Wayward Hearts (15 page)

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Authors: Susan Anne Mason

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Wayward Hearts
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“You expecting someone?” he asked.

She didn't answer but shaded her eyes to watch the car turning down the long driveway. She noticed the rental plates at the same time he did, and her face drained of color.

The vehicle pulled to a stop behind Maxi's Toyota. A lean, blond man in a fancy suit and sunglasses stepped out of the sleek vehicle. Jason stiffened. This must be the hotshot boyfriend. He glanced at Maxi to see her reaction, not knowing what he'd do if she threw herself into the guy's arms. Or worse.

He was gratified that she didn't seem the least bit happy to see him. In fact, she looked a little green around the edges.

“Lance. What are you doing here?” She took a hesitant step forward to meet him on the driveway.

“Hey, honey. I came to see how you're doing.” In a slick move, he whipped the glasses off and bent to kiss her cheek.

Jason disliked him immediately.

Maxi's face flamed as she pushed away from him. “Lance, this is my good friend, Jason Hanley. Jason, this is…Lance.”

Jason shook his outstretched hand, pleased to note he was a good two inches taller than Lance with much more muscle. The guy might be rich, but Jason could take him in a fight.

Lance stepped back to look at the house. “You weren't kidding when you said you came from a small town. More like a farm.”

Maxi jutted her chin out the way Jason loved. “It
a farm. I grew up here.”

Blond eyebrows winged upward. He scanned Maxi from head to toe taking in her denim overalls and tie-dyed T-shirt. “Getting back to your roots, I see?”

“I'm here to help with the renovations. And to feed the chickens.” She gestured toward the coop in the field behind them.

Jason's lips twitched as Maxi's infamous temper built. “Speaking of renovations,” he said, “I have work to finish inside. I'll let you two catch up. Nice to meet you…

“Same here.”

“Holler if you need anything, Max.”
Like someone to throw Lance off the property.

Then he turned and headed into the house, fully prepared to spy on them from the upper window.




Maxi swallowed her mortification at Jason's rude behavior, hoping Lance hadn't caught on to his undertones. To her relief, Lance seemed oblivious.

“What are you doing here?” she asked again.

Lance frowned. “You don't seem too happy to see me.”

“I'm just surprised. I told you there was no need to come.” The fact that he would override her wishes and show up here unannounced did not win him any favor.

“I wanted to see the problem for myself.” He glanced at the hole in the roof. “Now I understand the reason for the delay.”

“Yeah, and the barn's completely gone.” She waved in the direction of the remaining half wall. “If we want to sell the property as a farm, we'll have to rebuild it.”

She shuffled from one foot to the other, feeling at a distinct disadvantage next to Lance's designer suit.

He ran a finger around his tight shirt collar. “It's been a long drive from the airport. Could I maybe get a cold drink?”

She hesitated. “Have a seat on the porch, and I'll see what we have.” She felt bad for not inviting him in. Even worse for being embarrassed by the un-chicness of her parents' home compared to his ultra-modern condo in the city.

He frowned slightly but agreed. Soon she reappeared with two glasses of iced tea and sat down beside him on the wooden deck chairs.

After a long gulp, Lance set the glass on a side table. “I thought you'd want to know what's going on at the salon.”

She stiffened in her seat. “How do you know what's going on there?”

a client, remember? That's how we met.”

“Yes, but you're

He reddened a bit and shrugged. “I couldn't wait forever for a haircut, so I went to someone else.”

Maxi couldn't have felt more betrayed if he'd said he was dating another woman. “Who?” she demanded, her gut already telling her exactly who had cut his hair.

“I thought you'd want me to get some feedback for you, so I went to Sierra.”

She glared at him. “Traitor.”

“Hey, that's not fair. Don't you want to know what I found out?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine. What's the ice princess up to?”

He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “She's stealing your customers. And telling Philippe they're hers now.”

Maxi's stomach clenched. She should've known Sierra would take advantage of her absence.

