Watching Out For Fangs (The Cloverleah Pack Book 7) (10 page)

BOOK: Watching Out For Fangs (The Cloverleah Pack Book 7)
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Josh jumped up yelling, “I don’t want to live in a fucking coven,” and from the grumbles and growls around the room, it seemed the rest of the pack weren’t happy either.  Ignoring the heated conversations that sprung up around him, after all that was the type of behavior Vadim expected from wolf shifters, he focused on his angry mate. Josh was spitting mad and Vadim didn’t need a mind link to work that out.

Moving faster than the eye could see, Vadim grabbed his mate and pulled the resistant man down onto his lap. Josh was strong, but he was stronger, and although he knew compulsion wouldn’t work on his wolf, he tried to send calming messages through their link. Touch, he remembered. Wolves responded well to touch. He put his hand on the nape of Josh’s neck and was shocked when Josh snarled at him. That was a dominance gesture his mind supplied helpfully. Okay. Not a good idea then. Unsure where to put his hands so as not to cause offence, Vadim finally grabbed the denim covered tent Josh had in his crotch, applying some subtle pressure. A quiet gasp told him he had gotten his mate’s attention and for the moment Josh settled in his arms.



Chapter Twelve

Josh had a dozen reasons to be scared and upset, and he couldn’t help that when he felt threatened, he lashed out. After Vadim spouted off his stupid plan, Josh was angry enough to want to smash his mate’s flawless face into the nearest wall. Not that he would – his wolf wouldn’t allow it. They could be angry at Vadim, but not hurt him. But Josh was determined his mate would suffer a thorough tongue lashing at the very least, and not of the good kind. Unfortunately as soon as Vadim cupped his cock through his jeans, which seemed to be in a permanent state of readiness around his mate, most of his coherent thoughts flew out the window.

Settle, babe.
Vadim’s voice eased into his brain, settling Josh instantly.
You and your pack got the wrong idea. Just hear me out, please.

How could you do this to me or to us?
Josh snarled through their connection.
I thought you were here to stay, and you’re a part of this pack now – how can you take me back to the coven as your mate and take over as fucking Regent. We’ll be stuck there and my wolf will go mad.

I don’t plan on us staying there, babe.  It is just a ruse – playing politics to avoid bloodshed. Surely you don’t want your pack members hurt?

Of course I don’t. But what if you have to fight Ermine? What if you get put in a cell again – or both of us this time? What if you actually end up Regent – what’s going to happen to us then? You should have talked to me about this first, damn it. Communicate.

Totally out of character for him, Vadim smiled, and Josh felt his anger grow. This was not a laughing matter.  He snarled out loud at his mate, even though he knew the other members of the pack were watching him and Vadim closely.

You care about me, babe, you’re worried about me. You have no idea how much that means to me.

“I’m worried about both of us,” Josh mumbled out loud. His wolf seemed happy enough to be in their mate’s embrace and without his wolf fueling him, Josh found it difficult to hold onto his anger – especially when his mind was being swamped by lust. His mate smelled so fucking good, although if those fingers could just...

“I have no intention of actually being Regent or making you live in Atlanta, my mate. I wouldn’t do that to you,” Vadim said softly. “But Ermine lives for his position and if he realizes he could lose it, I think it would be enough for him to back down on the garden issue especially if I come up with another gift to appease his wife. I own more than a few gardens of my own that are just as lovely. If I had been thinking clearly at the time, I would have done that instead of attacking Ermine and Lorraine when I did. I was a little out of sorts by the time I got home.”

Josh shouldn’t have felt smug, knowing his mate had been affected by leaving him. Smug was a petty emotion, but Josh was honest enough to admit he was pleased. But the thought of going to Atlanta still worried him – he wasn’t afraid for himself, but he didn’t want anything to happen to Vadim. Fortunately the other men had his back. It wouldn’t do Vadim’s position in the pack any good at all if
questioned his mate’s judgement in front of others, but there was nothing stopping his pack mates from challenging Vadim’s arguments.

