Wedding Date for Hire (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Shirk

BOOK: Wedding Date for Hire
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Hair of the dog. Huh. If that were the case, he was about to choke down one supersized Bernese mountain dog kind of milkshake over the next few weeks. But if it was good for Kennedy’s business, it would mean the extra money he sorely needed, so he’d grin and dazzle this woman until her head spun. And pray it was the last time he’d ever have to help out with the “family business” again.

“I’m a big boy, Ken. I can handle a wedding event.” He hoped. “So when do I meet this desperate woman with the great personality?”

“I’m glad you asked.” His cousin suddenly dropped her hands, clearing her throat as if she had a wad of cotton lodged in it. “Now, don’t get huffy,” she began.

Trent frowned at her. “Huffy? You are not allowed to refer to me or any man as huffy. In fact, you telling me not to get huffy is getting me…well, huffy.”

Kennedy checked her watch. “Okay. Then don’t get upset with me, because I figured you would agree to play escort for me. Eventually.” She glanced over his shoulder then swallowed again. “It’s just that, well, your future wedding date just walked in.”

Chapter Two

etween lying to her family and hiring an escort service to save face, Maddie figured her life at this point had all the makings of an award-winning reality TV show.

Thank goodness she really liked and trusted the owner of Match Made Easy, Kennedy Pepperdine. Maddie needed someone like her in her corner. Kennedy was about her age and seemed professional and completely empathized with Maddie’s dateless plight. She assured her that she had her very best man lined up for the job—which was a huge relief. Maddie needed nothing less than a 100 percent perfect man, otherwise she wasn’t sure she’d be able to pull off this fake wedding date fiasco.

She was about to invest a good chunk of her savings on this ploy, so it had to go right. But it would be worth it to squash the family curse rumor for a while and to have her ex—Ryan—see that she’d found somebody else so quickly, especially since he was the one who had caused her to lose her job in the first place. The rat.

Her eyes burned from lack of sleep as she gazed around the gym. Maddie considered Red Zone Fitness as the meeting place a bit odd, but Kennedy assured her that neutral everyday atmospheres worked best for first meets. So here she was, looking out of place—and now that she thought about it, a little out of shape. She adjusted her running shorts, which seemed a bit tighter than usual. She could feel them inching up her butt cheek with the slightest of movements. What made her think she could meet her date, then squeeze in a workout?

It was Maddie’s first time there, but she liked what she saw of the gym. The workout area had a good mix of men and women of all ages. The treadmills faced the windows, which overlooked part of Massachusetts Bay, but had tinted glass so people walking along the paved path couldn’t see in. Despite needing a little TLC, everything looked clean and neat. She could see herself working out here. Maybe, if she enjoyed working out. Or if she ever just…worked out.

Maddie checked her cell phone for the tenth time for any missed messages from Kennedy.
Where is she?
Maddie felt so desperate and shady, waiting to meet her hired “date.” Everyone who looked at her seemed to know exactly why she was here, like she had a giant
on her forehead. Ugh. She closed her eyes and prayed for the ground to open and swallow her whole. Then, when that didn’t happen, she prayed for looser shorts.


Her eyes sprung open when she heard her name called out from across the room. Kennedy bounced on her heels and waved her over from across the room.
She pulled on her gym shorts one last time before heading over, but dread froze her feet to the ground when she noticed the man standing next to Kennedy.

Oh, crappity-crap-crap.
She could never forget a face like that. Trent “Money” Montgomery.
Please, let there be some mistake.

But then Kennedy whispered something in his ear, and he nodded. Oh, no. Before she could contemplate turning around and hightailing it out of there, Trent’s gray gaze caught hers and held for several long seconds before he offered her up one of those dazzling smiles she remembered him using on all the high school cheerleaders years ago.

. And just like that, her traitorous knees did an odd little wobble.

Trent had been given the nickname “Money” in high school, because he was known for throwing passes that were right on the money. That name had followed him throughout his college career, too. Then he suffered an injury that ended his would-be NFL career. It was all anyone from town talked about when the accident had happened. Not that she paid any attention to college football talk. Or Trent Montgomery. At least not anymore.

That was a lifetime ago.

Physically, Trent hadn’t changed a bit—probably because of some deal he’d made with the devil or most likely because he
the devil. He was striking and sexy, in a cavalier jock kind of attractiveness. Football had given him all those ridiculous muscles, and even though he probably hadn’t played the game in years, he hadn’t lost one single ounce of that perfect athlete’s body.

