Watching Out For Fangs (The Cloverleah Pack Book 7) (4 page)

BOOK: Watching Out For Fangs (The Cloverleah Pack Book 7)
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Catching Everett’s bright hazel eyes with his own, Vadim deepened his stare, acknowledging the moment the young man’s will became his own. Keeping his voice low but firm, he said, “Get off of me.”

In shock, Everett dropped to the ground, staring up at Vadim as he was compelled to do until Vadim released him. “You will never touch me again. You will never offer your blood to me again. You will find another and forget anything you might have felt for me. Now leave and don’t come back.”

Without a word, Everett got to his feet, and walked to the door, opening it and stepping outside, closing it behind him, never looking back. Just as Vadim had compelled him to.

Vadim closed his eyes and pulled his power back deep inside. He hated using compulsion on anyone, preferring his donors to come to him willingly rather than through unnatural force. That was the first time he had ever used it on Everett, and the actions had left a sour feeling in his empty stomach and increased his need to feed even more. The ten years clearly meant something to the young human, even if Vadim hadn’t noticed the passing of so much time. Relative to his own lifeline, ten years was nothing more than the blink of an eye. That didn’t stop him from mentally kicking himself. If Vadim had paid more attention to what was going on around him he might have been able to do something about Everett’s attachment to him, although the boy had hidden that side of himself well.

“Everett was known as your favorite, yet you have set him free, compelled him to leave you and never return. You have met your true match, my son.” Not a question, but a statement of fact. Vadim opened his eyes, knowing he could never lie directly to his mother. He nodded instead, as his brain once again focused on Josh. What would the young wolf be feeling, knowing that Vadim had bonded with him without permission and then rejected him as a mate? Maybe some of the pain he was feeling was coming from his mate, even if they were separated by miles. That idea didn’t make him feel any better.

“The wolf you healed?” This time his persistent mother was asking a question so Vadim nodded again.

“And you didn’t think to stay and protect him?”

Letting out a deep breath in an effort to calm himself, Vadim said slowly, “I came here to protect him, from this coven and the Atlanta pack.”

“That didn’t work out too well for you now, did it?” Eloise had a small smile on her face as though a lot happier now she knew the reason behind the loss of Vadim’s fabled control. “What are you going to do?”

Vadim would have shrugged but that was a little hard to do with his arms strung up, so he was forced to speak instead. “Wait out my punishment. If I am released in time I will go home and sort out my affairs. Either way I anticipate it will all be over for me in six weeks as I haven’t fed for a while.”

In a strong flowing movement Eloise stood up, gliding over to where Vadim was chained, her gown settling around her feet in a soft mist. The finery of the pale blue looked incongruous against the dirty concrete floor.

“You would die rather than accept your true match? Why would you do such a cruel thing to your wolf? Is he that disfigured from the attack on him that you cannot look past it?” Vadim realized his mother was not only shocked, she was hurt as well, and damn it all, Vadim didn’t like it when the lovely woman was upset. So he answered as honestly as he knew how.

“Josh is beautiful, mother,” Vadim assured her softly, remembering all too well the lovely features of his mate’s face. They would be scorched in his brain until he took his last breath. “He is a loyal fighter, a beta wolf, with tanned skin and light hair that glows like a halo in the sun. There is nothing wrong with him at all.”

“Then why?” Easily asked, harder to answer.

“Because I made a promise, mother, surely you can understand.” Vadim’s voice hardened. “My true match, my mate, he’s a wolf and he deserves to be loved with an open heart. To be held and cared for, to be protected and cherished in the way of a wolf, not bonded forever to a vampire with no heart.”

“Our kind can be loving, gentle, and affectionate. Your late father cherished me every day of our lives together.”

“I’m not like that. I made a vow, mother. A vow never to love again when my heart died over four hundred years ago. I will not subject my mate to a loveless union with someone as broken as I. I will not stay with him and put him in danger. That’s why this is all so fucked up. If I take the Regency then I won’t hold it for long – but listening to Ermine just made me so fucking angry that I had no thought at the time, but to strip him of his title.”

