Werecats and Werelocks (Collection) (16 page)

BOOK: Werecats and Werelocks (Collection)
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The portal.

The portal the talisman must end up in—in order to keep humans from turning into demons. She needed to take care of that, to keep Caleb from possibly dying trying to do it and Sophie from taking shit from strangers she had no business taking.

Lawd, the pressure

The presence of the portal, nothing more than a black hole with a small, almost white light deep in its core, made their situation very real.

And if that no good werelockwarwolf didn't make an appearance soon, her choices were going to be few.

Addison didn't know what provoked her to do something as impulsive as tackle him. Truly, it was sublime given the fact that she was a mere mortal and he was a bad ass demon with powers she felt certain surpassed even Superman's. But she was incensed, irate, and deathly afraid he'd hurt Sophie. So when she found herself on his back, tearing at his hair with nails that sank into his scalp, her surprise probably mirrored his.

However, the growl that came after his surprise was ferocious—completely the opposite of her timid squeak when he hurled her off him and threw her to the hard ground.

The impact pounded the breath out of her. A sharp, snapping crack made her reach for her ribs with a yelp of agony. She struggled to rise despite the searing pain as she watched him take an apparently willing Sophie with him. Her mind raced, but she rose on unsteady feet and stalked behind him, taking wheezing breaths as she went.

She had to get the talisman.


The roar of his name had both Addison and Volac turning in surprise.


Thank fricken’ God.

"Give me the child,” Caleb said, moving toward them, taking slow, measured steps. He was larger than the demon by a head and just as imposing with the anger his face displayed. His jaw was knotted, his teeth firmly clenched. Addison couldn't imagine what his next move might be, but it warmed the cockles of her every fiber to have him here.

Volac rocked back on his heels and chuckled that maniacal laugh he had the market so cornered on. “Yeah, riiiight, novice. So you know how long I've waited for this? You aren't equipped to wage a war with me, werelock!"

Again, Caleb's response was steady, but harsh and filled with contained rage. “Give me the child, Volac or I'll make you pay in ways that even hell can't."

"And if I don't you'll do what?” he taunted with a snarl, his gleaming yellow eyes flashing brighter, drawing Sophie away from the portal and closer to his side.

Volac's reference to the fact that Caleb hadn't ever had to defend the talisman made her cringe. Christ, what would he do? Volac was easily better equipped at this evil crap than Caleb was.

No sooner did Addison think the unthinkable than she heard a low, feral growl.

A growl that wasn't at all human.

The blurry arc of fur and teeth made for an impressive sight as it appeared out of thin air, leaping high into the dark night and landing directly in front of Sophie and Volac. Caleb had shifted into his were form, fierce and powerful. He growled again, barring his teeth, pushing back on his muscled haunches. His silky, midnight black fur stood on end, displaying his anger.

And then a thought occurred to her. Crystal clear. Like manna from Heaven. She only hoped Caleb would follow her lead. “Sophie! Look, sweetness, a doooooog. Isn't he pretty?” she cooed, fighting the sharp stabs of pain in her ribs.

Sophie's attention was immediately diverted, her face soft with child-like joy. “He's a big puppy, Auntie Addy!” she squealed.

Aha! Apparently, dog beat candy bar every time. Neener, neener, neener.

"You know, I bet if you run he'll try to catch you."

"Like tag you're it?” she asked with such sweet innocence Addison thought her heart might crash through her splintered ribs.

"Yeah, Soph. Just like that,” she encouraged with a wince. Every breath she took was an effort now and the tight band around her middle was growing tighter.

"So let's play a game with him, Soph. What should we do? Oh, I know! Let's play fetch! The kind of catch where you run and he tries to catch you, then you throw something. Do you see the big, black hole over there?” She panted, fighting a wave of nausea.

"Uh-huh,” Sophie nodded, the sparkle of excitement visible in her eyes.

"Good! Then run toward it, sweetie! Hurry, Sophie! Run and keep running, cuz I bet he can't catch you!"

Thank the Nickelodeon Gods for smart kids programming because Sophie didn't even question
she should throw when Caleb began to run alongside her, veering her skillfully toward the portal. He barked, playfully nipping at her heels while a stunned Volac howled his outrage.