“You were in chains the last time you were home,” Jax observed. “Is it really going to be safe for you or Josh to go back and what…walk in the front door like nothing was amiss and say hey, I’ve come to take my crown back?”

“Actually that’s exactly what I would do, with some support of course, which I can arrange by phone. There’s no way I would take my true match into a dangerous situation and the escape you all helped me with lends credence to the extent of my own powers. Ermine doesn’t know I had to have a lot of help to get here.” Vadim flashed a smile at Aelfric and Fafnir, and Josh pushed his unnatural surge of jealousy down. Damn mating hormones. But that didn’t stop him wriggling closer to Vadim’s chest, nor did he miss the heat and bulge pressing into his thigh. Yeah, a smirk was in order. His mate was affected.

“We do have a lot of powers among us,” Griff said thoughtfully, “but I’m not sure who would be best to accompany you both. Dean’s powers only work with negotiation while he is in the room, and Matthew won’t want him anywhere near Atlanta.”  A growl from the big man confirmed that thought, although Josh saw Dean hit Matthew on the chest. Dean would go purely because he and Josh were friends, but Josh couldn’t bear anything to happen to their smallest pack member.

“My powers only work on shifters, but I can keep an eye on you from here and zap you back here if things don’t work out, but I don’t know if I can zap Vadim,” Shawn offered. “My mate’s not going to let me go there either.”

“Josh doesn’t want…”

“I’m not having Vadim…”

“This is a pack thing, I don’t know why we aren’t all going,” Troy’s voice was the loudest. Everyone fell silent.

“Vadim might be a vampire, but he’s pack” Troy added once he knew he had everyone’s attention. “If he and Josh are in danger then we should all go, just like we always do.”

“Not this time,” Josh said, flashing a smile at his friend. He was grateful for the support and hoped that the outburst would help his mate see that the pack were supportive of their union. “With the pack and the coven in cahoots it would be too dangerous and if the pack caught wind that half of our pack were in Atlanta then they could come here and catch you all with your defenses weakened. If we all went, they could take over our territory. It would be better if Vadim and I went alone.”

“I agree,” Vadim said and yes, there was approval lurking in those dark eyes.  Josh preened just a bit - his wolf liked it when their mate was pleased.

“I don’t,” Kane said firmly. “Troy is right, you’re pack now Vadim, and that means what I say goes.” Josh felt Vadim tense underneath him, but the vampire didn’t say anything. Kane let out a sigh, and Josh noted that his Alpha looked stressed again. “Okay, the key targets in this pack are Dean, Shawn, Aelfric and Fafnir, so they stay here. Because they’re mated, that means Jax, Matthew and me will also stay here, with the enforcers, keeping our territory secure. Tobias, I would prefer you stayed too, but Anton, if you and Troy want to accompany Vadim and Josh then you can. I’m not sure how you’d be able to get there and back quickly, but maybe Jax can help with that from here.”

“No disrespect Alpha,” Aelfric said. “There’s nothing that can stop Fae magic and it works on all species. It would be better if all you wolves stayed home protecting the territory, and Faf and I can go with Josh and his vampire.”

Jax growled, then Anton and Troy growled, Kane was already growling, but to Josh’s astonishment Vadim laughed. When he noticed everyone was looking at him, the vampire shrugged and Josh prodded him.

“It’s not a laughing matter. Wolves take the safety of their mates and territory very seriously.”

“I know,” Vadim said before he chuckled again. It seemed like he had found something really fascinating about the ceiling. Josh prodded him again to get his attention, his eyes still glaring. Vadim didn’t seem to be able to stop laughing though.

“I’m sorry,” he said after everyone else started glaring at him too. “There’s nothing wrong with being possessive or protective – vampires are just the same with their mates. It’s just you wolves get so growly and bitchy if you think your strength is being questioned. It’s kinda cute, but hardly logical especially in this case. The coven is at least fifty members strong, and a few lone wolves are not going to be a lot of help here. I am not insulting your abilities, but think about this sensibly.”

“We could take Connor and Fergus as well,” Fafnir said looking at Aelfric.  It seemed both Fae were ignoring a glowering Jax and Josh figured it was because the two Fae had already gone against the Alpha’s wishes once and would do it again if they felt strongly enough. Apparently Kane and Jax were thinking the same thing.