Not that she was ogling him or anything. Not at all. In fact, if he’d worn a T-shirt that actually fit him instead of a size smaller than he was, she would have missed his Popeye-sized biceps entirely.

He didn’t even look like he remembered her. Well, two could play that game. It was just as well. She had harbored a secret crush on him back in high school until she realized what a complete and total jerk he was.

Yeah, Trent Montgomery as her wedding date for a whole five days was not going to work.
but him. She wouldn’t be caught dead hiring someone like Trent—a guy who completely embarrassed her in high school.

Kennedy rushed over to her. “Maddie, you’re right on time,” she said, holding out a delicate ivory hand.

Maddie numbly shook it, glancing around the gym one last time to make sure there weren’t any other tall, handsome men Kennedy could have possibly brought with her to be her wedding date. No such luck. Although, considering the alternative, the senior citizen with the droopy sweatpants in the corner had some potential.

Kennedy’s mouth stretched into a wide, beaming smile. “I want to say that I personally looked over your questionnaire and, with great care that you can only get at Match Made Easy, have come up with the perfect escort for your sister’s wedding. In fact, I was just about to brief Trent but since you’re here, I’ll introduce you two, and you can get to know each other on your own.”

Maddie frowned. Funny, but she thought escorts would use a stage name for their clients. Less chance of inviting stalkers or women who wanted to call on them for any
services. She stepped closer to Kennedy, avoiding eye contact with Trent and his biceps, and cleared her throat. “Uh, can I have a word with you?”

Kennedy bobbed her head up and down, sending her dangly earrings swaying like porch swings during a hurricane. “Of course. But first, I want you to meet Trent. You’re going to have to agree that he meets all the criteria you’ve listed.”

Maddie finally allowed her gaze to travel over to Trent.
. He certainly did meet all the criteria she listed. And then some. On a scale of one to ten in the looks department, Trent scored a “twelve—too hot for mere mortal eyes.” Unfortunately, Maddie learned the hard way that looks couldn’t make up for personality. There was no way she was going to pay good money for his company. She’d much rather face humiliation from her family.

“A pleasure,” he said in a smooth, deep voice.

No, it most certainly was not a pleasure. It was a mistake. A huge and disappointing I-better-get-my-deposit-back mistake.

Kennedy clasped her hands expectantly. “Well? What do you think?”

No thinking about it. She cleared her throat, turning her head ever so slightly so Trent wouldn’t hear her, and whispered, “I think I’d like a refund.”


Trent didn’t shock easily, but for the first time in his life he was left speechless. This woman was actually turning him down as her wedding date?

His cousin seemed confused too and turned three shades of pink before eventually settling on a pale puke green. “W-what do you mean?” she asked. “The wedding wasn’t canceled, was it?”

The woman named Maddie gave him another nervous glance before addressing Kennedy again. “Uh, no.” She leaned in and lowered her voice again. “It’s just that I don’t want”—she tried to point in a subtle manner, but it was hard for him not to notice, considering she was less than a foot away—“

Trent’s brows shot up. He tugged on the collar of his T-shirt and took a quick sniff of himself. When that checked out, he ran his hand over his mouth and cheeks to make sure no remnants of his breakfast were hanging off. All clear on that front, too.

Huh. Well, this was a first. He considered himself one of those eligible-dating-material kind of guys. Women certainly seemed to think so.
women, anyway. He never had problems getting dates. He was even voted Best Looking in high school.

So what the hell is her problem anyway?

Kennedy’s eyes widened as she glanced at him. “I’m sorry. I’m a little confused. What’s wrong with Trent? He’s gorgeous,” she said in a family pride sort of manner.

Maddie turned her back on him. “That may be the case, but I’m still going to need some sort of do-over.”

“Do-over?” His cousin shook her head. “I—I can’t do a do-over. Not on this short notice.”

“Well, I’m afraid I’m going to need a refund then.”

That did it. Trent had heard enough and was tired of standing by like a piece of auctioned meat. And
auctioned meat at that.

“Excuse me.” He tapped the blonde none too lightly on her shoulder. When she turned around, surprise froze the curt words that teetered on the tip of his tongue.