"You fucking bitch!” he screamed at Addison as his image rippled, changing with his fury. He was no longer the cool, Calvin Klein wearing work of perfection he'd been, but an enormous skeleton, looming over her. The sockets of his eyes were black and hollow. The smooth, creamy skin he'd once had was now cancelled out by the gray cast of his bony, fleshless form. The light that had once been an almost ethereal glow was now a crimson red with slashes of deep black. He wore a hooded, long cape that whipped around in a bone-chilling wind that sprang up from nowhere.

Volac moved toward the portal with the speed of a possessed running back, making a beeline for Sophie.

However, Caleb was the cleverer linebacker, zigzagging a different route until he had Sophie at the mouth of the portal.

"Throw the statue, Sophie! Throw it hard into the big hole,” Addison croaked, hobbling along behind the group, shards of pain stabbing her ribs.

And she did.

Throw it hard. For all she was worth. It soared into the portal with such skill, Magic Johnson himself would have wept.

In the instant Sophie hurled the talisman, a sharp, deafening crack, followed by a crisp bolt of light, sliced through the midnight sky. It reached down and cradled Volac, cupping him in its grip before evaporating.

And it was over nearly as fast as it had begun.

Volac was nothing more than a memory in a puddle of designer suit.

Sophie, on the other hand, was feeling very pleased with herself. “I did it!"

Addison forced herself to stay upright, gathering Sophie against her hip. Sophie buried her face against her aunt, who gave her a tight squeeze. “Ya done good, kid."

"Very good, I'd say,” Caleb praised.

He'd returned to his human state and he wasn't at all geriatric. What did this mean? Addison wanted to touch him, afraid he'd crumble much like Volac had, right before her very eyes. “Are you all right?” Addison held a hand out to him, wobbling with the weight of Sophie at her side.

"Question is, are you? You're hurt, Addy.” His hand reached out to lightly graze her side. “But that was some stellar thinking under pressure."

Addison managed a grin. “I'm a stockbroker. We do that. And I'm okay. It only hurts to breathe,” she joked. “Now ... what about,” she lowered her voice, leaning into him, “the little ‘I like the big candy bars, Auntie Addie’ beast? She'll be terrified. Have bad dreams forever. Traumatized. She's going to have a tale to tell, and I'm in deep kimchee with her mother for hiding what's been going on."

His big shoulders rose and fell. “Nah, I'll make it all just fine. Let go of her for a minute and she'll be back in her bed like this never happened."

Addison extracted herself from a sleepy Sophie and Caleb knelt in front of her, placing a hand on her forehead. “Nice goin', Sophie,” he praised again and Sophie graced him with her angelic smile. “The next time we meet, you won't remember me, but I'll sure remember you."

"Will you remember Auntie Addie?"

Caleb grinned. “Yeah, I think I got that covered."

"Oh, that's good! Then could you remind her I like the reallllly big candy bars?"

He threw his head back and laughed at the pure innocence that only Sophie could retain after seeing a demon. “I think I can. Can you do me a favor too?"

"Yep.” She cocked her head to the left and listened closely.

"No more going anywhere with strangers. Not even if he has the biggest candy bar in the whole wide world, okay?"

"Am I going to have to sit in the time-out chair? Mommy makes me do that when I don't listen. I didn't mean not to listen, but I just couldn't help it.” She shrugged her bathrobe clad shoulders in confusion.

Yeah, Addison figured it was something like that. “Well, now you can help it, Soph. So listen to Caleb. Got that?"

"Got it."

"Good,” Caleb chimed in. “Now close your eyes and have sweet dreams."

For once in her six years, Sophie smiled and did as she was asked

And then Sophie was gone too.

Just like that.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Five

"You were a

"A snake-oil salesman,” he muttered, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh. My. God. Like the guys who sold those supposed cure-alls in covered wagons?” Addison asked, sitting astride Caleb's luscious, naked body.

"Yeah, so?” His response screamed defensive.

"Don't get all upset. I'm just getting a feel for where your entry level job skills are at in the twenty-first century is all. You probably could apply those skills to a 1-800 psychic hotline,” she snorted. “Oh, wait. I know! How do you feel about door-to-door vacuum cleaner sales? Those guys are real shysters."

