Werewolf in a Suit book 2 (Werewolf,Romance,Paranormal) (4 page)

BOOK: Werewolf in a Suit book 2 (Werewolf,Romance,Paranormal)
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“No, Lily,” he said, moving his lips up my neck. “It really isn’t.” He sucked on my pulse point, smirking into my skin as I rocked against him, and his fingers continued to pump into me, going over the same spot over and over again every time. I was a hot, sweaty mess when he spoke again. “Unfair is watching you at work, with your tight skirts and your deep-necked blouses and your uncontrollable need to keep bending over in front of me, without ever being able to touch you.”


I couldn’t help but grin at the obvious frustration in his words; I was never going to tell him that I did all of that on purpose to get to him. He twisted his wrist, pushing his fingers into me at a different angle, and the heat that spread through my blood melted the smile right off my face.


“Unfair,” he continued, dragging his teeth along my jawline, “is watching you with the other associates, helping them out with their briefs and their depositions with that happy smile on your face.” I gasped and nearly shot off the counter when his wandering teeth found my earlobe. His breath fanned my ear when he said, “They don’t know how much you hate work or how little sugar you put in your coffee.” The nail on his thumb sent a fiery line of sparks along my clit, and my eyes drifted shut. “They don’t know anything about you, and they still get that smile. And what do I get?” he asked, his fingers moving faster against me. “I get to spend my days walking around the office with a raging erection because my girlfriend is the biggest tease alive.” He punctuated his statement by working my clit until I was buzzing all over. He placed his forehead against mine, and his bright blue eyes stared right at me as he declared, “Unfair.”


My thoughts whirled around in my head, and though it was incredibly difficult, I managed to grasp his point and made a discovery of my own – my werewolf boyfriend was jealous. Again.


And I was way too turned on to soothe his ego.


Snarling in barely suppressed frustration, I wound my arms around his neck and pushed myself off of the countertop. Ignoring his frown, I shoved his hand out of me and shifted us around until my ass was resting against the cool granite edge and his cock was nestled firmly against my pussy. My heaving chest was pressed into his, and as I spread my feet apart to accommodate him better, I tugged the hair above his neck in a silent admonishment.


“You’re a big, strong, hunky werewolf with a fondness for delayed gratification,” I told him, my tone inflectionless. “Are you seriously complaining about the fact that you’re dating someone who can keep up with you?”


His eyes were a little glazed over, but he nodded anyway. “Sounds about right,” he murmured, his cock twitching between my folds.


I couldn’t believe that this was why I hadn’t been allowed to touch him for so long. “Get over it,” I snapped, moving my hips closer to his. “I go home with you every night, don’t I? I think that makes up for how hard I make your days at work.”


Without waiting for him to respond – to my abrupt statement or my really bad pun – I wrapped my leg around his hip and impaled myself on his cock. His chest stopped moving for a second, and then he growled low in his throat. I glanced up at him in time to see his eyes flash yellow before he crushed his lips against mine and pushed me harder into the edge of the counter.


My moan was muffled, but his tongue was hot in my mouth and his skin was hot against mine and his cock was hot in my pussy and my blood was hot in my veins and nothing else mattered except all the heat. He bit my lower lip and I sucked the tip of his tongue, our hips rolling and pushing into each other the whole time. The granite was cutting into the flesh on my butt and my skin stung every time his thighs slapped into mine, and I didn’t care about the pain because his thrusts had become faster.


Our mouths were still fused together, with tongue rubbing against tongue, when the fire in my body started to spiral out of control. My head dropped back and Marcus pressed his forehead into my shoulder as he slammed into me, his brutal rhythm lost to instinct and hunger and need. My nipples were rubbed raw against his hard chest, and I clawed my fingernails into his back when my arms started to slip away. Everything was too bright, too loud, too much, and then Marcus bit down on the nerve running along the curve of my neck, and I broke.


My blood felt like molten lava as pleasure battered my senses from every conceivable angle, and I clenched myself tighter around Marcus, needing him to anchor me to the world. I couldn’t get enough air, everything was out of focus and my heartbeat was loud in my ears and going far too fast. It was incredible how high I was, and if I wasn’t careful, I’d end up addicted to this particular brand of bliss.


His body still against mine, Marcus lifted his head off my shoulder and smiled down at me, and my breath caught; he looked unguarded and completely open, and something deep inside me tugged at the knowledge that he’d never look at anyone else the way he was looking at me.


“So,” I began, my voice scratchy. “Do you still think our situation is unfair?”


With a broad grin, he draped his heavy arms around my neck, and I suppressed a shiver as the raw, male scent of Marcus enveloped my senses. “I feel much better about it,” he enthused, his chin pressing into the top of my head. “I might need a little more convincing, though.”


Marcus hadn’t bothered to hide the undercurrent of intent in his words, so I didn’t bother holding back my amused snort. I didn’t know whom I was trying to kid – I was already addicted to him, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.




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Love London



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