“You’re in danger from the Atlanta pack too,” Griff said to Aelfric. But Aelfric waved his hand as though unimpressed. Jax’s growl was now loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, and it didn’t show any signs of stopping.

“That was when the Atlanta and North Dakota pack were related. They’re not now, and Vadim’s already dealt with the threat from the N.D. crowd. Faf and I can zap everyone there and back. We haven’t been to Atlanta for a visit for ages, have we Faf? Maybe we could see if old Rupert is still at the Atkins Park Tavern. Have a drink, check out their pork chops, it will be fun.”

“I prefer their Southern Fried chicken. Hmm, do you remember their mac and cheese sides, yum, and that cute waiter?  Course he’d probably be about eighty by now, but I am sure they have some delicious replacements,” Fafnir said with a grin on his face.

“Oh, for fucks sake shut up, the pair of you,” Jax roared.  The look of innocence Aelfric and Fafnir tried to pull off wasn’t fooling anyone, especially their mate apparently.

“Alpha,” Jax said to Kane formally. “It would seem that I don’t have the control over my mates I would like. Permission to accompany Anton and Troy, Josh and Vadim to Atlanta. Connor and Fergus can protect our home.”

“Permission granted,” Kane said with a wry grin of his own. “I know those two mates of yours will just go zapping themselves into trouble with or without anyone’s permission and I would be a lot happier if you were keeping an eye on them. But you two Fae would do well to remember you are members of my pack, and
I am
the Alpha here.  No more manipulations trying to get your own way, or I swear I will put you on guard duty at the far end of our land for a month.”

“Yes, Alpha.” The two Fae were no better at showing any sign of contrition as they were innocence, but Josh was pleased they had spoken out and were coming along on this latest venture.  While his wolf had no doubts he couldn’t keep Vadim safe, anyone who refused back up when it was offered was an idiot.


Chapter Thirteen

The last thing Vadim expected to find, when the Fae zapped all seven men into his bedroom in Atlanta later that evening, was his butler, Ivan, in the middle of a freaking orgy in his bed. Three vampire men, and four human women, all so caught up in a lust for sex and blood they didn’t even notice they had an audience. Even Troy’s audible gasp and Aelfric’s clapping didn’t stop them.

“How fucking dare you! Who gave you the right to defile my space?” Vadim roared, letting the power of his age and position flow through him. The effect was immediate. A scramble of limbs, a few whimpers, and one very disgruntled groan as one of the vampires literally fell out of the woman he was pounding, and seconds later seven people, including Ivan all knelt on the floor in front of him.

“This is how you conduct yourself while I’m away? By hosting orgies in my personal space?” Vadim kept his focus on Ivan. The other two vampires were only about two hundred years old and he could take them with one hand tied behind his back.  But Ivan was a sneaky bastard.

“My Lord, Lord Vadim, Sir, I had no idea…”

“What? That I was still alive?”

“No. I mean, yes. I mean…the Lady Eloise came yesterday to give me news of your escape.  But I didn’t think…”

“You didn’t think I’d have the guts to show my face around here, so thought you’d have some fun, in my house, in my bed, bringing trash into my home, when you know you don’t have the right. I’ll see you banished for this – you and your pathetic friends.”

Ivan fell silent, studying the carpet and Vadim felt Josh growling softly beside him.

“Is this
your lover or something, Vadim? Does he mean something to you?” Josh’s words were soft but the anger and jealousy that permeated them was almost tangible.

“He’s my fucking butler, nothing more, or at least he was until two minutes ago,” Vadim said, not bothering to lower his voice. “I wouldn’t touch him with somebody else’s dick. He’s scum, a bottom feeder, the scourge of the vampire world. You know how much I value my privacy Ivan. I don’t allow anyone into my home except my immediate family and yet I come home to…this?” His eyes swept around the room, at least two days’ worth of debauchery evident in spilled wine glasses, some of
clothes crumpled on the floor and the stench of sex and blood all through his pristine bed. Vadim shuddered as he wondered what else Ivan had been doing in his absence.

