Washington: A Life (187 page)

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Authors: Ron Chernow

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Alien and Sedition Acts and
democracy and
GW and his administration criticized by
Hamilton criticized in
transformations of
Price, Ezekiel
Princeton, Battle of
Princeton, N.J.
Princeton University (College of New Jersey)
Principio Company
Citizen Genet and
Proclamation Line
promissory notes, government
France’s war with
public credit
public debt
Publius (Hamilton, Madison, and Jay)
Purple Heart
Putnam, Israel
Quesnay, Alexander
Quincy, Josiah
Quincy, Mass.
Raleigh Tavern
Rall, Johann Gottlieb
Ramage, John
Ramsay, David
Ramsay, Elizabeth
Ramsay, William
Randolph, Edmund
as attorney general
on bank bill
Fauchet allegations and resignation of
as secretary of state
on Whiskey Rebellion
Randolph, Peyton
Rappahannock River
Raritan River
Rawdon, Lord
Rawlins, Albin
Rawlins, George
Redick, David
Reed, Joseph
as aide to GW
criticism of GW by
Reed family
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Reinagle, Alexander
religious toleration
of GW
Report on Manufactures
Report on Public Credit
Republican Court
in 1800 election
farewell address and coded critique of
France supported by
French Revolution admired by
on GW’s second-term cabinet
on Jay Treaty
Jefferson and Burr as candidates of
slavery and
small government and legislative predominance favored by
on Whiskey Rebellion
see also
republics, republicanism
Residence Act (1790)
revenue cutters
Revere, Paul
Revolutionary War,
American Revolution
Reynolds, James
Reynolds, Maria
Rhode Island
British domination of
Constitution and
volunteer troops from
Rhode Island Army of Observation
Rhode Island College (Brown University)
Richmond (slave)
Richmond, Va.
Ricketts, John Bill
Ricketts’ Amphitheater
Ridout, Mary
Rights of Man, The
Rittenhouse, David
River Farm
Robardet, James
Robert, Mary
Robert Cary and Company
Roberts, William
Robertson, Walter
Robespierre, Maximilien de
Robin, Abbé
Robinson, Beverley
Robinson, John
Robinson, Sally
Rochambeau, Count de
Rodney, Admiral
Rodney, Thomas
Roman Catholic Church
Rome, ancient
Roosevelt, Franklin
Ross, David
Ross, James
Roxbury, Mass.
Royal Navy, British
French fleet vs.
impressment and cargo seizures by
in occupation of New York
piracy in wake of withdrawal of
rule of law
Rumney, William
Rumsey, James
Rush, Benjamin
Rutherford, Robert
Rutledge, Edward
Rutledge, John
St. Clair, Arthur
St. Domingue (Haiti)
St. John’s College
St. Kitt’s
St. Lawrence River
St. Paul’s Chapel
St. Pierre, Jacques Legardeur de
Salem, Mass.
Salem, Peter
Sandwich, Lord
Sandy Hook
Saratoga, Battle of
Sargent, Winthrop
Savage, Edward
Savannah, Ga.
Sayen, William Guthrie
Scammell, Alexander
School for Scandal, The
Schuyler, Philip
Schuylkill River
Scott, Charles
scrip, scrippomania
Second Continental Congress
in Annapolis
archives of
Brooklyn defeat and
Continental Army and
and criticisms of GW
Declaration of Independence in
driven from Philadelphia
GW in
GW’s compensation for expenses by
GW’s resignation as commander in chief in
as ineffectual
medal struck by
officer revolt and
settlements and
state power vs.
treason and
wartime debt and
and Yorktown victory
Second Virginia Convention
Sedgwick, Theodore
Ségur, Count de
Seixas, Moses
Senate, U.S.
advice and consent of
bank bill in
closed-door policy of
equal representation in
excise tax in
foreign relations in
form of address for president discussed in
Jay Treaty in
Seneca nation
separation of powers
September Massacres
Sequeyra, John de
Sergeant, Jonathan Dickinson
Serle, Ambrose
Seven Years’ War
see also
French and Indian War
Shakespeare, William
Sharpe, Granville
Sharpe, Horatio
Shaw, Samuel
Shaw, William
Shawnee nation
Shays, Daniel
Shays’s Rebellion
Sheels, Christopher (slave)
Shenandoah Valley
Sheridan, Richard
Sheridan, William
Sherman, Roger
Shewkirk, Ewald
Shingas, chief of the Delawares
Shippen, William, Jr.
Shirley, William
Short, William
Sierra Leone
Silla (slave)
Sills, Isaac and Hannah
Six Nations
Six Per Cent Club
Sketches of American Policy
slaves, slavery
abolitionism and
British promises of freedom to
