Werecats and Werelocks (Collection) (20 page)

BOOK: Werecats and Werelocks (Collection)
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being a real bitch. He had just helped her scale a major hurdle by astounding even her magic professor. The least she could do was take him home and make him some lunch.

Then, she'd ship his ass off.

"I'm sorry, that was crass and mean of me."

He snorted. “Well, yeah, it

Linking her arm through his, Felicity led him to her cottage door. “I'll make it up to you."

"Is this the part where we have sex? That would definitely be a plus in the making it up to me list of things you'll need to do to make it up to me properly as my wife."

Felicity couldn't help it. While her nipples tingled at the thought of sex with him, she threw her head back and laughed out loud. “No, it involves tuna and some whole wheat."

Opening the door for her, Christian swatted her ass playfully. “I like tuna. So I'll let you make me lunch, but after lunch, all bets are off..."

"Yeah, yeah, stud."

Rico greeted them, rubbing along Christian's leg with a long stretch of his lithe body. Christian bent down and picked Rico up, running his knuckles under the cat's chin.

Felicity found a can of tuna and placed it on the kitchen counter. Wiggling her hips, she smiled as the top popped open and floated to the garbage can.

Christian was behind her seconds later, splaying his hand beneath her breasts and pulling her flush to his hard length. Growling in her ear, he whispered, “You shouldn't do that to me, Felicity. It's incredibly sexy."

Oh, that chest and that thick cock pressing against her ass. She gulped, feeling the heat of him seeping into her. “Wha ... what was incredibly sexy?"

Running his hand along her bare thigh, he lifted her short skirt. “When you wiggled your hips ... it makes me think impure thoughts."

Her head fell back on his shoulder as he sunk into her panties, now damp and growing more so as he invaded her pussy, moving his fingers lightly at the vee between her thighs. “Do you ever have pure thoughts?” Felicity asked as her knees began to buckle.

Licking the rim of her ear, he said, “Not after I saw you naked. I'd like to see that again."

That was a distinct possibility, because ripping her clothes off seemed rather appropriate as he stirred all of this lust up. He slipped between the wet folds of her cunt and stroked her up and down. “Oh...” she rasped as he kept up the steady slide of fingers and cupped her breast. “I ... I can't be naked now. I ... I have to..."

Sliding his tongue into her ear, he darted in and out, as he caressed her. “You have to
, Felicity?” Lifting her skirt from behind, he slithered down her body and tugged her panties down. His hands cupped her ass and his mouth pressed hot kisses over her flesh, over the backs of her thighs and along the flesh of her ass.

"St—udy. I have ... to ... to studyyyyyy...” she squeaked as he licked her heated skin. A flood of heat rushed to her cunt, sitting there, heavy, hard and unrelenting.

"I think a break is in order. Do you think you could take one of those for this?” Christian asked, as he plunged his tongue into her pussy, forcefully thrusting at the soaked flesh.

Oh—gods. She'd never had a tongue like his, so skilled ... so firm. The smooth glide made her want to crush him to her. Her clit ached, throbbing and needy. Unable to hold herself up any longer, she leaned forward on the counter with her elbows, rocking on his tongue. “Yes ... I can take a break..."

What's it gonna hurt to do the wild thing,
ship him back?

He left her quickly, standing up behind her again and pushing hard against her. She whimpered at his withdrawal. “Good,” he murmured in her ear, “then take your clothes off or I'll rip them off and fuck you senseless right up against this counter.” She felt him smile against her neck.

Pulling her shirt off, she scooted around him and went off to the bedroom. He caught up with her as clothes flew and they ran to the bed.

Lying side by side, they nearly touched, but not quite. Christian's cock was hard and thick against his abdomen. He grabbed her hand and placed it over his shaft, rubbing it roughly against him. “Break time has officially begun."

Enveloping him firmly she pumped him as he took the freedom offered and roamed his hands over her body.

Their lips met hard, crushing one another's as tongues fought, stabbing and frenzied, hot and sweet. Pushing her hard into the bed, Christian rolled over on top of her and tore his mouth from hers, choosing to suckle at the hollow of her neck. She pressed her hands against his waist, straining to rub against him. Her nipples, tight and hard, scraped his smooth chest as she arched into him.