“Her main coup is Mrs. Hoffman.”

She gasped. Mrs. Hoffman, one of the wealthiest women in Manhattan, had been a loyal customer since Maxi's first week at
. The fact that she would jump ship hurt Maxi's feelings, not to mention her pride.

“There's several more, too. I didn't catch all their names.”

Maxi gripped the arms of the chair to keep her temper in check. “I can't believe this.”

He leaned closer, his face intent. “Maxi, if you want this partnership, you need to come back. We'll have to do major damage control. If it's not already too late.”

have to do damage control?” She narrowed her eyes, her suspicious nature taking over. “Why do you care so much about this?”

A flash of hurt passed over his features. “We've been going out for six months now. I know how much you want this promotion. Am I wrong to care about you—about your career?”

Maxi bit her bottom lip, doubts swirling through her.

He reached over to take her hand in his. “I've booked you a ticket on my return flight tonight. Come back with me.”

His gray eyes beseeched her while she sat open-mouthed trying to process everything he'd said about their relationship, about Sierra's treachery. Still, Lance had presumed too much, booking her a ticket without consulting her. She couldn't leave her mother yet. Not with so much up in the air.

Maxi pulled her hand free and lurched to her feet. “I'm sorry, but leaving right now is not an option.” Before he could reply, she jumped down the stairs toward the driveway, knowing he would follow.

She turned to face him beside the rental car. His grim features told her he was less than happy with her. “Look, I appreciate your concern, Lance, I really do. And I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing—”

“Not for nothing. I also came for this.”

Without warning, he pulled her against him and clamped his mouth down over hers. Maxi froze at the unexpected assault. They'd only ever shared the briefest of kisses, mainly because Maxi hadn't been ready for anything more. But Lance's frustration now came through loud and clear. In that instant, Maxi knew there could never be anything between them but friendship. Her heart and her kisses belonged to Jason. She planted her palms against his chest and pushed him away. “Please don't.”

He took a step back and gave a harsh laugh. “Well, I guess that answers my question, doesn't it?”

Heat stung her cheeks. “I'm sorry, but I'm not ready for this.”

Lance pulled his sunglasses out of his breast pocket and jabbed them on. “You'd better figure out what it is you want, Maxi. Maybe you're sabotaging your shot at this partnership because you'd rather be somewhere else.” He lifted his face toward the upper portion of the house. “With someone else.”

She followed his gaze upward to the second story window where Jason stood staring down at them. Her stomach sank to her feet.

Great. He must've seen the kiss. Could this day get any worse?

“Good-bye, Maxi.”

As Lance got in the car, she tried to think of something to say to help the situation, but nothing could. “Good-bye, Lance.”

He backed out, and with a spray of gravel, he was gone.




Jason picked up the broken pieces of the pencil he'd snapped in two, like he wanted to snap the neck of Lance What's-his-name. So much for Maxi not being serious about the guy. Not after a lip lock like that one.

That's what you get for spying, Hanley.

Jason grabbed the hammer and began to swing, hitting nails already firmly in place. Dents formed in the wood before he realized what he was doing.


Maxi's voice from the doorway startled him. He hadn't even heard her come up the stairs. Afraid his emotions would be evident on his face, he bent to retrieve a new pencil from his toolbox.

“Where's Lance?” he asked, trying to appear casual.

“Probably headed back to the airport.”

Jason rose and turned to face her. She stood small and quiet in the doorway.

“You going with him?”


He schooled his face to hide his relief but curiosity got the better of him. “Why'd he come all this way just to turn around and go back?”

She took a step inside and leaned against the wall as if afraid to come too close. “He wanted me to go with him. But I can't leave yet.”

Her eyes were wide and vulnerable, locked on his, causing his hands to sweat. He watched her for a minute and then nodded. “So let's get to work then.” He handed her a hammer and bent to pick up the measuring tape.

“I broke up with him.”