“I have enemies that would use Josh to hurt me – people who don’t understand that I am just so tired of all the politics and the stupidity of their petty lives and they try to take me down simply because of my age and station. I can’t work out what to do, but I know Josh needs to be safe – and he won’t be safe as my mate and I won’t have him miserable and in danger as well. This is all so fucked up. I couldn’t let him die and now…”

Eloise stared at him for the longest moment, her eyes searching his face as though checking for the truth. She raised her hand and Vadim wondered if she would slap him, or caress him like she used to do when he was a child. He would rather she did neither. He hated to be touched which was yet another reason for staying away from Josh. Wolves were a touchy, feely lot. The hand was lowered, as Eloise perhaps remembered the same thing.

“You have a heart, Vadim, a very strong one that is more than capable of loving your wolf and giving him everything a mate deserves. You already have feelings for him otherwise you would not have tried to kill your brother and his wife yesterday. For any other wolf you wouldn’t have cared what this coven did, even if that little pack was decimated. You would have hidden yourself in your mansion and ignored us all, regardless of what was going on around you.”

“Don’t deny this wolf is someone special to you. You do care for him, enough to protect him and his pack, enough even to think that he was better off without you. Don’t you see that if you didn’t care, then you would have taken him without thought of the consequences regardless of how your solitary ways or your enemies might affect him and his safety? Don’t you see how much you care already from one brief meeting? Can you even begin to imagine for one moment that this wolf of yours wouldn’t be able to open the heart you keep so tightly guarded? You haven’t been living, Vadim, you have been subsisting, and it is about time you made the decision to live.”

Vadim didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything he could say, especially to his mother. Eloise must have realized that too because she stepped back and turned as if to leave. Looking back over her shoulder she said softly, “When you realize these things for yourself, get word to me and I will see you are released so you can go to Cloverleah. That is where you belong. In the meantime Ermine is determined to make an idiot of himself and given I am pretty much the oldest vampire in existence, I will do my best to keep this coven in Atlanta where it belongs. But I have heard that the pack in this area cannot be so easily contained and they could have ties with another pack, equally dangerous. Your young man might need you sooner than you think. You had better sort yourself out quickly, or he will die before you. Somehow, despite your apparently hardened heart, I don’t think you want that.”

Vadim stared at his mother’s retreating form. She had left the lamp for him, and Vadim supposed he should be grateful. He had never been a fan of the dark, and with no windows in his cell, the room was darker than most. Closing his eyes, Vadim thought about his mother’s words, and not for the first time since leaving Josh at Cloverleah, wondered if he had honestly done the right thing.

In his haste he had only thought to save his mate from the coven and his own lack of heart. He wanted Josh to live out his life in the company of men who would understand him and would help him once their bond was broken. How could he have forgotten that the original threat to the men at Cloverleah actually stemmed from a wolf pack – well, two wolf packs if his mother was to be believed? Although he was fairly sure that only one was a real threat now as he had taken care of the other one. Were his enemies any worse? It wasn’t as though they were stronger than he was. He could protect his mate if he stayed by Josh’s side.

But what about Edward?

The voice in his head was enough to stop him from calling his mother back. He knew she would hear him even though she had exited the cell. But thoughts of Edward brought with them the hurt, the anger and the shame he felt at not saving the young man when he should have. A firm believer in learning from his mistakes, Vadim tried to reason that the situation wasn’t the same – Josh was a wolf shifter for a start, not a human. But because of Edward Vadim had made a vow he had kept ever since. A vow that would crush Josh’s spirit if he knew about it. And it was the image of Josh’s crushed spirit that kept Vadim’s mouth shut and his brain working. He was chained up because he had acted without thinking. Before he did anything else in his life, he needed to consider every aspect of his situation carefully. But Vadim was aware that he had to get his brain in order quickly. Otherwise both he and Josh would be out of time.


Chapter Six

Vadim could swear he was hearing voices, but it was a little hard to tell given his hunger, and the chaotic mess in his brain. It had been four days since he had spoken to his mother, and all Vadim had done was turn his brain inside out and doze in fits and starts. His body had long numbed itself to the pain in his joints from being strung up for so long and his throat was so dry he wasn’t sure he could speak if his life depended on it. That was the problem with thinking things over – sometimes you got too involved in the thought process, without actually coming to a decision and Vadim was doing a damn fine job of driving himself insane.

