Were She Belongs (12 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Were She Belongs
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Releasing her lips, he sucked and nibbled on her neck before reaching down to the hem of her shirt and ripping it over her head.

Were She Belongs


He felt his wolf, and it was taking some major self-control not to allow him to surface. Lexi might freak out.

He absorbed her beauty. He especially loved the way her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath and the deep jade sparkle of her eyes. The motion made her arch toward him as he slowly reached toward her breasts, noting their abundant size and fullness. He touched her skin, and she closed her eyes and leaned her head back as if his touch alone brought her pleasure. The thought made his cock push against the zipper of his jeans, demanding freedom.

Saber brushed his thumb gently across the pretty pink nipple. Lexi moaned.

“You’re so fucking perfect!” He growled, unable to hold back feeling and tasting each perfect specimen. He reached for one with the palm of his hand, then took the other one into his mouth.

He heard Lexi gasp in shock and delight, rolling her head back and grabbing his head. He continued to devour her.

“Touch me, Lexi. Feel how big you make my cock.” He pulled her hand down and over the zipper of his pants. He felt her hand shaking, could sense the combination of fear and desire in her. His wolf knew she needed to be led to commit.

“Feel it, baby? See what you do to me?” he growled before nibbling harder on her nipple, sucking it between his tongue and lips before circling the areola and releasing it with a

“I can’t,” she panted.

“You can. You want to, Lexi, because you were meant for me, for Paul and Andre. You want to,” he whispered before cupping her face between his hands. He wanted to be inside her so badly he felt his wolf surfacing.

Lexi looked into his eyes, and that’s when he saw the tears and the fear. He pulled her against his chest, sensing her need to be held.

“What is it, baby? What’s wrong?”

She pushed against him, trying to get free.


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“Please let me go. Please don’t do this. It won’t work, Saber…It won’t work!”

Saber felt his brothers’ presence as they entered the bedroom. He heard their approach, and Lexi took that moment to slide down off the counter to get away from him and walk toward the corner of the bathroom. She stared out the window, covering her chest with her arms. Saber reached down onto the floor for her shirt.

He brought it to his nose and inhaled her scent. He wolf grew more impatient.

“Talk to me, Lexi. Why are you fighting this?” he asked, sounding a bit angrier than he had wanted to.

“Please, Saber, go.”

“No. I won’t go. I won’t leave when you’re so upset and you won’t talk to me.” He slowly walked toward her.

He stared at the perfect structure of her back. He could see the defined muscles in her shoulders and how trim her waist was. She was exquisite in every way, from her olive complexion to her smooth, silky skin. Despite the way she attempted to cover her breasts with her arms, the plump mounds peeked from beneath her upper arms.

The way the sunlight shone through the shades on the window casted a glow over her body. He wished he had gotten as far as removing her pants so he could memorize each luscious curve of her body like an artist’s sculpture.

“Please, go.” She sniffled, and his heart ached.

“You were enjoying yourself, Lexi. So was I, so why fight it?”

“It can’t happen. I shouldn’t have let you get so far,” she cried.

“Why not, damn it! Why won’t you let me in? What are you so afraid of?” He raised his voice, and she shuddered as his growl echoed in the room.

“I’ve never…”

“Never what, Lexi? Never let someone close? Never let yourself give and receive, Lexi? What, damn it! What?” he yelled, moving
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closer to her, throwing her shirt down on the floor in frustration as Paul and Andre made it to the doorway.

“I’ve never had sex before, Saber! Are you happy now? I’ve never let anyone get close enough to share that with. I won’t cave in now when I’m going to leave here the first chance I get!” she yelled, then looked pale as a ghost when she saw they had an audience.

Saber looked at his brothers. They were just as shocked as he was.

She’s a virgin? Holy crap!”
Paul stated through their link.

“She’s not going anywhere,”
Saber added as he started to slowly approach Lexi. Her back was turned toward them, but he could see her body shaking as she grabbed onto the window sill for support.