Well, hell. The woman was even prettier than he originally thought. Satiny blond hair brushed her shoulders with just enough bounce and curl that made him want to reach out and touch a strand. She had a nice body, too—not necessarily athletic, but trim and soft in all the right places. The frown she aimed at him only accentuated her full bottom lip that was shiny from gloss or maybe from nervously licking it.

Why in the world does this woman need to hire an escort service?

Cool blue eyes stared back at him. “I’m sorry, but this doesn’t concern you.”

She was about to turn away again, but he placed a gentle hand on her arm. Her muscles tensed, but for some reason he didn’t let go. “Actually, it does concern me,” he told her. In more ways than she would ever realize. He had a stake in his cousin’s business and, as much as he hated the idea of posing as a wedding date, he couldn’t afford to let Kennedy or the company down.

Kennedy held her hands up, making the time-out sign. “Okay, okay. We all have to take a deep breath here. I think a change of scenery is in order. All this spandex obviously has everyone on edge.”

“No,” Maddie said firmly, removing his hand from her arm. “If you don’t have anyone else, then this isn’t going to work. I’m sorry, Kennedy, there isn’t anything else to discuss.” And with that, she skirted by both of them and began speed walking down the row of elliptical machines with two clenched fists at her side.

Trent blinked at the woman’s retreating back then shamelessly allowed his gaze to drift down to her sashaying hips.

Kennedy grabbed his arm, righting his gaze again. “What in the world did you say to her?”

“What? Hmm…let’s see, I smiled and said, ‘A pleasure.’ Yep, that must have been it. I probably should have used a complete sentence and said, ‘A pleasure
to meet you.
’ Somebody call the grammar police!”

She snorted. “There has to be more to it than that.”

“The woman obviously has issues, too.”

“Well, we can’t let her walk out like that. Something is wrong.”

“Yeah, like she’s mental.”

“Trent,” she scolded, “this is serious. You have to go after her and smooth things out.”

Why me? You’re the CEO. I thought I was just being billed as ‘the pretty face’ in this partnership.”

“Look, she was all set to sign on the dotted line until she saw you. This account is important to the investors and me. It should be important to you, too. Please, Trent, for the company. For
company. Go after her,” she said, giving him a slight push in that direction. “Time is wasting. She’s probably halfway to Maine by now.”

Remorse twisted his insides. Kennedy was right. Maddie might be a fruit loop, but he needed the money. “Fine.” He sighed, then he took off in her direction.

Fortunately, he found her five seconds later. The woman wasn’t anywhere near halfway to Maine, but by all accounts, she was about halfway from an embarrassing 911 call.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he barked, coming up behind her.

Maddie—whose forearm was wedged up one of his vending machine drop slots—lifted her pert nose at him as if she were royalty and he a common serf. “I’m retrieving my Diet Coke, thank you very much.”

He smothered a grin. “Well, before you can
your soda, you must first insert your money.”

She huffed out an exaggerated breath. “I understand that, Captain Obvious, and I already did. This stupid machine moved the can just close enough not to fall. It’s probably the owner’s way of getting extra money.”

He bit down on his tongue at that remark, considering he
the owner.

Maddie shoved her arm farther up the slot. “I almost have it.”

“Will you take your arm out of there before we have to saw it off?”

Fire sprung in those blue eyes of hers, making her look even more adorable, he decided. Like angry Tinker Bell. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

Trent gazed heavenward. Great. Not only would he have to place that 911 call when her arm got stuck, but then he’d probably have to call his attorney, too, for when she sued him. It wasn’t such a wonder anymore why she needed help getting that wedding date. This woman was trouble with a capital

Trying a different tactic, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned in. “You’re right. It’s none of my business. Stay in that position all day if you want. The guy on treadmill number two is getting quite the view. One more deep squat and I guarantee he’ll be asking for your number.”

“What?” Cheeks on fire, she sprung up. She glanced behind her then turned toward him with narrowed eyes. “Hey, that was a dirty trick. There’s no guy over there.”

“No, but if there were he would have been treated to a dazzling display of hot pink thong. Not to mention that I’m sure my ‘dirty trick’ just saved you at least eight weeks of physical therapy. And by the way, you’re welcome.”

Maddie folded her arms, but there was a hint of a smile on those luscious lips of hers. “For the record, it’s not hot pink. It’s neon crystal pink. But thanks,” she muttered.

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