She lifted her arms as he worked his way over her chest and clasped her wrists in his big hands. Reaching a nipple, he wasted no time, wrapping his lips around it and sucking forcefully.

Felicity pushed into his mouth as he tugged harder with his lips and lapped with his tongue in rapid, swirling circles. She straddled his thigh, rubbing her clit along the crisp hair. He held her tightly, but she didn't struggle. She relished the restraints, curling her fingers into his palm.

As his smooth head swept over her belly, he nipped her skin, sending goose bumps across her heated flesh. She squirmed with impatience, lifting her hips, preparing for the tongue she knew would lick her to orgasm.

Christian slid large hands beneath her ass and raised her to meet his mouth and then, his hands were gone and she felt nothing but air beneath her. Felicity unclenched her eyes when she felt the cool blast of space under her back. Raising her head, she realized she was floating.

Bibbedy bobbedy boo

Felicity arched into Christian's caress, forgetting that she wasn't touching the mattress, forgetting that Christian obviously had some of his own magic tricks up his sleeve. His tongue was silken hot and wet as it swirled over her clit, flattening against the throbbing flesh.

Felicity gasped when he placed his hands under her, smoothing them over her spine, cupping her ass, bringing her flush to his mouth. Christian slid a finger into her, then two, thrusting with the rhythm of his mouth.

The carnal scrape of her flesh mingled with the lap of his tongue sent Felicity over the last bit of the wave of climax. She came with the roar of thunder in her ears and flames singeing her veins.

A trickle of sweat slid between her breasts and her breathing was rapid, raspy as Christian allowed her body to float back to the bed. The soft mattress enveloped her when he lay over her fevered body and let his thick cock lie between them. Her hips had a mind of their own, pushing upward, seeking the final relief she so desperately needed.

Christian obliged without hesitation. His thrust was smooth, assured and blazing hot. Their bodies seemed to meet and mesh like they'd done this many times before. There was no awkward moment of unsure restraint. They flowed together with the ease of lovers familiar, yet the excitement of teenagers, new to the act itself.

He kissed her. Laying his mouth over hers, inhaling her groans, lapping at her tongue as his hips worked her, the crisp hair above his cock scraping her clit, he was so deeply imbedded in her.

Felicity's groan of release fell into Christian's mouth as she came again, wrapping her arms around his neck, lifting her legs to rest high on his back.

The jolt of his cock told her Christian joined her in release. Hot spurts of his semen flooded her as his body went rigid.

Well, that sure beat tuna on whole wheat.

Christian rose up on his arms and stared down at her, smiling and obviously quite pleased with himself. “'Fo shizzle, baby,” he said with a deep chuckle. “Now aren't you glad that we did that? It relieves tension, don't you agree, wife?"

... she was
his wife. “I am not your wife. Why don't you explain to me how it is that I'm your wife, Aladdin? I thought when a genie was released from his bottle he owed the person who dumped him out of it three wishes. He didn't gain a wife."

Christian smiled. “That's so last century. I can't owe you something because you're my wife. All I owe you is my love, precious, even if you can be a bit spirited. All I have to do is make you happy for an eternity. See what I mean, Brunhilda?"

If only she could claim some of Brunhilda's skills ... “Look, I made a mistake. I must have done it when I came home drunker than a sailor. I was practicing my spell for class the next day, and
! the next morning I wake up to
. I can't be someone's wife if I didn't mean it. I made a mistake and that means you have to go back to your bottle. I didn't mean to ask for a genie. I didn't mean to yank your ass out of your cushy Coke bottle. So, go home."

"That was some mistake, huh?"

Felicity snorted, “Yeah, no kidding. Now go home."

"How do you make a mistake like

Blushing, she replied indignantly, “I—have—well, I'm dyslexic ... and I have short term memory problems. It makes it hard to remember spells and read them correctly. One wrong letter and shazam, stuff like conjuring you up happens. See my dilemma?"

"Wow, babe. Sucks to be you."