No fucking way I’m letting her out of my sight now.
Wait, Saber,
this changes things, and we have to take it slow. She’s been alone too
long. She has had no love, no one to take care of her, and she doesn’t
know how to let go and give in.”
Andre stopped him with his thoughts.

Saber was silent a moment before he spoke.

She does now. She has us.”

* * * *

Lexi wanted the floor to swallow her up. If she thought she had any chance of escaping through the window, she would have shoved it open and dove.

This was embarrassing and so damn complicated. Why did they have to be so appealing? Why did her life have to be so fucked up?

She felt Saber approach. She wasn’t sure how she knew it was him, but she could tell. Her whole body shook in anticipation of his touch. It was so intense, she couldn’t control the sob that rose up into her throat.

He took her by the shoulders and turned her toward him. She didn’t dare look up. Not now when he probably thought she wasn’t as mature or womanly as other women he knew. The thought of him

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thinking less of her or not thinking of her at all, caused a lump in her throat. The mere image of him with another woman made her angry and jealous. That’s when she saw both Paul and Andre approach.

They took position on either side of her.

It was strange to be in such a confined space and between three massive men. At the moment, she felt fragile and defeated.

She seemed to be the only one concerned about her nakedness. As she crossed her arms tighter against her breasts, they eyed her as if she insulted them.

Perhaps they were used to their share of naked women and sharing, but she never even had the experience of one lover, never mind imagining three. Did they often share women? What type of women did the triplets have sex with?

Scattered thoughts and images invaded her mind. The tears flowed.

“Please, Lexi, look at me,” Saber whispered.

“No, Saber. Go. Leave me alone. Can’t you see I’m not what you need? Not what any of you need?”

She felt his fingertips move under her chin. She sensed the blanket of security around her from having all three men so close. It was odd that she felt such comfort in mere strangers. She sensed something indescribable pulling down her defenses.

Lexi felt conflicted between her body’s reaction to their close proximity and her inexperience combined with fear of connecting.

She swallowed hard, trying to fight the fact that they made her weak.

She never bowed down to anyone. Why now? Why the three of them?

Saber forced her to look into his eyes. That’s when she felt Paul take her left hand in his. She glanced at him and saw hunger embedded in the yellow of his eyes. There was a light glow to the color. It reminded her of citrine the way they sparkled almost transparently. His fingers brushed against her breast, and he looked wanton as his heavy breath caressed the side of her hair. She felt her heart pounding against her chest.

Were She Belongs


Andre picked up her right fingers, drawing them up to his lips while bending forward to kiss and suck each finger. She locked gazes with him, felt the sexual pull from her core and the fear flow through her body. Her breasts tingled with want, her nipples felt hard and in need of their touch. If they had a voice, they would have called out to the men, demanding they touch them.

She was bare to their viewing and could feel the quivering in her belly and her nerves rattling from their mesmerizing stare. There seemed to be some kind of imaginary circle around them as if the four of them were one unit.

Her breathing grew rapid, and she was no longer embarrassed by her nakedness, but turned on as her body swayed toward each of them.

Saber’s deep voice brought her eyes back to focus on him. “I’m only going to tell you this once, Lexi, so listen up. You are ours. You are meant to be our mate, and we were meant to be yours. As your mates, we will honor you, protect you, provide for you, and live our lives serving you in all ways necessary. Just as you will serve us.” He winked.

She gulped.

“You will not fear us, but you will be punished for not being honest or for lying to us.”

Punished? She cringed at his words and attempted to step back, but they wouldn’t allow it. Someone’s hand lay flush against her lower back, keeping her in place.

“I will personally spank that perfect little ass of yours if you do.”

She felt someone caress her bottom through her sweatpants.

“Do you understand?”

She didn’t understand any of this.

