Welcome to New Haven (21 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“Yeah, maybe”

“You guys get along so well when you

Holly cocked an eyebrow at Dev.

“…Ok, the times, the few times you’ve spoken.
Dev shook her head and her expression saddened.

“What is it Dev?”

“Look, I know I can’t say anything but I think you’d be perfect together.
You look good together too, and you know how I feel about girls and my brother.”

It was true.
Dev had told Holly all about girls using her to get to Alex.
Holly had been shocked, and then angry, and then furious.
She would never…

“The other week, when you sat next to each other at lunch for the first time.
It looked…perfect.”
Dev blew out a sharp breath.

Holly asked with a smile.


“You’ve been holding that in, haven’t you?” Holly began to giggle at Dev.

“That obvious?
It’s what I think, and I’m entitled to my opinion.”
Dev said, her nose in the air.

“That you are.”
Holly felt better knowing that her best friend was rooting for her. If only she knew what was going through Alex’s mind…

History class came, and Alex could feel Holly’s presence even though she sat at the back of the room with the rest of the girls.

“Gym next?”
Ben asked.

“Hmmm?” Alex said as he was brought out of his daydream.

For free period.”

“Oh yeah”

“Man you’ve really got it bad.”
Ben said as he leant into Alex.

Alex’s eyes snapped to Ben.


“You know” Ben smiled at him.

“Know what?” Alex tried to play dumb.

“Don’t try to deny it dude.
Ever since she started here, you’ve been acting different and your spacing out sessions are becoming more frequent.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Alex said as he turned back to his desk, but knowing he couldn’t hide from Ben.

“We’ve known each other for almost twelve years.” Ben said.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice this man.”

Alex didn’t say anything.
He knew Ben would have seen it immediately.
He’d even said, he didn’t go to the gym because of a certain ‘tiny girl’”
It was true, Holly was a tiny thing, but she was also in perfect proportion.
Well from what he could tell.
She hid herself under loose clothing and even more when people looked. Yes. She was a perfectly perfect, beautiful, gorgeous girl.

“It’s about time a girl caught your eye dude.
Holly’s a great girl.”

Alex looked to Ben at the mention of Holly’s name.

“That obvious huh?” was all he said.

“To me…definitely. I’m surprised Dev didn’t notice.”

“She did. I applied the code.”

“Dude!” Ben almost shouted.
“You can’t do that shit to girls.
Their whole lives run off this stuff, man! I wondered why she was looking as though she was going to explode.”
Alex turned to Ben.

“It applies to you too.”

“Aww man, how am I supposed to play cupid now?”
Ben whined.

“It wouldn’t make any difference anyway. She’s not into me.”
Alex felt his chest ache as he told Ben what he thought.

“Are you kidding me? Dude, are you blind?”


“Well you must be, not to see it” Ben pointed at his eyes.

“See what?” Alex frowned.

“I bet Dev knows, so maybe you should ask her.”
Ben smiled.

“I’m asking
. Has she said anything to you?

“No, but I’m guessing she says plenty to Dev. Ask her. But, the way she looks at you when you’re not looking…man it’s something.”

Alex said a little too loudly.

“Boys, keep it down and pay attention.” The teacher said from the front.

“Sorry” they replied and looked back to their work.

Alex risked a glance back at Holly and, sure enough, she was looking right back.
But so was Dev, or was she looking at Ben?
He just smiled and turned back, shifting his eyes to Ben who was now batting his eyes at Alex.
He shook his head.
It was a good job Ben sat with his back to Holly, or she may be punching
in the face.

After class, the girls hung back and they guys went to the gym.
Alex wanted to wait, but the girls would be going in a different direction than they, so he and Ben took off.

Chapter 9

“Ok clase. Vamos a empezar. ¿Puede alguien decirme lo que aprendieron la semana pasada? Alguien?

“Yes?” Said Holly.

She had no idea what Miss. Delaney had said, and she was not about to sit through another fifty minutes of her non-teaching.

“¿Qué aprendió la semana pasada?” Delaney said.

“I don’t know what you said.”
Holly replied, growing more annoyed.

“En Español, por favor”

“I told you, I don’t know what you said.”
Holly raised her voice a little.
The were a few whispers at the back of the class.

“Qué. Aprendidó. La. Semana. Pasada?” The teacher said the words individually, and Holly had had enough.

“I. Don’t. Know. What. You. Said.”
Holly replied in the same manner.
Miss Delaney let out a breath.

“Holly. Hablamos Español en esta class.”

Holly said as she leant forward in her seat. “…I took this class to
Spanish. I can’t learn it if you just speak it and don’t tell me what the hell you said!”

Holly raised her voice further, enough that she was almost shouting at the teacher.