Caleb's strong hands cupped her breasts as he moved his hips, gesturing for her to slide down the hot length of his cock. “I need a real job, Addy. You know, like the kind that has benefits and security. 401k's. I have a feeling the psychic hotline doesn't have benefits."

She had to give him credit. In the past month he'd set about finding a job and contributing. It went without saying that Caleb would stay with her.

Addison's hope was that he'd chose to do that even after he got on his feet. There had been many surprises as a result of that night and his ambition was one of them. She'd have expected him to be lackadaisical in looking for a job. After all he was a warwolf, er, werelock. He'd never had to work. His magic had done the work for him.

She forgot all of his job hunting woes when her nipples tightened and a low groan slid from her lips. “I just can't believe you're human again. And with no side effects to boot. I mean, I couldn't believe the next day you couldn't even cough up a hairball, let alone shift,” she said before using her knees to rise and then plunge herself downward on his shaft. “God, that's sooo good,” she purred.

Caleb twisted his hips upward, just the way she liked, grinding against the lips of her spread pussy. It rubbed her clit, creating a delicious friction. “Well, I am, and I don't plan to question why or how I was lucky enough to survive this. So that means I have to deal with it and dealing means a nine-to-five job."

"You know, I was thinking about that night."

"And what were you thinking?” he asked, planting a kiss on her lips.

"I was thinking that we should thank the magic Gods that your magic faded slowly. We'd have been in some shit if you lost your power and you weren't able to erase Sophie's memories, Houdini.” His magic and his ability to shift had taken its sweet time taking its leave. It had lingered for a day or so, then slowly faded to black.

"I'm just glad Sophie's okay."

Her heart warmed with his words. Planting her hands on his chest, Addison rose in a slow slide, then drove back downward. “I think,” she suggested with a hoarse whisper, “we should talk

Caleb consented with another moan when she wrapped two fingers around the base of his cock, circling it. Pulling her to him, he wrapped his lips around a nipple and sucked the turgid bud tightly in his mouth.

A sweet/sharp zing of pleasure shot to her cunt, leaving her breathless and needy for release. As the pressure mounted, his strokes became rhythmic and intoxicating, pushing her further to the edge of orgasm. She loved the finely veined surface of his cock, the way it stretched her, the texture of it wet with her juices.

Caleb pulled her closer with a hiss when she rolled her hips, letting her head fall back on her shoulders. He buried his face between her breasts and plunged upward with one last, fierce stroke of silken heat.

Addison's cry was long and harsh as she came, gripping the firm shoulders that had carried so much weight for so many years.

Caleb's climax made his muscled body shudder, leaving Addison feeling empowered and purring with satisfaction.

He cupped the back of her head and kissed her lips. “You know, I don't think you were telling the truth when you said you didn't get out much."

With a giggle, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yeah, it's clear from the constant banging at my door that I have suitors coming out my wazoo."

"You damned well better not,” he retorted with the typical possessive nature she'd grown so used to since they'd sent Volac packing a month ago today. It made her insides get all goofy and wiggly. It also lent promise to a future for them—together.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yep. Just don't expect a coherent answer. I just spent my last couple of brain cells in that torture chamber you call a condom,” he chuckled with that honeyed rumble that spilled from his throat.

"Do you miss your—your whatever it was you lived in? Dimension was it? I mean, you must have had friends, if not family."

"Some days I do. Especially when I think about all the hard work it is to be a human. I can have contact with the people I've forged relationships with, Addy. Just because I'm here now doesn't mean they can't come calling. It'll just be different than before. I can't visit them on their turf. It also makes getting you naked more work."

Her heart ached for what he'd been robbed of. First, his mortality, then his family and finally his immortality and magic. Yet, he could still joke. “Do you think they will? Come calling, I mean?"

"I'm sure they will. Though honestly, I was living a half-life. I could never rest with the weight of the talisman and what might happen if Volac got ahold of it. It's a relief to know it's gone. At least for now. I think I got pretty damned lucky that I didn't end up dead instead of just human again. It could have been much worse, I suppose. Thankfully, I spent a lot of time observing your world over the centuries. It isn't such a hard adjustment to make staying here because I did. I had a lot of time on my hands, waiting around with that talisman. Besides, I think I'm almost of the belief that the talisman was meant to be mine because it led me to you."

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