But there it was again – another voice. Vadim wasn’t hearing things. There were at least two men in the cell with him, but when Vadim opened his eyes he couldn’t see or scent anyone. Vampires didn’t have the same strong sense of smell that shifters had, but Vadim had a pretty good nose. Yet nothing untoward hit his nostrils, well apart from the general mustiness the cell always had. He was thankful that he hadn’t eaten or drunk anything for so long – otherwise the things he could be smelling would be a lot worse than body odor. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so quick to discount the insanity idea.

Letting his eyelids fall closed, Vadim focused his ears. There it was again. Definitely two men. They were arguing and they seemed to be talking about him.

“…He’ll be fucking furious with us if we take the vamp back.”

“I don’t care. Josh saved my life. I’m not going to let him lose his just because of a stubborn bloodsucker.”

“The Alpha said we had to wait.”

“Wait! For how long? For them both to be too weak to claim each other? Before they both die? No one knows we’re here. A simple zap and we’re done – home in time to cook Jax’s tea.”

“But Josh said no. He said…”

“I don’t care what Josh said, the man doesn’t know what’s good for him. He needs his mate, he’s just too proud to say anything. You’ve seen how tired he looks, and the man is barely eating anything. He just patrols every hour Kane lets him and then again when he thinks Kane is busy with something else.”

Josh needed him? He was getting ill without him? Vadim hadn’t heard of that happening in a case where a wolf hadn’t claimed his mate, but he honestly did not know enough about shifters to discern if those voices were telling the truth or not. But these stranger’s words sorted out one problem at least. He would not have his mate getting sick because of his absence. Vadim opened his eyes and forced his throat to work.

“Take…me to…him.”

“Crap, you’re awake,” one of the voices said. There was a slight shimmer in the half light of the cell and first one, and then a second beautiful looking man appeared in the gloom. Vadim recognized the dark-haired Fae, except this time, instead of being accompanied by his wolf shifter mate, he had come with another Fae who was as tall, slim and as good looking as his friend. Vadim thought he remembered the man from the Cloverleah pack, but he wasn’t sure. He’d been too focused on Josh. The stranger was as fair-haired as the other Fae was dark. It was the blond who stepped forward.

“If we take you to Josh you aren’t going to reject the mating bond anymore?” The blond demanded fiercely. “Cos I can just as soon zap you to the ice realm, as I can to Josh’s cottage.”

Vadim shook his head. “Need…speak…Kane.” Fuck, his throat was so dry.

“What you need,” said the dark haired Fae, coming to stand by Vadim’s side, the blond taking up position on his other side, “is to complete your bond with the man you walked away from, drink some blood
and then
speak to Kane.”

Vadim felt his head bobble as he nodded again. Fuck, every muscle in his body ached in the anticipation of being free. The Fae were right. Until he’d fed he wouldn’t be fit to speak to anyone – he’d been locked up in his thoughts for too damn long, his strung up body refusing to even twitch, it was so numb.

“This is going to hurt,” the dark-haired Fae warned unnecessarily as he raised his hands. Seconds later the chains fell away and Vadim dropped to his knees on the concrete floor – the pain in them only slightly diverting him from the agony that shot through his shoulders as his arms fell to his side. He couldn’t even rub them because both of his arms were useless and when Vadim tried to stand up he found his feet just weren’t cooperating.

“We’re going to have to touch him, try and get him moving. Jax is going to be so upset.” The blond fluttered on Vadim’s peripheral vision…was the Fae nervous at the idea of touching him? Did he stink that badly?

“Jax can’t do anything if the deed’s already done…” The dark-haired Fae started to say before all three men became aware of yet another presence in the cell.  Fuck, throw in a few drinks and some canapes and it would be time for a party. Woo Hoo. Vadim hated parties.