“My Lord, I meant no harm…”

“It’s not the first time we’ve been invited, Lord,” one the women said so quietly, Vadim almost didn’t hear her.  Ivan showed his teeth at her as if to shut her up, and Vadim slapped him around the head. Ivan’s mouth snapped shut. A soft look and a raised brow invited the woman to continue. “Ivan invites many vampires and donors alike to have parties here when you’re away. A lot of the younger members of your coven are fascinated with your home and talk about what it must be like to see it. Ivan lures them here with the promise of fine wines, food, sex and a chance to explore your space.

“Seems like you need new help,” Josh said, the snarl still evident in his quiet voice.

“Not any more I don’t. I’m selling the fucking house,” Vadim said looking at the men who had come with him.  Jax and Anton were standing, arms crossed, a solid force in front of their mates, and intimidating pair at the best of times. Both men were bristling with tension, which Vadim could use to his advantage.

“Jax, Anton, would you mind throwing out the three male idiots – just put them on the street and make sure they can’t get back in,” Vadim asked.

“Gladly,” Jax said with a growl as he and Anton moved forward.  One of the prone vampires gasped. “You’re a dog?” He said in surprise.

“Wolf shifters who don’t like stinky trash,” Anton snapped as he and Jax grabbed the three men, their claws digging into the pale biceps on display.  

“My Lord, my clothes, my things, you can’t turn us out naked. It was just a few times, it’s not as though you don’t have plenty to share…”

“You’re mere presence offends me and
my mate
. I bring him here to my inner sanctum to find…this!” Vadim’s arm swept around the room. “Your actions are dishonorable and deceitful, and a vampire without honor, who can’t be trusted, might just as well be dead. I hope you made some true friends while you were abusing the privacy of my home, Ivan, because you’re done here. Get them out of my sight,” Vadim added to Jax and Anton.

The two young vampires didn’t put up much of a fight as Jax and Anton led them away, although Ivan kicked and screamed a stream of profanities, cursing Vadim and his entire family tree.

“Watch the claws,” Vadim yelled out as Ivan got more violent the closer he got to the doors.

“Don’t worry about it,” Aelfric sung out behind him. “They can’t shift.” A nod of Jax’s head was the only acknowledgement he gave of having heard. As Vadim heard the men down by the front door he turned to the women who were still cowering on the floor.

“Were you here willingly? You weren’t under any compulsion to be here?” He said, keeping his voice soft this time.  The women all shook their heads and Vadim breathed a sigh of relief. He would have killed the three vamps if he thought the women had been coerced or forced into something they didn’t want.

“Clean up, get dressed and then wait down in the living room.  I will call the coven and have someone come and pick you up.”

“My Lord,” the woman who had spoken before, caught Vadim’s attention again. “Me and my friends, we meant no harm. We had no idea that Ivan didn’t have permission to have guests, or that this was your private room – he said it was his, showing us his grand wardrobe and fine things. He had us prepare a meal that is waiting in the dining room downstairs as he has more guests arriving later.  Perhaps your friends…?”

Vadim pulled Josh in beside him, tucking his arm firmly around his mate’s waist.  “My mate and some of his friends are shifters, as you can see and they will appreciate the food, thank you. Now please, do what you need to do, and then go downstairs to wait for your transportation. I have calls to make and things to do.”

The woman bobbed her head and followed the others into the bathroom area. Vadim looked at his mate, who had a quizzical look on his face.  He tried accessing their mind connection but Josh had blocked him. Shit, he hoped that wasn’t a bad sign. He didn’t need hassles with his new mate on top of everything else.


Josh had been more than a little stunned, being zapped into a scene from something out of a horror porn movie. It wasn’t that he had a problem with orgies as such, although he’d never participated in one. But women didn’t do anything for him, and the stench of blood upset his wolf. When the men had talked back at the pack house, Vadim had asked the Fae to zap them all to his bedroom because he was sure it was the one place where they would have some privacy and determine who might be in the house. Vadim needed to make some calls, get some clothes sorted and they were all going to rest up until the morning when they would confront Ermine. Instead his poor mate had been confronted with a scene from “help gone bad”.