Constitutional Convention on
construction of capital and
Continental Congress’s opposition to
Federalist opposition to
GW and
GW’s plan for emancipation of
Hamilton’s opposition to
and ideals of the American Revolution
Jefferson and
John Laurens on
Lafayette’s opposition to
Madison and
marriages of
Martha Washington and
Mary Washington and
northern termination of
overseers and
Pennsylvania and abolition of
in population
runaway, British refusal of restitution for
St. Domingue rebellion and
suspension of importation of
trade in
trades taught to slaves in
Virginia law and
Smallwood, William
Smith, Adam
Smith, William
Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (SEUM)
Society of the Cincinnati
New York
Sons of Liberty
Sons of St. Patrick
abolitionism feared by
abolitionism in
discontent in
divide between North and
fighting in
French interest in invading
GW’s tour of
GW’s weakness in
national bank feared in
and projected war with France
push for capital in
shift of war toward
slavery in
solidarity with New England of
South Carolina
at Constitutional Convention
Constitution ratified by
slaves in
South Carolina Independents
diplomatic breakthrough with
England’s military confrontation with
Florida as possession of
Mississippi River commerce blocked by
possessions of
in War of Jenkins’ Ear
Sparks, Jared
Spear, Joseph
in government bonds and bank shares
opposition to
Spencer, Joseph
Spotswood, Alexander (nephew)
Staines, John
Stamp Act (1765)
Stamp Act Congress
Stanwix, John
State Department
Freneau at
State House (Independence Hall)
Staten Island
states, shortsighted behavior of
states’ rights
state vs. federal power
Stephen, Adam
Steuben, Frederick William August von
in GW’s farewell
Stevens, Edward
Stevens, Elisha
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, Walter
Stirling, Lady
Stirling, Lady Kitty
Stirling, William Alexander, Lord
stock exchanges
Stockton, Annis Boudinot
Stony Point
Stuart, David
Stuart, Gilbert
Stuart, Jane
Stuart, William
Sullivan, John
in Battle of Germantown
Summary View of the Rights of British America, A
Supreme Court, U.S.
building not planned for
implied powers doctrine and
role of
Susquehanna River
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de
Tallmadge, Benjamin
Tappan, N.Y.
Tarleton, Banastre
taxes, taxation:
in France
GW on need for
GW’s difficulty in payment of
on Loyalists
national bank and
representation and
to restore American credit
Shays’s Rebellion and
states’ hesitation in raising of
suspicion of
on whiskey
Taylor, Zachary
boycott of
taxation of
Telfair, Edward
Temple of Minerva, The
Ternay, Chevalier de
textile industry
Thacher, James
Thanksgiving Day
Third Massachusetts Regiment
Thomas, John
Thomas, Margaret
Thompson, Benjamin
Thompson, Josiah
Thompson, Mary
Thomson, Charles
Thornton, Edward
Thornton, William
Thoughts of a Freeman, The
Tilghman, Tench
Tilton, James
Time Piece
Toledo, Ohio
Tom (slave)
see also
Toussaint Louverture, François-Dominique
Townshend Acts (1767)
Trask, Israel
Treasury Department
controversy surrounding
investigation of
Treaty of San Lorenzo
Trenton, Battle of
Trenton, N.J.
Trevelyan, George
Trinity Church, New York
Troup, Robert
Trumbull, John
Trumbull, Jonathan
Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr.
Tryon, William
Tucker, St. George
Tudor, William
Tuileries, storming of
Twohig, Dorothy
Union, fear of dissolution of
Union Farm
United States:
British recognition of
commerce of
credit crisis in
European view of
foreign fears of chaos in
internal improvements in
interstate cooperation in
military power of
national unity in
neutrality proclamation of
new democratic culture of
political parties in
postwar debt of
regulation of trade by
treaty power of
western frontier of
University of Pennsylvania (College of Philadelphia)
Valley Forge, Pa.
Van Braam, Jacob
Van Cortlandt, Philip
Vancouver Island
Van Swearingen, Captain
Varick, Richard
Varnum, James Mitchell
Vassall, Darby (slave)
Vassall, John
Vaughan, Samuel
Venus (slave)
Vergennes, Count de
Vermont, admitted to Union
Vernon, Edward
veterans, wartime promissory notes and
veto, presidential

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