“No,” she whispered, then closed her eyes a moment when he did that angry thing with his eyebrows and glared at her. That same citrine color that Paul had now glowed a deeper yellow. She was intimidated by Saber, and her natural defense was to challenge him

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and fight him every step of the way, but something, some sort of inner voice, deterred her from fighting him now. Instead it seemed to push her toward accepting his authority and his word.

“It’s simple, Lexi. We would do anything for you because you are our mate. We will love you, honor you, possess you in every sense of the word, and you will be accepting to it,” Paul added.

“The fact that you are a virgin turns us on so much. I can’t wait to sink my cock into that tight virgin pussy of yours,” Andre whispered, stepping closer to her.

Lexi felt her cunt drip with desire. That was so unlike Andre. He was calm and rational. She was hot, on fire, and her body wanted them.

They each sniffed the air and growled. Simultaneously, Paul and Andre grabbed for her breasts. It was an onslaught of sensations, first their hands—their fingertips pinched and caressed her nipples—then their mouths.

Andre moved behind her, kissing his way under her arm, over her rib cage, to her back and shoulder blade.

Paul pushed her pants down, reached for her mound, and dipped a finger inside her. She gasped in shock at his quickness. There was no going slow for Paul, and as Saber covered her mouth in a deep, sexual kiss, she lost focus on who was touching her where and remained in a trance at the feelings they provoked instead. She was being assaulted in the most erotic of ways and felt herself drawn to each of their attacks.

Did she just moan?

She felt each touch, each pinch and squeeze, then tried to differentiate the feel of hard, solid hands and knuckles massaging her from head to toe.

Saber, with his demanding, powerful, and hungry mouth devoured her lips and tongue while cupping and massaging her breast then pinching the nipple or tugging it enough to make her jerk her body
Were She Belongs


toward him. The three worked in unison, somehow managing to convert her body from virginal to sexually needy.

Andre caressed her other breast from behind as he sucked and nibbled on her collarbone, causing chills and need to run through her bloodstream. There was so much need and desire for more of them she could hardly focus.

Paul continued to draw out her juices, penetrating her vaginal walls, demanding she retreat to his control. She had never felt anything like it. Then Andre lifted her leg higher toward Saber’s waist, and the depth of Paul’s fingers became too much to handle.

Andre ran his hands over the globes of her ass, then slid his finger slowly over the crack toward that forbidden place. She closed her eyes and moaned as his finger rubbed over the puckered hole and toward her vagina. She tensed, but in her current position, there was no defense against his agenda. His fingers swiped over the wetness from her vagina, then back.

“No, please,” she pleaded breathlessly.

Andre pushed against her back and whispered against her ear. His warm breath caressed her skin. “Don’t be scared, little one. One day soon we will all possess you at once.” He nibbled her earlobe and swiped his tongue inside her ear.

Lexi moaned.

“That’s right, Lex, me in your tight little cunt, Paul in your ass, and Andre pumping his cock into that soft, luscious mouth of yours,”

Saber added before pulling her closer toward him and into a deep, sensual kiss. Instantly she felt her vaginal walls tighten, then explode as she collapsed against Paul’s fingers.

“I think our little virgin is turned on by that idea,” Paul whispered, pumping his fingers faster into her.

Before she collapsed forward from the sensations, Andre pulled her back against his chest. She pulled her mouth from Saber’s, panting and gasping for air.


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Paul continued the in-and-out motion with his fingers, bending as Saber lifted her leg over Paul’s shoulder. Cool air caressed her most intimate part while Paul spread her lips open more fully before sweeping his tongue along the folds. She felt her body tighten up, but Andre held her firmly against him while Paul feasted on her cream.

“Bedroom, now!” Saber ordered in a deep, demonstrative voice.

He looked so demanding and forceful, and as he pulled his shirt up and over his head she saw his tattoos. He had the body of a warrior, made for fighting and defending, all the way down his perfectly cut abs to the small patch of dark hair that disappeared below the waist of his camouflaged cargo pants. He was so damn sexy she felt her body’s reaction, and so did Paul as slurping, sucking noises echoed in the air.

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