Vadim’s calm and considerate way of dealing with the human women had warmed Josh’s heart.  But Vadim’s power, which had rippled around the room like a giant cloud with a punch, had stirred up his lust and Josh had quickly put a wall up in his mind so that Vadim wouldn’t be distracted.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Aelfric said, his tone bright with amusement. “I don’t remember vampires being so enthusiastic about group sex before.”

“Most of us aren’t. Let’s get out of here,” Vadim snapped and even with the mind block, Josh knew his mate was angry, something he could totally understand. Having one’s personal space violated in such a way – how the hell had Ivan thought to have it all cleaned up before Vadim’s return?  Unless he didn’t think his boss was coming back. That was a worrying thought.

The five men headed down a long staircase in time to see Jax and Anton returning, pulling on their clothes.

“You shifted?” Josh wasn’t worried, because he knew the two men were more than capable of taking care of themselves, but they didn’t know anything about Vadim’s neighborhood.

“I have a vast estate, babe. No one would have seen them,” Vadim said in his ear.

“That fucking butler of yours kept trying to get back into the house, something about his personal possessions. We got pissed off and chased them off wolf style.” Anton said, standing still as Troy checked him over, making sure his mate had no injuries.

“Yeah, those lily white asses won’t be back here in a hurry.” Josh remembered Jax’s dire wolf form. It was big enough to put the fear of god into anyone. Jax winked at him as he allowed his own mates to fuss over him.

“I really appreciate your help,” Vadim said, the formality back in his voice. Suddenly Josh was struck with an urge to help his floundering mate. His mind worked quickly, trying to work out what to do.

“The women said there was food laid out in the dining room, wherever that is. How about we find it, have a snack and then get some rest,” he said, looking around. Vadim’s house was more like a mansion, bigger than the pack house. By the Fates, his mother would just swoon to live amongst so much wealth. Josh vowed she would never find out just how rich his mate was – she would be one hell of a mother-in-law, especially now Josh wouldn’t be giving her the pups she wanted.

The living area was a large, almost circular room with small groups of seating dotted around. The chairs looked expensive rather than comfortable, the three coffee tables ornately carved, the paintings on the walls probably originals. The carpet was thick and soft though and taking up almost one wall was a giant fireplace, with a one solitary comfortable chair sitting to the side of it.  Josh had a quick vision of his mate sitting in all of this ornate glory, alone, and felt another pang in his heart.  His mate might have had more money than Bill Gates, but there was no heart or warmth in his home. He hoped they wouldn’t have to stay too long.

Vadim led the men through another big carved door, to where a banquet had indeed been laid out. There were roasted meats sitting on hot plates, masses of vegetables and side dishes struggling for space on a groaning side table.  Another table was set up, completely covered in desserts, and Josh felt his stomach growl appreciatively. It had been a few hours since he had eaten and the smell of the food was making his mouth water.

After looking around the room in distaste Vadim indicated to the prepared tables. “Please, help yourself, as much as you need. I have to make some calls, if you’ll excuse me.”  Josh felt Vadim’s arm tighten around him for a split second before the man stalked out of the room. He looked at Troy, unsure if he should follow his mate or not.

“I think your vampire’s a little embarrassed,” Troy said with a shrug. “Can’t be easy coming in and finding your home violated like that. Ivan must be a real idiot to blow the chance at living in a place like this.”

“I kinda feel like I should be helping him somehow, but I’m not sure what to do,” Josh admitted.

“Come and get some of this food,” Jax said, slapping him on the shoulder as he went past. “From what I can guess about Vadim, he needs some time alone. Give him some space, and hunt him out later.”

Keeping his sigh to himself, Josh gave one more longing look at the door his mate had disappeared through, and then joined the others at the buffet. He would give his mate an hour tops, then he was going to find him. Vadim might have spent centuries on his own, but he had a mate now, and Josh was going to remind him of that fact, repeatedly if necessary.


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