Jason's hand stilled on the tape measure, his heart pounding double time in his chest. It seemed like she was trying to tell him something. Something he wasn't sure he was ready to hear. He swallowed. “Good. Seemed like a lightweight to me.”

Her face remained blank for a minute until she broke out in a long laugh. “You never change, Hanley.”

“Shut up and hold the tape for me.”







At Logan House the next day, Maxi laid the last styling device on the coffee table, and took a sip from her mug while waiting for Dora Lee to come downstairs. Anticipation buzzed through her system along with the caffeine. She hadn't felt this eager about hairstyling since taking classes herself. Just knowing she could help Dora Lee change the course of her life for the better gave Maxi an immense sense of satisfaction.

Don't get too attached,
an inner voice warned. Dora Lee and little Robbie would be moving away from Rainbow Falls as soon as arrangements could be made for their safe integration into a nearby community. And she would be heading back to her job soon anyway.

Against her will, her thoughts drifted to Jason and the amazing kiss they'd shared a few days before at the falls. She knew her rejection of his affection had hurt his pride, but it'd been for the best. For both of them. Jason's cool acceptance of her breakup with Lance only reinforced her decision.

Footsteps on the stairs alerted Maxi to Dora Lee's approach. She entered the living room with little Robbie glued to her shoulder. She looked exasperated.

“Sorry,” she shrugged. “He won't go down for his nap.”

Maxi smiled at the boy. His white blond hair with a huge cowlick in the middle of his forehead made him incredibly endearing. “I guess Robbie doesn't want to miss the fun. How about we put a movie on for you while I teach your mommy to cut hair?”

The little boy stared at her with his big blue eyes. Then he nodded. “Fish” he demanded and popped his thumb back in his mouth.

“Fish it is,” she agreed. If only she had a clue who or what Fish was, she'd be golden. She held out her hand. “Come and help me find it.”

The boy wriggled down from his mother and ran to the pile of movies. At first grab, he came up with a case with a cartoon fish on it.

“Ah, Fish. Looks like fun.” Maxi popped the DVD in the machine and turned on the TV. Soon Robbie was settled in a chair, his attention riveted to the screen.

“I bet he's asleep in five minutes,” she told Dora Lee.

“Thank you. I run out of patience with him sometimes.”

“All mothers run out of patience sometimes, don't they? Isn't it part of the job?” Maxi smiled and took another quick sip of her coffee. “Ready to get started?”

Dora Lee's fatigue seemed to vanish. “You bet.”

The woman picked up the techniques Maxi showed her with amazing aptitude. Even though they were using a dummy head for practice, Maxi was confident Dora Lee would be working with live models very soon. As soon as Maxi could convince her to take some real classes.

When they were almost finished, Leslie came in carrying her son. She paused to chat for a minute and then continued back to the kitchen to make the boy a snack. At the sound of footsteps in the hallway a few minutes later, Maxi looked up, expecting to see Leslie again.

“Hello, Dora Lee.”

The deep masculine voice made the hairs on Maxi's arms rise. No men were allowed inside the house, except Nick or supervised workmen. A burly stranger, badly in need of a shave and some clean clothes, stepped into the room.

The comb fell from Dora Lee's fingers and bounced on the floor. “Dennis,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?”

The terror in Dora Lee's eyes kicked Maxi's instincts into high gear. Her pulse sprinted as she searched for a plan of escape.

The man curled his lip into a sneer. “What do you think, darlin'? I'm here to get my son.” The foul stench of alcohol permeated the air around him.

Anger mixed with the fear and adrenaline in Maxi's system. She would not allow anyone to harm that precious boy. With shaking fingers, she picked up the long scissors from the table in front of her and stepped in front of Dora Lee and the boy sleeping on the couch behind them, prepared to defend her new friends if necessary.

Dennis turned his bloodshot eyes to her and, without blinking, pulled a gun from his pocket. “I'd put those down if I were you.”

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