it so


She moved over him, rubbing her pelvis against his erection. A low growl like groan came

from him and he pulled her tight against him, his hands squeezing her ass cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured, lowering her head and placing a string of kisses across his chest.

“I don’t think you are.” His hands slipped under the lace and moved toward the apex between

her legs. She moaned softly and pressed into his hands, tempting him with her moist heat.

Her soft moans and sighs were almost as enticing as the feel of her wetness as his fingers

reached her pussy lips. She lifted her head and ghosted her lips across his. As their lips teased, he thrust a finger deep within her and she cried out against his lips. Her hips immediately began to grind on him as she began to fuck his fingers, which now were stroking her inner wall.

Holding herself up with one hand, she slipped her other hand between them, yanked down his

boxer briefs, exposed his shaft and grasped him. As he stroked her inner core, she stroked him,

stroking him harder and faster, keeping pace with his fingers within her.

His arousal was quickly coming to its breaking point. It was killing him not to rip her

clothing from her body and take her hard and fast, filling her exquisite body with his seed.

“Fuck, Ginny,” he groaned when her lips moved back to his neck, nipping and lashing the

sensitive skin with her tongue. “I’m not going to last much longer if we keep this up.”

She murmured something incoherent, and she bucked harder against his fingers, her pussy

beginning to tighten and tremble around his probing digits. Her breathing became more rapid,

and her soft moans became louder as she reached her climax. He knew he wasn’t going to be

long behind her; the tightening in his balls was becoming painful as he prepared for release.

“Oh God! Oh yes! So good. Oh my God!” she groaned into his ear, the warmth of her breath

running through him. Her bucking over him became wild, while the stroking of him became

more intense. She was going to bring him hard and fast.

He fought to hold on, but her cry out accompanied with the quivering of her around his

fingers and the release of her fluids coating his hand and wrist was his undoing. His groan

accompanied her whimpers of pleasure as the tension within his cock came to a head. He

exploded, the evidence of his ejaculation gushing from him and coating both their stomachs.

She moaned a final time, her pussy reaching orgasm a final time. Spent, she collapsed onto

him, releasing his depleted rod and pressing her face against his chest. He slid his hands up her back, under her shirt and held her tight to him as his heart rate slowly returned to normal.

“Mmmm. Now we can go to sleep,” she murmured, a smile of satisfaction on her lips,

slipping from him and cuddling to his side, her leg draped across his.

Chuckling, he kissed the top of her head and held her tight. “Yes, ma’am.”

Her smile widened as she closed her eyes. She was asleep within minutes.


~ Genevieve ~

The entire morning Genevieve had been wearing a big, goofy grin on her face as she worked.

Even her customers picked up on it, inquiring about why she was in such a great mood. She felt

like a teenager again, giddy and excited about the boy she liked in her class. It felt good.


She’d woken up that morning to an empty bed, but Graham had left a note on the bedside

table telling her to be dressed and waiting for him at 7pm for a surprise. It had been a long, long time since she’d been surprised with anything from a man. Even when Alex proposed to her, it

wasn’t a surprise, it was a conversation at his house and then he took her to the jewelry store for a ring; it was hardly romantic in any way. With each date with Graham she came to realize

something; she’d dodged a bullet when Alex broke up with her.

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