“Jax can do a hell of a lot with disobedient mates, my precious and don’t you forget it. I thought I warned you about taking matters into your own hands,” a deep voice growled. Vadim managed to raise his head long enough to catch sight of a huge shifter with violet eyes. Angry violet eyes. But despite the man’s imposing exterior he had both of his arms open as though he wanted the two men closer to him.

The two Fae flashed a quick look at each other before stepping into the shifter’s embrace. Vadim had never been a slouch in the size department, but this guy, probably the infamous Jax if the way the two men were crawling all over the guy like a rash was any indication, was freaking huge.

“Look at him,” the dark-haired Fae whispered to Jax. “He’s being punished, you heard about the attack on the Regent and his wife. He doesn’t deserve this for trying to save our pack.”

“He can’t feed from anyone else, he’s got no strength and Josh is walking around like a zombie,” the other Fae continued.

“We weren’t going to save him as such,” the dark one continued.

“Just check on him,” the blond went on.

“But when we saw him like this, we couldn’t leave him…”

“He saved Fafnir’s life. That has to count for something.”

“It does, my princes,” Jax grumbled. “But in a pack we don’t go against the Alpha’s wishes, and Kane wanted to wait and send in the enforcers.”

“That would have gotten more people hurt, a fight with a coven like that. This is safer for everyone. One zap and we’re done,” Fafnir said. At least Vadim assumed it was Fafnir – the same Fae that had cursed Stephen and then been the one that Josh had saved.

The big shifter growled again, but it seemed a lot less menacing to Vadim’s ears. Peering up from his position on the floor, Vadim could see that both men were avidly kissing Jax in a rather delicious three-way. Vadim didn’t want to draw attention to himself, but his knees were now hurting as much as his shoulder sockets were and he felt he really should be standing. He lurched forward, hoping to use his arms to propel some upward motion, but ended up flat on his face instead.

Fuck, now his head hurt as well, but Vadim was made of strong stuff. Using his forehead, he pushed down on the floor, bouncing his body back up into a sitting position at least. Unfortunately with his lower legs still trapped under him, he had no idea how he was going to get on his feet. How did all of those little submissive humans manage it so effortlessly? His efforts resembled more of a beached whale than a centuries-strong vampire.

“You’re just going to hurt yourself more if you keep that up,” Jax said gruffly, stepping forward and picking Vadim up in a fireman’s hold. That was a new position for Vadim and he wasn’t sure he appreciated it, but at least, his knees would have a chance to recover. He’d just rest for a second and then…

“Zap us, precious. Josh’s house first.”

More gruff shifter tones and then a surge of magic hit Vadim’s body and he shut his eyes, praying the big shifter wouldn’t let him fall. He could sense movement, the rush of wind, changing scents all around him, but within a matter of seconds, it all stopped. Hanging upside down on Jax’s shoulder, Vadim was now looking at polished wood floors and the edge of a colorful rug instead of concrete. Vadim could only sense one new heartbeat, and as he listened that same heartbeat increased as the wolf became aware there was someone else in the house. Vadim’s fangs dropped instinctively. His true match was close. Vadim could hear Josh’s blood calling to him, its song more alluring than a siren at sea.

“Got a present for you,” the blond Fae’s voice rang out, totally unnecessarily in Vadim’s opinion. Josh already knew his mate was in the room, Vadim could tell. He felt a surge of embarrassment, knowing it really wasn’t a good look, meeting his mate for the first/second, who the hell was counting, time, slung over some big shifter’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Pulling on every last drop of strength he had, Vadim pushed at Jax’s arms, breaking the man’s hold and dropping his feet on to the ground. Ignoring the shifter and the two Fae, Vadim searched the room, his body in pure predator mode. His eyes finally came to rest on the face that had been burned in his brain since they bonded. Just the thought of Josh’s blood was enough to give him the power to stride over to his mate. Too late, Vadim realized he might look a little intimidating with his fangs well past his lips and the hunger in his eyes, but he seemed powerless to stop. His need to feed, to sink his fangs into Josh’s delicious flesh the way he had wanted to six days before was now an imperative.

Surprisingly Josh wasn’t showing any signs of fear. The gorgeously built shifter put his hand up and shook his head and Vadim stopped in his tracks. No matter how starved he was Vadim would rather die than hurt his true match and apparently his wolf knew it.