"Yeah, sucks to be me. So do you see what I mean here? I didn't mean to summon you. I mean, it helped with my class and all, but I didn't know it would give me a husband. I'm a witch. I can't have a genie as a husband! I belong to a coven. You belong to the I Dream of Jeannie club."

"How very discriminatory of you. What do you have against genies anyway?” he asked as he slid from her body.

"Nothing. We just don't marry out of our circle and you are definitely
of my circle."

"Well, I guess it didn't matter when we wed. Make no mistake about it. I remember it clearly. Then we had a tiff and you flew into a hissy fit and banned me to my bottle, but I know my wife when I see her. How about we call Mom and Dad up and invite them over for dinner?"

Yeah, wouldn't they be thrilled to know their last ditch effort to turn Felicity into a bona fide witch had gotten her
. “Um, no. No dinner. My parents are in another realm anyway. They aren't really happy with me right now and calling them and telling them I have a hubby ain't gonna sit well with them. Ya hear me knockin? I'm supposed to be learning the fine points of spell casting and stuff, not breaking out the new china."

"I don't understand. Your parents loved me ... that's okay. I'll be your secret husband. I can live with that for now.” He held a finger up to his mouth in a silent “shhhhh."

Felicity shook her head, her long auburn locks tumbling over her shoulders. “No, no and no. You are not my secret anything. We have to get a divorce.
. So where do we do that? Do we file papers—see like the head Djinn? What's the rule about that?"

Christian rolled over to look at her, his eyes twinkling. “Weeeelll, here's the thing. A divorce doesn't just happen. You have to go to trial and I think there's been like two divorces in the history of my sect of Djinn and that was only because two of the parties involved disappeared and couldn't be found. The other parties wanted to move on and remarry. Divorce is highly frowned upon where we come from. We believe in working out all marital discord."

Thank you, Dr. Phil

"Why do I have to keep repeating all of this, Fatim—I mean, Felicity? You know the genie law."

Oh, good. Great, in fact. Today was looking even better than yesterday. Yesterday she'd just had spell casting challenges. Today, she had that and a flippin’ husband who seemed to think she was his wife. A husband she couldn't get a divorce from, at least according to Christian. “Well, how about we do this then. You go back to where you came from and we'll have a long distance marriage. I'll call you..."

His chuckle was clearly mocking her. “Um, no. I have nowhere to go back to. My bottle is gone and I can't get back to my realm without you. The Djinn are aware that I've been released from my penance now. Some sort of cosmic shift happens, sorta like a big genie memo, ya know? You would have to go back with me or no go. Besides, why would you want to ditch someone who rocks your boat in the sack?"

Felicity got up and strolled nonchalantly to her kitchen, scooping up her new magic wand and waving it around. Maybe she could zap him back now that she had new hardware? She was a witch, for crap's sake. There was simply no reason why, even in her bumbling status, she couldn't at least turn him into a planter.

Christian followed right behind her, still gloriously naked and bronzed, shaking a warning finger at her. “Don't even think about it, wife!"

Felicity, never one to be ordered around, gave her wrist a flick and muttered, “Gift of life, be now gone. Break this union out on the—"

"Can't remember the word, can you?” he mocked her with arms crossed over his broad chest and a cocked eyebrow.


Felicity grappled, her mind racing with words that rhymed with gone. She went over the spell in her head again.
Gift of life, be now gone. Break this union out on the
... “Lawn!” she sputtered and made a wide circle with her new wand.

An arc of light, pink and gold, whizzed before her eyes, just before everything went black.

Shazam, this was some magic wand...

"Um, Christian?” Felicity squeaked into the black void that was now her kitchen.

She leaned an ear into the room.

Not a peep.


Well, that took care of that.

Whatever she'd done, she'd done it right.

Christian was toast.

Of course that could be a very literal thought with a Felicity Speillman spell.

Tee hee.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Four

Felicity set about turning on the lights again manually as she fought the guilt that plagued her. Where did her spell send him? As Felicity recalled, it was a spell designed to send him back to where he came from. Hopefully, his Coke bottle had been restored to its former beauty and Christian was safely tucked away in it.

She couldn't possibly be married. It was utterly insane. Especially not to a genie. Her parents would have her in Confused Magic Makers Anonymous before she could show them her pretty new wand.

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