“All you’ve done is teach me how to tell somebody my name, address, and ask where the damn library and swimming pool are!
What good is that?!” Holly
shouting now.

“Holly!” Miss Delaney shouted in shock.
“There’s no need for that tone!”

“Well, today there is.
I’ve been taking this class for two weeks and all you’ve done is show us that you speak fluent Spanish.
Well bravo, teacher…” Holly clapped her hands, “…You’re a fantastic linguist.
Now, when you’ve finished showing off, can the people who
speak Spanish actually learn to?!”

The rest of the class had fallen silent.
Holly knew she had gone too far with that last statement, but she didn’t care.
She’d meant every word.

“I think you should leave this class, and wait outside.
I’ll talk to you later.”

, I understood.” Holly replied.
“But don’t worry, I won’t be coming back to your ‘class’.” She said holding her fingers up in quotes.

Holly stormed out of the class, slamming the door behind her.

Holly leant against the wall, letting her head fall back and she closed her eyes. She had a sudden feeling she was being watched, and her skin prickled.
That usually meant…

Holly opened her eyes and sure enough; Alex was walking towards her.


His muscles moved with his T-shirt.
His legs filling out his jeans with every step… she closed her eyes again before she said something out loud.

“Hi Holly.”
He said as he neared.

She could smell his soapy smell, and the images of bubbles entered her mind.
She cleared her throat, then swallowed as she felt her mouth fill with saliva.

I can’t drool now!


“What’s up? Why aren’t you in class?”

Holly opened her eyes but looked down at the floor.
It seemed to be the only way she could communicate, if she weren't looking directly at him.

“I…um… said something I shouldn’t.” She replied as her face heated.

“What happened? Did Dev tell you to say some curse words?”

Holly could hear the smile in his voice and she wished she could look up without swooning.
Holly shook her head and she risked a glance up, and she saw that he was genuinely concerned.

“I…I…” she took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead.

Alex was waiting, patiently, for her to carry on.
It looked like he wasn’t letting it go this time.

Big girl pants…on

“The teacher…um…I didn’t know what she was saying.
But, she…she”
Holly let out another breath. “…She kept talking Spanish to me.
I told her I didn’t understand…”

Alex’s phone chimed.
Holly’s too.
Holly took her phone out of her pocket.
Dev had sent her a video…

”What the…?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Video” Holly groaned.
She saw that Alex realised what she had meant.

Somebody had recorded the whole thing.

“Dev sent it.”

“Ben sent it to me.” Alex said as he checked his phone.
“You mind?” he asked holding it up.
“I won’t watch if you do, but I’m just going to ask you about it.”

Holly closed her eyes and leant her head back again.

“Be my guest”
she waved her hand.

The video started with Holly saying “I told you, I don’t know what you said”
As the video ended with Holly walking out, the person filming finished by whispering “and that’s how you say a big ‘fuck you’ to the teacher’ and they laughed.

said Alex.

“Oh God!” Holly groaned.

“You sure told her.”
Alex was chuckling.

“It’s embarrassing.” She said as she opened her eyes, trying to look anywhere but at the perfect image of gorgeousness in front of her.

Holly had an urge to grab him, to tell him to kiss her.
She stopped herself by clamping her mouth shut.

Please no!

That would be the worst thing that could happen to her today. He would just laugh at her…Wouldn’t he?

“I think you were right though”
he continued.

“You do?” Holly was surprised.

“Yeah. She’s notorious for doing that to the kids in this school.
Nobody has had the guts to say anything before though…until now.”

Holly groaned again as the teacher walked out of the classroom.

“Ok, Holly.”
She said and paused when she saw Alex.

“Mr. Valencia.
Why are you not in class?” she asked, raising her chin to look down her nose at him even though he towered over her.

“Free period”
he said and just stared at her.

“Well if you could excuse us, I need to speak to Miss. Edwards.”

Alex didn’t move. There was no way he was leaving Holly alone with that woman.

No fucking way.

“I’m staying.” He said, without breaking eye contact.

“Do I have to get the principal, Mr. Valencia?” Delaney said, folding her arms.

As if
was going to get him to leave his Holly.

My Holly. Mine.

“Please do”
he snapped.
“I’m sure he’ll be happy to find out how you try to intimidate your beginner Spanish students.”

Delaney’s eyes widened as she glared at Holly.

“Oh Holly didn’t say anything.
I saw what happened.” He said as he held out his phone and pressed ‘play’.

Delaney watched in horror at the video of the ‘evidence’ that she did, indeed, try to intimidate the students by showing off the linguistic skills that they lacked.

Once the video had ended, Alex took back his phone.
He knew how to get back at the teacher.

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