“I know what you need, mate.” Josh’s mellow tones had a thread of steel running through them. “Your hunger is evident in your eyes. But if you want to suck on anything of mine, then you’ll start with this. You left me with needs of my own.”

Vadim looked down to where Josh was indicating – the huge bulge in the shifter’s sleep pants.  In spite of his desperate thirst, and aching body, Vadim’s lips twitched. No one had ever tried to order him around before, but it seemed like his mate had plenty of fire and determination, which was perfect for Vadim in every way. If Vadim had to be on his knees to get a mouthful of his mate’s blood, then his knees were going to have to harden up and he’d take the offer gladly. 

Ignoring the other three men in the room, Vadim fell to his knees for the second time in a matter of an hour, refusing to show any pain on his face. Reaching forward with one stiff arm, Vadim wrapped it around Josh’s tight hips, ripping the man’s sleep pants from his body in a clumsy gesture with the other hand. He might be as sore as hell, he might have a lot of explaining to do to his new mate, but as Josh’s cock fell free of the material that had barely kept it in check, Vadim’s mouth watered and without a second thought he swallowed down the flesh offered to him and groaned low in his throat.

“Kane is looking for you three. He’s not happy,” Josh said somewhere above his head. There was a decided squeak in his voice which made Vadim preen a bit as he took in the wonder of his mate’s flesh. He didn’t bother to see if his saviors left or not. Josh’s skin was clean, with a hint of soap. His impressive cock was hard without a blemish on it, its cut head pushing demandingly into Vadim’s throat with every thrust of his mate’s hips. Vadim could feel the blood throbbing under the surface of the skin and he adjusted his mouth so as not to nick his demanding man’s skin with his fangs. Not just yet. He would feed from the vein he could feel under his tongue in good time. But for the first time in a very long time, he would meet the needs of the man standing above him before taking anything for himself. Josh deserved that much at the very least.


Josh wasn’t a hundred percent certain ordering a vampire he didn’t know, complete with dropped fangs, to give him a blow job was the most sensible idea he’d had. But after enjoying nothing but his own hand for months, and then his cock hardening to the point of pain the moment he caught his mate’s scent – well, any warning bells in his head were drowned out by the pumping of his blood, which seemed to know that he had a mate to provide for. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed a mouth around his neglected appendage and if his vampire was only dropping in for a snack, then Josh was going to take full advantage and fulfill one of his own fantasies at the same time.

Groaning softly as he slipped his fingers into Vadim’s hair, Josh was glad he had gone with his instincts.  The man clearly hadn’t showered for a while, that was obvious. But there was a hint of softness in the grimy strands, and a tantalizing scent underneath the smell of sweat and blood…wait. His mate had been hurt?  Josh went to pull back – cursing himself for not checking that out first. But then Vadim swallowed and there was a barest hint of fang that ran along Josh’s cock, sending tingles right through his body. Fuck, he needed to come more than he needed to breathe. Surely Vadim would be all right for another couple of minutes.

Thrusting his hips faster, caught up in sensations he had only dreamed possible, Josh knew it wasn’t going to take long before he spilled down his vampire’s throat. The blow job was everything Josh had been dreaming about, except this time he knew the scenario was real. The suction on his cock was stronger than he imagined, but the smell, the sensations, the sheer hunger of the man on his knees before him, was pure heaven. He couldn’t stop.

Looking down, Josh watched as the man who could be his forever, worked to bring him nothing but pleasure. Vadim’s eyes were closed, but his fingers were slowly exploring. Josh could feel them, front and back, one set of fingers cupped around his balls, rolling them gently as if knowing that would enhance Josh’s pleasure. The other set of fingers were running up and down Josh’s crack, teasing but not penetrating an asshole that Josh knew was twitching madly. He had barely ever bottomed, but he craved the idea of doing it for his mate and right now, all Josh wanted was for something to penetrate him – something to stop him feeling the emptiness that had been draining him since he had learned Vadim had known they were mates, bonded with him to save his life and then left him.

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